Forum:Restoration of my Rights: Difference between revisions

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{{RikutheBloody|time={{User:Master Riku the Bloody/Sig1}} 15:56, 10 February 2015 (UTC)|angry=Don't we already have enough staff members? Another one really won't matter. Besides, you should wait until you're active again before trying to get your powers back. The things that you said you would use them for is already being filled. NinjaSheik is already deleting most of the pages, KSM is moving pages when they need them, (Neumannz sometimes too), and Neumannz is blocking the users who needs to be blocked, as seen somewhere in the changes. I don't believe there is any reason for you to have these powers, as we have enough Staff Members.}}
{{RikutheBloody|time={{User:Master Riku the Bloody/Sig1}} 15:56, 10 February 2015 (UTC)|angry=Don't we already have enough staff members? Another one really won't matter. Besides, you should wait until you're active again before trying to get your powers back. The things that you said you would use them for is already being filled. NinjaSheik is already deleting most of the pages, KSM is moving pages when they need them, (Neumannz sometimes too), and Neumannz is blocking the users who needs to be blocked, as seen somewhere in the changes. I don't believe there is any reason for you to have these powers, as we have enough Staff Members.}}
{{Xion4ever|time=15:59, 10 February 2015 (UTC)|text=Your very first sentence proves that you took literally no time to actually read my message in the first place. This is exactly why I posted that log: to get your attention. Go back and reread all of the comments on here thus far. Unless the person was outright "Yeah! Let's give ENX his membership card back!" you've completely ignored their messages and attacked them in response. Instead of jumping to the cannons so quickly, why don't you actually listen as to why someone would disagree to return your old position? Then, instead of saying "you're all unprofessional morons," let's trying figuring out a compromise or solution.
Administrator rights- even moderator rights- are not succulent or savory pieces of candy in which anyone can earn if they're "good little Susie/Johnny." These rights are given to users who not only prove themselves as editors, but also as people. How many of us have either worked or known a store boss/manager/whoever that was a complete jerk? In my experience, the person was an absolute, inconsiderate jerk, but they were good at managing the store/"keeping the business afloat." Said boss however, due to their personality/characteristics, drove people to quit and made the workplace a generally unhappy/miserable place. Likewise, we don't just hand these out to people "for the giggles," or because they've earned it once upon a time. Saying someone is a staff member is the Wiki/current staff/all users/editors saying "we're in complete 100% support and trust of this person to professionally and maturely represent us." If it was a piece of candy, I can list at least five people that deserve it just because they're really nice/cool people.
As for asking why you have not been given an official warning template, the last time that happened [ all] [ this] [ drama] came about. Do we really want a repeat of that? [ Example 1: Edit warring] Besides, that should prove that we're trying to be as civil and professional as we can be. Rather than outright slapping a warning template on your talk page we've tried to talk it out and compromise/find a solution. If you'd rather us actually follow our rules of edit warring/other things that merit being given warnings/bans, we'll do just that. We'll go back to being the "big meanies" and "unprofessional morons" that made you hate/leave in the first place.
Rare instances of you losing your cool and completely snapping at someone? You act as if this occurs only once every blue moon- it doesn't. Would you prefer I cite the most recent instances? Or stick with the past years? Shoot. Look through yours, Kryten's, and DTN's talk page archives. Lots of goodies to be found there.
The point is whether you've earned your staff rights back. To me, I feel that you have not. Ever since you resumed activity, late December and up to the middle of January (about the time school starts again), you've done nothing but edit war with others, be an RC vulture, make "small" edits such as grammar- which staff should do, but that shouldn't primarily be their main contribution or output, complain how unfair this place is, and completely ignore when other people were saying [ "Hey, we could really use your help here"]. ''That'' is completely mind boggling to me. It doesn't matter who is asking you for help, a staff member or regular user, if you're expecting to become a staff member than you should be jumping up and down saying "Heck yes I'll help you out, let's get this started!" But no. You've done the complete opposite, giving us lip service saying "Oh, I might do that" or "I can't help out." That is ridiculous and insane. Where are these self-proclaimed "high quality edits" you speak of? Going off of what you've shown us in the past two months- determining whether you regain your staff position or not- is a joke. That's like applying for Harvard and sending in an incomplete resume or a two sentence essay response.
I'm saying that a staff member isn't someone who has made some good edits in the past and that editing is the only reason someone becomes a staff member. I'm saying that a staff member is someone who made some good edits in the past that the community/staff decided should become a staff member, and then that person works their butt off to uphold that expectation/quality expected of staff members. Alongside all of the editing world is that person's personality/characteristics/actions. Staff members are the main actors in the spotlight in the public's eye/Wiki world. If something sucks, often times they'll blame it on the staff. In short, we can't have short tempered, "I deserve this" people- even if they used to make great edits. This means that: No, the behavior issue is not a separate problem- it is a current problem that needs to be handled now. Under that belief, I still do not see you making any attempt to prove my initial message wrong. Quite the contrary, you are proving it to be correct. Seeing as how our staff policy was never set-in-stone or completely declared perfect, I propose that we insert the addition for both retired/inactive/current/active staff: You must prove that you actually deserve your position/title back. You worked hard to get it in the past, so you should work hard to get it back and keep it. Earning your position back just because you made five grammar/Mirage Arena events a day doesn't mean anything. That's like telling your parents "I want a car because I have a driver's license and it's your job as parents" after you wrecked the car they initially gave you.
As for me posting that log. Don't paint a dramatic picture of how "we were best friends" or "this is the absolute most down-right awful thing a person could do." You've removed the "I think of several users on here as friends" from your userpage a month ago when we had a spat over the music articles, and you're actions between not just me but everyone else prove otherwise. In both the distant and most recent past you've thrown people- even those you called "friends" under the bus if it meant you might: become a staff member, make yourself look better, or to fulfill your own selfish actions. I posted that log mainly because it isn't something you and I should talk about, obviously. You have complaints against other users and staff on here- ''let's hear it and solve this problem right now.'' I don't believe for one second that you were "going to eventually take care of this problem," because this problem has been around for ''years''- we have IRC logs, talk pages, forums, etc. proving so. If you were actually going to take care/settle this stuff you already would have. Instead you'd rather hide it under the rug until you get what you want. How does that sound?
"I cannot properly show this change you are trying to mock me with until the missing links are reconnected." -> This is the biggest point you've been missing from the get go- not just now but back when we first joined: '''you don't need to be a staff member to prove yourself- as an editor or person'''. If you think regaining your staff position is a cure-all to everything, you're wrong. Don't believe me? Look at what happened when you did become a moderator back at "the old place." You still acted the same as you do today: arguing with others, complaining how much you "hate this place and such-and-such people." If this doesn't prove the point, then look at some of the non-staff editors we have here. Sove, Pea, Riku the Bloody, ANX219, Pain, FifteenthMember, UltimaSpark, and others. None of those guys/gals are staff but they've been incredibly helpful editors and super nice people. If there was ever a conflict or "bad situation"/argument, those guys acted mature and either found a compromise for everyone or admitted that they were wrong and apologized. What I admire the most is that '''they kept working hard.''' They didn't loathe in self-pity and mud-slinging the staff/editors they had problems with. They talked it out, settled the problem, and went on editing as if nothing had happened.
As for your whole mother-3D scenario, what on earth do you think those required two months of activity were for? Those were your two months to pull out all the stops and prove that you do indeed fact deserve to have your staff "powers" returned. We gave you two months- even more than that, due to how long we've postponed this discussion- and we're still not seeing any improvement.
There are two questions that must be asked of the current staff and anyone that could potentially become staff:
*Do you want someone that acts like that as a staff member?
*Do you want someone that acts like that to represent you?
This isn't to say that someone is doomed to never become a staff member because of how they currently are- people do indeed change. However, until it is shown that someone has changed, they don't deserve such a title. Again, I reference the "letting a toddler drive a car" scenario in my first message. This follows up to your "He behaved his best to show he is capable of doing so (the two months of constant editing required by the policy), and now the mother is to give back the 3DS." If [ this] [ is] [ the] [ best] [ you] [ can] [ behave]...[ dang]. I'm disappointed.
"My point here is that you ask to see a change in behavior before I get my rights back. And that is not the issue that got them taken away. It was my inactivity..." This proves that completely ignored FM's comment above. I'll [ re-share] [ the links].
"...May become an issue yet again because the batch of unprofessional morons we are is driving me away. And that is not my fault. It is yours. You, the Wiki, are driving off a committed, regular, high-quality editor, and he has every right not to come back...But he wants you to remember that he chooses to spend his time editing here. He has every right to say "I quit!" and leave you all in the dust." -> You tell me, how on earth does that sound like someone who deserves to be a staff member? You're outright saying that if we/the Wiki ticks you off enough you'll leave us out to dry. Not only that, but you've insulted the entire community- editors, staff, and users- by saying we're "a batch of unprofessional morons." You want to talk about how self-righteous we all are? You better re-read your sentence ["And that is not my fault. It is yours."]. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
"...if my past behavior is the only thing standing in my way, then that is being held against me at the wrong time..." -> I'm talking about your current behavior. Even a day or two ago you were shouting at Kryten in edit summaries. I'm referencing your behavior the past two "probationary" month periods that come straight from this staff policy that you're banking on.
"You want to see a change in behavior? Well this issue needs to be taken care of first." -> That's why I'm posting all these eyesores of texts and making such a big deal out of this. You want the issue settled? Let's settle it. That's what this forum is about.
"That is what determines if someone should be in a position to maintain the Wiki on a higher degree than another. Not the person's "behavior."" -> The fact that you fail to see how someone's behavior would matter on being/becoming a staff member exactly proves why I am against reinstating you. We are supposed to be the role models of the Wiki, in both editing and our actions. I am absolutely astonished that you cannot see this, or refuse to.}}