User talk:Troisnyxetienne/2011: Difference between revisions

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{{TNE|time=08:22, 11 February 2011 (EST)|text=Nothing for now, thanks, but I will let you know whenever I come across something. At the moment I'm handling userspace tweaks — talk bubble pictures, archive images (there's a new section in my Subpages template)... And there's also my coursework which is due on the 22nd.}}
{{TNE|time=08:22, 11 February 2011 (EST)|text=Nothing for now, thanks, but I will let you know whenever I come across something. At the moment I'm handling userspace tweaks — talk bubble pictures, archive images (there's a new section in my Subpages template)... And there's also my coursework which is due on the 22nd.}}
{{Uxie|time=08:29, 11 February 2011 (EST)|zoe=Okay, I understand. It's just that I'm going to replay KHII and see if I can spot some gags and such to help this wiki. I'm going to keep it written in my ''[[User:UxieLover1994/Legado|Legado]]'' (Spanish for ''Legacy''; came from '''Spyro: Shadow Legacy''' and '''Tron: Legacy'''). If you need any info from that game, just ask!}}
{{Uxie|time=08:29, 11 February 2011 (EST)|zoe=Okay, I understand. It's just that I'm going to replay KHII and see if I can spot some gags and such to help this wiki. I'm going to keep it written in my ''[[User:UxieLover1994/Legado|Legado]]'' (Spanish for ''Legacy''; came from '''Spyro: Shadow Legacy''' and '''Tron: Legacy'''). If you need any info from that game, just ask!}}
===Ding_... I Mean Beep :D===
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=16:09, 14 February 2011 (EST)|friendhappy= Hey TNX how is you? :D Oh happy valintines day btw :D You doing anything special? So did ya get my eail with the images I made? I asked your oppinion on them ;D Also on FR's page: You are very welcome as you very much deserve such a praise :D Especialy after what I saw you wrote about me on your vote for chrono. That antire UotM thing just really showed me how appreciated I am ^^ I don't even care if I win or lose to either Chrono or Inexistant. There are both great people and great editors and it would be nohing short of an honor to lose to them ^^!!! Uhm and also I saw what he wrote on the tal page of the UotM thing and he said if he won ot tied with me that he wants to abstain.... Uhm what exactly does that mean >.> I tried looking it up but all I got was all these insane deffinitions that just made me feel even dumber >.> lol. I think I can tell what he might mean by context but I just wanna make sure o.o}}
{{TNE|time=18:59, 14 February 2011 (EST)|happytext=Happy St Valentine's to you too ! ^_^ Well, I didn't do anything particularly special today, because I had troubles with my Student ID and room key which needed to be settled, and it passed like any other day. But I did ask St Valentine for intercession. ^_^
As for the image, I took a look at it not very long ago — it's rendered quite well, I must say. I can only render things to a degree, and the smoothening out often needs tending to. If ever I find anything which needs smoothening, I now have a fourth person in the list of people to call (the other three being ShardofTruth, iZerox and LegoAlchemist).
Crono said he'd abstain (abstinence is like restraining oneself from something voluntarily, and in this case Crono wants to abstain from being displayed) because he wanted a birthday gift for himself. Which I feel is proper, why not — he didn't mind contesting, I believe, it's just that he wanted to be displayed on another month if he does make the cut. It isn't everyday that we get a wiki birthday gift, I admit. ^_^}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=19:08, 14 February 2011 (EST)|roxashappy= Yea same here lol same old same old ;P Sounds like an interesting day to me o.o
REALLY :D Thank you very much ^^ that means a lot lol. I did A LOT of work on it >.> lol oh yes of course I know those other three are FAR beyond my skill level ;D Even my pal [[User:Soxra|Soxra]] has an enormous amount of skill level.
Ah ok I see so what's that exactly mean will happen this month? I'm a bit confused there.}}
{{TNE|time=19:16, 14 February 2011 (EST)|text=The voting will go on as usual, but if Crono wins, his position will be relegated to the person with the second highest number of votes — I presume it to be so.}}

