
Joined 6 years ago
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Hello. This my webpage for the KH Wikia. I've been a huge KH fan for many years since KHII came out and I played almost every game (up to DDD)
Hello. This my webpage for the KH Wikia. I've been a huge KH fan for many years since KHII came out and I played almost every game (up to DDD) [[File:Roxas (Oathkeeper and Oblivion) KHII.png|thumb|right|Probably my favorite old render of Roxas.]]

Favorite Characters are Roxas, Vanitas, and Xemnas.
*Favorite Characters (not in order) Roxas, Vanitas, Xion, Ventus
*Favorite Game: KHIIFM and KH 358/2 Days (played DS version)
*Favorite songs: Darkness of the Unknown, Another Side Another Story, YX Battle Theme.
*Favorite Bosses: Roxas (Data), Xemnas (KHII + KHIII), Axel (KHII), Data Xion