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{{LapisScarab|time=10:23, August 19, 2010 (UTC)|text=And once again I must comment on the newest (and final before the release) trailer. Willia Holland has reinforced my belief that every scene with Aqua will be excruciatingly painful to listen to, whoever's voicing Terra is pretty good, but I don't like how high his voice is in some scenes, Nimoy is okay, and Bret Iwan is ''amazing'' as the new Mickey. Either he's doing the voice perfectly, or that's archived voicework. Eraqus sounds great, and I'm surprised that that's Mark Hamill's voice. Vanitas is pretty good, especially his laugh. The apprentices (Braig, Even, etc.) are all done well, as are Lea and Isa. I like how all of them change their voices slightly, so they don't sound exactly like their Nobodies.}}
{{LapisScarab|time=10:23, August 19, 2010 (UTC)|text=And once again I must comment on the newest (and final before the release) trailer. Willia Holland has reinforced my belief that every scene with Aqua will be excruciatingly painful to listen to, whoever's voicing Terra is pretty good, but I don't like how high his voice is in some scenes, Nimoy is okay, and Bret Iwan is ''amazing'' as the new Mickey. Either he's doing the voice perfectly, or that's archived voicework. Eraqus sounds great, and I'm surprised that that's Mark Hamill's voice. Vanitas is pretty good, especially his laugh. The apprentices (Braig, Even, etc.) are all done well, as are Lea and Isa. I like how all of them change their voices slightly, so they don't sound exactly like their Nobodies.}}
{{ST|text=Personal impressions:Terra's VA is fine but the voice itself still sucks like hell, Ventus awesome as to be expected, ME not bad, MX really cool, ORG XIII's 2-8 me likes how they sound slightly different from nobodies like LS said except Braig who sounds exactly the same, Vanitas is pretty cool plus the laugh is just EPIC!!! Mickey is just plain stupendous, and Aqua's getting better but still sounds like a half ass fandub. I must say though i did not expect that would be the way to pronounce vanitas's name}}
{{ST|text=Personal impressions:Terra's VA is fine but the voice itself still sucks like hell, Ventus awesome as to be expected, ME not bad, MX really cool, ORG XIII's 2-8 me likes how they sound slightly different from nobodies like LS said except Braig who sounds exactly the same, Vanitas is pretty cool plus the laugh is just EPIC!!! Mickey is just plain stupendous, and Aqua's getting better but still sounds like a half ass fandub. I must say though i did not expect that would be the way to pronounce vanitas's name}}
{{GeniusMage|text=These are my opnions on the voices:
Aqua's voice...ugh just ugh...kinda painful to listen too.
Terra's voice is okish not what'd except though O_o.
Good job on Ven's voice. I quite like it.
Master Xehanort's voice...doesn't fit. Doesn't fit at all.
Eraqus's voice is the best of the bunch. Great job whoever does his voice.
Vanitas's voice i've grown quite fond of. I like his voice :)}}
{{Chitalian8|time= 19:36, August 20, 2010 (UTC)|text= After watching the new trailer, I can say that Jesse McCartney is superb as always, Eraqus' voice is perfect, Vanitas sounds great, especially his laugh, Bret Iwan is perfect as Mickey, MX sounds good, Terra is pretty good, Lea and Isa are perfect, and all of the Disney characters are perfect, especially James Woods (haha). The one Disney character I don't like is Yen Sid (I think he got a new voice/voice actor). Also, Ansem the Wise sounds different in the video, so maybe Christopher Lee isn't in the game. Now about Aqua. I honestly have nothing bad to say about it.  I know a lot of people hate it, but I think it's pretty much perfectly fine. She could add just a tiny bit more emotion, but I don't think it's as bad as people say it is. Oh, and, PETE'S A D-LINK :O!!!}}
{{LapisScarab|time=14:57, September 11, 2010 (UTC)|text=Final comments in the finished product. I'll only comment after I've gone through the appropriate playthrough (where the characters are featured most prominently).
Terra's Story:
*Terra's VA, Jason Dohring (I mean Christian Bale! He's so obviously Christian Bale!) surprised me a bit. I thought he was just going to be so-so but for the most part he was a little above average, sometimes he wasn't that good, and at others he was damn good.
*I kind of switched back and forth on opinion of Leonard Nimoy as Master Xehanort. Overall I think he's okay, he certainly isn't unpleasant to listen to, though I prefer the Japanese VA. I think Nimoy's voice would have worked better if MX hadn't been so animated with his gestures. The deep type of voice worked for Xemnas because his gestures were slow, but MX moves quickly and it makes me think he should sound more crazy and worked up.
*Braig sounded awesome. I like how his voice is just slightly different from Xigbar's (thought he had a Brooklyn-ish accent at one point), and of course he was funny.
*Mark Hamill was great as Master Eraqus. In fact he was probably one of my favorite VAs in the game.}}
{{Randomnessity|garland=Mark Hamill was and is awesome. I wish he had more lines. But I'm on Aqua's scenario, so I will have to brave the deadly voice of Willa Holland.}}
{{LapisScarab|time=19:15, September 11, 2010 (UTC)|text=Ven's story:
*Jesse McCartney is of course great as Ventus, though I'm noticing that he is given some of the wierder lines in the series ("Time to play, cat!", "Who am I going to have ice cream with", "Will someone tell me how I got so SMALL?!").
*Vanitas sounds great as well, which caught me just a little by surprise. I don't know why, but I was worried that they'd mess him up somehow. The only thing that bugs me (and this is true with all helmet-wearing characters) is that his voice doesn't get muffled or change in any way when his helmet is on. I've always been rather annoyed by that.
*Dilan and Aeleus both sound very good and, like I mentioned before, I like how their VA's changed their voices slightly. They're less monotone than their Nobodies, which makes perfect sense. Think that's about it for Ven. Even sounds like, well, a slightly less crazy Vexen. And Ienzo has the greatest voice actor in the game. Not since Orson Welles has the world been blessed with such a voice!
*Oh, and Bret Iwan continues to astound me as Mickey. I honestly can't tell the difference from Mickey's two VAs.
EDIT:Ah, Lea and Isa are both done very well. Not  awhole lot to say about Lea, since, well, he's just a younger Axel. Isa's voice sounds very different from Saix, and again makes him seem more human than his Nobody, which is the point. I like Isa's wit and his VA (I forget his name) and Flynn work well together.}}
{{BebopKate|time=20:03, September 11, 2010 (UTC)|text=Lapis, you read my mind.  Especially on Mickey.  About halfway through his scenes I thought, "Oh yeah, new VA!"  So far, I haven't been able to tell Iwan apart from Allwine, and that's pretty impressive. 
I've enjoyed all of the other voice performances so far as well.  I know a lot of people are thrown off by Nimoy, but I am willing to give him a break because...well, it's ''Leonard Nimoy!'' *cue Sheldon Cooper-style freak out*  Aqua is growing on me just a little bit.  Time will tell, though, as I'm still only working through Ven's track, and I haven't seen as much of her yet.}}
{{Randomnessity|chaos=I was expecting Vanitas's VA to fail slightly, but I was pleasently surprised. He's good at saying idiot bluntly.}}
{{LapisScarab|time=03:22, September 13, 2010 (UTC)|text=Finally, Aqua's story:
*You all know I was expecting Aqua's scenes to be unbearable and I will partially -- ''partially'' is the key word -- retract that. Maybe I just got used to it, but her voice wasn't unbearable... most of the time. There were still a few horrendous moments here and there, but most of the time the problem was that she just sucked the energy and emotion out aof a scene. I harp on this a lot because I love Aqua as a character, she's the first legitimate female protagonist the series has had, in my opinion (Kairi doesn't do anything except get rescued, Namine draws stuff and talk for most of her scenes, Xion was better and more tragic, but still kind of fragile personality-wise; Aqua was a freakin' warrior and her Japanese voice matched perfectly). It was a disappointment is all. Rant over. Oh, I will give her one more compliment; I loved when she called Vanitas a freak in Neverland. That got a chuckle out of me.
*Can't really comment on Zack that much, I don't have Crisis Core (yet) so I don't know what he sounded like, but I liked him in this.
*The minor Disney characters were all very well done, as is the tradition. Again, not much to say.
*Sora, Riku, and Kairi as children were surprisingly well done. Kids in video games have a tendency to have really annoying and/or obnoxious voices, but that wasn't the case here. What's more, they all sounded like their personalities (Kairi sounded like a typical cute little girl, Sora was a happy-go-lucky kid, and Riku was a slightly more serious happy-go-lucky kid). What does it say about the cast when these three were far more enjoyable to hear than Aqua?}}
All those kids are actually child actors, with Kairi's VA being seven years older than her character. I ''did'' think she sounded a bit old for reception-age.[[Special:Contributions/|]] 08:35, October 13, 2010 (UTC)