User:Keyblade0/IRC: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎...they forgot.: Wow, now I'M forgetting stuff :/)
(Adding this)
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{|class="collapsible collapsed" width="100%" style="border: 3px ridge black; text-align:left; font-size:100%;"
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  [18:03] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey []
  [18:03] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey []
  [18:03] == LegoAlchemist [47c1b8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey []
  [18:03] == LegoAlchemist [47c1b8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey []

==Global Warming comes tp the IRC==
==Global Warming comes tp the IRC==
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==The Universe==
==The Universe==
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  [21:48] <UnknownEnigma> Those hotdogs aren't cooked
  [21:48] <UnknownEnigma> Those hotdogs aren't cooked
  [21:48] <Chitalian> AIN'T NO QUESTION IF I WANT IT, I NEED IT
  [21:48] <Chitalian> AIN'T NO QUESTION IF I WANT IT, I NEED IT
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  [22:01] == KrytenKoro [62ded5a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikia- kingdomhearts []
  [22:01] == KrytenKoro [62ded5a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikia- kingdomhearts []
  [22:01] <BakaKidd> i know XD
  [22:01] <BakaKidd> i know XD
==MX is a girl!?==
==MX is a girl!?==
  [20:03] <Crono|Editing> "If you wanna talk about pure darkness: Vanitas. He didn't even care about MX who gave birth to him."
{|class="collapsible collapsed" width="100%" style="border: 3px ridge black; text-align:left; font-size:100%;"
!<div style="text-align: center; margin: 0px 60px 0px; padding: 0.0em; background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, white, #B4D69E, white); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left center, right center, from(white), to(#B4D69E)); color: black; -moz-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px;">Log</div>
  [20:03] <Crono|Editing> "If you wanna talk about pure darkness: Vanitas. He didn't even care about MX who gave birth to him."
  [20:03] <Crono|Editing> lolwhut
  [20:03] <Crono|Editing> lolwhut
  [20:03] <Keyblade0> XD
  [20:03] <Keyblade0> XD
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  [20:08] <Tabbeh> Well, I could make Madame Xehanort a tyrannical queen in charge of a corrupt government in the year 2581 and the main character has to, well, raw, raw, fight the power.
  [20:08] <Tabbeh> Well, I could make Madame Xehanort a tyrannical queen in charge of a corrupt government in the year 2581 and the main character has to, well, raw, raw, fight the power.
  [20:08] <Tabbeh> …
  [20:08] <Tabbeh> …
===Aqua and the [[Unnamed Heartless]]===
===Aqua and the [[Unnamed Heartless]]===
  [20:08] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: Ooh, extra BBS stuffs
  [20:08] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: Ooh, extra BBS stuffs
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[19:04] <Pokeblade0|Black> ._.
[19:04] <Pokeblade0|Black> ._.
==A bit of RP==
{|class="collapsible collapsed" width="100%" style="border: 3px ridge black; text-align:left; font-size:100%;"
!<div style="text-align: center; margin: 0px 60px 0px; padding: 0.0em; background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, white, #B4D69E, white); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left center, right center, from(white), to(#B4D69E)); color: black; -moz-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px;">Log</div>
[13:01] <Lukethehedgehog>
[13:01] <KrytenKoro> I'm not in charge of bots, and don't know how to set them up
[13:01] <KrytenKoro> DTN would be the one for that
[13:02] == ErryK|FF8 has changed nick to ErryK|DDFF012
[13:02] == Dan36 [5198200d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page
[13:02] <Lukethehedgehog> ¡Power Running, Power Lifting, Power Sleeping, Power Dating,
Power Eating, Power Laughing, Power Spawning Babies, you will spawn lots of babies, 400 BABIES!
[13:03] <Lukethehedgehog> Watch the link to understeand
[13:03] <Sove> But it's still not only DTN's opinion that counts
[13:03] <Keyblade0> ...
[13:05] <Pea14733> ...
[13:05] <Keyblade0> ._.
[13:05] <Keyblade0> ._._._._._._._.
[13:05] <Keyblade0> .-,
[13:05] <Keyblade0> *.-.
[13:06] <wolf5000> Sove you said madcow makes bot?
[13:07] <Sove> Eh
[13:07] <Sove> Kitty was absed on madcow
[13:07] <Sove> based*
[13:07] <wolf5000> What is madcow?
[13:07] <Sove> A bot
[13:08] <Keyblade0> A mad cow
[13:08] <Keyblade0> Who as mad
[13:08] <Keyblade0> Angry and crazy
[13:09] <wolf5000> Sove Would you like to help me make a bot?
[13:09] <Keyblade0> A cow who was very angry that he was crazy
[13:09]  * Pea14733 shoots KB0.
[13:09] <Sove> I don't know how madcow works
[13:09] <Keyblade0> ._.
[13:09] <Pea14733> ._.
[13:09] <Lukethehedgehog> ._.
[13:09] <Sove> And I don't want to install any weird stuff on my comp
[13:09] <wolf5000> :(
[13:09] <wolf5000> Oh well
[13:09]  * Pea14733 wonders how to make a bot
[13:09] <Keyblade0> Ask DTN when he is here
[13:10] <Keyblade0> Oh!
[13:10] <Keyblade0> When is the next meting?
[13:10] <Keyblade0> *meeting
[13:10]  * Lukethehedgehog doesn't care about bots.
[13:10] <ErryK|DDFF012> BLURDEBLUR
[13:11] == ErryK|DDFF012 has changed nick to ErryK
[13:11]  * Lukethehedgehog wants to play Sonic Generations
[13:11]  * Keyblade0 wants to play Re:Coded and 012
[13:11] <Keyblade0> And FFIII for the DS
[13:12]  * ErryK wants to make a t-shirt for Sims 3
[13:12] <wolf5000> Pea14733 You want to learn with me?
[13:12] <Pea14733> Sure
[13:12] <Pea14733> :DD
[13:12] <wolf5000> 8)
[13:12]  * Lukethehedgehog can't play Sonic Generations because: 1. He doesn't have an XBox
360 nor a PS3 and 2. It wasn't released yet :(
[13:13] <ErryK> I don't say Fithos
[13:13] <ErryK> I say Fetus.
[13:13] <Keyblade0> ._.
[13:13] <Pea14733> Fetus .... ._.
[13:13]  * Keyblade0 resists the urge to shoot EK
[13:13] <ErryK> derp.
[13:13]  * Keyblade0 fails
[13:13]  * Keyblade0 shoots EK
[13:13]  * ErryK godmods and survives
[13:14] <Keyblade0> -__________-
[13:14] <Keyblade0> Don't be like that guy who was banned.
[13:14] <Keyblade0> *coughdcoughmcough*
[13:14] <Pea14733> HM ?
[13:14] <ErryK> Who was that?
[13:14] <Lukethehedgehog> .-.
[13:15] <Keyblade0> ._.
[13:15] <Keyblade0> Really? <.<
[13:15] <Keyblade0> *COUGHDCOUGHMCOUGH*
[13:15]  * Pea14733 shoots KB0 for the coughing.
[13:16]  * Keyblade0 misses it
[13:16] <ErryK> Yush rly.
[13:16]  * Keyblade0 sees the bullet going to hit EK
[13:16] <Keyblade0> WATCH OUT!
[13:16]  * ErryK time compresses the bullet into cotton candy
[13:16]  * ErryK eats cotton candy
[13:16] <Pea14733> o.o
[13:16] <Keyblade0> .-.
[13:17] <ErryK> It tastes a bit iron-y
[13:17] <Keyblade0> ...
[13:17] <Pea14733> IRONY?
[13:17] <Keyblade0> Iron-ish
[13:18] <ErryK> brb
[13:19]  * Keyblade0 ties a bomb to EK's feet before he left
[13:19] <Keyblade0> *tied
[13:19] <Lukethehedgehog> lol ._.
[13:20]  * Pea14733 drops a small nuke behind KB0's back and runs away.
[13:20]  * Keyblade0 saw Pea running away from a person
[13:20] <Keyblade0> What happened?
[13:20] <Keyblade0> That wasn't ,e
[13:20] <Keyblade0> *me , btw
[13:21] <Pea14733> Oh really?
[13:21] <Keyblade0> Yarly.
[13:21] <Pea14733> Then who was that?
[13:21] <Keyblade0> I dunno
[13:21]  * Lukethehedgehog
[13:21] <Keyblade0> o.
[13:21] <Keyblade0> *o.o
[13:21] <Keyblade0> YOU MONSTER
[13:21] <Keyblade0> WHY DIDJA DO THA PEA
[13:21]  * Pea14733 hears a BOOM
[13:22] <Keyblade0> NNOOOO!!!!
[13:22]  * Keyblade0 soon sees a crispified EK
[13:22] <Keyblade0> Oh.
[13:22] <Pea14733> lol
[13:22]  * Lukethehedgehog is imortal ¡Haw Haw!
[13:22] <Keyblade0> ...
[13:22]  * Pea14733 hears another BOOOOMM.
[13:24] <Pea14733> CHAT IS DEAD
[13:24] <Pea14733> ._.
[13:24] <Lukethehedgehog> ¡Haw Haw!
[13:24] <Keyblade0> Cause you killed Luke
[13:24] <Keyblade0> YOU OMNSTER
[13:24] <Keyblade0> *MONSTER
[13:24] <Pea14733> OMSTER...
[13:25]  * Pea14733 goes to see the corpse.
[13:25]  * Keyblade0 sends OKH to nom Pea to death
[13:26]  * Lukethehedgehog repeats he's inmortal
[13:26] <ErryK> FETUS
[13:26]  * Keyblade0 sees a crispified EK talk
[13:26] <ErryK> No, I was reborn as a fetus, you dummy.
[13:27] <Keyblade0> But, then, WHY are you crispified>
[13:27] <ErryK> that's my old vessel
[13:27] <Keyblade0> Okay.
[13:27] <Keyblade0> Then
[13:28] == Keyblade0 has changed nick to Harry_potter|God
[13:28] <Harry_potter|God> ATTACK!!!!!!!!
[13:28]  * Harry_potter|God attacks EK
[13:29]  * Harry_potter|God sends an army of Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, and Lightsters to attak EK
[13:29] <Lukethehedgehog> ¿Lightsters?
[13:29] <Harry_potter|God> Creatures of Light
[13:29]  * Pea14733 shoots Luke for stealling his line.
[13:29] <Lukethehedgehog> ah
[13:29] <Harry_potter|God> Monsters of light
[13:29] <Pea14733> *stealing
[13:29] <Harry_potter|God> Born within it
[13:29] <Harry_potter|God> ...
[13:29] <Harry_potter|God> ?
[13:30]  * Lukethehedgehog is IN-MOR-TAL
[13:30] <Pea14733> Not immortal right?
[13:30]  * Lukethehedgehog is Mephiles
[13:30] <Harry_potter|God> ._.
[13:30]  * Harry_potter|God gives Luke his other half to become Solaris
[13:30]  * ErryK uses EX Burst "Blades of Revenge"
[13:31]  * ErryK which summons an infinite amount of blades and conjures columns of light
for the finisher
[13:31]  * Lukethehedgehog become Solaris
[13:31] <Harry_potter|God> YOU
[13:31] <Harry_potter|God> MUST
[13:31] <Harry_potter|God> D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DIE
[13:32] <Harry_potter|God>
[13:32]  * Pea14733 backstabs Harry Potter God. *pwned*
[13:32] <Lukethehedgehog> ¿What the...
[13:33] == ErryK has changed nick to ErryK|Photoshop
[13:33] <Lukethehedgehog> Fuck BOOOOOOOOOOOOM! mwahahahahahaha!
[13:33] <Pea14733> ...
[13:33] == Satoru123 [6c0b3309@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #KHWiki-
[13:33] <Sove> Hi Sato
[13:33] <Harry_potter|God> die ek
[13:33] <Harry_potter|God> OHAI S123
[13:33] <Harry_potter|God> JOIN USSSS
[13:34] <Harry_potter|God> AND WE WILL DESTROY EK
[13:34] <Pea14733> ErryK, Lukethehedgehog said a curse word. This incident has been logged,
and will be reported. </bot>
[13:34] <Harry_potter|God> Aw, damnit he is gone
[13:34] <Harry_potter|God> Oh well
[13:34] == Harry_potter|God has changed nick to Keyblade0
[13:34] <Keyblade0> LOL
[13:34] <ErryK|Photoshop> Lulz.
[13:34] <ErryK|Photoshop> FETUS
[13:34] <ErryK|Photoshop> LUSEC
[13:34] <ErryK|Photoshop> WECOS
[13:35] <ErryK|Photoshop> VINOSEC
[13:35]  * Keyblade0 ignores EK
[13:35] <Satoru123> ...
[13:35]  * ErryK|Photoshop does not care
[13:35] <Lukethehedgehog> 
[13:35] == PhilosopherSDC has changed nick to SDC|Shower
[13:36] <Lukethehedgehog> Oh hi Sato :D!
[13:37] <ErryK|Photoshop> What should I use as the stencil for my new t-shirt?
[13:37] <Satoru123> Luke Headgehogger XD
[13:37] <Keyblade0>
[13:38] <Lukethehedgehog> S123: ._.
[13:39] <Keyblade0>
[13:39] <Keyblade0> XD LOL
[13:40] <Lukethehedgehog> This is Spartaaaaaaaa!
[13:40] <Satoru123> You and these Sparta vids
[13:40] <Satoru123> XD
[13:41] <Lukethehedgehog> S123: Uhm... You talkting to KB0 or me?
[13:41] <Keyblade0> O_O
[13:41] <Keyblade0> Areound the middle
[13:41] <Keyblade0> sonotpg<<
[13:42] <ErryK|Photoshop> LIKE I SAID, what stencil?
[13:44] <Lukethehedgehog> 
[13:45] <Keyblade0>
[13:46]  * Keyblade0 sighs
[13:47] == Soxra [] has joined #KHWiki-social
[13:47] == ErryK|Photoshop_ [~Erry@] has joined #KHWiki-social
[13:47] <Keyblade0> The pokemon real life videos nowasays are'n as funny as the ones in the
god ol' days
[13:47] <Keyblade0> Hey, Soxra
[13:47]  * Lukethehedgehog favourited a Top 10 Sparta Remix
[13:47] <Keyblade0> Hey, EK
[13:47] <ErryK|Photoshop_> WE MEET AGAIN, KB0
[13:47] <Soxra> hallo
[13:47] <Lukethehedgehog> Ohai Soxra!
[13:47] <Soxra> HAI
[13:47] == ErryK|Photoshop_ has changed nick to ErryK
[13:48] <Lukethehedgehog> ErryK: You can Ghost the other nick
[13:48] <Keyblade0> Yea we have
[13:48] <Keyblade0> No godmodding
[13:48] <Keyblade0> We shall have a duel
[13:48] == mode/#KHWiki-social [+o ErryK] by ChanServ
[13:48] <Keyblade0> ._.
[13:48] == ErryK|Photoshop was kicked from #KHWiki-social by ErryK [Ghost]
[13:48] <Pea14733> o.o
[13:49] <Lukethehedgehog> lol
[13:49] <Lukethehedgehog> lolol
[13:49] == mode/#KHWiki-social [-o ErryK] by ChanServ
[13:49] <Lukethehedgehog> lololol
[13:49] <Keyblade0> And no Mod-modding too
[13:49] == ErryK has changed nick to ErryK|Photoshop
[13:50] <Keyblade0> Draw your weapron
[13:50] <Keyblade0> *weapon
[13:50] <ErryK|Photoshop> I've chosen to make a t-shirt with Edea's face on it.
[13:50] <Keyblade0> Fine, then
[13:51]  * Keyblade0 shoots EK
[13:51]  * Keyblade0 is shot
[13:51]  * Pea14733 draws a YuGiOh card.
[13:52]  * Lukethehedgehog draws seven Chaos Emeralds
[13:53] <Keyblade0> ._.
[13:53]  * Keyblade0 draws a bomb
[13:54]  * Satoru123 draw the Ultima Weapon Key-blade. *
[13:54]  * Lukethehedgehog becomes Super Luke just in time
[13:54] <Satoru123> draws*
[13:54]  * Keyblade0 tries top throw it but notices it's about to explode
[13:54]  * Pea14733 uses Monster Reborn to revive KB0.
[13:54]  * Satoru123 uses the time break command to halt time*
[13:55]  * Satoru123 sneaks out the back door*
[13:55]  * Lukethehedgehog uses Speed Break
[13:55] <wolf5000> >.>
[13:55]  * Satoru123 resumes time
[13:55] == Lukethehedgehog has changed nick to Super
[13:55] == Super has changed nick to Super_Luke
[13:55]  * Keyblade0 is reborn
[13:56]  * Pea14733 joins #KHWiki-roleplay
[13:56]  * Super_Luke uses Chaos...¡Blast!
[13:56]  * Satoru123 shoots Pea banning from #KHWiki-roleplay*
[13:57] <Keyblade0> ._.
[13:57] <Pea14733> Too late, Sato
[13:57] <Sove> You need to fill a form to use # namespace
[13:57] <Sove> >.>
[13:57] <Pea14733> Wait, what?
[13:58] <Sove> ## must be used instead
[13:58] <Pea14733> Well then
[13:58] <Sove> And we already have ##roleplay
[13:58]  * Satoru123 commits genocide and blows up the Iraq-ians*
[13:58] <Satoru123> No more war
[13:58]  * Super_Luke uses Chaos Blast again
[13:59] <Satoru123> Oh shoot! I forgot to save the Americans! O_O"
[13:59] <Keyblade0> -
[13:59] <Satoru123> :o Oh not good!
[13:59]  * Sove reverses time
[13:59] <Sove> Now you can save the,
[13:59] <Sove> :P
[13:59] <Sove> them*
[14:00] <Pea14733> Sove: That channel often has some other people.
[14:01] <Satoru123> *Uses time break, dumps water on Sove, and leaves leaving them stuck*
[14:01]  * Satoru123 snaps fingers continuing time*
[14:02] == Keyblade0 has changed nick to HARRY-POTTER|GOD
[14:02] <Super_Luke> Satoru123: Time Break also slows down you.
[14:02]  * Satoru123 goes back to watching Re: Coded Walkthrough on You-tube
[14:02] <Sove> Haha, mom went away for a while
[14:02] <Satoru123> I know but I'm still faster
[14:02] <Satoru123> :)
[14:03] == HARRY-POTTER|GOD has changed nick to Keyblade0
[14:03] <Super_Luke> Peace will not exist along with me ¡Mwahahahahahaha!
[14:03] <Keyblade0> Eh.
[14:03] <Keyblade0> I'm gonna play some games
[14:04] == Super_Luke has changed nick to Darkspine_Luke
[14:04] <Keyblade0> .-.
[14:04] == ErryK|Photoshop [~Erry@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[14:04]  * Keyblade0 grabs his popcorn and watches from the sidelines
[14:06] == ErryK|Photoshop [~Erry@] has joined #KHWiki-social
[14:07] == Satoru123 has changed nick to S123|Re_Coded_Wa
[14:07] == S123|Re_Coded_Wa has changed nick to S123|ReCoded_Wal
[14:07] <S123|ReCoded_Wal> ...
[14:08] <Keyblade0> S123, I say hai
[14:09] == ENX [4b0b0aaa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #KHWiki-social
[14:09] == ENX has changed nick to ENX|FFfanfic
[14:09] <Pea14733> Hi ENX
[14:09] <Darkspine_Luke> ENX! :D
[14:10] <ENX|FFfanfic> Hello
[14:10] <S123|ReCoded_Wal> Hey
[14:10] <Darkspine_Luke> Keyblade0, You was kicked, so join back.
[14:11] <Keyblade0> Huh?
[14:11] <Keyblade0> Oh, I didn't notice
[14:11] <Keyblade0> :I
[14:11] <Pea14733> :P
[14:11] <S123|ReCoded_Wal> Darkspine Luke?!!! Awww no fair
[14:11] <Keyblade0> Can someone log what happened?
[14:11] <Pea14733> Which of what happened?
[14:12]  * S123|ReCoded_Wal turns Legendary Super Satoru *
[14:12] <Keyblade0> On you channel
[14:12] <Keyblade0> All I remember was Luke addin ols to lol
[14:12] <Pea14733> I reflected your Y powah.
[14:12] <Keyblade0> lololololololololololololol
[14:12] <Keyblade0> lolololololololololololololol
[14:12] <Keyblade0> lololololololololololololololol
[14:13] <Keyblade0> And I dunno what happened next because I was playing Mario Part 8 :I
[14:13]  * S123|ReCoded_Wal blasts Keyblade into Inexistence! *
[14:13] <S123|ReCoded_Wal> LOL
[14:13] <Pea14733> lol
[14:13]  * Keyblade0 grabs his popcorn and watches Gods go to war.
[14:13] == S123|ReCoded_Wal has changed nick to L_Super_Satoru
[14:13] <Keyblade0> That's you guys.
[14:14]  * L_Super_Satoru puts Darkspine Luke into a brutal headlock.
[14:14] <Keyblade0> Hm...
[14:14] <Keyblade0> Who are you?
[14:14] == Darkspine_Luke has changed nick to Ultra_Luke
[14:14] <Keyblade0> Yu.
[14:14] <Keyblade0> Not, who are you?
[14:14] <Keyblade0> That's what I just said
[14:14] <Keyblade0> Who just said what?
[14:14] <Keyblade0> You.
[14:14] <Keyblade0> That's what I'm asking you!
[14:14] <Keyblade0> You!
[14:14] <Keyblade0> Me?
[14:14] <Keyblade0> Not not you him!
[14:15] <Keyblade0> What's your name?
[14:15] <Keyblade0> Mi.
[14:15] <Keyblade0> YES!, YOU!
[14:15] <Pea14733> .....
[14:15] <Keyblade0> I am Mi
[14:15] <Pea14733> SPAM
[14:15] <Keyblade0> Yes, he mi and I am yu.
[14:15] <L_Super_Satoru> I AM Legendary Super Satoru Suckas!
[14:15] <Keyblade0> XD LOL
[14:15] <L_Super_Satoru> LOL
[14:15] <Keyblade0> I LOVE that scene
[14:15] == Ultra_Luke has changed nick to Darkspine_Luke
[14:16] <L_Super_Satoru> Broly: Quit stealing my titles you hack!
[14:16] <L_Super_Satoru> Go to Heck Broly!
[14:16] == Keyblade0 has changed nick to SuperUltraAwesom
[14:16] <SuperUltraAwesom> ._.
[14:16] <SuperUltraAwesom> That was supposed to say SuperUltraAwesomeKB0
[14:16] == SuperUltraAwesom has changed nick to Keyblade0
[14:16] <Sove> 16 chars max
[14:17] <L_Super_Satoru> Warning: This next scene depicts scenes of epic violence. Viewer
discretion is advised.
[14:17] <L_Super_Satoru> *LSS and BLSS go into a battle so intense, I can't describe what
happened in words*
[14:17] <L_Super_Satoru> XD
[14:18] <L_Super_Satoru> FAIL
[14:18]  * L_Super_Satoru goes back to Re: Coded
[14:20] <ErryK|Photoshop> NOW TO TEST THE T-SHIRT!
[14:20] == ErryK|Photoshop has changed nick to ErryK|TS3
[14:24] == L_Super_Satoru has changed nick to Satoru123
[14:27] <ErryK|TS3> Your existence is absurd.
[14:27] <ErryK|TS3> BAZING!
[14:27] <Darkspine_Luke> lolol
[14:27] <Keyblade0> ._.
[14:27] <Keyblade0> :|
[14:27] <Keyblade0> .-.
[14:27] <Keyblade0> |:
[14:28] <Keyblade0> Caps fail
[14:28] <Keyblade0> Who would want to go tight-balace-roping in a canyon where you can die?
[14:28] <Keyblade0> :I
[14:30] == wolf5000 has changed nick to wolf|away
[14:30] == Pea14733 has changed nick to Pea|TWEWY
[14:31] <ErryK|TS3> Argh.
[14:31] <ErryK|TS3> The texture is fine
[14:31] <ErryK|TS3> it's just Edea's not showing u
[14:31] <ErryK|TS3> p
[14:31] <ErryK|TS3> just a white silhouette of her.
[14:33] <Sove> Huh? ._.
[14:33] <Sove> What have you done now
[14:35] <Darkspine_Luke> ¿Who knows about Sonic the Hedgehog songs?
[14:35] <ErryK|TS3> I AM MAKING A T-SHIRT
[14:35] <ErryK|TS3> WITH EDEA'S FACE ON IT
[14:36] <ErryK|TS3> SOVE.
[14:36] <Sove> :|
[14:36] == SDC|Shower has changed nick to PhilosoherSDC
[14:36] <ErryK|TS3> I THINK I have it
[14:36] <Darkspine_Luke> Repeat ¿Who knows about Sonic the Hedgehog songs?
[14:36] <PhilosoherSDC> Forgot to change nick
[14:41] <ErryK|TS3> Yeah.
[14:41] <ErryK|TS3> I got her on it now.
[14:41] <Keyblade0> ...
[14:42] <Darkspine_Luke> ¿How many times I've got to ask?
[14:42] <Keyblade0> YES
[14:42] <ErryK|TS3> Now to try it again.
[14:42] <Darkspine_Luke> ._.
[14:42]  * Keyblade0 is shot 3 times
[14:42] <Darkspine_Luke> :|
[14:42] <Darkspine_Luke> .-.
[14:42] <Darkspine_Luke> :|
[14:43] <Darkspine_Luke> *|:
[14:43] <Keyblade0> OPen your heart
[14:43]  * Keyblade0 rips open his heart
[14:43]  * Keyblade0 dies
[14:43] <Darkspine_Luke> lolol

Revision as of 23:56, 11 May 2011

This page is a page with IRC moments that I thought were awesome, funny, or epic. Usually, the following stories are funny, so please read if you feel down. Remember: Laughter is the best medicine! c:


Global Warming comes tp the IRC

[17:25] == globalwarming [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[17:25] <globalwarming> I WARNED YOU
[17:25] == globalwarming [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
[17:25] <Sove> ._.

Random's "Show"

[16:03] <Randomnessity> This has been Fun Times with Random.
[16:03] <Randomnessity> Join us next week when Random visits a farm.
[16:03] <Randomnessity> With kuh-razy results!
[16:03] <Satoru123> -_-

The TarNation

[21:28] <UnknownEnigma> What in tarnation
[21:29] <UnknownEnigma> What is tarnation?
[21:29] <Reeves|Lost> Tar Nation.
[21:29] <Randomnessity> ._.

The Universe

MX is a girl!?

Aqua and the Unnamed Heartless

[20:08] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: Ooh, extra BBS stuffs
[20:09] <Tabbeh> if I ever do fanon
[20:09] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: My, what big red eyes you have
[20:09] <Crono|Editing> ???: ALL THE BETTER TO SEE YOU WITH
[20:09] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: ಠ_ಠ

...they forgot.

[18:56] <Pokeblade0|Black> Oh yeah...

[18:56] <Pokeblade0|Black> Today's the next meeting right?

[18:57] <Doorsey> It is? ._.

[18:57] <Doorsey> ... oops.

[18:59] <BakaKidd> lol

[18:59] <BakaKidd> meeting fail

[18:59] <BakaKidd> schedule fail

[18:59] <BakaKidd> just fail

[19:02] <Luke|away> ...

[19:02] <Pokeblade0|Black> Tomorrow, then?

[19:03] <BakaKidd> ...

*In the other channel... the KHWiki-noticeboard channel...*

[19:03] <Doorsey> ...


[19:04] <Pokeblade0|Black> ._.

A bit of RP