
Joined 14 years ago
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==KH History==
==KH History==
I got started fairly late in the game, getting Kingdom Hearts last year, but I caught up quickly.  I played through the first two games in 3 months and am nearly done with Days, but am stuck because my little brother hid the DS.  I can't play Birth by Sleep, which annoys me to no end.  I love the series, and hope it keeps going strong.
Truly, I had never heard of Kingdom Hearts until my freshman year of high school.  It was introduced to me first through the music.  One of my friends sent me the piano music for the original Piano Collection, and I was hooked immediately.  As is my personality, I immediately did research on the game, finding this wiki before I actually owned any game.  I got Kingdom Hearts I, II, and re:CoM for Christmas that year, and played through I and II in three months.  I attempted re:CoM, but the card system just wasn't working with my hack-and-slash battle style.  I put that on hold when I got Days for my birthday a few months later.  I didn't really like it at first, because the panel system was so restricting, but I grew to love it and eventually unlocked both Sora and Mickey, at which point I felt accomplished enough to put it down.  I'm now anxiously awaiting re:Coded, which I already pre-ordered, and 3D, which looks epic.

==Talk Bubbles==
==Talk Bubbles==
