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*Portal of Darkness*
*Portal of Darkness*
*Final Door <!--Door to Darkness-->


Revision as of 21:00, 24 December 2011


(*) means the name only appears as a doorway descriptor " means the name only appears as a doorway descriptor for a combined set of rooms

Dive to the Heart
  • Disembark
  • Awakening -- めざめの園
Destiny Islands
  • Seashore -- 浜辺
  • Seaside Shack -- 浜辺の小屋
  • Bridge*
  • Cove -- 入江
  • Secret Place -- 秘密の場所
Traverse Town
  • 1st District -- 1番街
  • Accessory Shop -- アクセサリーショップ
  • Item Shop
  • Item Workshop
  • Gepetto's House
  • 2nd District -- 2番街
  • Gizmo Shop
  • "Dalmatians' House"
  • Dalmatians' Den*
  • Living Room*
  • Dining Room*
  • Piano Room*
  • "Hotel"
  • Hallway
  • Red Room
  • Green Room
  • Alleyway -- 2番街:路地裏
  • 3rd District -- 3番街
  • Vacant House => Small House
  • Mystical House
  • Magician's Study
  • Magician's Lab
  • Secret Waterway
  • World Exit* -- 世界の扉
100 Acre Wood
  • 100 Acre Wood
  • Wood: Meadow
  • Pooh's House
  • Pooh's Room
  • Hunny Tree
  • Rabbit's House
  • Rabbit's Room
  • Wood: Hill
  • Bouncing Spot
  • Muddy Path
  • Rabbit Hole: うさぎの穴
  • Bizarre Room: 不思議な部屋
  • Queen's Castle: ハートの女王の城
  • Lotus Forest: ハスの森
  • Tea Party Garden: ティーパーティー会場
Olympus Coliseum
  • Coliseum Gates
  • Coliseum: Lobby
  • Arena*
Deep Jungle
  • Tree House -- 樹上の家
  • Climbing Trees -- ジャングル:奥地の大樹
  • Treetop -- ジャングル:最上層
  • Jungle: Tunnel -- ジャングル:大穴
  • Jungle: Vines -- ジャングル:巨木群
  • Jungle: Vines 2 -- ジャングル:入口
  • Hippos' Lagoon -- ジャングル:カバの沼
  • Camp -- キャンプ
  • Camp: Tent -- キャンプ:テント
  • Bamboo Thicket -- 竹やぶ
  • Jungle: Cliff -- ジャングル:岩壁
  • Waterfall Cavern -- 滝の裏
  • Cavern of Hearts -- こころの洞窟 (verify)
  • Agrabah: Plaza
  • Agrabah: Storage
  • Agrabah: Main Street
  • Aladdin's House
  • Palace Gates
  • Agrabah: Alley
  • Agrabah: Bazaar
  • Desert
  • Desert: Cave
  • Cave: Entrance
  • Cave: Hall
  • Bottomless Hall
  • Treasure Room
  • Lamp Chamber
  • Dark Chamber
  • Relic Chamber
  • Hidden Room
  • Silent Chamber
  • ??? (Lava room and carpet run)
Halloween Town
  • Guillotine Gate
  • Guillotine Square
  • Lab Entryway
  • Research Lab
  • Graveyard
  • Boneyard
  • Moonlight Hill
  • Cemetery
  • Bridge
  • ??? (manor rooms)
  • Manor Ruins
  • Monstro: Mouth
  • Monstro: Chamber 1
  • Monstro: Chamber 2
  • Monstro: Chamber 3
  • Monstro: Chamber 4
  • Monstro: Chamber 5
  • Monstro: Chamber 6
  • Monstro: Bowels
  • Monstro: Throat
  • Monstro: Stomach
  • Tranquil Grotto
  • "Undersea Valley"
  • Atlantica
  • Calm Depths
  • Undersea Cave
  • Undersea Gorge
  • Undersea Garden
  • Ariel's Grotto
  • Triton's Palace
  • Triton's Throne
  • Sunken Ship (Outside the Ship*)
  • Below Deck
  • Den of Tides
  • Cavern Nook
  • Tidal Abyss
  • Ursula's Lair
  • ??? (Giant Ursula room)
  • Ship: Hold
  • Ship: Galley
  • Ship: Freezer
  • Ship: Cabin
  • Captain's Cabin
  • Pirate Ship
  • Clock Tower
Hollow Bastion
  • Rising Falls
  • Castle Gates
  • Base Level
  • Waterway
  • Entrance Hall
  • Library
  • Lift Stop
  • Dungeon
  • Great Crest
  • High Tower
  • Castle Chapel
  • Grand Hall
  • Dark Depths
  • Castle Chapel (Xemnas and Maleficent Rooms)
End of the World (**)
  • Gate to the Dark
  • Final Dimension
  • ??? (arenas 1 and 2?)
  • Giant Crevasse
  • World Terminus
  • ??? (HB room)
  • Evil Grounds
  • Crater
  • Volcanic Crater
  • Linked Worlds
  • Final Rest
  • Homecoming
  • Portal of Darkness*
  • Final Door


100 Acre Wood (not entirely sure)
  • Pooh Bear's House
  • Rabbit's House
  • Hunny Tree
  • Tigger's Playground
  • Muddy Road
  • Fields
Castle Oblivion
  • White Rooms (from KHD)
  • Chamber of Waking (from KHD)
  • Station of Remembrance (from Ultimania)
  • Station of Oblivion (from Ultimania)


(*) means the name only appears as a doorway descriptor

Radiant Garden
  • Chamber of Repose (from KHD)
  • Merlin's House
  • Borough
  • Marketplace
  • Bailey
  • Castle Gate
  • Ravine Trail
  • Crystal Fissure
  • The Great Maw
  • The Dark Depths
  • Restoration Site
  • Postern
  • Corridors
  • Ansem's Study (Referred to as the "Research Laboratory" on the Space Paranoids terminals)
  • Heartless Manufactory
Space Paranoids
  • Pit Cell
  • Canyon
  • Dataspace
  • I/O Tower: Hallway
  • I/O Tower: Communications Room
  • Simulation Hangar
  • Solar Sailer Simulation
  • Central Computer Mesa
  • Central Computer Core
100 Acre Wood
  • The Hundred Acre Wood*
  • Rabbit's House
  • Kanga's House
  • Piglet's House
  • Pooh Bear's House
  • The Spooky Cave
  • Starry Hill
Twilight Town
  • Mansion: Basement Hall
  • Mansion: Computer Room
  • Mansion: Basement Corridor
  • Mansion: Pod Room
  • Mansion: Library
  • Mansion: Foyer
  • Mansion: Dining Room
  • Mansion: The White Room
  • The Old Mansion
  • The Woods
  • Sandlot
  • Market Street: Tram Common
  • Market Street: Station Heights
  • Back Alley
  • The Usual Spot
  • Station Plaza
  • Central Station
  • Sunset Station
  • Sunset Terrace
  • Sunset Hill
  • Tunnelway
  • Underground Concourse
  • The Tower
  • Tower: Entryway
  • Tower: Wayward Stairs
  • Tower: Star Chamber
  • Tower: Moon Chamber
  • Tower: Sorcerer's Loft
  • Tower: Wardrobe
  • Betwixt and Between
Timeless River
  • Cornerstone Hill
  • Building Site
  • Lilliput
  • Scene of the Fire
  • Mickey's House
  • Wharf
  • Pier
  • Waterway
  • Undersea Courtyard
  • Triton's Throne
Beast's Castle
  • Parlor
  • Entrance Hall
  • Courtyard
  • Bridge
  • Ballroom
  • The West Hall
  • Undercroft
  • Dungeon
  • Secret Passage
  • The West Wing
  • The Beast's Room
  • The East Wing
  • Belle's Room
The Land of Dragons
  • Bamboo Grove
  • Encampment
  • Checkment
  • Mountain Trail
  • Village
  • Village Cave
  • Ridge
  • Summit
  • Imperial Square
  • Palace Gate
  • Antechamber
  • Throne Room
Olympus Coliseum
  • Coliseum Gates
  • Underworld Entrance
  • Cave of the Dead: Entrance
  • Cave of the Dead: Passage
  • Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber
  • Valley of the Dead
  • Hades' Chamber
  • Underworld Caverns: Entrance
  • Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road
  • Underworld Caverns: Atrium
  • The Lock
Port Royal
  • Rampart
  • Harbor
  • Town
  • The Black Pearl
  • The Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom
  • Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep
  • Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Row
  • Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold
  • Isla de Muerta: Rock Face
  • Isla de Muerta: Cave Mouth
  • Isla de Muerta: Powder Store
  • Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook
  • Isla de Muerta: Treasure Heap
Halloween Town
  • Dr. Finkelstein's Lab
  • Halloween Town Square
  • Graveyard
  • Curly Hill
  • Hinterlands
  • Yuletide Hill
  • Candy Cane Lane
  • Christmas Tree Plaza
  • Santa's House
  • Toy Factory: Shipping and Receiving
  • Toy Factory: The Wrapping Room
  • The Peddler's Shop
  • Agrabah
  • Bazaar
  • The Palace
  • Palace Walls
  • The Cave of Wonders: Entrance
  • The Cave of Wonders: Valley of Stone
  • The Cave of Wonders: Stone Guardians
  • The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges
  • The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room
  • Sandswept Ruins
  • Ruined Chamber
Pride Lands
  • Gorge
  • Elephant Graveyard
  • The Savannah
  • Pride Rock
  • Stone Hollow
  • The King's Den
  • Peak*
  • Scar's Darkness
  • Wildbeest Valley
  • Wastelands
  • Jungle
  • Oasis
Disney Castle
  • Gummi Hangar
  • Courtyard
  • Colonnade
  • Library
  • Audience Chamber
  • The Hall of the Cornerstone
The World That Never Was
  • Memory's Contortion
  • Memory's Skyscraper
  • Fragment Crossing
  • Alley to Between
  • The Altar of Naught
  • Ruin and Creation's Passage
  • Naught's Approach
  • Proof of Existence
  • Addled Impasse
  • Havoc's Divide
  • Hall of Empty Melodies
  • Naught's Skyway
  • Twilight's View
  • Crooked Ascension
  • Nothing's Call
  • The Brink of Despair
  • The World of Nothing
  • The Soundless Prison
  • Station of Awakening


(*) means that the location hasn't been checked, and is using the guide name

The World That Never Was
  • Grey Area
  • The Round Room
  • Hall of Empty Melodies
  • Naught's Skyway
  • Twilight's View
  • Crooked Ascension
  • Nothing's Call
  • Fragment Crossing
  • Memory's Skyscraper
Twilight Town
  • Underground Passage
  • Sandlot
  • Tram Common
  • Side Street
  • Under the Tracks
  • Station Heights
  • Station Plaza
  • The Woods
  • The Old Mansion
  • Tunnel
  • The Palace
  • Agrabah Street
  • Agrabah Gate
  • Sandswept Ruins
  • Cave of Wonders
  • Cave/Entrance Hall
  • Cave/Pillar Room
  • Cave/Abyss
  • Cave/Hidden Room
  • Cave/Secret Depths
  • Cave/Lamp Chamber
Beast's Castle
  • Bridge
  • Courtyard
  • Entrance Hall Upper Level
  • Entrance Hall
  • The West Hall
  • The West Wing
  • The East Wing
  • Undercroft
  • Secret Passage
  • Ballroom
Olympus Coliseum
  • Outside the Coliseum
  • Coliseum Vestibule
  • The Coliseum
Halloween Town
  • Halloween Town Entrance
  • Halloween Town Square
  • Graveyard
  • Boneyard 1
  • Moonlight Hill
  • Boneyard 2
  • Suspension Bridge
  • Manor Ruins
  • Rabbit Hole
  • Bizarre Room
  • Hedge Maze Entrance
  • Queen's Castle
  • Lotus Forest
  • Tea Party Garden
  • White Rose Hedge Maze
  • Red Rose Hedge Maze (2 rooms)
  • Island
  • Rocky Expanse
  • The Night Sea
  • Pirate Ship Deck
  • Captain's Cabin
  • Skull Rock


(T), (V), and (A) mean that the room is accessible by Terra, Ventus, and/or Aqua, respectively.

Land of Departure
  • Great Hall (T,V,A)
  • Forecourt (T,V,A)
  • Mountain Path (T,V,A)
  • Summit (T,V,A)
Dwarf Woodlands
  • Magic Mirror Chamber (T,A)
  • Vault (T,A)
  • Underground Waterway (T,A)
  • Courtyard (T,A)
  • Flower Glade (T,V,A)
  • Cottage Clearing (V,A)
  • The Cottage (V,A)
  • Mountain Trail (V)
  • Mine Entrance (V)
  • The Mine (V)
  • Deep Woods (V,A)
Enchanted Dominion
  • Waterside (T,V,A)
  • Forest Clearing (T,V,A)
  • Bridge (T,V,A)
  • Audience Chamber (T,V)
  • Hallway (T,V)
  • Aurora's Chamber (T,V)
  • Tower Room (T,V)
  • Forbidden Mountain (V,A)
  • Gates (V,A)
  • Maleficent's Throne (V,A)
  • Hall (V,A)
  • Dungeon (V,A)
  • Dungeon Cell (A)
Castle of Dreams
  • Ballroom (T,A)
  • Passage (T)
  • Antechamber (T)
  • Foyer (T,A)
  • Corridor (T,A)
  • Palace Courtyard (T,A)
  • Forest (T,A)
  • The Chateau (T,A)
  • Cinderella's Room (V)
  • Mousehole (V)
  • Wardrobe Room (V,A)
Keyblade Graveyard
  • Seat of War (T,V,A)
  • Twister Trench (T,V,A)
  • Eye of the Storm: 嵐の中 (Arashi no Naka, Within the Storm)
  • Fissure (T,V,A)
  • Keyblade Graveyard (T,V,A)
  • Badlands (T,V,A)
Radiant Garden
  • Outer Gardens (T,V)
  • Entryway (T,V)
  • Central Square (T,V,A)
  • Castle Town (T,V,A)
  • Merlin's House (T,V,A)
  • Gardens (V,A)
  • Front Doors (V,A)
  • Fountain Court (T,V,A)
  • Aqueduct (T,V,A)
  • Reactor (T,V,A)
  • Purification Facility (T)
Mysterious Tower
  • Mysterious Tower (T,V,A)
  • Tower Entrance (T,V,A)
  • Sorcerer's Chamber (T,V,A)
Disney Town
  • Raceway (T,V,A)
  • Raceway Registration (T,V,A)
  • Main Plaza (T,V,A)
  • Fruitball Court (T,V,A)
  • Gizmo Gallery (T,V,A)
  • Pete's Rec Room (T,V,A)
Olympus Coliseum
  • Town Near Thebes (T,V,A)
  • Coliseum Gates (T,V,A)
  • Vestibule (T,V,A)
  • Arena (T,V,A)
Deep Space
  • Turo Prison Block (T,A)
  • Turo Transporter (T,A)
  • Durgon Transporter (T,V,A)
  • Ship Corridor (T,V,A)
  • Control Room (T,V,A)
  • Ship Hub (T,V,A)
  • Launch Deck (T,V,A)
  • Machinery Bay Access (T,V,A)
  • Machinery Bay (V)
  • Ship Exterior (T,V,A)
  • Containment Pod (T)
Never Land
  • Gully (T,V,A)
  • Indian Camp (T,V,A)
  • Mermaid Lagoon (T,V,A)
  • Rainbow Falls: Ascent (A)
  • Rainbow Falls: Crest (T,A)
  • Rainbow Falls: Base (T,V,A)
  • Peter's Hideout (T,V,A)
  • Cove (T,V)
  • Skull Rock (T)
  • Skull Rock: Cavern (T)
  • Cliff Path (T,V)
  • Jungle Clearing (T,V,A)
  • Seacoast (T,V,A)
Mirage Arena
  • Hub (T,V,A)
Realm of Darkness
  • Inside Layer (A)(闇の世界:中層)
  • Lower Layer (A)(闇の世界:下層)
  • Upper Layer (A)(闇の世界:上層)
  • Valley of the Dark (A)(闇の狭間)[1] (poss. "Dark Margin" (check kanji KHII used), "Dark Valley", "Between the Dark")
  • Dark Cinderella Castle(FM) (A) (闇シンデレラ城(FM))[2]


  • System Sector (every world, also Avatar Sector)
Dive to the Heart
  • Station of Awakening
Destiny Islands
  • Destiny Islands
  • Destiny Islands: Secret Place
  • Destiny Islands: Storm-tossed Island
Traverse Town
  • Traverse Town: First District
  • Traverse Town: Second District
  • Traverse Town: Alleyway
  • Traverse Town: Third District
  • Traverse Town: Keyhole / 1st District
  • Traverse Town: Keyhole / 2nd District
  • Traverse Town: Keyhole / 3rd District
  • Traverse Town: Keyhole / Terminus
  • Wonderland: Clearing
  • Wonderland: Aimless Path
  • Wonderland: Tea Party Garden
  • Wonderland: Lotus Forest
  • Wonderland: Hedge Maze
  • Wonderland: Bizarre Room
  • Wonderland: Rose Garden
  • Wonderland: The Queen's Castle
  • Wonderland: Keyhole / The Falsewood
  • Wonderland: Keyhole / Fleeting Forest
  • Wonderland: Keyhole / Terminus
Olympus Coliseum
  • Olympus Coliseum: Outside the Coliseum
  • Olympus Coliseum: Vestibule
  • Olympus Coliseum: Layer 01


  • Olympus Coliseum: Layer 30
  • Olympus Coliseum: Save Room (several, interspersed at set intervals)
  • Agrabah: Plaza
  • Agrabah: Main Street
  • Agrabah: Alley
  • Agrabah: Palace Gates
  • Agrabah: Bazaar
  • Agrabah: Cave / Entrance
  • Agrabah: Cave / Hall of Beginnings
  • Agrabah: Cave / Gauntlet (main chamber and pit)
  • Agrabah: Cave / Lamp Chamber
  • Agrabah: Keyhole / Terminus
Hollow Bastion
  • Hollow Bastion: Castle Gates
  • Hollow Bastion: Waterway
  • Hollow Bastion: Entrance Hall (LL)
  • Hollow Bastion: Entrance Hall (UL)
  • Hollow Bastion: Library 1
  • Hollow Bastion: Library 2
  • Hollow Bastion: Library 3
  • Hollow Bastion: Library 4
  • Hollow Bastion: Great Crest (moving platform)
  • Hollow Bastion: High Tower
  • Hollow Bastion: Keyhole / Chapel
  • Hollow Bastion: Chapel (Dragon's Lair) (side-scroller)
  • Hollow Bastion: Grand Hall
  • Hollow Bastion: Data Tunnel (3D shooter)
  • Hollow Bastion: Central Corruption
Inside of Riku
  • Hollow Bastion: Inside Riku's Data (main hub and side-scroller)
  • Hollow Bastion: Destiny Islands
  • Hollow Bastion: First District
  • Hollow Bastion: Second District
  • Hollow Bastion: Clearing
  • Hollow Bastion: Lotus Forest
  • Hollow Bastion: Cave / Hall of Beginnings
  • Hollow Bastion: Cave / Entrance
  • Hollow Bastion: Chapel
Castle Oblivion
  • Castle Oblivion: Entrance Hall
  • Castle Oblivion: Destiny Islands
  • Castle Oblivion: Traverse Town
  • Castle Oblivion: Olympus Coliseum
  • Castle Oblivion: Agrabah
  • Castle Oblivion: Hollow Bastion
  • Castle Oblivion: Station of Sorrow