User talk:SquareEnixRocks: Difference between revisions

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<center><big><big><big><font color=darkblue><u>This is a talk page. You should know the rules.</u></font></big></big></big></center>
<center><big><big><big><font color=darkblue><u>This is a talk page. You should know the rules.</u></font></big></big></big></center>
== Welcome back! ==
{{Organization 13|xmas=SER!!!! Welcome back!}}
{{The Dark Master|text=Is their a reason you haven't been answering my messages man it me,'''The Dark Master'''}}
{{The Dark Master|text=I see sorry for bothering you,I was just wondering what was going on.I'll talk to you when your finished.}}
{{The Dark Master|text=Hold on I'll be right back.There is something I have to do first.}}
{{The Dark Master|text=Sorry about that we can still talk if you want.}}
{{Organization 13|xmas=You can't get rid of me even if you tried! <small>Well you probably could if you tried  but thats besides the point..</small>.}}
{{Organization 13|xmas=Good, good, you?}}
== Friends ==
{{Darkheart3|time=04:42, December 14, 2010 (UTC)|text=Hey SquareEnixRocks! Would you like to be friends?}}
==The King==
{{ANX219|time=19:51, December 16, 2010 (UTC)|aquahappy=I played as King Mickey on 358/2 Days and he is fast as lighting, jumps really high, and does a cool dodge roll. He's '''awesome'''!!!}}
== Friends ==
{{Darkheart3|time=00:59, December 20, 2010 (UTC)|text=Hey there SquareEnixRocks! I'm Darkheart3, and I was wondering, would you like to be friends?}}
== Happy Festivus! ==
== Merry Christmas! ==
{{Organization 13|xmas=Have a merry Christmas, SER!}}
== Editing a page name ==
{{ICR|time=10:16, January 9, 2011 (UTC)|inverse=Hello, SER. I recently archived my talk page, but I accidentaly forgot to add the "talk" in the User talk part, so now the archive says User:IceCreamRockz/Archive 2. I was wondering, would it be possible to change a page's name by alerting a staff member?}}
{{LapisScarab|time=10:26, January 9, 2011 (UTC)|text=I took care of it. Like the Archive image by the way, SER.}}
Thanks , SER. Nice archive picture (so many people said it already >.< {{User:IceCreamRockz/Signature}} 09:12, January 10, 2011 (UTC)
== Long time no see ==
{{The Dark Master|light=It has been a long time.I hope that you are doing well.}}
{{The Dark Master|light=I have been doing well my friend.Well anyway do you wish to discuss some things about Kingdom Hearts.}}
{{The Dark Master|light=Well how do you think KH 3D will turn out?}}
{{The Dark Master|light=Well it seems like 3D will have a serious plotline.There is also going to be a suprise secret ending.}}
{{The Dark Master|light=I just hope the developers do not make changes that ruin the game like they did in BBS.}}
{{The Dark Master|light=Well anyway have you seen the recent changes to the wiki?}}
{{The Dark Master|light=You see the name of the Lingering Sentiment has been changed to that of Lingering Will.I just think that is terrible.What are your thoughts on the matter.}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=16:31, January 9, 2011 (UTC)|roxastalk= Hey SER, I'm RoxasXIIILK. I was aondering if we could be friends.}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=16:41, January 9, 2011 (UTC)|roxas= Cool thanks :D Nice Archive Template image btw! :D}}
==Talk Bubble==
{{HikariKH|time=19:34, January 10, 2011 (UTC)|text=I take it from your Echo bubbles I'm not the only one here that likes Pandora Hearts ^_^.}}
{{HikariKH|time=13:39, January 11, 2011 (UTC)|rikku=Is it really that obvious?</retorical question>}}
{{HikariKH|time=15:55, January 12, 2011 (UTC)|text=True, but it's still kinda obvious.}}
{{HikariKH|time=12:41, January 13, 2011 (UTC)|dn=Everybody does that sometimes, it's no problem!}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=20:58, January 11, 2011 (UTC)|roxastalk= Hey SER I realized that I never offered you my userbox. I don't know if you use them but just in case you would like to it's <nowiki>{{User RoxasXIIILK}}</nowiki>. May I ask what yours is?  EDIT: COOL THANK YOU :D And btw why is that character featured in all your talk bubbles? At first glance I thought it was Riku but upon a more closer study it looked a bit to girlish looking :/ {{User RoxasXIIILK}}}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=21:49, January 11, 2011 (UTC)|hoodedstory= Yea I'm so blind *hides under hood* but that's cool I actualy know a pretty good number of users who don't souly have KH themed bubbles and actualy have made some for some users. I wouldn't have any need for doing such a thing as KH is my favorite and always will be ;D lol but yea so you made all those youself then? I can only guess this also includes that beast archive template image you have there as well :D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=21:57, January 11, 2011 (UTC)|laughing= Yea lol that's me XD No problem my friend :D I made my archive stuff aswell along with tons of pictures and sprites both made for myself and other users I kinda made it my purpose here to help others with anything I can and to make images for anyone that wants them since my editing skills are well less than satisfactory. I figure I'm more useful that way. But I mean that image really is cool though :D How long have you been doing that sorta stuff?? If I'm talk too much please do tell me to zip it, I know I can do that a lot XD}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=22:16, January 11, 2011 (UTC)|roxas= Well I took a Computer Art class freshmin year (2 years ago) And ever since then I've had Photoshop and periodicly fooled around with pictures and stuff but it wasn't until I joined this wiki that I actualy started heavily editing/making pictures and such. I'm always getting asked for stuff now; infobox pictures, talk sprite images, archive pictures, screen images, keyblades you name it :D I even had to make a separate page because the amount of times I had to archive my page in like one month started to get a tad annoying >.> But I love doing it :D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=22:33, January 11, 2011 (UTC)|confused= WOAH COOL GREEN SCREENS :D THATS AWESOME :D How is it? Wait is this High School or college or whatever school system you have >.>}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=22:56, January 11, 2011 (UTC)|happy= lol I see what is it for? EDIT: Oh nice :D I don't have anything like that in my school :/}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=03:14, January 12, 2011 (UTC)|shocked= You gotta be kidding me... I archived it 5 DAYS AGO >.> Uhg now this is just rediculous.... Well I better get on that then thank you :D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=03:35, January 12, 2011 (UTC)|laughing= haha too true too true. Now to write Chapter 6 of the Journal :D lol}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=03:43, January 12, 2011 (UTC)|roxas= lol yea I just need help from all of you guys_.... just not toooo much help ;D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=04:18, January 12, 2011 (UTC)|excited= Yet you help as we speak XD LOL but anyway I should shut up before I get yelled again for talking too much on the talk pages about casual stuff :/ beh I hate that rule.}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=04:35, January 12, 2011 (UTC)|friendarmor= True. Well another time then yes :D}}
{{Darkheart3|time=05:40, January 13, 2011 (UTC)|happy=Ha. Sorry I didn't get back to you! I just decided to have a little break. Anyway, thank you for accepting my friendship. Here's the coding for my Userbox: <nowiki>{{UserfriendDarkheart3}}</nowiki>}}
== Pandora Hearts ==
{{ICR|time=11:35, January 16, 2011 (UTC)|ven=Hello, SER! I noticed that you liked Pandora Hearts, so I checked it out. Wow, it really is interesting! Especially Echo, too, since she's also Zwei ._. It's creepy. Haha. Anyways, I was just wondering, do you make talk bubble images? If so, could you make me a Gilbert talk bubble?}}
==Heh Heh Thanks :D==
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=02:49, January 17, 2011 (UTC)|venfriend= Thank you sooo much for that :D I have to say you guys on here are the nicest people I know :D All the people I know here would've just been like big deal :P lol don't worry about it though ;) if I dime for every time the guy pissed me off like that I'd be rich enough to buy the entire world no joke >.> But really it's cool as I said I spent all day watching cartoons so I'm a ok now :D lol. But seriously thanks :D I love seeing that people actualy care :D How are you :D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=03:05, January 17, 2011 (UTC)|friendexcited= Heheh yes indeed I am lol ^^ I'm glad you are doing well :D And this is true very true but still that doesn't mean everyone jumps to it like you ;) so again thank you ^^ I was just sad I wasn't on yesterday but I was just too emotionaly compromised >.> But I is all better now :D lol. I see you made a new archive template picture it's very nice :D I wont change mine till spring. Then Im gunna do a normal theme for Spring and Summer, for fall a halloween theme, and then back to winter ^^ I have been busy with sprites though as you can see from my user page :D How do ya think they look??? EDIT: :D YOU GET COOKIES FOR THAT ONE ^^ *Gives SER 10 cookies* :D lol thank you :D I work hard on my lil babies XD yours look wicked nice too!! :D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=03:42, January 17, 2011 (UTC)|laughing= XD yes yes they are ;D lol but hey you're still makin em you know ;D So what if you use other stuff ;) no big deal and certainly not cheap :) I use photoshop for all my stuff those :D EDIT: No problem :) As you said that's what friends are for ;) Well if you need any help with it just ask ok :D I've been using it for 3 years now ;)}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=04:22, January 17, 2011 (UTC)|roxas= lol ok ;D well just remember I'm always happy to help if you wanna try again :) I for one thing photoshop is awesome :D lol what is GIMP 2.6 anyway o.O EDIT: Ahh I see that's pretty cool ^^ lol. When'd you start doing that? EDIT2: Ah I see, alright. Well still you make some prtty good images :D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=05:01, January 17, 2011 (UTC)|roxastalk= 2000 edits eh lol thanks :D I never pay attention to that lol I bet only like 3 of em are mainspace and maybe 20 are forum the rest are all tale page and user page edits XD}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=05:11, January 17, 2011 (UTC)|friendhappy= LOL haha yea that's exactly what I do ;) I just talk to people, help people, make stuff for people, make stuff for me, ect ;D lol I maybe have made like 3 mainspace edits in total ;P lol EDIT: Cool :D I'm just gunna get it when I get it ;D lol When's your birthday? EDIT2: Nice, that's a long way to wait tho o.O Mine was December 22nd ;) EDIT3: Yea true enjoy it :p lol I'm gunna be grown up soon >.> but anyhow as this is the 13th edit (heh heh 13 XD) I think we should continue this some other time so I don't get another slap on the wrist XD do you have facebook btw?}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=05:55, January 17, 2011 (UTC)|venfriend= haha yea well how about this, here's mine [[!/profile.php?id=1028268457]] and you aan add me if you want k :D and thnk you ^^ You too :D}}
