Forum:Sora's KH3D Outfit Comparisons: Difference between revisions

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'''Edit: I would've made the background all nice and transparent, but the pic I used for KHEverythingButIIAnd3D Sora had tons of artifacts around it. (Doncha just ''hate'' those?)''}}
'''Edit: I would've made the background all nice and transparent, but the pic I used for KHEverythingButIIAnd3D Sora had tons of artifacts around it. (Doncha just ''hate'' those?)''}}
{{LapisScarab|time=00:31, 28 September 2011 (UTC)|text=Notice the X-shaped bit on his shirt. Reference to his [[Terra|Keyblade]] [[Aqua|master]] [[Ventus|predecessors]], perhaps?}}
{{Keyblade0|time=02:44, 28 September 2011 (UTC)|text=...
Oh, wow. This is the first time I've actually noticed the X's on their shirts. <_<
Well done, Nomura, well done.}}
{{ST|text=It would be even better if Riku had it too}}
{{FerreTrip|time=  20:50, 29 September 2011 (UTC)|FT=Heh, I was wondering about the X. Didn't notice that similarity there. Good eyes, Lapis. But yeah, if Riku had it, too, it'd be definite that it's a reference to those guys (and girl). But then again, which one of the two has (SPOILER ''just'' in case)<font color="black">one of the three inside of him</font>(/spoiler)? Makes kind of a bit of sense. And we should be indenting these reply-specific replies...wait, balloons don't indent...O_o}}
Seriously, the right one looks like a normal baggy pants, that's cool, but the left one is so bloated it ruins the outfit.
{{FerreTrip|time=  20:50, 29 September 2011 (UTC)|FT=Because it's Kingdom Hearts. And Tetsuya Nomura. ';lkjhgfdsa}}
