User talk:IceCreamRockz/Archive: Difference between revisions

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Hi, I'm [[User:Auror Andrachome]]. It's come to my attention that you came here pretty recently, but, there's a problem. ALL YOU DO IS TALK! That's not a very good thing, and it can result in unhealthiness. Have you seen the recent forums about all the talking newbies like you do on this wiki? DTN has proposed a ban/block situation, which I don't really care for since I'm inactive on this wiki. Anyways, remember to only contact people if you need them for help, NO TALKBUBBLE CRAP, and in other situations. I may be the unlikely person trying to tell you this, and this really makes me look unprofessional, but meh. What you do gives you your own destiny. Have faith and good luck in your own cause. This is Auror the magical Andrachome signing off, hoping for all you of to have a happy holiday!{{AurorSig}}
Hi, I'm [[User:Auror Andrachome]]. It's come to my attention that you came here pretty recently, but, there's a problem. ALL YOU DO IS TALK! That's not a very good thing, and it can result in unhealthiness. Have you seen the recent forums about all the talking newbies like you do on this wiki? DTN has proposed a ban/block situation, which I don't really care for since I'm inactive on this wiki. Anyways, remember to only contact people if you need them for help, NO TALKBUBBLE CRAP, and in other situations. I may be the unlikely person trying to tell you this, and this really makes me look unprofessional, but meh. What you do gives you your own destiny. Have faith and good luck in your own cause. This is Auror the magical Andrachome signing off, hoping for all you of to have a happy holiday!{{AurorSig}}
{{LapisScarab|time=17:30, November 14, 2010 (UTC)|shocktext=1) You can ask any user anything, it is at that user's discresion whether they will answer or not. If he wants to ask me or another user about talk bubbles, user boxes, or anything like that, it is not your business if we want to help him, Auror. 2) All of his "talking" has been [ asking questions] about the way the wiki and things on it work, or [ asking people to be friends]. [ Questions are quite acceptable]. He also just asked about the IRC, which is exactly where he should go for more casual talking. 3) [[Forum:User Talk Conversation|That forum]] was created months ago and hasn't been edited since April. None of the forums about "newbies" (which is ''not'' what that forum is about) have been recent.
I don't know why you decided to lauch a completely unporvoked verbal assault on IceCreamRockz, Auror, but he hasn't done anything wrong. You were a newbie too once, and are "guilty" of many of the same things he is. Do something like this again and I may give you a warning for misconduct.}}

{{Xion4ever|time=17:07, November 14, 2010 (UTC)|text=Of course we can be friends. My activity on here will be on-and-off, but I'll be on here as often as I can. Any questions just ask!}}
{{Xion4ever|time=17:07, November 14, 2010 (UTC)|text=Of course we can be friends. My activity on here will be on-and-off, but I'll be on here as often as I can. Any questions just ask!}}
