
Joined 7 November 2010
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{{Expand|create=An infoBox.}}
{{Q|...For on this day, ten THOUSAND years ago, a force of evil so grand- *LASR'D*|LegoAlchemist}}
{{Q|what is this I don't even|2=LegoAlchemist on a [ GaiaOnline mule account made of him]}}
'''LegoAlchemist''', also known as '''Doctor Reeves''', is a "contributer" to this wiki, who has wasted an entire year of his life here, using the same title on wikia, deviantART, and Twitter. He is the writer of this page. LegoAlchemist has no life and spends way too much time on the computer, mainly chatting on the IRC Channels and playing Sims. He likes to pretend that he edits frequently here, but in truth only participates in User-space, forums, image-related work, wiki-discussions, and bullsh*t messages like this one. Despite his belief that it is the worst place on the wiki, he is a frequent visitor of ''#wikia-kingdomhearts'', this wiki's IRC Channel, his main topics ranging mainly around roleplaying, Sims, LOST, and deep, philosophical discussions. LegoAlchemist is also a "hippo-crate", seen in instances when, for example, he hates critics and criticism iteslf, yet he severely criticizes things himself, among other things. He is also, in a sense, quite a whiny b*tch, proof being this entire page consisting of entirely wiki/self-critisism and complaining, despite it all being the truth. He is also held in high regard as an administrator on the [ Kingdom Hearts Fanon Wiki]. LegoAlchemist is also a frequent KGB-er, asking them random and pointless questions, then complaining about the answers.

LegoAlchemist was the person responsible for instigating the Swear Filter and PG-Rule on ''#wikia-kingdomhearts'' after becoming outraged that the "Goosh-goosh" video was posted on the channel with no consequence, and, ironically, now hates this rule and defies it on a regular basis (though the channel-goers and operators don't really seem to care).
He is also the user who brought forward the ideas of "Friend Userboxes" and "Theory namespace pages" onto this wiki, one of which is used regularly, the other which is pending approval.
<big>He is currently on a brief wiki-break in an attempt to get his life back together.</big>
== History ==
LegoAlchemist joined this wiki on November 10th, 2009 as a complete n00b, and quickly became addicted to the wiki-works. He made his debut claiming to be an image "expert", having owning a copy of Adobe Photoshop and being fairly good at using it, a title which was discarded when users like [[User:ShardofTruth|ShardofTruth]] and [[User:IZerox|iZerox]] came about. After being overshadowed by better, more experienced editors/image editors, he realized he made little impact on the mainspace itself and began participating mainly in user-space. On January 18, he ran off to the Kingdom Hearts Fanon Wiki, starting a story there that had little to no connections to Kingdom Hearts in the first place, and on September 28th, was promoted to an Administrator.
On March 27, 2010, two users posted the same video entitled "Goosh-goosh" onto the IRC channel. LegoAlchemist saw this, and became outraged that such an inappropriate thing could be posted on a channel supporting a children's game. After an argument, which led to unfair consequences, LegoAlchemist reported it immediately, and the discussion resulted in the creation of ''#wikia-kingdomhearts'''s PG-only Rule.
He has a few "friends" on this wiki (a list of these "friends" can be found [[User:LegoAlchemist/Userpage +#Friendlist|here]]), though he finds it difficult to call these people genuine friends when he has never seen them, knows barely any of their real names, and speaks to them mainly through the spam-tastic hell-hole that is #wikia-kingdomhearts. Of course, a few of these people he does consider friends, despite never knowing them in real life, examples including [[User:Maggosh|maggosh]], [[User:Randomnessity|Randomnessity]], and [[User:SquareEnixRocks|SquareEnixRocks]] (even though SER has practically vanished from the face of the wiki).
He now spends almost all of his wiki related time on the Fanon wiki, chatting on the IRC Channels, or commenting/complaining on the forums.
=== Death ===
''For more information, please see the [[User:LegoAlchemist/IRC/Lego's Death Archive|archive]].''
== Personality ==
LegoAlchemist is, in truth, a pretty nice guy, but his ego and temper often makes him come off as immature and/or rude. He has no tolerance for immaturity, and hates almost all forms of it. His manner is normally very serious, but there are times when he gets carried away and all-out goofs around. One of his motifs is "treat people the way they treat you/others"; LegoAlchemist is a total nice-guy toward people who are good natured (such as [[User:Dan da Man36|Dan da Man36]]), and will often be rude, sarcastic, or annoying toward people who troll, spam, or are just annoying (example not provided), this being another example of Lego's hypocrisy. If you are a good-natured, level-headed, outgoing person, LegoAlchemist will be your best friend<!--In a manner of speaking-->.
As all artists are, LegoAlchemist is an extremely humble person when it comes to the things he creates, and will always admit that the things he draws/writes are completely horrible. He is fully aware that this is not always true, but would rather appear modest than arrogant and prideful. This is contradictory to his existing ego and enormous sense of pride.
The unfortunate truth is that LegoAlchemist's temper is piqued very easily. This is due to an old history of bullying he has experienced, thus when anyone picks on or trolls him, no matter how subtle, it envokes defensive anger. And, if it really bothers him, due to LegoAlchemist's stubbornness and competitiveness, he will not back down and admit defeat when this occurs.
When he has a cause, LegoAlchemist will fight for it at any costs, and argue for his opinion no matter what morality it descends from, even if the argument isn't very good (there are some instances when, to quote, LegoAlchemist talks as if he has a "stick up his ass"). In light of this, LegoAlchemist is ''almost'' always honest, as usually feels guilty when he tells a lie.
One of LegoAlchemist's fears is his fear of extreme criticism, or over-analysis of the things he writes, draws, and creates to the point of negativity.
== Appearance ==
Little can be said about LegoAlchemist's appearance, though it can be gathered through previously released information and implications that LegoAlchemist is fairly tall (around 5' 10" - 5' 11") with brown eyes and a fairly slight build. LegoAlchemist is male, though lack of official conformation and LegoAlchemist's implied manner may suggest otherwise. His hair is about shoulder length and brown. One side of his hair flips outward and the other side of his hair flips in awkwardly, similar to [ Yuna]'s awkward hair. He is pale and freckly. He has also said on a few occasions that he wears braces.
LegoAlchemist looks much younger than he actually is, making him be considered extremely attractive and/or cute in the eyes of his classmates. This is debated on a large scale, however.
== Behind the scenes ==
*Although there is no conformation, LegoAlchemist's location can be confirmed by comparing IRC logs; it is implied that he lives on the West Coast of the United States of America. There have been occasions in which he has let slip of the specific state he lives in (Oregon), but there is no actual proof, seeing as Lego lies a lot about his true internet identity.
*The title "LegoAlchemist" is derived from the building toys called "Legos", which are small, plastic, inter-lockable pieces, a toy which he enjoys building with even to this day. The second part to his name, "Alchemist", derives from the popular anime series ''Fullmetal Alchemist'', as to which the specific derivation is obvious. People called "state alchemists" in the series are given a title usually following along the lines of "(insert alchemic profession here) Alchemist". Thus. LegoAlchemist's title is implied to mean "Lego Alchemist - one who professes in the alchemy of Legos".
*LegoAlchemist's real name is a mystery, though it may likely be "Kain Reeves". "DoctorReeves", his alternate username, further supports this theory, as does his Yahoo! email account, "", which also states that his real name is "Kain Reeves". Though his name may be several other things, including "Jack" or "David".
== Trivia ==
*On the IRC channels, LegoAlchemist on frequent occasions mimics the speaking pattern of the character [ Holden Caulfield] from the book entitled ''The Catcher in the Rye'', oftentimes unintentionally. There was even an entire IRC roleplay done on ''#wikia-khfanon'' in which he narrated a very long internal monologue using Holden's creative word choice.
*LegoAlchemist enjoys cooking and has a level of skill at it, noted when on occasion leaving the IRC channel to make a pizza, or bake pastries such as cookies and brownies.
*LegoAlchemist also enjoys drawing and does so very often. A complete collection of his uploaded hand drawn work can be found [ here]. He also owns the program Adobe Photoshop CS2, using it frequently for image manipulation.
*Though he claims to hate sports, calling it "a bunch of sweaty guys chasing a ball", he openly supports the Oregon Ducks, a college football team. This further supports the idea that LegoAlchemist may live in the state of Oregon.
== On an unrelated note... ==
===Days Weapon article gameplay sections===
*[[Xemnas]] - '''DONE'''
*[[Xigbar]] - '''DONE'''
*[[Xaldin]] - '''DONE'''
*[[Vexen]] - '''DONE'''
*[[Lexaeus]] - '''DONE'''
*[[Zexion]] - '''DONE'''
*[[Axel]] - '''DONE'''
*[[Saix]] - '''DONE'''
*[[Demyx]] - '''DONE'''
*[[Luxord]] - '''DONE'''
*[[Marluxia]] - '''DONE'''
*[[Larxene]] - '''DONE'''
;<big>[[User:LegoAlchemist/Userpage +|Userpage +]]</big>
