
Joined 10 February 2011
aw the month is over, now back to normal life
(yay, I'm back from vacation, now back to work on stuff....)
(aw the month is over, now back to normal life)
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<center>[[File:July 2011 Featured User Medal.png|200x]]</center>
{{FU|July 2011}}
{{UnknownChaser|time=Let forgot about time for a moment and relax, here would you like some coffee?|break=Hello, Ne Ho, Konnichi wa. Welcome to my page, please take a break and have some coffee. You can stay here on the main page and look around, or meet me in the [[User talk:UnknownChaser|lounge]] to discuss on stuff, or have a look at my [http://wiidragonzx.deviantart.com/ art gallery] or maybe you would like to catch a [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQuClTh4ezs movie].

<center>'''<big>I HAVE DONE IT, THE WORLD IS NOW MINE, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME NOW >:D</big></center>''' <br> '''<big><center>BEER FOR EVERYONE!!</center></big>''' <br> <center><small><small>(unless your underage, you get apple juice)</small></small></center>
{{Q|I take a look at the bright sky....knowing this might be the last time I ever see it.|UnknownChaser}}

{| class="infobox" style="border: 1px #AAAAAA solid; background: #F9F9F9; float: right; padding: 7px; width:290px;"
|colspan=2 style="text-align: center|<center>http://i637.photobucket.com/albums/uu99/tomomi-chin/Final%20Fantasy/Final%20Fantasy%20XIII/Versus/theprince.jpg</center><br><center><small>''I seek the truth of the past to find out the answer to the future.''</small></center>
|valign="top" style=" background:#CCCCCC; width:100px"|'''Japanese'''
|valign="top" style=" background:#CCCCCC; width:100px"|'''Romaji'''
|style="background:white"|Fumei Cheisā
|valgin="top" style=" background:#CCCCCC; width:100px"|'''Title'''
|style"background:white"|{{Nihongo|''The Forgotten Chaser'' |忘れたらチェイサー|Wasuretara cheisā}}
|valgin="top" style=" background:#CCCCCC; width:100px"|'''Gender'''
|valign="top" style=" background:#CCCCCC; width:100px"|'''Birth by Sleep'''
|style="background:white"|The 9th of May
|valign="top" style=" background:#CCCCCC; width:100px"|'''Main Keyblade'''
|style="background:white"|[http://wiidragonzx.deviantart.com/art/In-Between-Hearts-final-193641214 {{Nihongo|''In-between Hearts''|イン間のハート|In-kan no hāto}}]
|valign="top" style=" background:#CCCCCC; width:100px"|'''Dual-Welding Keyblade'''
|style="background:white"|[http://wiidragonzx.deviantart.com/art/Shine-Brust-final-193640435 {{Nihongo|''Shine Burst''|磨きバースト|Migaki bāsuto}}] and [http://wiidragonzx.deviantart.com/art/Fallen-Night-final-193640942 {{Nihongo|''Fallen Night''|フォールンナイト|Fōrun'naito}}]
|valgin="top" style=" background:#CCCCCC; width:100px"|'''D-Link'''
|style"background:white"|Hangon, Riku's Love, Ammon11110, RoxasXIIILK, DarkestShadow, Dark-EnigmaXIII

=='''About Me'''==
Just another ''Kingdom Hearts'' fan here. I'm a more unknown/forgotten editor on the Wiki, people don't seem to talk to me that much, maybe because I don't participate in forums and such that much, that's fine with me, I could care less. I'm just here to edit and help out with whatever I can. I have an extreme hatred towards coding >.>. In my spare time, I design Keyblade. When I'm not on the wiki, I'm usually doing one or all these thing:

*Reading manga.
*Listening to my MuZex.

'''Due to school, homework, friends, life, having the world's worst internet connection and everything else going on, I can't be editing all that often on the weekdays, I'm most likely gonna edit on the weekends when I have time.'''

<center>''<s>I don't need a shiny medal to know that I'm doing a good job</s>......actually that's a lie, I appreciate the shiny medal very much.''</center>
:I'm also now a moderator on our [http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Kingdom_Hearts_Wiki old home].
I have somewhat the basic appearance of a teenage boy, I'm around 5’10”. I'm asian with black hair (I plan to dye it sometime in the future) that, according to my friends, resemble Roxas/Ventus' hair style. My hair reaches right above eyes and I wear glasses. There's nothing that can be really said about my appearance. My basic appearance for everyday wear would be a pair of jeans and a graphic t-shirt. My most notable piece of clothing that I wear everyday would be my custom half-black/half-white jacket that I made. My accessories that I wear everyday would be a custom necklace I made, that includes 3 pendents (in order from left to right): Sephiroth's Feather from ''Final Fantasy'', a yin-yang symbol, and Sakura's Feather from ''Tsubasa Chronicles''.
I have a somewhat unique personality. Due to multiple hardships in my life, I have closed off nearly all of my emotions starting 3 years ago. I now have only a "'''happy/joy'''"-like and "'''I don't care/give a damn'''"-like personality. I have only demonstrated my other emotion a few times in my life since then.
My "'''happy/joy'''"-like personality is somewhat base off Sora/Roxas/Ventus, due to multiple hardship in my life I have to keep an upbeat perspective on everything. I also have a deep care for my friends, like Sora/Roxas/Ventus.
My "'''I don't care/give a damn'''"-like personality seems to be based off '''L''' from ''Death Note'', due to the ignorance of peers in my school who think there all "cool" and "smart", thinking they can insult me and my friends, but in reality there idiots. Like '''L''', I have been shown to be emotionless towards simple thing and not care about it. Also like '''L''', I have a sweet tooth.
I have been shown to be quite skilled with technology, by helping out with my friends with their computer system and video games. I also shown to be quite lazy sometime, due to my "'''I don't care/give a damn'''" personality, so I'm not motivated to do much. I also have a deep respect for books and knowledge and laugh at people who insult it. Like many people, I love music, but unlike people I have a dislike for mainstream music and artist. I have been told that I'm sometime a perfectionist and control freak, which could be due to my OCD/ADHD.
I go by a simple view point in my life: "One for one", meaning that if you do something to me, I have the right to do something back to you. Which have been apply multiple times in my life. Mainly due to the the ignorance people at my schools, who try to insult me and in the end I have to insult them back, pointing out their own stupidity.
My life is heavily influence by the philosophy and teaching of Confucius.
=='''I have made a friendship speech just for this moment'''==
*[[User:Riku's Love|Riku's Love]]
=='''Project/Working On'''==
Mostly missing information for the games, characters, etc. Also other stuff too.
*<s>Created and work on all ''Kingdom Hearts Re:coded'' commands.</s>
*<s>Created a treasure list for Terra, Ventus, and Aqua.</s>
*<s>Created a list on all the [[Battle Mission|Unversed Battle]], explaining them, reward from them, battle description on them, etc.</s>
*<s>Resizing and out hosting all [[KHWiki:Userboxes|Userbox]] images.</s>
*Work on the [[User:UnknownChaser/BBSMoogleShop|Birth by Sleep version of the Moogle Shop]].
===''Working On''===
*<s>'''Update''', '''rework''', and '''re-edit''' all the Deck commands in ''Birth by Sleep'' to the proper format.</s>
**<s>Attack Commands</s>
**<s>Magic Commands</s>
**<s>Friendship Commands</s>
**<s>Movement Commands</s>
**<s>Defense Commands</s>
**<s>Reprisal Commands</s>
*<s>'''Update''' and '''rework''' on all the Commands in ''Re:coded''.</s>
**<s>Attack Command</s>
**<s>Magic Command</s>
*<s>BbSFM recoloration for the Unversed.</s>
*Missing boss stats for BbS.
**'''''Status''''': '''On hold.'''
*Missing stats for Unversed.
**'''''Status''''': '''On hold.'''
*<s>Replace "360-degree" with "360°" for all ''Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days'' weapons.</s>
*Work on the [[Experience]]'s page
**'''''Status''''': '''I'll get on it'''
*See '''Goals'''
*<s>Get a userbox.</s>
*<s>Get a info box.</s>
*<s>Get a profile picture for my info box.</s>
*<s>Get a talk bubble.</s>
*<s>Get a signature thing.</s>
*<s>Get a "this user is friend with UnknownChaser" box-thingy.</s>
*Edited <s>10</s>, <s>50</s>, <s>100</s>, <s>250</s>, <s>500</s>, <s>1000</s>, <s>1500</s>, <s>2000</s>, <s>3000</s>, 4000 times.
**Edited mainstreamly <s>10</s>, <s>50</s>, <s>100</s>, <s>250</s>, <s>500</s>, <s>1000</s>, <s>1500</s>, <s>1750</s>, <s>2000</s>, 3000 times
***Edited so far: '''{{Special:Editcount/{{{1|UnknownChaser/Mainspace}}}}}'''
*Memorize/learn the coding (probably never gonna finish this.....(I swear these things are mortal enemy)).
*<s>Be a feature user one day (give me a few years for this ha-ha).</s>  
*Redo my userpage so it looks badass.
*Be recognize as an awesome user....
*Other goals....
*"''Nobody Who Is Somebody''"
*"''I travel between Light and Darkness...only to find Nothing''"
*"''One day we will have our '''Sanctuary''' where it will be '''Simple and Clean''' and fill with '''Hikari''', because our '''Passion''' will take us there.''"
*"''We live in a reality that is base off our fantasy, but our fantasy has gone into '''''darkness''''' and so has created what is now our reality, but we can undo it with what is left of the '''''light''''' in our fantasy.''"
*"''We once created a world called '''Paradise''', but we damn it into a world, now know as '''Hell'''.''"
=='''Talk Bubble'''==
Nearly all my talk bubble are made by me (except for my first, that was made by Hangon). All my talk bubble are based off of various anime/video game character or other elements, because I feel that ''Kingdom Hearts''-related talk bubble are over use and what not.
{{UnknownChaser|time=I don't believe in time...|mystery=First talk bubble was made by Hangon. I use this when I want to be mysterious.}}
{{UnknownChaser|time=add 5 hour to where you live, then subtract 32 minutes and 69 second, then add 13 hour to it and divided by 2 hour and finally add 1 hour and that is my time.|text=My first talk bubble that I made all by myself. This now my "happy" talk bubble. Based off Neku Sakuraba from ''The World Ends With You''.}}
{{UnknownChaser|time=Time? I'm a genius, I don't need to know the time, time need to know ME!|think=Another talk bubble I made. This is my "thinking" talk bubble Based off L from ''Death Note''.}}
{{UnknownChaser|time=Let forgot about time for a moment and relax, here would you like some coffee?|break=Another talk bubble I made, this is my "chill-out", let be peaceful talk bubble, or "I don't care, get over it" bubble.}}
{{UnknownChaser|time=I can't focus on time right now, because I'm too busy focusing on my art.|art=Another talk bubble that I made. I use when I'm in "''genius''" art mood. Based off Mashiro Moritaka from ''Bakuman''.}}
{{UnknownChaser|time=Time is base on the reality of our fantasy.|Noctis=My newest talk bubble that I made. That will now be my normal talk bubble. Based off Noctis Lucis Caelum from ''Final Fantasy Versus XIII''.}}
{{UnknownChaser|time=The time ticking! And then time gonna stop! -short pause- OH MY GOOOOOOOD!|Shock=Another talk bubble I made. This is my "shock" bubble that I use when I'm shock or amaze. Based of Takashi Komuro from ''High School of the Dead''.}}
{{UnknownChaser|time=Umm..ummmm....ummmm....I CAN'T TELL TIME!!!|Confuse=Another talk bubble I made. This is my "confuse" talk bubble, use when I'm confuse or embarrassed. Based off Kyon from ''The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya''.}}
{{UnknownChaser|time=Everything is awesome when its in pixel, even time.|NA=My attempt on recreating Noctis Lucis Caelum from ''Final Fantasy Versus XIII'' using pieces from the Avatar Part. This my "fun" bubble.}}
==='''Gift bubble'''===
{{UnknownChaser|time=Time no longer existed in this world of the damn.|Noct=A talk bubble my good friend DE made for to celebrate my promotion as a moderator on our old home. Based on Noctis, he knows me so well. Thanks buddy.}}
==☆♪♫☆♪♫☆~~MuZeX ReMeX~~☆♪♫☆♪♫☆==
{|class="wikitable" width="100%"
|- bgcolor="white"
|width="25%" style="text-align:center"|<font color=black>'''Dearly Beloved (Trance Remix)''' </font>
|width="25%" style="text-align:center"|<font color=black>'''Simple and Clean (Music Box Version)''' </font>
|width="25%" style="text-align:center"|<font color=black>'''Passion (Remix)''' </font>
|width="25%" style="text-align:center"|<font color=black>'''Simple and Clean (Rising Sun Rock Remix)''' </font>
|style="text-align:center"|<youtube width="160" height="120">my_W9ZHIUFI</youtube>
|style="text-align:center"|<youtube width="160" height="120">_nSMu88w2k8</youtube>
|style="text-align:center"|<youtube width="160" height="120">PcGVdPwLFew</youtube>
|style="text-align:center"|<youtube width="160" height="120">wmhl2W-kuBc</youtube>
==User boxes==
These are what I have so far, I might add more in the future, depends on how lazy I am at the time....
Also my user-friend-box-thingly can be found here: <nowiki>{{User UnknownChaser}}</nowiki>
{|-align="center" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapce;"
{{User UnknownChaser}}
Thanks to RoxasXIIILK for helping me make it, so add it if we're friends and I'll add yours.
{|-align="center" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapce;"
|{{user en}}
|{{user male 2}}
|{{User age|now 16}}
|{{user Disney}}
|{{user FF}}
|{{user fox}}
|{{user IE}}
|{{User Ammon11110}}
|{{User RoxasXIIILK}}
|{{Userfriend Hangon}}
|{{user DarkestShadow}}
|{{userbox|black|black|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/00SuperSentai.png|info-fc=gold|For 35 years, this user has been a fan of the '''[[wikipedia:Super Sentai|<font color=gold>Super Sentai</font>]]''' series.}}
|{{userbox|red|red|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/AkaRed.png|''The Combination of the Red Spirits.''<br> For this user is a fan of '''[[w:c:powerrangers:AkaRed|<font color=black>AkaRed</font>]]'''.}}
|{{userbox|ghostwhite|ghostwhite|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/01Goranger.png|''Goranger!''<br> The beginning of a legend, this user is a fan of the 1st entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Himitsu Sentai Goranger|<font color=rainbow>Himitsu Sentai Goranger</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|orange|orange|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/02JAKQ.png|''J.A.K.Q.!''<br> Under the command of Joker, this user is a fan of the 2nd entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai|<font color=red>J.</font><font color=blue>A.</font><font color=pink>K.</font><font color=green>Q.</font> <font color=white>Dengekitai</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|skyblue|skyblue|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/03BattleFeverJ.png|''Fever!''<br> Representing the world, this user is a fan of the 3rd entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Battle Fever J|<font color=red>Battle Fever J</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|deepskyblue|deepskyblue|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/04Denziman.png|''Denji Spark!''<br> A descendants of the Denzi people, this user is a fan of the 4th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Denshi Sentai Denziman|<font color=gold>Denshi Sentai Denziman</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|gold|gold|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/05SunVulcan.png|''Sun Vulcan!''<br> With the power of air, water, and land, this user is a fan of the 5th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan|<font color=red>Taiyo</font> <font color=blue>Sentai</font> <font color=yellow>Sun Vulcan</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|royalblue|royalblue|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/06GoggleV.png|''Goggle-V!''<br> With the power of gemstones and ancient civilizations, this user is a fan of the 6th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Dai Sentai Goggle-V|<font color=yellow>Dai Sentai Goggle-V</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|brown|brown|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/07Dynaman.png|info-fc=white|''Dynaman!''<br> Being comically dubbed, this user is a fan of the 7th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Kagaku Sentai Dynaman|<font color=blue>Kagaku Sentai Dynaman</font>]]'''''.}}
||{{userbox|black|black|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/08Bioman.png|info-fc=white|''Bioman!''<br> Showered with the Bio Particles, this user is a fan of the 8th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Choudenshi Bioman|<font color=ghostwhite>Choudenshi Bioman</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|limegreen|limegreen|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/09Changeman.png|info-fc=white|''Let's Change!''<br> With the power of legendary creatures, this user is a fan of the 9th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Dengeki Sentai Changemann|<font color=green>Dengeki Sentai Changeman</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|pink|pink|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/10Flashman.png|info-fc=white|''Prism Flash!''<br> Kidnapped by the Alien Hunters, this user is a fan of the 10th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Choushinsei Flashman|<font color=silver>Choushinsei Flashman</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#E18E96|#E18E96|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/11Maskman.png|''Aura Mask!''<br> A master of every martial art, this user is a fan of the 11th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Hikari Sentai Maskman|<font color=#009900>Hikari Sentai Maskman</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#FFF5EE|#FFF5EE|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/12Liveman.png|''Liveman!''<br> Saving their friends from demons, this user is a fan of the 12th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Choujuu Sentai Liveman|<font color=#FEFE22>Choujuu Sentai Liveman</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|silver|silver|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/13Turboranger.png|''Turboranger!''<br> Sifting into turbo, this user is a fan of the 13th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Kousoku Sentai Turboranger|<font color=#967BB6>Kousoku Sentai Turboranger</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#F400A1|#F400A1|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/14Fiveman.png|''Fiveman!''<br> By getting an education with the Hoshikawa sibling, this user is a fan of the 14th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Chikyu Sentai Fiveman|<font color=#1E90FF>Chikyu Sentai Fiveman</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#FDEE00|#FDEE00|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/15Jetman.png|''Cross Changer!''<br> Soaring high in the skies, this user is a fan of the 15th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Chōjin Sentai Jetman |<font color=#7FFFD4>Chōjin Sentai Jetman</font>]]'''''.}}
||{{userbox|#D40000|#D40000|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/16Zyuranger.png|''Dyno Buckler!''<br> Hailing from the Dinosaur Tribe, this user is a fan of the 16th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger|<font color=#008000>Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger</font>]]'''''.}}
||{{userbox|#EEE600|#EEE600|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/17Dairanger.png|''Chi-Power Heavenform! Aura Changer!''<br> Honoring the power of chi, this user is a fan of the 17th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Gosei Sentai Dairanger|<font color=ghostwhite>Gosei Sentai Dairanger</font>]]'''''.}}
||{{userbox|#738678|#738678|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/18Kakuranger.png|''Super Change, Doron Changer!''<br> Cutting down evil within the shadow, this user is a fan of the 18th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Ninja Sentai Kakuranger|<font color=#00FFEF>Ninja Sentai Kakuranger</font>]]'''''.}}
||{{userbox|black|black|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/19Ohranger.png|info-fc=white|''Super-Powered Transformation!''<br> Protecting Earth from the Machine Empire, this user is a fan of the 19th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Chōriki Sentai Ohranger|<font color=gold>Chōriki Sentai Ohranger</font>]]'''''.}}
||{{userbox|red|red|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/20Carranger.png|''Racing! Accel Changer!''<br> Obeying traffic laws, this user is a fan of the 20th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Gekisou Sentai Carranger|Gekisou Sentai Carranger]]'''''.}}
||{{userbox|#A2ADD0|#A2ADD0|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/21Megaranger.png|''3-3-5 Install! Megaranger!''<br> Champion of Megaranger, this user is a fan of the 21st entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Denji Sentai Megaranger|<font color=#FFFFFF>Denji Sentai Megaranger</font>]]'''''.}}
||{{userbox|#006600|#006600|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/22Gingaman.png|''Ginga Tensei!''<br> Defending the galaxy, this user is a fan of the 22nd entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Seijuu Sentai Gingaman|<font color=#0F0F0F>Seijuu Sentai Gingaman</font>]]'''''.}}
||{{userbox|#FDF5E6|#FDF5E6|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/23GoGoV.png|''Suit up!''<br> Protecting the people with the Tatsumi sibling, this user is a fan of the 23rd entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive|<font color=red>Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive</font>]]'''''.}}
||{{userbox|#0077BE|#0077BE|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/24Timeranger.png|''Chrono Changer!''<br> From the year 3000 AD, this user is a fan of the 24th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Mirai Sentai Timeranger|<font color=#AE0C00>Mirai Sentai Timeranger</font>]]'''''.}}
||{{userbox|#FFA07A|#FFA07A|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/25Gaoranger.png|''Gao Access!''<br> With the spirit of 100 animals, this user is a fan of the 25th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger|<font color=#87CEEB>Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#7CFC00|#7CFC00|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/26Hurricanger.png|''Ninpu: Shinobi Change!''<br> Practicing the art of ninjutsu, this user is a fan of the 26th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger|<font color=#FFF700>Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#CF1020|#CF1020|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/27Abaranger.png|''Blastasaur Change!''<br> While eating Dino Curry, this user is a fan of the 27th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Bakuryū Sentai Abaranger|<font color=white>Bakuryū Sentai Abaranger</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#F0FFF0|#F0FFF0|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/28Dekaranger.png|''Emergency, Dekaranger!''<br> A space detective who protect the Earth, this user is a fan of the 28th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger|<font color=black>Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#F4F0EC|#F4F0EC|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/29Magiranger.png|''Mahou Henshin! Maagi Magi Magiiro!''<br> Practicing magic with the Ozu family, this user is a fan of the 29th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Mahou Sentai Magiranger|<font color=#FF69B4>Mahou Sentai Magiranger</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#E9D66B|#E9D66B|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/30Boukenger.png|''Boukenger, Start up!''<br> An adventurer who look for Precious, this user is a fan of the 30th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:GoGo Sentai Boukenger|<font color=#C90016>GoGo Sentai Boukenger </font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#FF7E00|#FF7E00|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/31Gekiranger.png|''Boil over, power of the beast! Beast On!''<br> ''Niki-Niki!'' Sensing kenpou, this user is a fan of the 31st entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Juken Sentai Gekiranger|<font color=#9966CC>Juken Sentai Gekiranger</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#FF2052|#FF2052|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/32Go-onger.png|''Let's Go-on!''<br> Racing at mach speed, this user is a fan of the 32nd entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Engine Sentai Go-onger|<font color=#ACE5EE>Engine Sentai Go-onger</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#7B3F00|#7B3F00|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/34Shinkenger.png|''Ippitsu sōjō!''<br> Samurai under providence, this user is a fan of the 33rd entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Samurai Sentai Shinkenger|<font color=#FFB7C5>Samurai Sentai Shinkenger</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#F2F3F4|#F2F3F4|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/34Goseiger.png|''Tensou! Change, Goseiger!''<br> A Gosei Angel, this user is a fan of the 34th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Tensou Sentai Goseiger|<font color=#9BDDFF>Tensou Sentai Goseiger</font>]]'''''.}}
|{{userbox|#3B444B|#3B444B|http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd463/UnknownChaser/Super%20Sentai%20Userbox/35Gokaiger.png|''Gokai Change!''<br> A pirate who is searching for the greatest treasure in the universe, this user is a fan of the 35th entry in the series: '''''[[wikipedia:Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger|<font color=#FF033E>Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger</font>]]'''''.}}