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This is my concept for a new boss for KH2. His appearance is that of a man with a sword and a dark cloak, similar to Sephiroth but not quite. Picture a cross between Final Fantasy's "Golbez", Sephiroth, and Terra's armored form.
|game=Kingdom Hearts II
|location=The Edge of Oblivion
|HP=15 Health Bars
|command=Showdown, Block, Slice, Reversal, Counter, Piledriver, Finish
The battle begins with Magus holding out his hand and calling "Come, shadows!" the arena turns completely black, and Neo-Shadow Heartless spawn. Sora must fend them off for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds are up, Magus appears behind Sora and cries "Curse!", then blasts Sora with a jolt of dark energy. From now on, even though Donald and Goofy are with him, Sora's Drive Bar is locked and cannot be used.
For the rest of the right, Magus has three attacks. One is a five-hit combo attack with his sword, which you can anticipate with his cry if "Perish!". Another is a whirling slice around himself in a circular pattern, in which he calls "Begone!". The third attack is to stand and extend his sword and say "You dare challenge me?" At this time, the "Showdown" Reaction command is available. Triggering the command causes Sora and Magus to dash towards each other, weapons held back. If the player presses "Block", Magus will strike Sora and be deflected, and the battle will continue normally.
However, if the player waits, Block becomes "Slice", and Sora will duck under Magus' attack and slice at him. Magus will jump into the air and Sora will leap to follow. Magus will now teleport around Sora slashing him, similar to Xemnas, and the player must time the Reaction command "Reversal" to defend themselves. Eventually, the "Counter" command is active, and using it will cause Sora to counter Magus' attack and bring his Keyblade to bear. Using the command "Piledriver" will damage him and send him into the ground, stunning him for a short time.
In addition to the above, Magus teleports whenever he is hit by a finishing move.
With four Health Bars down, Magus will say "Impressive", and change his strategy. He retains his normal attacks, and gains three magical attacks. Magus will call out "Shock!", and cast Black Thunder, which conjures a barrage of thunder bolts to strike around Sora. When he calls "Burn!", he will fling out his hand and cast Hellfire to conjure four spinning pillars of fire around himself. Finally, when he says "Freeze!". he swings his sword and casts Dark Blizzard, unleashing a wave of icy energy at close range. As mentioned, he also has his previous sword attacks, including the Showdown sequence, and he teleports at random as well as when hit with a finisher. Magus will repeat the "Come, Shadows!" sequence when he has half his health left.
This continues until Magus has five health bars left. At this time the screen turns dark, Magus summons a dark aura around his sword, and says "enough of your games!" His slashes and sends a wave of energy that blows Donald and Goofy away - Sora must fight the rest of the battle alone. Magus now moves faster but otherwise has all his previous attacks, with one exception.
Magus will teleport to the center of the arena and call out "Now, feel my rage!" He now draws Sora towards him while channeling dark energy. After a moment, he cries out, leaps up and slams his sword into the ground, releasing a massive shockwave that does great damage. Magus is invincible while charging for this attack. When he has two health bars left, Magus does the "Come, Shadows!" command one final time.
Magus cannot be defeated by a finishing move. When his HP is depleted, Magus will perform the taunt that initiates the "Showdown" command. Sora must perform the sequence perfectly, dodging every strike, until the Counter command appears. This time, Sora will hook Magus' sword in his Keyblade and fling him through the air. The command now changes to "Finish" - landing the command causes Sora to fire a beam of energy from the Keyblade, piercing Magus and finishing the battle.
