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{{RoxasXIIILK|time=22:30, January 16, 2011 (UTC)|laughing=  Yep I'm all good now lol I watched cartoons all day yesterday XD lol but yea I made that sprite and a few more actualy :D Here they are :D
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=22:30, January 16, 2011 (UTC)|laughing=  Yep I'm all good now lol I watched cartoons all day yesterday XD lol but yea I made that sprite and a few more actualy :D Here they are :D
File:VenExcitedTBS.png|This is the one you gave me! Awesome eh :D I LOVE how it came out :D|This is the one you gave me! Awesome eh :D I LOVE how it came out :D
File:VentusSad2TBS.png|This is one I made afterwards which is now my new sad ven bubble. The old one is now dpressed :D|This is one I made afterwards which is now my new sad ven bubble. The old one is now dpressed :D
File:VenConfusedTBS.png|And this one I just made today not too long ago :D I found out that you can actualy take screenshots yourself with any video and edit it on photoshop :D I am soo happy lol|And this one I just made today not too long ago :D I found out that you can actualy take screenshots yourself with any video and edit it on photoshop :D I am soo happy lol
So whatdya think ;D}}
So whatdya think ;D}}
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Not only that, but there's a reason why he has such affinity to Darkness ^_^
Not only that, but there's a reason why he has such affinity to Darkness ^_^
Fair enough, my friend. Rest nicely, and good luck at work. Till we met again!}}
Fair enough, my friend. Rest nicely, and good luck at work. Till we met again!}}
{{Dark-EnigmaXIII|time=15:30, 8 March 2011 (EST)|Xemnas2= Nice to hear from you, Seph. So, are you grasping the information at job?
I Actually made my first main space edit here today in the No Heart page. I polished it a little, since it wasnt really being fair with that son of a... submariner! (He is harder than what people think...)
Yes, I like to read when I can, especially now with my injured hand. So my reading speed and determination are high, hehe. Roxas reaction to the lonely Awakening when Sora couldnt even heard him was actually very human... for a Nobody at least. And Ven almost made me cry! But then, you managed to get my mind to create a really touching picture of a Nobody calming an injured heart... it was priceless. Also... that lecture about cornered beigns... very Xemnas-like to talk down on other life forms like that ;) Funny he ended-up doing the same in KHII (The laser dome-thingy was way desperate, if you ask me...). English it's not mine either, but i do my best, hehe. Well, now that I cant drawn, I decided to start writting my story as well... but I will take time.
Problem with Barthandelus is that he is not really human-like. Braska Final Aeon was mostly a gargantuan Jecht. Still, Nomura could have done a redesing, as he did with Ultimecia, I guess. Well, not beign the Main antagonist, doesnt mean Raines wouldnt fit... Remember Seymour Guyado? He was the antagonist more than Jecht. Also, Zemus was the true villain of FFIV, not Golbez, but he is there. But if you ask me, Raines is more of a tragic anti-hero.
Ohh? Look like someone have a fighting style in mind ^^ Do you have any name for Hope's? Like "Magic Shifter"? As for our little knight, he also seemed more "confused" this time... I mean, look at his face... is like is not sure about why is he figthing for. As for Ashe... Did she ever realized that Gabranth did that? o.o
I cant remember... I know Vaan knew about it because Basch told them when they were escaping the Dungeons, but... well, still, Ashe had a bigger grudge against Vayne Solidor. (I still think he would have been a cool character, especially since the Sky fortress Bahamut Omega Version turn the sky orange like when the party faces the Undying)... And, to be honest... Vaan WAS the official main character... even if he didnt had an impact in the story... (somentimes I forgot about him in cutscenes... until I saw him when I entered a city)
Im talking like Nomura? Is that good or bad? lol XD "Im afraid I cant say that at the moment. You would have to wait and see. Im sure you can think your own theories". Dont get me wrong, but im still pulishing the details of the story, and the reaseon behind his darkness is a main plot point.}}
{{Dark-EnigmaXIII|time=17:15, 8 March 2011 (EST)|Xemnas7=It did? I dindt notice... Dont worry about it. ;) Thants good to hear... and that sound difficult :/ Ribbons? Well, I used to animate 3D models in my free time, and for me "Ribbons" are a completely different thing lol.
Ohh, so you already started it? Thats great! ^^ Mine is still in the ''Prologue: Roads''. So, numer 13 can feel again...? Im even more intrigued... Why I have the feeling youre going to bring back a old ''bad boy''? (If you know what I mean)
Really...? You were hearing ''Ventus's Theme''? Believe it or not, so was I while reading it. While I wont spoild anything of my story for you, while writting the prologue, I was listening to ''"Keyblade Graveyard Horizon"''. Yes, You really grasped Xemnas character, even when he is such a deep one. Congrats! Vexen would have been good, too, as Roxas himself said: That fact that it was his only mission with the Superior added... "somenthing" to it. He shouldnt had forgotten it so easily ;)
Well, I do not find Raines as an antagonist either... but in the same line, i dont consider Gabranth a true villain. I mean, yes he killed and did some horrible things... but in the veil of war, a lot of atrocities are made. And, at the end, he didnt look like a bad guy at all! I felt sorry when he died... Even more than with Reddas. Well, as far as I know... Kain DO betray everyone in 012, for reason I cannot comprehend. That's right, I wonder what's wrong with the Warrior of Light this time? I never really liked him to begin with... This time is not so clear who are good or bad, but it seems the manikins are the main antagonist.
Well, that's right... But Ashe never showed signs of hate toward Gabranth... and I think that, had him not attacked, the party wouldnt had fought against him in the Pharos. Oh, Vayne in Dissidia... I can imagine a complete moveset and Ex-mode... Figthing Style: Tyranical Smasher (Assaults oponnent with chains of attacks to initiate chase) Ex mode should be Vayne Novus, with him gaining some mechanical parts of the undying for the Ex-burst "Tera-Flare"... Gosh, I could keep going!
Yes, my main team was of Basch, Ashe & Balthier (''What can I say? He's the leading man!'')
Vaan and Penelo never really fought sn important battle. They are around 15-20 while my main team is 80-90... That remainds me... I have to beat Yiazmat still }}
{{Dark-EnigmaXIII|time=19:13, 8 March 2011 (EST)|Xemnas3= I used a program called mdlvis to do it. In fact, I gave some animation to a ripped (extracted from a game) Omega Weapon from FFVIII... Yup, that sound like a total time-comsuming mess... I hope you can grasp it quickly :D
Ohhhh, you got me intrigued... I havent been so cautivated by a story since I readed "The Eagle has come" years ago. So, most of your roster of character will be KH original? I plan to add a Final Fantasy character, but I havent decided still. The dark tone of my story is not really suited for Disney worlds... Still, we will see the king and the others ^^. Roxas and Ventus forming a close bond, uh...? Awww, I cant hep to find that cute (in more ways than one... some not so innocent lol) and somenthing priceless! (I do wonder what do you have in your mind... considering you jumped straight into clearing that up , hehehe!) Music in Kingdom Hearts is always great (at least... most of the time) and only time will tell that my friend ;)
Yes, Gabranth ended up like a martyr of some kind... That's why I found him so intriguing... My favorite FFXII character (and my main Dissidia fighter). As of Kain... he was actually the first dragoon in the series to use "Jump"... so he is kinda the "original" dragoon. Even more, is is the tipycal anti-hero, and to some, that is bad@$$. I loved Cid Highwind the most, as his bad-mouth way of speaking was kinda... "charming" and hide an actually deep character with a "real" dream: Go to space. And, if you pay atention, Fang has a lot of traits from Kain...
I guess I just finf irritating that for a guy who never speaked in his own game, the WoL is so insistent with light and justice made me sick (Light, give me strenght! They light is always with me! Bathe in the light! Sword of light! Shield of Light! LIGHT! etc, you got the idea). AS of now, it seems Ligthing IS the leader of the Warriors of Cosmos this time around... Even more, you can see the ending of the game on internet if you want. I wont spoil you if you decide not to, but is kinda obvious how it all ended. Zodiark is not that hard. I beated him in leve 55-65... The hard part was reaching to him. Also, It helped me that I took the time to look for the Excalibur in the great crystal at giruvegan (Gosh, I hate that place) After him, I killed the Hell Wyvern, and now I got Yiazmat... I dont know if I would try Omega, tho.. Inded, that esper battle theme builds the tension very well. I remember it the most from the fights agains Zalera & Chuculain.
Fair enough my friend. Good night, and I hope we can keep talking soon enough ;) }}
{{Dark-EnigmaXIII|time=23:23, 11 March 2011 (EST)|Xemnas5=I am extremely sorry for the delay in my reply, my friend... It just... I had a horrible day, and I was trying to calm me down... I was about to go sleep that bad blood off, but decided to reply so to not leave you hagging out to dry.
So, Sephy made "President Shinra" happy, uh? As expected! But, now that I realize... I havent even asked wis the purpose of your company... as far as I know, you could be searching for the Promised Land :/ So, yeah, what is it, uh?
I suppose is reasonable. Using too much characters will end up bad... like some kind of pseudo ''Deus ex machina'' gone wrong. I have the same proble. I mean, the main character of my story is my character, and he will interact with the others. But the dark tone of my story wont make it suitable for a lot of Disney characters... of course, the kind, Donal, Goofy, the queen... the more important will be on it. As for Final Fantasy Character, there will be recurring ones, and a few ones never before seen in KH... (still decideing, though)
So, maybe you finish it soon? Great news!! And I understand... beside, you got a point there... poor Ventus will suffer doing somenthing like ''that''...
So, Sephiroth is your main...? Figures, I thought it'll be Kefka... nha, just joking ^^ (why do Kefka fans and Sephiroth fans tend to hate each other...? Im not talking about you, but there a lot of them) My first main was Cloud, with which I beated Shade Impulse for the first time. Then I changed to Sephiroth, who becames a machine of breaks after I gave him Iai strike. It was my first level 100 character. Then I mastered Exdeath, and High Block (Omni Block is not so effective to me) and after clearing the path to Chaos in Inward Chaos, Exdeath sended that level 110 Master of Bedlam into the rift. Then, I turned my atention into Darth Va- Gabranth, and mastered to the point of having him equipped in such a way that his Ex-Mode last like half an hour, if I dont do anything... it is almost impossible to me to exit EX mode with him, without using the Ex-burst. Oh, Jecht... I leveled him up till 100 but never... ever did a combo sucesfully. And not even Eraqus is THAT obnoxious! At least he said variantas like "Let the darkness DIE!" or "weak!" not always "Light! To shine brighter! Bathe i-" You got it the last time...
I actually spoil myself almost everytime... T-T
And neither has mine, with KH BBS Final Mix, and especially that Heartless "No heart"... what a... son of submariner... (oh, kefka... thank you for that prhase) As for me, I ended everything, with the exeption of Yiazmanta and Omega... God, i loved Gilgamesh in this game. I will never forget Chuculain... tha face he idd before the fight... and the fight itself was such a pain... Zalera was cool, i gave him to Balthier, about Chaos... well, one pain of a subquest but good... and Ultima... oh, god, Ultima! The first time I found her accidentaly without saving in 4 hours! I tried, and tried 2 hours... till I beated her with only Basch left standing... (On a side note, here, Ultima is know as "Artema")
Well, Im off to bed, my friend... Also, I think we should consider following this conversation by mail... I mean, the title of this section was originally guided to the fact that we havent talked for a while... but know it seems to signal the site of the section ^^ which is, in fact, too long already.}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=16:37, 7 March 2011 (EST)|roxas= Hey Sephy :D lol yes it's all fine still haven't finished the math but it can wait ;) It's wicked easy. And alright lets see em! :D I was actualy looking for some to make you as well. I found a few col renders but I'm not sure. As for a limit....... Dude, you look at my template and tell me about a limit XD lol The limit would be the same as a talk page so prob around 100ish somewhere alone that line ;)}}
== Long Time No <s>See</s> Hear ==
{{Darkheart3|time={{User:Darkheart3/Autosig}}19:14, 14 May 2011 (EDT)|happy=Hey Seph! Where you been. I haven't seen you for a long time! How's things?EDIT:Great thanks! I'm in Seventh Grade now, so studying has become almost a hobby, and i'm having a major walkthrough spasm on the wikia!EDIT2:Yes, the walkthrough namespace is coming up here as well. I've sorta taking up a hobby of making walkthroughs. My latest one is [ this].}}