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==Synthesized Spirits==
==Synthesized Spirits==
Intrepid materials can be used to create the following Spirits:
Intrepid materials can be used to create the following Spirits:
*[[Sir Kyroo]] (10 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Aura Lion]] (3 or 4 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[KO Kabuto]] (4 Intrepid Figments, 3 Intrepid Fancies, or 2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Cera Terror]] (8 Intrepid Fancies or 2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Chef Kyroo]] (10 Intrepid Figments or 4 Intrepid Fancies)
*[[Drill Sye]] (4 Intrepid Figments, 5 Intrepid Fancies, or 2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Drill Sye]] (4 Intrepid Figments, 5 Intrepid Fancies, or 2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Tama Sheep]] (5 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Electricorn]] (2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Hebby Repp]] (4, 5, or 6 Intrepid Figments or 3 Intrepid Fancies)
*[[Hebby Repp]] (4, 5, or 6 Intrepid Figments or 3 Intrepid Fancies)
*[[Iceguin Ace]] (5 Intrepid Fancies)
*[[Keeba Tiger]] (4 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[KO Kabuto]] (4 Intrepid Figments, 3 Intrepid Fancies, or 2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Komory Bat]] (4 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Kooma Panda]] (4 or 5 Intrepid Figments or 3 or 5 Intrepid Fancies)
*[[Majik Lapin]] (4 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Me Me Bunny]] (3 or 4 Intrepid Fancies or 2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Peepsta Hoo]] (5 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Peepsta Hoo]] (5 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Kooma Panda]] (4 or 5 Intrepid Figments or 3 or 5 Intrepid Fancies)
*[[Pricklemane]] (3, 4, or 5 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Pricklemane]] (3, 4, or 5 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Sir Kyroo]] (10 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Staggerceps]] (2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Tama Sheep]] (5 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Toximander]] (4 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Toximander]] (4 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Tyranto Rex]] (3 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Ursa Circus]] (3 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Zolephant]] (4 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Zolephant]] (4 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Chef Kyroo]] (10 Intrepid Figments or 4 Intrepid Fancies)
*[[Komory Bat]] (4 Intrepid Figments)
*[[Keeba Tiger]] (4 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Majik Lapin]] (4 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Electricorn]] (4 Intrepid Fancies or 2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Ursa Circus]] (3 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Staggerceps]] (2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Cera Terror]] (8 Intrepid Fancies or 2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Tyranto Rex]] (3 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Aura Lion]] (3 or 4 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Me Me Bunny]] (3 or 4 Intrepid Fancies or 2 Intrepid Fantasies)
*[[Iceguin Ace]] (5 Intrepid Fancies)

==Notes and references==
==Notes and references==