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*''"Hmm, this place smells fishy, and we're a long way from water."''<br/>— <small>sensing Jafar's presence to be very close</small>
*''"Hmm, this place smells fishy, and we're a long way from water."''<br/>— <small>sensing Jafar's presence to be very close</small>
''"Well, sure there is! A few swift kicks in Jafar's caboose oughta kickstart time for Agrabah. And Al will be free as a bird! I"m jealous, really. I'd give anything for that freedom... But, I'm stuck until my master wishes me free."''<br/>— <small>when Data-Sora asks Genie of there's still hope for Aladdin and Agrabah.</small>
''"Well, sure there is! A few swift kicks in Jafar's caboose oughta kickstart time for Agrabah. And Al will be free as a bird! I"m jealous, really. I'd give anything for that freedom... But, I'm stuck until my master wishes me free."''<br/>— <small>when Data-Sora asks Genie of there's still hope for Aladdin and Agrabah.</small>
''"That's okay. I don't have any. But there's genie-hood for you! Phenomenal, cosmic power... Itty-bitty living space. ...Wow, déjà vu! I think I said the same thing to Al. Ya know, he seemed to understand more than the others..."''<br/>— <small>talking about his job and Aladdin.</small>
*''"That's okay. I don't have any. But there's genie-hood for you! Phenomenal, cosmic power... Itty-bitty living space. ...Wow, déjà vu! I think I said the same thing to Al. Ya know, he seemed to understand more than the others..."''<br/>— <small>talking about his job and Aladdin.</small>
*''"*Bzzrt bfft* Genie here. Do you read me, Sora? He's not kidding about the invincible part. None of your attacks can hurt him. But, Jafar is a genie now. Which means..."''<br/>— <small>talking to Data-Sora about defeating Jafar.</small>
*''"*Bzzrt bfft* Genie here. Do you read me, Sora? He's not kidding about the invincible part. None of your attacks can hurt him. But, Jafar is a genie now. Which means..."''<br/>— <small>talking to Data-Sora about defeating Jafar.</small>
*''"Nab that, and you've got a shot, kiddo. Just be careful! Jafar still has the power to call time-out."''<br/>— <small>talking about Jafar's lamp.</small>
*''"Nab that, and you've got a shot, kiddo. Just be careful! Jafar still has the power to call time-out."''<br/>— <small>talking about Jafar's lamp.</small>
