Talk:Kingdom Hearts (series)/Timeline: Difference between revisions

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*[ KH Days]
*[ KH Days]
--[[User:ShardofTruth|ShardofTruth]] 15:19, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
--[[User:ShardofTruth|ShardofTruth]] 15:19, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
== Potential Dating System Substitute ==
One of the main reasons the timeline on this talk page seems messy and cluttered (to me, at least) is because it lacks an obvious indicator of when any particular event takes place relative to other events (other than those directly preceding and following it). Translation: It needs dates.
It sounds simple in theory, but the reality is far from it. We have no way of knowing how much time our heroes spend in any given World, and even if we did, Riku and Joshua's discussion in Dream Drop Distance indicates it wouldn't matter anyway; time flows differently in every World. Furthermore, concrete measures of time are rarely used with much specificity by characters nor in Reports, aside from Roxas's conveniently labeled year of existence. All this makes everything sort of difficult to measure (and don't even get me started on Xehanort's time travel shenanigans), but I think I've come up with a potential solution, or at least the beginnings of one.
The idea actually came to me while re-watching Blank Points. I suggest we separate the current timeline into three sections, or eras: 0, 1, and 2. Each would use the beginning of its corresponding game (Birth by Sleep, KH1, and KH2) as the beginning of its own dating system, and would continue through subsequent games and events until reaching the start of the next era. Thus, we would have Era 0 lasting from Sora's birth all the way through to Sora, Riku, and Kairi starting work on their raft. We could then further separate this era into up to 10 (or potentially more if it proves necessary) sub-eras based on related events. We could then number the events that occur in each sub-era in sequence. The same formula could be applied to eras 1, 2, and potentially 3 as well. Here's a bare-bones example timeline I've come up with.
Era 0
:0.0.00 Sora is born. Master Xehanort takes Ventus to the Destiny Islands. Sora's new heart joins with Ventus's fractured one, restoring it.
:0.0.01 Master Xehanort brings Ventus to the Land of Departure.
:0.0.02 Terra, Ventus, and Aqua grow up together and become inseparable. Aqua begins crafting the Wayfinders.
:0.0.03 There is a meteor shower the night before Terra and Aqua' Mark of Mastery exam. Aqua presents her friends with the Wayfinders.
:0.0.04 Eraqus names Aqua a Keyblade Master, but Terra does not pass his Mark of Mastery due to interference from Master Xehanort. Ventus and Vanitas meet. Master Yen Sid warns of monsters called Unversed threatening the Worlds. Master Xehanort is nowhere to be found. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua begin their adventures.
:0.1.01 Xehanort arrives in the Enchanted Dominion. He teaches Maleficent about the Seven Princesses of Heart and of the existence of other Worlds.
:0.1.02 Terra arrives in the Enchanted Dominion seeking Master Xehanort. Maleficent ends up using him to steal Princess Aurora's heart.
:0.1.03 Terra arrives in the Dwarf Woodlands.
And so on. Anything taking place before Sora's birth could either be classified as simply "Pre-0" and not use the era system, or it could be the Negative Era or something, and labeled with negative numbers.
The idea is that since the majority of the series doesn't bother specifying the time periods between different events, we shouldn't either. Note that I do think time periods should be noted where they are given. It's just that they're given so sparingly it's impossible to base a chronology off of that.
Anyway, to finish us off, here's how I would see the general layout of eras and sub-eras going if this idea were to take hold, excluding the Pre-0/Negative Era.
Era 0 (Birth by Sleep)
:0.0 Sora's birth through Aqua's departure from the Land of Departure
:0.1 Xehanort's arrival in the Enchanted Dominion through Aqua's departure from the Enchanted Dominion
:0.2 Terra's arrival at the Mysterious Tower through Ventus's departure from Radiant Garden
:0.3 Terra's arrival in Disney Town through Aqua's departure from Never Land
:0.4 Ventus's arrival at the Mysterious Tower through Aqua's arrival in the Realm of Darkness
:0.5 Ansem the Wise's initial heart experiments through King Mickey's departure from Disney Castle (Note: This sub-era covers about a decade of events, but the vast majority of these events are not directly witnessed by us, the players. This sub-era has the potential to span across more sub-eras should additional information arise)
Era 1 (Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days)
:1.0 Sora's Awakening through his first departure from Traverse Town
:1.1 Sora's arrival in Wonderland through his second departure from Traverse Town
:1.2 Sora's arrival in Agrabah through his transformation into a Heartless
:1.3 Roxas's 1st day through the locking of Ansem's Door to Darkness
:1.4 Roxas's 20th day (roughly) through his 49th day (Note: Includes the entirety of Chain of Memories. Could possibly span two sub-eras.)
:1.5 Roxas's 50th day through his 148th day
:1.6 Roxas's 149th day through his 254th day
:1.7 Roxas's 255th day through his 351st day
:1.8 Roxas's 352nd day through his placement in the Simulated Twilight Town
Era 2 (Kingdom Hearts II, Coded, Dream Drop Distance)
:2.0 The first day of Roxas's simulated "summer vacation" through Sora's departure from Hollow Bastion
:2.1 Sora's arrival in the Land of Dragons through his departure from Pride Land
:2.2 Sora's return to Twilight Town through his escape from Hollow Bastion
:2.3 Sora's return Land of Dragons through his second departure from Pride Land
:2.4 Sora's fourth arrival in Hollow Bastion through Axel's sacrifice in Betwixt and Between
:2.5 Sora's arrival at the World That Never Was through his return to the Destiny Islands
:2.6 Jiminy's discovery of the mysterious message in his journal through Sora and Riku's departure from the Destiny Islands (Note: Contains all of Coded.)
:2.7 Sora and Riku's arrival at the Mysterious Tower through their departure from the Symphony of Sound
:2.8 Sora and Riku's arrival at the World That Never Was through Kairi's arrival at the Mysterious Tower
Era 3 (Kingdom Hearts III)
Something like that anyway. The system is in no way perfect, but it's an idea. Thoughts? [[User:Fabala011|Fabala011]] ([[User talk:Fabala011|talk]]) 20:00, 2 August 2012 (UTC)
