User talk:Byzantinefire: Difference between revisions

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(Yes, it does matter. First off, your talk page isn't technically your own. It belongs to the community. Second, everything that happened counts as evidence.)
(85 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
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{{welcome|{{User:LightRoxas/Sig}} 22:32, 27 August 2012 (UTC)}}
You've been blocked two weeks for provoking Ignis when warned not to. Honestly, being around corrupted wikias like the Narutopedia, the One Piece Wiki, and not to mention all the stories I've heard on the DBZ Wiki, Bleach Wiki, and just wikias I visit, I've always hated when users engage if arguments when it comes to deciding whether something is a provocation or not, because on those wikias, discussions like that tend to get very heated and very messy quickly. I have always assumed good faith with you and Ignis, [[User talk:Ignis|especially Ignis, despite his previous warnings by both KrytenKoro and Neumannz, as you can see on his talk page.]]. You yourself have received unofficial warnings from users in the past about your conduct, but most were done in 2014, and it felt wrong to judge you for it since we're now in 2017 and you have shown to improved your behavior since then and have been friendly with other users since then - until Ignis appeared and the two of you started butting heads, that is. Even so, you were pretty reasonable, [[User talk:Byzantinefire/Archive 1|apologizing for your behavior after the first warning to both me and Ultima Spark]], and Ignis made it very clear that he was trying to get you banned from this wiki permanently, even though other users voiced that doing was too extreme, because you didn't do anything wrong or, at least, didn't mean to do so at first. I know I've said this before, but you never really approached users with the intent of malicious or rude, and only becoming aggressive when someone doesn't agree with you. Things between you and Ignis have only really escalated when you started talking to me on my talk page, and Ignis came in and the situation worsened from there. I know you said you didn't mean to provoke Ignis, but you really should have just avoided him. Therefore, the block. It's your first block, so two weeks seems appropriate. It's your decision on whether or not to return once it's over. And keep in mind about what I said before about being more mindful on your behavior in the future. In some ways, this wiki is corrupted, too, and I do not wish to be seen like certain admins on other wikias (as you edit on the Narutopedia like I did, you know what type of users I am referring to). Please understand.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 20:05, 23 May 2017 (UTC)
:I will be on Discord if you want to talk to me. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 20:08, 23 May 2017 (UTC)
::Thank you for taking this well. I do not like blocking/banning people, as I said numerous times before. I don't feel good about it, believe me. You have taken the full brunt of Ignis's discontent, and many of the reasons why he verbally abused was most certainly unwarranted and very ridiculous. I do not wish to be seen like an unreasonable tyrant like the type of users we are very familiar with across multiple wikias, and I do hope you do not view me as such. If you want talk to me, we can meet on the IRC. The block is just for a short time, and I think it may be good for you to take some time off from it after all of the drama has passed. Again, thank you for being understanding about this thing and very reasonable.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 20:26, 23 May 2017 (UTC)
:::Your welcome. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 20:32, 23 May 2017 (UTC)

==Re: Question==
{{LightRoxas|young=Welcome to the wiki! Here are a few things you should know regarding your recent edits to the Xehanort quotes page:
I feel awful that you could even suggest such a thing i have experienced that horrible and cruel action too many times. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 21:21, 22 May 2017 (UTC)
*Please make sure to use good grammar and correct capitalization. It is especially important that when putting down quotes, you put them exactly as they are said in the game.
:That's your decision to feel that way. You fully deserved the block, and I hope you learn from it. This attempt at emotional manipulation instead of showing any kind of understanding and remorse for why you were blocked is supremely unimpressive, and I would personally prefer that you do not return until you actually understand why you were blocked and make a commitment not to violate the rules again.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 20:59, 24 May 2017 (UTC)
*Please make sure to use correct formatting - if you need help, just look at the other quotes that are there.
::Don't tell me what i deserve from my point of view your just as libel yourself. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 01:05, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
*Try not to spread one quote across so many edits; use the Show Preview button underneath the edit table if you need to see what your edit will look like. When you spread your edits across so much, it fills up the page history and makes it harder to undo any bad edits.
:::Okay, in light of the veiled threats and your complete and utter lack of remorse or understanding of how, exactly, you crossed the line, you've been indefinitely blocked until you demonstrate that your behavior ''will'' actually be corrected if you return. If you'd like to participate in the Heartless Manufactory, that would work, or you could simply make it clear on this talk page that you understand which rules you broke and commit to not breaking them again. Once you can do that, I can support removing the block. Have a good day, I hope you're able to find a project that doesn't stress you out this much.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 14:33, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
::::Well i can try to improve at least. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 16:24, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
:::::Look i know what i did was incriminating but i still find difficulty to accept responsibility for my own actions its really hard to keep my own head down when i feel baited i have a persecution complex i think i'm not really sure how to change so i can avoid being in situations like this or the words that come with it for that matter. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 16:29, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
::::::When I blocked you and you didn't say a word against it, I took it as a sign you understood why you're being blocked and tried to better yourself in the future. Your behavior towards Kryten is unacceptable, but you do acknowledged that what you said to was wrong and are trying to improve. If you're willingly to accept responsibility, please prove it by continuing to show a willingness improve and move past all of this, okay?--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 19:44, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
:::::::I will try to avoid any unnecessary and uncomfortable entanglements. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 19:49, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
:::::::: {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 19:31, 28 May 2017 (UTC)
:::::::::I will be on here if anyone wishes to discuss things with me. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 17:14, 29 May 2017 (UTC)
::::::::::I have not seen any new development in regards to my current situation. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 18:05, 1 June 2017 (UTC)
Can we talk someplace? {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}}
:Do not hide your messages since it count as evidence. I have changed your block back to two weeks. I'm editing on my phone right now, so let me be frank: If you truly wish to make amends, carry out the rest of your punishment quietly, and once it is over, you can come back. Show that you capable of keeping your word by showing that you are making a genuine effort to work on your behavior and improve yourself. Acknowledging your own misbehavior and promising to improve yourself is a good first step, so prove it when your block is over.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 04:40, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
::Well i had to get you and Kyro attention somehow and if its not too much to ask can you please change it to a week since the block started a week ago and i don't want to miss my chance to upload images from E3. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 14:29, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
:::The point of the block is not to be convenient to you, Byz.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 14:46, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
::::It isn't but it already has been a week. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 14:52, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
:::::Kyro just to be clear i do understand my part in all this i was the catalyst i do understand my role in the situation i inadvertently caused i should have just spoken to an Admin about a language rule instead of just putting myself in the conversation where the profanity took place also Ninja i only did that remove the message from the wall thing to get your attention you were not really responding so i had to do something drastic besides i originally just wanted to cross out what was said to better deal with this whole situation. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 17:29, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
::::::Don't make an excuse for what you did. Everyone knows, across all wikias, that removing messages from your talk page is against the rules. Moreover, you put "baited" in the Summary box for doing so, which makes me less inclined to believe you. Read [[User talk:NinjaSheik#Byzantine|this]]. As Kryten, the point of the block is not be convenient to you. The length of the ban is a reflection of your own actions, and the reasonable time it will take you to think about on your behavior and understand what you did wrong. Nothing more, nothing less.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 21:02, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
:::::::TheSilentHero Thought what i wrote was alright he gave me advice on what i could write and he also says that Kyro isn't asking for an apology but that i understood the gravity of the circumstances i'm in he was also on the Discord channel and communication would go alot easier if we all just talked there.. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 21:05, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
:"i do understand my role in the situation i inadvertently caused i should have just spoken to an Admin about a language rule instead of just putting myself in the conversation where the profanity took place"
::No. You shouldn't have talked to an admin about policing a discussion Ignis was having ''with admins'', much less inserted yourself into said discussion to criticize Ignis. Ninja had previously told you to just not engage with Ignis. You should have been avoiding Ignis -- instead, you ignored her and were clearly following Ignis around.
::At one part in all this, you also chose to post threats on my wall in response to me supporting sanctions on your behavior. They were mild threats, and you removed some of them, but you still did them in the first place.
:"also Ninja i only did that remove the message from the wall thing to get your attention you were not really responding so i had to do something drastic"
::''No you didn't''. You didn't "have to do" anything. You need to stop looking at this as everyone else just "forcing" you to do things, and take responsibility for your choices. You chose to break the rule about removing the messages on your talk page. You did that willingly, and you were not forced to do it. One of the problems here is that you act as if you think it's okay to disrupt the wiki because you feel you want attention, and that's not okay. If you want attention, get it elsewhere, but you do ''not'' disrupt the wiki for any reason.
:"besides i originally just wanted to cross out what was said to better deal with this whole situation"
::Learn how to just look away, or to accept the criticism. The issue with Ignis started because neither you nor Ignis were willing to accept criticism but were both happy to dish it out (ridiculously so in Ignis's case, it must be admitted), and you each have compounded on it in your own way by lashing out in response to the staff quite matter-of-factly pointing out how you two broke the rules. Its not about whether you like what the staff have said -- it's about whether what the staff have said is true or not.
::Did someone point out a flaw that is fake? Then ignore them. If they're disrupting the wiki, tell a staff member.
::Did someone point out a flaw that is true? ''Then fix that flaw''.
::I don't want you to apologize for any of this. I don't want you in time-out for any of this. I want you to reorganize your priorities so that you won't claim again that you "had to do" something to get attention, so that you won't try to justify disrupting the wiki in order to get your way or make a point. If the wiki isn't making you happy or satisfied? Play HALO, or Overwatch, or some other team game. Get your camaraderie there. If you are going to continue as part of this project, it's gotta be because you actually want the project to succeed, not because you think we're a good source for getting yourself attention. You've gotta basically remove your sense of self in relation to this project.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 23:16, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
:::::I'm not missing my chance to upload Kingdom Hearts III images from this years E3. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 23:37, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
::::::It might be easier to have this discussion on the Discord channel instead of my wall. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 23:40, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
:::::::Someone else will be able to upload the KH3 images from E3. The wiki will be fine.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 01:16, 7 June 2017 (UTC)
::::::::But i want to be the one to upload it not someone else. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 01:20, 7 June 2017 (UTC)
:::::::::Enough. You are clearly missing the point here. The staff isn't here to cater to your whims. Your block will remain as it is.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 03:59, 7 June 2017 (UTC)
::::::::::I have already served 2 weeks i want those images i have a monopoly to maintain. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 04:16, 7 June 2017 (UTC)

If you have any questions, just contact me on my [[User talk:LightRoxas|talk]] page!}}
== Trailer Images ==

== FileTalk: Continued ==
Hey, I know it's exciting and all, but remember that wiki policy doesn't allow images with trademarks on the image from the games. We limit game cutscenes to coming straight from the games, the only exception being screenshots from YouTube videos, but even then, they should have no watermarks or trademarks, okay? {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 23:55, 15 July 2017 (UTC)
:These are official screenshots they are supposed to be watermarked its how they are presented its Disney and Square Enix's choice also the ripped trailer screenshots are of blatantly poor quality i think it would be wise just to use the ones the company distributes even if they are watermarked besides its bare noticable. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 23:59, 15 July 2017 (UTC)
::The current wiki policy is to use only screenshots without the trademarks. That's the way it is. It may be Disney and Square Enix's decision to place the trademarks. It's also our decision to prohibit them. {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 00:01, 16 July 2017 (UTC)
:::Yes but its an old policy that is easily susceptible to change. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 00:04, 16 July 2017 (UTC)
::::The current wiki policy is to use only screenshots without the trademarks. That's the way it is. You're free to open a discussion on it, but the age of the policy doesn't matter. Until there's a change, that's the way it is. {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 00:21, 16 July 2017 (UTC)
:::::Very well. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 00:26, 16 July 2017 (UTC)

Thought I should finish my thought, but the page was removed just as I was going to publish it. So, I understand, though from where I stand, he has every reason to be mad. Anyways, if you want to help, check the "Welcome" banner on your talk page. It has many wonderful links that can help prevent this kind of thing. {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}}06:56, 30 November 2013 (UTC)
== Warning ==

== Re:Mediawiki Pages ==
{{Warning|reason=disruption on and off the wiki: failure to behave civilized, clear intent to break rules|{{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 18:37, 16 July 2017 (UTC)}}
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=18:37, 16 July 2017 (UTC)|TRONYellow=Fine, my move. This is your first official warning, user. You've been afforded many warnings before, and you still don't listen. You need to calm down. Your persistent failure to behave civilly on this wiki and your clear intent not to adhere to the present wiki policies constitute disruption on this wiki. If you continue down this course, you will be blocked.}}
I don't even care anymore. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 18:40, 16 July 2017 (UTC)

I'm not sure what you mean by MediaWiki Pages. Could you please explain? {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}}-[[User:KeybladeSpyMaster|KeybladeSpyMaster]] ([[User talk:KeybladeSpyMaster|talk]]) 18:16, 30 November 2013 (UTC)
== You Don't Know When to Quit ==
:Well like the cursor on Disney Wiki is Mickey Mouse's glove i was thinking the cursor here should be a keyblade. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 18:45, 30 November 2013 (UTC)

{{TheFifteenthMember|time={{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 20:34, 30 November 2013 (UTC)|angry=Sorry to butt in here, but I'd just like to say what I think about this whole Disney Wiki thing. I think that you guys copying nearly all of our articles ''word for word'' isn't right. As a Wiki, we've worked to build those articles so it's only natural that we'll feel a bit miffed after seeing our hard work copied somewhere else. Saying that, I know that our entire wiki's content is under GNU Free Documentation License but that shouldn't mean it can just be copied word for word. My problem isn't that Disney Wiki is taking information from our Wiki, it's the fact that you're copying our ''exact'' writing, images and style. An alternative is you guys take our articles and edit them to suit '''your''' Wiki. So for example, I doubt the Disney Wiki needs to go into too much gameplay details when there is a whole KHWiki for that so most gameplay sections and articles need to be trimmed, cut and condensed. One idea that came up on the IRC is you make a "List of Kingdom Hearts Gameplay" or something similar, if you really want to include some stuff. That way you can still cover some gameplay but it'll only be spread across a single article. I think the KH articles should mainly focus on plot details, maybe development, relations to Disney franchises etc. To put it short, I'm happy as long as the Disney Wiki haven't copied us exactly word for word.}}
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=04:45, 21 July 2017 (UTC)|TRONRed=That is IT. You are FINISHED, user.
:I know but its quite a long shot and i can't really do it by myself and i would prefer it if users from KHWiki would come and help edit it to make it less like the originals. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 22:09, 30 November 2013 (UTC)
::Huh? What are the editors on the ''Disney Wiki'' doing? I hate to use a hostile tone but seriously, that's not fair. You can't expect us to write an article for this wiki...and then rewrite it for the Disney Wiki. Saying that, if some people ''do'' want to help the Disney Wiki, they're welcome to, I'm just speaking for myself here. {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 23:04, 30 November 2013 (UTC)
You just don't seem to know when to quit. We've been plenty patient with you over the last nearly five years and have given you plenty of chances, but you don't seem to change or show any effort or desire to do so. You have been overall very uncivil and disruptive on this wiki, and have managed to tick everyone off. And I personally don't get mad very easily, but I'm at the end of my rope, and I'm sure everyone else on site is as well.  
:::Sorry i asked. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 23:39, 30 November 2013 (UTC)
::::No, you can ''ask'' for help. I'm just saying that the Disney Wiki (including OTHER editors, not just you) need to pull their weight too. {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 23:45, 30 November 2013 (UTC)
:::::Yeah but many of them might be too busy editing Frozen related articles. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 23:50, 30 November 2013 (UTC)
::::::<s>Then the least you can do is license your .gifs, which members of our wiki made, like [ this] and many more (although why a Disney Wiki would need an article on Thunder Surge, I'll never understand). Also, you shouldn't attribute our articles to your wiki (so no having our articles as Featured Articles for your wiki) and it would be nice if the template attributing us was at the top of pages, instead of the bottom where no one can see it.</s> EDIT: [ This] has come to my attention. {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 17:11, 2 December 2013 (UTC)

== Talk Template ==

I'm requesting that this user be blocked or banned immediately for consistent and recurring disruptive, disrespectful, and uncooperative behavior, all of which are the exact opposite of that which is critical to be a part of this Wiki. We've tried everything we could to help this user stay, but this is enough.}}
|time=05:33, 17 December 2013 (UTC)
:Seconded. I've been observing Byz's behaviour for some time and I am also convinced that he does not have the capacity for self-improvement or reformation. He was temporarily banned recently, yet he insists on maintaining a toxic presence here, proving he hasn't learnt from his mistakes. The message above "I don't even care anymore" is further evidence that he is not willing to make amends for his actions. As such, I break my silence on this matter and support the idea of a ban. {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 14:22, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
|text=I noticed that you had problems with your talk template. If you want, I can help (I just got a tablet, which has way more typing space than my psp). Just tell me where it is.
::You both are hypocrites if i deserve to be banned so do you for acting like administrators when many of you have no right or place to. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 14:27, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
:::If your going to ban me just do it already neither one of us can truly change and you blatantly destroyed my KHIII uploads and left the Disney Wiki unsatisfied. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 14:45, 21 July 2017 (UTC)

{{Byzantinefire Talk
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=14:59, 21 July 2017 (UTC)|TRONRed=You STILL don't get it, do you? You still want to try and make this about what everyone ELSE did to you. That's just showing how immature and uncooperative you have been. We already explained to you the issue with your KHIII pictures, and you didn't want to accept it or provide a better reason why we should keep them with the watermarks. And you yourself re-uploaded one by following the wiki rules a little later. And for the Disney Wiki, I know I was personally involved for at least 6 months after the incident in November 2013. I also know that after January, I was pretty much the ONLY one involved from either wiki. Again, just like back then, we couldn't and wouldn't do it all for you; you all needed to come aboard and help.
|time=23:15, 17 December 2013 (UTC)|normal=Here it is! You'll still have to change the image, though, bur other than that, it looks like it works!}}
The thing about change is that everyone can change. Everyone can correct their course in life and come back to the light. Everyone, without exception, can reform their behavior and attitude. But it requires effort and time, and most of all, a willing heart. "Yagottawanna." It's not just going to happen on its own. We've given you plenty of time and have made great efforts to help you. The issue isn't that you cannot change. It's that you intentionally choose not to.}}
== Re:Disney Wiki ==
:I am stubborn i have an ego and i have pride i don't take contrary opinions well do you honestly think change would be that easy? {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 15:02, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
:::You are hereby banned permanently from the KHWiki. The only reason why I was lenient with you the first time was because of how Ignis treated you and viciously attacked you for no reason at all, but your behavior on the SDCC forum and what you said to Coldasfire, KSM, and frankly, the entire community is 100% unacceptable. As KSM pointed out, the community have been extremely patient with for nearly 5 years. You have been given enough chances to prove that you can change your behavior and clearly showed no evidence of such despite earlier claims. You behaved rudely to a user who is taking their valuable time and money to attend a convention, one of the biggest convention in the world and the most expensive to even go to, and treated the rest of the community with hostility simply because they disagreed with your images. And yet, you continue to make pitiful excuses and cast blame on everyone else, refusing to take responsibility. Enough is enough.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 16:20, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=23:55, 31 January 2014 (UTC)|default2=Sure, I'll help with the Disney Wiki. Just tell me what exactly needs to be done, and how you guys want to do it. I would have answered elsewhere, but I can't find your page on the Fanon Wiki}}
::::I don't NinjaShiek i regret nothing and i would happily remove KSM and Kyrten from their administration you and the KHWiki expect others to change yet don't put in any changes yourselves you refuse to take part on the Disney Wiki you refuse to fix the way it and you have no interest in the MCU or GOT or Bleach you may call be rude but you brought it all on yourselves for a lack of ambition or pride and none of you took the discord channel seriously enough most of you ignored and did not use it for making the podcast it was an insult to me as was deleting most of my KHIII screenshots if you did not want me to act that way then they should never have been deleted in the first place and if you have anything more to say i will be on Discord but i know you won't bother enter it. 16:29, 21 July 2017 (UTC) 
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=03:50, 1 February 2014 (UTC)|default2=I know there was a problem back in December that was supposed to be resolved concerning what would stay and what would go. Any chance you could tell me what exactly is being done with the pages(Which are you keeping, which are becoming lists, etc.)?}}
::Goodbye KSM and the rest of KHWiki i am rude and i am proud of it. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 16:07, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=06:10, 2 February 2014 (UTC)|text=Could you please explain what you mean by "professional reorganizer"? (I can't figure it out based on his edits)}}
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=02:20, 3 February 2014 (UTC)|text=I'll try, but you'll have to see [ <font color=#BFBFBF>here</font>] for my stand on this issue. I refuse to help create pages that shouldn't be on that wiki.}}
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=03:26, 3 February 2014 (UTC)|default2=Yes, of course, the people pages shouldn't be removed (except maybe the FF and TWEWY pages, because they're not related at all to Disney, except maybe Leon for knowing King Mickey). And the songs, they're published by Disney, so they should stay, too. But Utada Hikaru's page, for example, not so much. We don't even have a page for her ''here'', much less should it be ''there''.}}
::::::::As i said i'm done with a wiki that refuses to budge also i hate community that takes pleasure in a block reminds me too much of what that dick Toprawa had said. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 22:32, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=04:00, 3 February 2014 (UTC)|default2=Again, the songs are published by Disney, so they should stay. I was talking about Utada Hikaru's page, the one that talks about her as an artist, not the pages that talk about her songs.}}
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=03:36, 5 February 2014 (UTC)|confused=I'm not sure. I had suggested on the last discussion that the Disney Wiki should focus on story, and I understood that both TheFifteenthMember and SilverFlight were on board with that. Now I'm confused, and there doesn't appear to be anyone on the KHWiki-noticeboard of the IRC when I asked. I don't know anymore...}}
:::::::::::Well i guess you can't block Ignis no matter how many times it takes. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 04:32, 22 July 2017 (UTC)
{{Pea14733|time=03:46, 5 February 2014 (UTC)|mrhintr=It's because "everyone" is on the KHWiki-social. You should've at least tell us on the social channel...(oh and sorry for the intrusion)}}
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=04:35, 5 February 2014 (UTC)|oops=Sorry, I didn't know. I don't know too much about the IRC, so I don't know how it's handled or anything about it, really. I'll warn about it on the social IRC next time.}}
== Thanks! ==
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=|text=You're the first person to use my friend userbox! (Yay!) Thanks!}}
:Your Welcome. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 22:51, 5 April 2014 (UTC)
== Re:Keyblade ==
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=03:00, 6 April 2014 (UTC)|text=Yes, it should. The only problem is that little is known about the Keyblade Armor and Gliders, other than they're linked to the Keyblades and they appear in ''Birth By Sleep''. Even then, there appears to be exceptions (Yen Sid and Mickey have never used either one). That's why, in the ''Birth by Sleep'' section. I mentioned that the two concepts were introduced.}}
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=22:18, 9 April 2014 (UTC)|text=Sorry I haven't responded, school has restarted, and I'm determined not to slip like I did last quarter. Anyways, I was going to use the image from ''Birth by Sleep'' that was on the original article on the Disney Wiki, but the image doesn't exist here. I'll use it when I move it, though. I'll gladly help write up the articles that you listed. However, I'm not sure if a Symbols of the Kingdom Hearts series is necessary on the Disney Wiki. The others, I can try and help out with. Did you get the others on Disney Wiki the message about what we decided at the Roundtable?}}
<br />
<nowiki>:I agree, the "Symbols of the Kingdom Hearts series" doesn't belong on the DisneyWiki. But I suggest you mention KH on your hidden mickey article. {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 22:23, 9 April 2014 (UTC)</nowiki>
<br />
:This is none of your busyness 15 there are plenty of Disney themed symbols and never tell which belongs on which wiki never say DisneyWiki its Disney Wiki. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 22:27, 9 April 2014 (UTC)
::Sorry for butting into the conversation. Not sorry for sharing my opinion, which I still stand by. Character and world symbols take up 0.2% of the game. It's only the Mickey head that's significant.
::P.S: Inventive [ sarky-ness] with the nowiki tags right there. {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 22:38, 9 April 2014 (UTC)
:::I don't need you giving me more stress.[[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 22:40, 9 April 2014 (UTC)
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=04:21, 10 April 2014 (UTC)|calm=Ok, here I go.
*I continue to stand that the Symbols of the Kingdom Hearts series does not belong on the Disney Wiki.
**The Fleur-de-lis, for example, is not a Disney symbol, it's only used in Disney works and in the ''Kingdom Hearts'' series, but is not exclusive or original to either one. If we were to begin to list every time the Fleur-de-lis appeared in a work on the Disney Wiki, we would need a couple hundred pages. It doesn't belong to Disney, therefore, it does not belong on the wiki.
**The Character symbols definitely don't belong on the Disney Wiki. Let's face it, they don't even belong to the ''Kingdom Hearts'' series. They're presented in an Ultimania, a magazine/book (I don't know, what is it exactly?) and that's it. Except for Pete's symbol from the door to Timeless River and Vanitas's  symbol, none of those exist in the actual games. I personally don't agree with having them in the article on this wiki at all. Much less do they belong on an article on the Disney Wiki.
**The Hidden Mickey references should definitely be listed on the Disney Wiki. However, I'm pretty sure an article exists on the Wiki already for that. Might I suggest a more detailed list on that article rather than a gallery? Just a thought.
**The remaining world symbols, in my opinion, should be listed on their respective world pages on the Disney Wiki. It's the most logical place for these symbols.
'''Conclusion''': The page does not belong on the Disney Wiki. It serves little purpose throughout the series anyways. It's more of an interesting quirk than anything else.
*This wiki is '''not''' the correct/appropriate place to have a dispute/argument regarding the correct spelling/naming of the Disney Wiki. First of all, let's face it: officially, it's titled the "DisneyWiki". I still use the space, because my fast typing makes me put the space there automatically. If you change it back to "Disney Wiki", that's great. If not, that's okay. No one's going to die. The world won't end. And honestly, this isn't the DisneyWiki, this is the Kingdom Hearts Wiki. Wrong place to make the argument in the first place.
I think we, as a community, are willing to help the Disney Wiki. But you have to meet us half-way. Of course, I speak more for myself, but still. I'll gladly help out with the other articles you listed, and I think the plan is to figure out the world format we would like to suggest for the Disney Wiki on Friday. We don't mean to completely stall your own goals, but we have our own lives and goals, so don't expect us to always agree with your plans.
== Your conduct ==
{{neumannz|time=18:51, 10 April 2014 (UTC)|text=Byz, I don't want to have to start giving you warnings, but this is the only chance I'm giving you. You need to stop being so belligerent when debating content, whether on here or on the Disney wiki. You have a tendency to take every argument as a personal affront, and saying passive aggressive things like "don't give me stress" or "but it matters to ''me''" turns a constructive debate into a non-productive and, frankly, embarrassing debacle. You need to be a lot more professional if you want us to continue taking you seriously. Because I think we've been very patient, both here and at the Disney wiki.}}
== Affiliation ==
That's right, you weren't there to discuss the issue. It was concluded at the Roundtable that Erry would discuss with the other staff/admin members about affiliation with the Disney Wiki. I think the purpose/objective was to have an answer by the next Roundtable. {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 20:25, 19 April 2014 (UTC)
:Oh right well i almost forgot about that but it was not mentioned on the previous aftermath Roundtable section so i just wanted to be sure.. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]])
::Yeah, it wasn't, but it was in the transcripts/log {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 00:06, 20 April 2014 (UTC)
== Logo Images ==
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=04:47, 8 June 2014 (UTC)|text=Hey, where did you get the HD logo images? They're pretty cool, and I really like them, but where were they? I've never seen them before. Per chance, do you have them for other images, like world images or such?}}
:I got them from KHInsider. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 04:48, 8 June 2014 (UTC)
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=05:11, 8 June 2014 (UTC)|text=Dang it! I specifically want a cleaner version of [[:File:The World That Never Was KHII.png|this image]]. Oh well, I'll see if I can find it elsewhere. Maybe I can extract it from the KHII iso file I have? Don't know, I'll see. Thanks, anyways!}}
Hey there. If you really want to help out on the images, we could really use someone to make images transparent. A list of such images can be found over [[Forum:Updating our Projects#Project: Image Renovation|here]]. The images don't need to be resized-made larger- they need to be transparent. If you can help on that, that would be appreciated. Thanks. {{User:Xion4ever/Sig}} 03:41, 11 June 2014 (UTC)
Dude, actually check what you're transparenting. Don't just Fuzzy Select + Save. Check the image. {{User:UnknownChaser/Sig}} 04:50, 11 June 2014 (UTC)
:I am just checking over what is on the list. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 04:51, 11 June 2014 (UTC)
::He's right, though. Don't just make everything big and transparent. Quality over quantity. As a general rule, I think it should be just in-game elements that should be transparent. But other things, like [[:File:Smile (Art).png|this]], don't need to be. Also, quality trumps size. Three images were reverted yesterday because they were of poorer quality, even if they were bigger. Just be careful. {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 05:40, 11 June 2014 (UTC)
:::But those images were on the list and many of the images i uploaded are higher quality than the original. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 16:24, 11 June 2014 (UTC)
::::Huh, well, the Smile (Art) image isn't on that list, so I'm not on that. However, UnknownChaser was wrong with the other images he reverted. I don't know, I guess those images should be reverted to your uploads. I'll do that myself. {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 18:40, 11 June 2014 (UTC)
:::::Well i made a Transparent image of that Smile image but with the Yellow number code and i will be uploading it now. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 18:47, 11 June 2014 (UTC)
:Hold off on images for the time being. Once Chaser goes through the transparency list on the renovation forum we'll go from there. So, until then, just hold off so we can get this straight. Thanks again for your help. {{User:Xion4ever/Sig}} 18:57, 11 June 2014 (UTC)
:::::::Your Welcome. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 18:59, 11 June 2014 (UTC)
Three things:
:1. I think we all appreciate your effort here but uploading these images from KHInsider without giving a source is just rude. Sign spent countless hours rendering all these images and this could easily strain our relationship with this site.
:2. As pointed out above some images are intended with a white background, mostly artworks, sketches and images ripe with effects. Pulling off a transparent alternative takes a whole lot of skill, something that you, I and even Sign are not capable of. This requieres a whole new level of wizardry (just check [ this] out).
:3. Bigger is not always better, the quality of an image can greatly improve if it's not compressed until there is no tomorrow. The order is mostly like this this: scans < press materials < website materials/rips. Even if the press materials are always around 3000x3000px or even bigger they are in most cases heavily compressed jpgs, meaning a loss of color fidelity and an somewhat blurred image. So even if it that's big it always looks hideous when displayed at 100%. That's not true for all circumstances though, so it has to be decided from a case to case basis if an image should be replaced or not.
:The other problem with the bigger images you uploaded is that most of the pictures here are displayed at 350x850px max., so when you uploaded the new images with the vast white space around them they look actually smaller now than before. {{User:ShardofTruth/Sig}} 10:18, 15 June 2014 (UTC)
::I can't just say where it is from all the time and frankly i don't like being criticized by anyone we all know where the images are from and at least i contribute these images to 3 wiki's at once you only bother to edit one wiki now. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 15:30, 15 June 2014 (UTC)
{{TheFifteenthMember|time={{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 16:05, 15 June 2014 (UTC)|angry=Look dude, you've been told about this before and you've obviously not learnt from your mistakes. At the moment, your attitude is proving to be unhelpful to say the least. Ending constructive discussions with personal affronts or complaints causes a problem, especially when other users are being polite and patient with you. You still need to learn the lesson that quality trumps quantity and that taking content from other sites without citation is '''plagiarism'''. Please consider your behaviour in future discussions.}}
:I'm the one that should be upset here all this talk of quality of quantity i know the difference and you telling me about plagiarism i was replacing these images to make it up to KHWiki and most of you have just been ungrateful i have edited and added image to more wiki's than you in your entire lifetime and you give me is scorn. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 16:12, 15 June 2014 (UTC)
::Without turning this into an argument, let me tell you some facts. Everyone has been repeatedly saying "we appreciate your efforts" so I'm not sure why you think we're ungrateful. ShardofTruth was giving you advice on how to make your edits better but you responded negatively, which is the "attitude" I was referring to earlier. {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 16:25, 15 June 2014 (UTC)
:::Oh well i was confused well i will just everytime i get an image from KHInsider i will say in the upload comment that i got from said site. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 16:27, 15 June 2014 (UTC)
==Resizing Images==
Until we get the discussion on the art transparency forum about your image uploads is settled, please hold off on uploading images. If you are indeed doing a poorer quality of image work, be it resizing or transparency, you're just making more work for us over here. So, until Shard or someone else with some higher image knowledge replies, do not upload any more images. This means, no resizing, no transparencies, nothing. Thank you. {{User:Xion4ever/Sig}} 19:11, 16 June 2014 (UTC)
:Rather harsh don't you think. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 19:20, 16 June 2014 (UTC)
== MegaProject: Arise - Home Project ==
{{KeybladeSpyMaster|time=00:13, 24 June 2014 (UTC)|TRON=Because of its recently-highlighted importance, I hereby invite/encourage/slightly push you to come contribute to the discussion on the [[Forum:MegaProject: Arise - Main Page Revamp|<font color=#FFFFFF>revamp of the Main Page</font>]]. Thanks!}}
== Re:IRC ==
Hey, just got your message. Can you get on right now? {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 03:13, 2 July 2014 (UTC)
== Logo ==
Remember the logo. I finished it. Erry's advice helped a lot.
What do you think? {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 23:10, 2 July 2014 (UTC)
:It looks good but is it the same size as the current one? [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 23:12, 2 July 2014 (UTC)
::And it does break a bit from the tradition look maybe wait until the game cover comes out. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 23:14, 2 July 2014 (UTC)
:::It is the same size as the current one. And yeah, it breaks tradition, so I'm waiting till the game cover art comes out. It was really an experiment to remove the text from the front of the HD 2.5 ReMIX logo to leave the "Kingdom Hearts" part. The images of Sora, Donald, and Goofy will be replaced with the cover art images when we get it. In the mean time, I'll just use this in my personal CSS. {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 23:17, 2 July 2014 (UTC)
== Magazine: Mark of Mastery Exam ==
Hey. The staff and I found the need to clarify the Mark of Mastery Exam requirements in the Journalist Spot. Please feel free to review them. Thanks! {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 05:06, 3 July 2014 (UTC)
:In addition, the Journalist Spot is being hosted at the Keyhole this issue. Please sign-up for assignments for the magazine [[khwikia:Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Journalist Spot‎|there]]. Thanks! {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 16:41, 3 July 2014 (UTC)
I will be free for an interview to be conducted this coming Saturday. - {{User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Sig}} 02:02, 11 July 2014 (UTC)
::At what time on Saturday?[[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 03:13, 11 July 2014 (UTC)
:::I'll pretty much be free all day. - {{User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Sig}} 03:25, 11 July 2014 (UTC)
::::Ah good. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 03:29, 11 July 2014 (UTC)
I'm free right now if you wish to conduct the interview. - {{User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Sig}} 16:09, 12 July 2014 (UTC)
:::::I am i'm on the social IRC right now? [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 17:17, 12 July 2014 (UTC)
::::::Alright, I'll be right there. - {{User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Sig}} 17:18, 12 July 2014 (UTC)
== RE:Terminology ==
Hey, whenever you can, can you tell me what you were trying to tell me about this? Thanks! {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 00:02, 15 July 2014 (UTC)
:I was saying that Disney wiki should have the full terminology to the Kingdom Hearts series. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 04:54, 15 July 2014 (UTC)
::Hey, sorry I didn't get back sooner, I was out the last two days. Um, yeah, it should probably get more terminology, but I'm not sure if the entire text of the Reports, for example, helps in that quest. {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 04:42, 17 July 2014 (UTC)
:::I prefer a collection to be complete and not stunted.[[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 04:45, 17 July 2014 (UTC)
== Notice ==
Just in-case you didn't notice, it's against wiki policy to remove content from discussion pages the way you did. I realize the events/occurrences that led you to do this, but it's still against the rules, and as Xion said, it could/will cost you a warning next time. Again, as always, this is just a wiki run by regular people. You need to keep your emotions in check when editing, because not everyone will agree with you. It comes with the turf. {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 06:17, 24 July 2014 (UTC)
== "Its not that crowded it looks fine and at least i'm not editing as an auto confirmed user" ==
If you want to be taken seriously, please refrain from using unnecessary insults. - {{User:JTD95/Signature}} 18:08, 8 October 2014 (UTC)
:I wasn't trying to be insulting. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 19:40, 8 October 2014 (UTC)
== Magazine ==
Hey, thanks for your contribution to the magazine and podcast, I'm hoping to have the podcast episode up soon, and I got your interview for the next issue. Thanks! {{User:Chainoffire/sig}} 07:11, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
:Your welcome. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 16:58, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
EDIT: I gave Chaser all my things, so you'd have to ask him. But I wouldn't ask him because he hates that question. {{User:Chainoffire/sig}} 03:00, 22 October 2014 (UTC)
:Sigh. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 03:02, 22 October 2014 (UTC)
== Signature ==
Hey, this is just to notify you that your signature violates the wiki's [[KHWiki:Signature Policy|Signature Policy]], as it lacks your username. Please be sure to fix it, or it may be removed. Thanks! {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 21:02, 23 October 2014 (UTC)
:Oh this is embarrassing. [[User:Byzantinefire|Byzantinefire]] ([[User talk:Byzantinefire|talk]]) 21:21, 23 October 2014 (UTC)
==I can help==
If you like, I can help you with the Disney wiki Riku page, but the Disney wiki freezes my computer, so you will have to insert it. In return, can you explain to me why you steal other people's content? {{User:Master Riku the Bloody/Sig1}} 12:27, 11 November 2014 (UTC)
:Because barely anyone on KHWiki gives Disney Wiki enough assistance with Kingdom Hearts related articles I am not that good with writing myself Disney owns a great deal of Kingdom Hearts just about the same as Square Enix does and my view of Disney is virtually infinite and i want that infinite dream to be fulfilled. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 16:35, 11 November 2014 (UTC)
::Then I'll try to help, and then you can also get your position back. Let's discuss more on the IRC, and then maybe you can get more help from just me. {{User:Master Riku the Bloody/Sig1}} 16:49, 11 November 2014 (UTC)
:::Fair enough. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 16:52, 11 November 2014 (UTC)
== EOYE 2014 Plaque ==
^_^ {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 18:09, 4 January 2015 (UTC)
==The Disney Wiki==
About your invitations to edit on the Disney Wiki, I have received them. Unfortunately, I just do not have the time to edit on multiple Wikis at once, given my school schedule, personal life, et cetera. Please understand. - {{User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Sig}} 19:32, 11 February 2015 (UTC)
:So you did get it well i thought that disney wiki could ease the tension and be a good chance at community service. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 19:35, 11 February 2015 (UTC)
== Avengers: Age of Ultron Parody ==
Since you like Marvel so much, I thought you'd get a kick out of this:
{{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 16:50, 8 May 2015 (UTC)
== Magazine ==
Heyo Byz! I'm going around and checking on people's progress for the magazine contributions. You signed up for a puzzle for the grid and an interview. You sent me an interview between you and Troisnyxetienne, but I need you to convert it into the proper magazine coding format before I can accept it. As for the puzzle, 15M has already sent one in, but you can still feel free to send something in if you want, because we can use it for a future issue, or a backup couldn't hurt if something suddenly unexpected happens with his puzzle. If you'd like to do more than what you've signed up for, feel free to sign up for more on the [[KHWiki:Magazine/Journalist Spot|Journalist Spot]], just don't put too much pressure on yourself :) Keep in mind that the deadline is June 23rd, which is less than a month away. Thanks for your contributions and have a good day! {{User:Chainoffire/sig}} 05:54, 27 May 2015 (UTC)
:Coding format? {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 16:26, 27 May 2015 (UTC)
==To the magazine scene!==
{{TheFifteenthMember|time={{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 20:35, 30 August 2015 (UTC)|dango=Hey Byz! Quick reminder that for the Twilight Times you've signed up for the Ansem Reports so be sure to send that in at least before the 23rd (earlier if possible). Thanks!}}
:23rd of September? {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 20:52, 30 August 2015 (UTC)
::Yup and I'd love to see what you got so far! {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 22:09, 30 August 2015 (UTC) I also just purchased the 3.0 edition now. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 22:51, 30 August 2015 (UTC)
It looks good so far. When was it said that Dark Baymax came from Baymax's old body? If it wasn't confirmed, I wouldn't add it in. Also, would we be able to get some Kingdom Hearts Unchained X news in there? {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 23:01, 30 August 2015 (UTC)
:I suppose. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 00:13, 31 August 2015 (UTC)
::I think it was said during the presentation. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 00:13, 31 August 2015 (UTC)
Hey, where is the original source of [ this image]? {{User:ANX219/Sig}} 19:53, 6 September 2015 (UTC)
== Ansem Report ==
It looks good, thanks! {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 19:55, 16 September 2015 (UTC)
== Insult ==
Please quote me where I insulted or attacked you. --[[User:Webber22|Webber22]] ([[User talk:Webber22|talk]]) 22:07, 22 September 2015 (UTC)
:Okay, now I want you locate and extract the bits of that sentence that insinuate an insult and an attack.  --[[User:Webber22|Webber22]] ([[User talk:Webber22|talk]]) 01:48, 23 September 2015 (UTC)
:Neither of you are supposed to be edit warring over who gets to be the author of the image. New images should not be uploaded unless you can justify why the new image is better than the previous.
:Furthermore, if you're having a fight against another editor, especially related to personal attacks, you're supposed to go to [[Forum:Heartless Manufactory]] so that it can be channeled into something more productive.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 12:36, 23 September 2015 (UTC)
::Very well. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 14:59, 23 September 2015 (UTC)
Hey there, Byz, this is an invitation for you to take part in our [[KHWiki:End of Year Event 2015|end of year event]]! You can sign up as either a participant or a judge and we'd love it if you could come aboard. Thanks! {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 22:15, 30 October 2015 (UTC)
== Kingdom Hearts III ==
Please remember that Kingdom Hearts III material is not to be placed on articles in the mainspace, aside from the [[Kingdom Hearts III]] article itself, unless it has been explicitly confirmed through a press release, in words, that the topic will be covered in KH3. Even then, the material needs to be marked with [[Template:Unreleased]]. When adding the game icon to an article, you need to provide a link to said press release in your edit summary, or in invisible comments in the article itself. Also, any information placed within an in-universe article also needs to be in-universe.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 16:44, 3 November 2015 (UTC)
== Magazine CRUNCH ==
{{TheFifteenthMember|time={{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 18:57, 13 December 2015 (UTC)|default=PSA: Byzantinefire has signed up to: cover, Ansem Report, Keyblade Master, Intro To, review, interview. He has a week to send them in!}}
:Are you in the irc? {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 19:55, 13 December 2015 (UTC)
Sorry, I wasn't online. Can I get a progress check? {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 23:42, 18 December 2015 (UTC)
Unfortunately, I don't have the time to write up content with you. Please send me finished drafts of all your pieces ASAP and then I'll see what I can do to improve them from there. {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 01:29, 21 December 2015 (UTC)
:Then, you'll have to make a start prompto. By you signing up to a section, it's your responsibility to finish it and send it in by the 23rd. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to write all your sections for you so you're going to have to do some work. If you're worried about quality, I can review the ''completed'' sections afterwards. I can understand if you can't get them all in by the 23rd by this point but please, by the 28th at least. {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 10:13, 21 December 2015 (UTC)
{{TheFifteenthMember|sad=Status check? I got the cover and I don't expect the Intro To since Chain's already doing it. I'm still waiting on a redrafted Ansem Report, redrafted interview, your Xemnas part of the review, and the Keyblade Master. }}
== Re: Logos to Cover ==
I found the files of the logos! To avoid having to look for them again in the future, I decided to upload them to the wiki. You can find them [[:File:Magazine Logo Twilight Times.png|here]], [[:File:Magazine Logo KHWiki.png|here]], and [[:File:Magazine Logo Keyhole.png|here]]. {{User:TheSilentHero/Sig}} 18:05, 14 December 2015 (UTC)
== /KHWV/ sings ==
This is a friendly reminder that you agreed to record your voice for the /KHWV/ sings for the 10th anniversary. Please get your audio to me by the 27th at the latest so that I'll have time to put it together! Thanks! {{User:Chainoffire/sig}} 19:03, 7 February 2016 (UTC)
Another thing to do is the "Meet the Panellists" section as part of the KHWV sings that we did. For this, simply write a 50-100 word blurb about yourself and/or why you joined the Round Room project (see examples in Issue 7). Send this in ASAP. Thank you! {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 19:07, 16 March 2016 (UTC)
:Well speak to me on the disney wiki char or the khwiki irc. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 22:49, 16 March 2016 (UTC)
::For what reason? I don't really have the time at the moment and the instructions for the Meet the Panellists are pretty straightforward If there's something that you need help with, email the wiki address and I'll get back to you. {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 19:53, 18 March 2016 (UTC)
==Comment on ShardofTruth's TP==
{{NinjaSheik|text=No kidding, huh? What a headache, and during my final exams, too. Talk about "making a mountain out of an ant-hill". I had hoped to settle the matter quietly, and now the whole community is involved. I guess it can't be helped. :(}}
:Well i think the term is Mountain out of a Molehill. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 04:19, 4 May 2016 (UTC)
::Lol! I know what the actual saying is, but I thought since you said you watched AA during our talk in Chat, you'd get the reference. It's one of Ant-Man's lines from an episode in the second season of the show.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 20:04, 4 May 2016 (UTC)
:::Ah of course. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 22:18, 4 May 2016 (UTC)
== Trailer ==
Looks good.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 00:44, 10 June 2016 (UTC)
:Links?{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 14:44, 10 June 2016 (UTC)
== Birthday ==
Heyo, I saw that I missed your birthday. I hope you had a good one! {{User:Chainoffire/sig}} 05:04, 30 June 2016 (UTC)
:Also happy birthday.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 13:49, 30 June 2016 (UTC)
::4 days late but i thank you for remembering. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 17:15, 30 June 2016 (UTC)
== WSJ wiki ==
What is it that you need? I don't know anything about WSJ, so I'd only be help with backend stuff at best.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 17:29, 24 September 2016 (UTC)
(I'm sorry if I invaded this section but it's about the same topic.) I unfortunately can't help, seeing I don't know anything about it and I barely have time to balance Keyhole and my own life. Adding this wiki would just make things go overboard on my side, sorry. {{User:Draaek/Sig}} 22:50, 24 September 2016 (UTC)
The Marvel Database has a distinct advantage however:  It's a shared universe.  All of those characters show up in countless other serials.  Steve Rogers isn't only in Captain America, but you'll find him in quite a few Avengers (duh) and Wolverine stories.  Weekly Jump is a magazine that simply publishes all those manga.  It's disjointed and without rhythm.  You'll be juggling two dozen serials with absolutely no rhyme or reason between them, and before long you'll find yourself bored and disinterested.  --[[User:Ignis|Ignis]] ([[User talk:Ignis|talk]]) 23:41, 24 September 2016 (UTC)
:Don't care. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 23:52, 24 September 2016 (UTC)
::You go around pestering virtually everyone about this, then act like an outright dick to them.  So with that, think I might be reporting this to an admin.  --[[User:Ignis|Ignis]] ([[User talk:Ignis|talk]]) 00:57, 25 September 2016 (UTC)
:::In regards to asking Kunoichi101 to help with your WSJ Wiki, personally, I don't find the problem with it. Objectively, however, is another issue. I know you're doing not any harm by wanting to asking users for help and I understand that, but there is a good reason why many wikias, if not all, across the Internet forbid the use of advertising. The purpose of a wikia is to edit, improve, and gather information on a series into a concise, objective database for all fans to enjoy. It is not to be used to promote advertising for another wikia. While Ignis may have overacted just because you asked Kunoichi101 for help, he does make a valid point of about how advertisement shouldn't be allowed on the wiki. Moreover, the KHWiki isn't even affiliated with your WSJ wikia at all, which kind makes what you're doing seem disrespectful to the goal of a wikia is supposed to be. If you were going to ask Kunoichi101 to help with your WSJ wikia, you could've just asked her via the Narutopedia, as she edits there, too. Moreover, you do not actively contribute to the mainspace wiki at all. Therefore, it really does seem you're just using the KHWiki to benefit your WSJ Wiki, which isn't okay. Again, personally, I don't see the harm of you just asking, but objectively, I can't agree with it. So, I am asking you to please refrain advertising on anymore on the KHWiki. If anything, you should be asking around the wikias concentrating with the WSJ's series instead of on a wiki that absolutely nothing do with WSJ. I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound harsh, but please don't use the KHWiki for advertisement anymore.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 20:11, 5 November 2016 (UTC)
==Thanks, but...==
{{NinjaSheik|text=Hello, Byzantinefire. I meant to reply to this earlier, but thank you. [ Your apology is appreciated]. I do want you to know that when you started the topic with me, I know you didn't mean to have be blown out the way it did. It was truly meant to be an innocent discussion between you and me about a series. I want to make something clear here: I don't hate you or anything, but as an admin, I can't say your response to Ignis and Ultima Spark is acceptable. By saying those things in response to them, you gotten yourself entangled in this mess, too. I know that their words hurt you, especially Ignis's, but in their own way, that they were looking out for me, by saying those things in the beginning. But your feelings were hurt by it, and believe me, I took that in consideration. The situation has escalated since then, and I know that Ignis's words later on about having VN hurt you, too.
But objectively, I can't let go what [ you said to Ultima Spark, either. You attacked Ultima Spark by calling her "harsh and rude" and stating that she has no right to an opinion because she is not as active as most users]. Really, that isn't true. Ultima Spark is decently active, and to be considered inactive is to be gone from the wiki and/or not make any mainspace edits for least two or three months. I do agree that she should have choose her words better, but again, you did attack a user. As an admin, I need to issue a warning for that. :( I am sorry about this.}}
{{Warning|reason=personally attacking a user|--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 04:31, 12 February 2017 (UTC)}}
:Fair enough at least your more reasonable then other admins from various wiki's. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 04:35, 12 February 2017 (UTC)
::Thanks for understanding. No one likes issuing warning templates to users, you know, but this is necessary to help keep the peace. That's why we have the [[Forum:Heartless Manufactory|Heartless Manufactory]] as an alternative way to help resolve issues with users. And thanks for apologizing to Ultima Spark.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 19:21, 12 February 2017 (UTC)
==Warning 2==
{{Warning2|reason=[ personally attacking another user]|--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 20:38, 6 March 2017 (UTC)}}
I had enough of this ridiculous hostility between you and Ignis on the KHWiki. [[User talk:NinjaSheik/Archive 14#WSJ wiki|For]] [[User talk:NinjaSheik/Archive 14#Byzantinefire|a]] [[User talk:NinjaSheik#Xehanort and Yhwach|while]] [[User talk:NinjaSheik#Need to talk|now]], [[User talk:NinjaSheik#Charles Dance as Frollo|the]] [[User talk:Byzantinefire#WSJ wiki|of you]] [[User talk:Kunoichi101#Re: Sheik|have at each other's throats]]. Byzantinefire, I do understand that when you approach users, you do not mean any sort of malicious intent, but when other users disagree with you or say something you don't like, you become hostile. I'm ''not'' excusing Ignis's behavior, but you have not shown exemplary behavior, either. After numerous warnings and confrontations, Byzantinefire, you and Ignis continue to violate community standards by personally attacking the other. [[User talk:Byzantinefire#Your conduct|You have been warned about your behavior in the past and taking everything as a personal affront to your character]]. While I understand your circumstances, you have insulted other users for simply stating their opinions that contrast your own, and continually engage with fights with Ignis. If you and Ignis continue to provoke each other to start fights, both of you will receive blocks for misconduct.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 20:38, 6 March 2017 (UTC)
Ignis has been blocked for personally attacking you. I really wished the two of you would have worked out your disagreements, though. I advise you to not reply to any of his comments and stay away from his talk page if you don't want to escalate the situation further. Regarding your first message to me, though, let me clarify something: Ignis telling you to shut up is a personal attack. He had no right to tell you that, dismissing you when you voiced that Ignis shouldn't be cursing during a page discussion. That's all I have to say in the matter.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 23:11, 5 May 2017 (UTC)
:He might be right and i'm aware of his block i was reading what has been going on. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 23:13, 5 May 2017 (UTC)
::If you've been following what's going on, then you know that Ignis is not banned from the KHWiki permanently. He made things worst from himself by deleting content from the project page and violating the KHWiki's rules about removing content his talk page, as well continuing his hostile and malicious behavior.
::I will NEVER understand why he acted towards you the way he did. Never. Aside from the times you were offended when users disagree with you and responded with hostility, you never sought out users with the intention of being rude or malicious. I don't understand why he was so adamant about getting you blocked for even the ''tiniest'' things. Anyway, you didn't do anything bad this time around, Byzantinefire, but I'd like to remind you that you have also received warnings in the past. Again, I don't understand why Ignis and you acted to hostile to each other, but I really hope something like this doesn't happen again. <!--Ah, why does the KHWiki always get the crazy users...-->--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 17:39, 6 May 2017 (UTC)
:::I'm confused at the last part. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 17:49, 6 May 2017 (UTC)
::::I'm just saying to be careful not to get into any more squabbles. Ignis had it out for you, you know? Being hypocritical, Ignis went to report to me whenever you did something, like when you asked Kunoichi101 about your Jump database wikia, for example. Because of his tendency to overact, every time something happened between the two of you, it gets blown out of proportion. So, just be more mindful, because I don't want something like this happening again with another user.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 18:08, 6 May 2017 (UTC)
:::::Actually i was confused about the typo. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 18:09, 6 May 2017 (UTC)
::::::A typo? Ah, I think I know what you're talking about. I fixed it. Still, be more specify about what you're confused about next time; otherwise, how am supposed to understand what you're referring to? Well, see you around.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 18:12, 6 May 2017 (UTC)
:::::::Alright. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 18:13, 6 May 2017 (UTC)
At personal risk, I'm going to give my opinion on the matter here (which I've witnessed over several months). While Ignis's attitude was way over the line, he nonetheless did have a point in that a substantial amount (as opposed to a very small minority) of Byzantine's edits are basically irrelevant to the greater goal of the wiki as a whole (ie. be a repository on KH series information). Look, Byzantine, I understand you want to discuss stuff you're passionate about with people, but that kind of thing is really better suited to a casual IRC channel or some sort of forum (or even e-mail, if the user allows it). ''[[User:Ultima Spark|<span style="color:#002395 ;">Ultima Spark</span>]]'' '''[[User talk:Ultima Spark|<span style="color:#007FFF ;">(talk)</span>]]''' [[File:Lofty Fantasy KH3D.png|17px]] 04:41, 7 May 2017 (UTC)
:You know there is also a discord channel right? {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 14:46, 7 May 2017 (UTC)
::I put my message here because more people are likely to see it, and to serve as a permanent record unless an admin specifically strikes it off. It would inevitably vanish from a chatroom (which is by nature transitory). ''[[User:Ultima Spark|<span style="color:#002395 ;">Ultima Spark</span>]]'' '''[[User talk:Ultima Spark|<span style="color:#007FFF ;">(talk)</span>]]''' [[File:Lofty Fantasy KH3D.png|17px]] 16:12, 7 May 2017 (UTC)
:::Discord is different the messages stays on unless it gets deleted by the user who wrote it or an admin. {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 16:18, 7 May 2017 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 20:40, 27 July 2017



You've been blocked two weeks for provoking Ignis when warned not to. Honestly, being around corrupted wikias like the Narutopedia, the One Piece Wiki, and not to mention all the stories I've heard on the DBZ Wiki, Bleach Wiki, and just wikias I visit, I've always hated when users engage if arguments when it comes to deciding whether something is a provocation or not, because on those wikias, discussions like that tend to get very heated and very messy quickly. I have always assumed good faith with you and Ignis, especially Ignis, despite his previous warnings by both KrytenKoro and Neumannz, as you can see on his talk page.. You yourself have received unofficial warnings from users in the past about your conduct, but most were done in 2014, and it felt wrong to judge you for it since we're now in 2017 and you have shown to improved your behavior since then and have been friendly with other users since then - until Ignis appeared and the two of you started butting heads, that is. Even so, you were pretty reasonable, apologizing for your behavior after the first warning to both me and Ultima Spark, and Ignis made it very clear that he was trying to get you banned from this wiki permanently, even though other users voiced that doing was too extreme, because you didn't do anything wrong or, at least, didn't mean to do so at first. I know I've said this before, but you never really approached users with the intent of malicious or rude, and only becoming aggressive when someone doesn't agree with you. Things between you and Ignis have only really escalated when you started talking to me on my talk page, and Ignis came in and the situation worsened from there. I know you said you didn't mean to provoke Ignis, but you really should have just avoided him. Therefore, the block. It's your first block, so two weeks seems appropriate. It's your decision on whether or not to return once it's over. And keep in mind about what I said before about being more mindful on your behavior in the future. In some ways, this wiki is corrupted, too, and I do not wish to be seen like certain admins on other wikias (as you edit on the Narutopedia like I did, you know what type of users I am referring to). Please understand.--NinjaSheik 20:05, 23 May 2017 (UTC)

I will be on Discord if you want to talk to me. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 20:08, 23 May 2017 (UTC)
Thank you for taking this well. I do not like blocking/banning people, as I said numerous times before. I don't feel good about it, believe me. You have taken the full brunt of Ignis's discontent, and many of the reasons why he verbally abused was most certainly unwarranted and very ridiculous. I do not wish to be seen like an unreasonable tyrant like the type of users we are very familiar with across multiple wikias, and I do hope you do not view me as such. If you want talk to me, we can meet on the IRC. The block is just for a short time, and I think it may be good for you to take some time off from it after all of the drama has passed. Again, thank you for being understanding about this thing and very reasonable.--NinjaSheik 20:26, 23 May 2017 (UTC)
Your welcome. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 20:32, 23 May 2017 (UTC)

Re: Question

I feel awful that you could even suggest such a thing i have experienced that horrible and cruel action too many times. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 21:21, 22 May 2017 (UTC)

That's your decision to feel that way. You fully deserved the block, and I hope you learn from it. This attempt at emotional manipulation instead of showing any kind of understanding and remorse for why you were blocked is supremely unimpressive, and I would personally prefer that you do not return until you actually understand why you were blocked and make a commitment not to violate the rules again."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 20:59, 24 May 2017 (UTC)
Don't tell me what i deserve from my point of view your just as libel yourself. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 01:05, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
Okay, in light of the veiled threats and your complete and utter lack of remorse or understanding of how, exactly, you crossed the line, you've been indefinitely blocked until you demonstrate that your behavior will actually be corrected if you return. If you'd like to participate in the Heartless Manufactory, that would work, or you could simply make it clear on this talk page that you understand which rules you broke and commit to not breaking them again. Once you can do that, I can support removing the block. Have a good day, I hope you're able to find a project that doesn't stress you out this much."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 14:33, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
Well i can try to improve at least. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 16:24, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
Look i know what i did was incriminating but i still find difficulty to accept responsibility for my own actions its really hard to keep my own head down when i feel baited i have a persecution complex i think i'm not really sure how to change so i can avoid being in situations like this or the words that come with it for that matter. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 16:29, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
When I blocked you and you didn't say a word against it, I took it as a sign you understood why you're being blocked and tried to better yourself in the future. Your behavior towards Kryten is unacceptable, but you do acknowledged that what you said to was wrong and are trying to improve. If you're willingly to accept responsibility, please prove it by continuing to show a willingness improve and move past all of this, okay?--NinjaSheik 19:44, 25 May 2017 (UTC)
I will try to avoid any unnecessary and uncomfortable entanglements. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 19:49, 25 May 2017 (UTC) Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 19:31, 28 May 2017 (UTC)
I will be on here if anyone wishes to discuss things with me. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 17:14, 29 May 2017 (UTC)
I have not seen any new development in regards to my current situation. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 18:05, 1 June 2017 (UTC)


Can we talk someplace? Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk)

Do not hide your messages since it count as evidence. I have changed your block back to two weeks. I'm editing on my phone right now, so let me be frank: If you truly wish to make amends, carry out the rest of your punishment quietly, and once it is over, you can come back. Show that you capable of keeping your word by showing that you are making a genuine effort to work on your behavior and improve yourself. Acknowledging your own misbehavior and promising to improve yourself is a good first step, so prove it when your block is over.--NinjaSheik 04:40, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
Well i had to get you and Kyro attention somehow and if its not too much to ask can you please change it to a week since the block started a week ago and i don't want to miss my chance to upload images from E3. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 14:29, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
The point of the block is not to be convenient to you, Byz."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 14:46, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
It isn't but it already has been a week. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 14:52, 2 June 2017 (UTC)
Kyro just to be clear i do understand my part in all this i was the catalyst i do understand my role in the situation i inadvertently caused i should have just spoken to an Admin about a language rule instead of just putting myself in the conversation where the profanity took place also Ninja i only did that remove the message from the wall thing to get your attention you were not really responding so i had to do something drastic besides i originally just wanted to cross out what was said to better deal with this whole situation. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 17:29, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
Don't make an excuse for what you did. Everyone knows, across all wikias, that removing messages from your talk page is against the rules. Moreover, you put "baited" in the Summary box for doing so, which makes me less inclined to believe you. Read this. As Kryten, the point of the block is not be convenient to you. The length of the ban is a reflection of your own actions, and the reasonable time it will take you to think about on your behavior and understand what you did wrong. Nothing more, nothing less.--NinjaSheik 21:02, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
TheSilentHero Thought what i wrote was alright he gave me advice on what i could write and he also says that Kyro isn't asking for an apology but that i understood the gravity of the circumstances i'm in he was also on the Discord channel and communication would go alot easier if we all just talked there.. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 21:05, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
"i do understand my role in the situation i inadvertently caused i should have just spoken to an Admin about a language rule instead of just putting myself in the conversation where the profanity took place"
No. You shouldn't have talked to an admin about policing a discussion Ignis was having with admins, much less inserted yourself into said discussion to criticize Ignis. Ninja had previously told you to just not engage with Ignis. You should have been avoiding Ignis -- instead, you ignored her and were clearly following Ignis around.
At one part in all this, you also chose to post threats on my wall in response to me supporting sanctions on your behavior. They were mild threats, and you removed some of them, but you still did them in the first place.
"also Ninja i only did that remove the message from the wall thing to get your attention you were not really responding so i had to do something drastic"
No you didn't. You didn't "have to do" anything. You need to stop looking at this as everyone else just "forcing" you to do things, and take responsibility for your choices. You chose to break the rule about removing the messages on your talk page. You did that willingly, and you were not forced to do it. One of the problems here is that you act as if you think it's okay to disrupt the wiki because you feel you want attention, and that's not okay. If you want attention, get it elsewhere, but you do not disrupt the wiki for any reason.
"besides i originally just wanted to cross out what was said to better deal with this whole situation"
Learn how to just look away, or to accept the criticism. The issue with Ignis started because neither you nor Ignis were willing to accept criticism but were both happy to dish it out (ridiculously so in Ignis's case, it must be admitted), and you each have compounded on it in your own way by lashing out in response to the staff quite matter-of-factly pointing out how you two broke the rules. Its not about whether you like what the staff have said -- it's about whether what the staff have said is true or not.
Did someone point out a flaw that is fake? Then ignore them. If they're disrupting the wiki, tell a staff member.
Did someone point out a flaw that is true? Then fix that flaw.
I don't want you to apologize for any of this. I don't want you in time-out for any of this. I want you to reorganize your priorities so that you won't claim again that you "had to do" something to get attention, so that you won't try to justify disrupting the wiki in order to get your way or make a point. If the wiki isn't making you happy or satisfied? Play HALO, or Overwatch, or some other team game. Get your camaraderie there. If you are going to continue as part of this project, it's gotta be because you actually want the project to succeed, not because you think we're a good source for getting yourself attention. You've gotta basically remove your sense of self in relation to this project."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 23:16, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
I'm not missing my chance to upload Kingdom Hearts III images from this years E3. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 23:37, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
It might be easier to have this discussion on the Discord channel instead of my wall. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 23:40, 6 June 2017 (UTC)
Someone else will be able to upload the KH3 images from E3. The wiki will be fine."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 01:16, 7 June 2017 (UTC)
But i want to be the one to upload it not someone else. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 01:20, 7 June 2017 (UTC)
Enough. You are clearly missing the point here. The staff isn't here to cater to your whims. Your block will remain as it is.--NinjaSheik 03:59, 7 June 2017 (UTC)
I have already served 2 weeks i want those images i have a monopoly to maintain. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 04:16, 7 June 2017 (UTC)

Trailer Images

Hey, I know it's exciting and all, but remember that wiki policy doesn't allow images with trademarks on the image from the games. We limit game cutscenes to coming straight from the games, the only exception being screenshots from YouTube videos, but even then, they should have no watermarks or trademarks, okay? Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.pngKeybladeSpyMaster Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png 23:55, 15 July 2017 (UTC)

These are official screenshots they are supposed to be watermarked its how they are presented its Disney and Square Enix's choice also the ripped trailer screenshots are of blatantly poor quality i think it would be wise just to use the ones the company distributes even if they are watermarked besides its bare noticable. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 23:59, 15 July 2017 (UTC)
The current wiki policy is to use only screenshots without the trademarks. That's the way it is. It may be Disney and Square Enix's decision to place the trademarks. It's also our decision to prohibit them. Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.pngKeybladeSpyMaster Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png 00:01, 16 July 2017 (UTC)
Yes but its an old policy that is easily susceptible to change. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 00:04, 16 July 2017 (UTC)
The current wiki policy is to use only screenshots without the trademarks. That's the way it is. You're free to open a discussion on it, but the age of the policy doesn't matter. Until there's a change, that's the way it is. Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.pngKeybladeSpyMaster Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png 00:21, 16 July 2017 (UTC)
Very well. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 00:26, 16 July 2017 (UTC)


I'm not laughing!
Roxas B 7★ KHUX.png
This is a warning for disruption on and off the wiki: failure to behave civilized, clear intent to break rules.

Your edits have been reverted; please do not attempt to repeat them.
If you wish to do test edits, you are welcome to do so here.

Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.pngKeybladeSpyMaster Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png 18:37, 16 July 2017 (UTC)

KeybladeSpyMaster - You're actions are totally illogical.
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png - You've done enough! - 12:37 PM Sun, July 16, 2017 MDT

Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png Fine, my move. This is your first official warning, user. You've been afforded many warnings before, and you still don't listen. You need to calm down. Your persistent failure to behave civilly on this wiki and your clear intent not to adhere to the present wiki policies constitute disruption on this wiki. If you continue down this course, you will be blocked. Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png
tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png END OF LINE tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png

I don't even care anymore. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 18:40, 16 July 2017 (UTC)

You Don't Know When to Quit

KeybladeSpyMaster - You still don't get it, do you?
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png - I'm also better than you! - 10:45 PM Thu, July 20, 2017 MDT

Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png That is IT. You are FINISHED, user.

You just don't seem to know when to quit. We've been plenty patient with you over the last nearly five years and have given you plenty of chances, but you don't seem to change or show any effort or desire to do so. You have been overall very uncivil and disruptive on this wiki, and have managed to tick everyone off. And I personally don't get mad very easily, but I'm at the end of my rope, and I'm sure everyone else on site is as well.

I'm requesting that this user be blocked or banned immediately for consistent and recurring disruptive, disrespectful, and uncooperative behavior, all of which are the exact opposite of that which is critical to be a part of this Wiki. We've tried everything we could to help this user stay, but this is enough. Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png

tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png END OF LINE tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png
Seconded. I've been observing Byz's behaviour for some time and I am also convinced that he does not have the capacity for self-improvement or reformation. He was temporarily banned recently, yet he insists on maintaining a toxic presence here, proving he hasn't learnt from his mistakes. The message above "I don't even care anymore" is further evidence that he is not willing to make amends for his actions. As such, I break my silence on this matter and support the idea of a ban. TheFifteenthMember 14:22, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
You both are hypocrites if i deserve to be banned so do you for acting like administrators when many of you have no right or place to. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 14:27, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
If your going to ban me just do it already neither one of us can truly change and you blatantly destroyed my KHIII uploads and left the Disney Wiki unsatisfied. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 14:45, 21 July 2017 (UTC)

KeybladeSpyMaster - You still don't get it, do you?
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png - I'm also better than you! - 08:59 AM Fri, July 21, 2017 MDT

Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png You STILL don't get it, do you? You still want to try and make this about what everyone ELSE did to you. That's just showing how immature and uncooperative you have been. We already explained to you the issue with your KHIII pictures, and you didn't want to accept it or provide a better reason why we should keep them with the watermarks. And you yourself re-uploaded one by following the wiki rules a little later. And for the Disney Wiki, I know I was personally involved for at least 6 months after the incident in November 2013. I also know that after January, I was pretty much the ONLY one involved from either wiki. Again, just like back then, we couldn't and wouldn't do it all for you; you all needed to come aboard and help.

The thing about change is that everyone can change. Everyone can correct their course in life and come back to the light. Everyone, without exception, can reform their behavior and attitude. But it requires effort and time, and most of all, a willing heart. "Yagottawanna." It's not just going to happen on its own. We've given you plenty of time and have made great efforts to help you. The issue isn't that you cannot change. It's that you intentionally choose not to. Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png

tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png END OF LINE tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png
I am stubborn i have an ego and i have pride i don't take contrary opinions well do you honestly think change would be that easy? Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 15:02, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
You are hereby banned permanently from the KHWiki. The only reason why I was lenient with you the first time was because of how Ignis treated you and viciously attacked you for no reason at all, but your behavior on the SDCC forum and what you said to Coldasfire, KSM, and frankly, the entire community is 100% unacceptable. As KSM pointed out, the community have been extremely patient with for nearly 5 years. You have been given enough chances to prove that you can change your behavior and clearly showed no evidence of such despite earlier claims. You behaved rudely to a user who is taking their valuable time and money to attend a convention, one of the biggest convention in the world and the most expensive to even go to, and treated the rest of the community with hostility simply because they disagreed with your images. And yet, you continue to make pitiful excuses and cast blame on everyone else, refusing to take responsibility. Enough is enough.--NinjaSheik 16:20, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
I don't NinjaShiek i regret nothing and i would happily remove KSM and Kyrten from their administration you and the KHWiki expect others to change yet don't put in any changes yourselves you refuse to take part on the Disney Wiki you refuse to fix the way it and you have no interest in the MCU or GOT or Bleach you may call be rude but you brought it all on yourselves for a lack of ambition or pride and none of you took the discord channel seriously enough most of you ignored and did not use it for making the podcast it was an insult to me as was deleting most of my KHIII screenshots if you did not want me to act that way then they should never have been deleted in the first place and if you have anything more to say i will be on Discord but i know you won't bother enter it. 16:29, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
Goodbye KSM and the rest of KHWiki i am rude and i am proud of it. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 16:07, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
As i said i'm done with a wiki that refuses to budge also i hate community that takes pleasure in a block reminds me too much of what that dick Toprawa had said. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 22:32, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
Well i guess you can't block Ignis no matter how many times it takes. Byzantinefire - There are no strings on me 20px-AOU_Audi_Promo_07.png (talk) 04:32, 22 July 2017 (UTC)