Forum:Restoration of my Rights: Difference between revisions

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:How about a vote? {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 22:30, 9 February 2015 (UTC)
:How about a vote? {{User:Byzantinefire/Sig}} 22:30, 9 February 2015 (UTC)
{{neumannz|time=23:09, 9 February 2015 (UTC)|text=As I said before, I do not have any reason to believe ENX will abuse the tools.}}
{{neumannz|time=23:09, 9 February 2015 (UTC)|text=As I said before, I do not have any reason to believe ENX will abuse the tools.}}
{{Xion4ever|time=04:21, 10 February 2015 (UTC)|text=Being a staff member means more than just having a new black Keyblade image on your userpage and a new title. It is even more than actual editing- though edits have a hardy say in the matter. However, one thing we- at least I tend to forget and have to remind myself sometimes- is that being a staff member is more than just editing. We're expected to be the role models, leaders, mature, have a hard work ethic, be encouraging, willingness to help others, neutral/level headed, knowing how to defuse/handle/compromise depending on the situation, and <insert other qualities here> of the Wiki. Welcoming new users and going to a Roundtable or two isn't enough to qualify a person as such. As for edits, it's no lie that numbers have never meant anything to me. I base such things mainly off of the quality. This isn't to say that I think people fixing categories/other "smaller"/"minor" edits don't count- they are definitely helpful and very much needed. However, for someone considering a staff position? A handful of grammar edits and little/no appearance on the IRC is not cool.
As for blaming- or rather, explaining- your medical conditions. That's actually pretty admirable to publish something so personal on the internet/international forums. Regardless, all of us have our own problems. Hell, if we're going by my family/"my" self, there's severe depression and anxiety. ''BUT'', we don't blame any problems/conflicts we have on such things or throw a hissy fit when things don't go our way. This means we either have to avoid/stop the sources which trigger our OCD/anxiety/whatever- in this case, to stop editing outright- or to find ways to manage it. Whether this means taking a day off to calm down or to reread a message/edit to compose our thoughts. Just stating that you have a "problem" and to expect others to unconditionally feel sorry for you or to excuse all of your actions-both present and past- is ridiculous. Sure, we'll be like "Oh hey, Xion is prone to being a jerk because she has anger issues" and lower the wrath/rock throwing a bit, but that doesn't excuse or condone me being a jerk. If you are that unstable or prone to "overreacting"/freaking out, what's to stop you from freaking out/mishandling an important staff duty (i.e. affiliation requests/meetings/etc.)?
As for "beginning again," you've tried/mentioned that every time you get on here every <nowiki>#</nowiki> month periods. This is proven not just in IRC logs but on here, spanning the course of ''years.'' So what's stopping it? Talk is cheap. Actually prove what you're saying. You've "talked the talk" to us for years but have yet to "walk the walk." To be quite honest, most people here that were around back when you first joined/"the old you" was around are myself, TNE, Neumannz, Kryten, maybe Pea, and NinjaSheik. Most of the "new" users here don't have a clue about the "old you." And even if they did, ''who cares?'' We've all done stuff on here we're not proud of/didn't reflect ourselves as best as we can be. So what? We've acknowledged that and made the proper apologies/adjustments/whatever. The only person stopping you from moving on is yourself. Besides, most people base other people on how that person acts in the most recent past/present time. On here that would mean like about a month or two.
The reason why this has mainly been postponed is exactly because of your behavior. As for begging for staff rights, it's been obvious since the first months you joined that you were mainly interested on becoming a staff [ member].
*"[16:54] <ENX> I feel like I was more productive as an admin." -> If you have to be a staff member in order to judge productivity/whatever, you need to recheck that. There are plenty of users that are not staff that are damn good editors. Heck, how do users become staff members anyways? They work hard and become damn good editors. A staff position isn't a kick start to someone's editing career or determines whether or not they serve a purpose on here. Everyone, even the trolls, serve a purpose here.
"[18:46] <Xion4ever> Man, name at least five people who view you negatively."
"[18:46] <ENX> I don't have to. Thankfully, most are inactive now."
"[18:47] <ENX> But I can't do anything to help or fix this Wiki I love and bring it back to its glory days, and it kinda gets me frustrated." -> Implying that without a staff position you can't be of use. What nonsense.
"It is this kind of hostility (intended or not, and how I see it, anyways...) that actually encourages my inactivity. " - If you're going to run away/go inactive anytime there is a problem/disagreement/argument on here, that's inconsistent activity and a waste of time to make you a staff member. Throwback to first paragraph words: level-headed, mature
"I do not think it is fair of you to judge a "change in attitude" when you have barely even looked for one." - Look for one? Why? You've just shown one right there. [ And there]. [ And here]. [ Also here]. Need I go on? Notice how these are within the past two months- well after the "new you"'s arrival.
The whole paragraph in which you call out Neumannz to research OCD - Alright, we get it that you have OCD/"problems." We know that you're not intentionally trying to come off as a jerk or argumentative- no one ever does. I'll even go further to say we understand that you're trying your hardest to keep it "under control." But dang it, man, you can't blame every mishap or shortcoming in your life on said "problems." You think you're the only one with genetic disorders or "problems?" There are a lot of people with the same problems and those much more serious/problematic that find a way to make things work.
I can be a "foolish friend," Lord knows I'm a ton of other things, but between: "I cannot control my anxiety disorder, or how it makes me treat others, or how interactions with others have shaped me as an individual." and "[18:48] <ENX> And I guess other parts of the problem are I'm just too hard on myself and my expectations are too high. [18:49] <ENX> So I'm self-destructive to top things off." Again, if this is such a big problem why on earth should we put someone in a "high position" if they're going to be such a liability? That would be like letting a toddler drive a car. Counterproductive and quite dangerous.
As for the images that need deleted comment, Chainoffire and I wiped the articles for deletion category out last summer. As for the janitorial title, hand me a mop and a bucket and sign me up. I agree with Neumannz on all accounts.
And, just to make sure we do actually bury the hatchet this time. I'm calling out on all accounts so we can all duke it out and then get over it/heal. There is too much unspoken drama/problems here. Let it be known that if anyone ever has a problem with me, just say so. I'll listen and we can figure something out. But for pete's sake don't bottle that crap up and let it fester over time. '''''Or else we end up here.'''''
*[ Log]
I don't think ENX would abuse the tools given to staff members. My main concern is the behavior. Even now we're still arguing over 'You guys should just "grin and bear it"' and 'We have a problem with your behavior.' To me, unless it is proven otherwise, I am against returning anyone's rights- even for current/active staff. Staff members are editors, yes, but we are so much more than that. Don't believe me? Check out other websites and even other Wikis. I recall one Wiki bashing DTN and summarizing our entire staff as morons/unprofessional all because they found him to be insulting/unprofessional. Notice that this isn't a final "you shall not pass" thing, but more of an extended probationary period. You keep saying you've changed/you're gonna change. What better encouragement is there to prove it? Until then, I vote no.
With all of this stuff said, guys... If I've fallen to a "low beyond low" from all of this, by all means someone ban/remove my staff rights/do something immediately. It was not my intent, but I completely understand and take full responsibility.}}