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| ==Shotlocks== | | ==Shotlocks== |
| {|class="wikitable" width="100%"
| | {{main|Shotlock#Kingdom Hearts III}} |
| |-bgcolor="#87ceeb"
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| |width="38%" style="text-align:center"|'''Ability'''
| |
| |width="6%" style="text-align:center"|'''AP'''
| |
| |width="36%" style="text-align:center"|'''Description'''
| |
| |width="20%" style="text-align:center"|'''Obtained'''
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[King of Hearts]]'''|キングオブハート|<br>Kingu obu Hāto|lit. "King of Heart"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Fire a burst of magical projectiles from the end of your Keyblade.
| |
| |Kingdom Key, Midnight Blue, Phantom Green, Dawn Till Dusk
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Ragnarok]]'''|ラグナロク|<br>Ragunaroku}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Fire streams of brilliant light that fly at targets.
| |
| |Kingdom Key, Midnight Blue, Phantom Green, Dawn Till Dusk
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Drain Shock]]'''|ドレインショック|<br>Dorein Shokku}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Absorb HP from targets.
| |
| |Hero's Origin
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Atomic Deluge]]'''|アトミックヘビーレイン|<br>Atomikku Hebī Rein|lit. "Atomic Heavy Rain"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Use a shield to scatter lightning in all directions.
| |
| |Hero's Origin
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Meteor Shower]]'''|メテオシャワー|<br>Meteo Shawā}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Spin your Keyblade and send shooting stars careening toward targets.
| |
| |[[Shooting Star]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Diving Barrage]]'''|ダイブバラージュ|<br>Daibu Barāju|lit. "Dive Barrage"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Rain magical arrows down on targets from directly overhead.
| |
| |[[Shooting Star]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Cluster Cannonade]]'''|クラスターランチャー|<br>Kurasutā Ranchā|lit. "Cluster Launcher"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Launch a giant rocket that splits into many smaller projectiles.
| |
| |[[Shooting Star]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Ghost Horde]]'''|ゴーストデュエル|<br>Gōsuto Dyueru|lit. "Ghost Duel"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Create avatars that charge at targets repeatedly.
| |
| |[[Favorite Deputy]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Drill Dive]]'''|ドリルダイブ|<br>Doriru Daibu}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Warp around and fly at targets repeatedly.
| |
| |[[Favorite Deputy]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Shimmering Drops]]'''|ゴールデンドロップ|<br>Gōruden Doroppu|lit. "Golden Drop"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Absorb HP from targets.
| |
| |[[Ever After]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Spectral Rays]]'''|プリズムレイ|<br>Purizumu Rei|lit. "Prism Ray"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Attack by surrounding yourself with reflectors and bouncing magical light off them.
| |
| |[[Ever After]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Snakebite]]'''|スネークバイト|<br>Sunēkubaito}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Fire a burst of snake-like projectiles from the end of your Keyblade.
| |
| |[[Happy Gear]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Warp Trick]]'''|デジョントリック|<br>Dejon Torikku|lit. "Dezone Trick"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Create a network of portals and attack from all directions.
| |
| |[[Happy Gear]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Hunny Burst]]'''|ハニーバースト|<br>Hanī Bāsuto}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Fire a burst of honey projectiles from the end of your Keyblade.
| |
| |[[Hunny Spout]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Hunny Drizzle]]'''|ハニーダウンプール|<br>Hanī Daunpūru|lit. "Honey Downpour"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Rain honey down on targets from directly overhead.
| |
| |[[Hunny Spout]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Sweet Surprise]]'''|ホーミングランチャー|<br>Hōmingu Ranchā|lit. "Homing Launcher"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Launch a giant glob of honey that splits into many smaller projectiles.
| |
| |[[Hunny Spout]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''{{c|Diamond Dust|Shotlock}}'''|ダイヤモンドダスト|<br>Daiyamondo Dasuto}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Launch a series of spinning ice blades toward targets.
| |
| |[[Crystal Snow]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Frozen Crescents]]'''|フローズンクレセント|<br>Furōzen Kuresento|lit. "Frozen Crescent"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Slash at targets repeatedly with blades of ice.
| |
| |[[Crystal Snow]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Blade Storm]]'''|ソードストーム|<br>Sōdo Sutōmu|lit. "Sword Storm"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Launch a series of spinning wind blades toward targets.
| |
| |[[Wheel of Fate]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Flag Rampage]]'''|フラッグランページ|<br>Furaggu Ranpēji}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Slash at targets repeatedly with blades of wind.
| |
| |[[Wheel of Fate]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Cubic Stream]]'''|キュービックトレイン|<br>Kyūbikku Torein|lit. "Cubic Train"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Spin your Keyblade and send block-like projectiles careening toward targets.
| |
| |[[Nano Gear]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Zone Connector]]'''|ゾーンコネクター|<br>Zōn Konekutā}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Create a network of portals and attack from all directions.
| |
| |[[Nano Gear]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Blades of the Round]]'''|エッジオブラウンド|<br>Ejji obu Raundo|lit. "Edge of Round"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Launch a series of spinning blades of light toward targets.
| |
| |[[Starlight]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Union Ragnarok]]'''|ユニオンラグナロク|<br>Yunion Ragunaroku}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Fire streams of brilliant light that fly at targets.
| |
| |[[Starlight]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Phantom Rush]]'''|ファントムラッシュ|<br>Fantomu Rasshu}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Create avatars that charge at targets repeatedly.
| |
| |[[Classic Tone]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Noise Flux]]'''|ノイジージャンプ|<br>Noijī Janpu|lit. "Noisy Jump"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Warp around and fly at targets repeatedly.
| |
| |[[Classic Tone]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Steam Spiral]]'''|スパイラルスチーム|<br>Supairaru Suchīmu|lit. "Spiral Steam"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Spin your Keyblade and send fireworks careening toward targets.
| |
| |[[Grand Chef]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Fruit Crusher]]'''|フルーツクラッシュ|<br>Furūtsu Kurasshu|lit. "Fruits Crush"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Use a shield to scatter fruit in all directions.
| |
| |[[Grand Chef]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Infinity Circle]]'''|インフィニティサークル|<br>Infiniti Sākuru}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Gather magical forces and unleash them, devastating the surrounding area.
| |
| |[[Ultima Weapon]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Sunray Blast]]'''|サンセットブライト|<br>Sansetto Buraito|lit. "Sunset Bright"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Spin your Keyblade and send shards of light careening toward targets.
| |
| |[[Oathkeeper]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Stellar Inception]]'''|ステラインセプション|<br>Sutera Insepushon}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Blast enemies with a galaxy of stars.
| |
| |[[Oathkeeper]], [[Oblivion]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Bladefury Eclipse]]'''|ドーンエクリプス|<br>Dōn Ekuripusu|lit. "Dawn Eclipse"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |Launch a series of spinning dark blades toward targets.
| |
| |[[Oblivion]]
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Prism Rain]]'''|レインボーシャワー|<br>Reinbō Shawā|lit. "Rainbow Shower"}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |—
| |
| |[[Master's Defender]]<ref>Aqua only.</ref>
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Dark Divide]]'''{{RM}}|ダークディバイド|<br>Dāku Dibaido}}
| |
| |—
| |
| |—
| |
| |[[Braveheart]]<ref>Riku only; only during the fight against [[Dark Riku]], [[Xigbar]], and [[Ansem, Seeker of Darkness]].</ref>
| |
| |-bgcolor="#e6e6fa"
| |
| |{{nihongo|'''[[Heart of a Princess]]'''{{RM}}|プリンセスハート|<br>Purinsesu Hāto|lit. "Princess Heart"}}
| |
| |—
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| |—
| |
| |[[Destiny's Embrace]]<ref>Kairi only.</ref>
| |
| |}
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| ==Notes and references== | | ==Notes and references== |