KHWiki:Pages for deletion/Archives: Difference between revisions

adding a bit to the header
(adding link to May archive)
(adding a bit to the header)
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These are archives of past deletion discussions at [[Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Pages for Deletion]].  In general, these archives should not be modified, although they may be added to.
These are archives of past deletion discussions at [[Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Pages for Deletion]].  In general, these archives should not be modified, although they may be added to.
If any discussion from this month have been archived, they can be found [[Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Pages for Deletion/Archives/{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}|here]].  To add to this archive, [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}/{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}+{{CURRENTYEAR}}|action=edit}} click here.]

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