User talk:Troisnyxetienne/2010-9: Difference between revisions

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=== Bonjour ===
{{Organization 13|time=[[User:Organization 13|Organization 13]] 10:09, May 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=Bonjour TNE, ca va? I have a couple of questions I need help for. Am I allowed to leave a message just asking how are things or do I have do that on the IRC or is that what the Chat section of your talk page is for? When leaving a new message it places it in the Aide section instead of the Chat section, how do I move it?}}
{{TNE|time=10:13, May 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=''Mouais, comme toujours''. Well, you can just edit a new section, without "leaving a message", and use three equal signs instead of two. That way, it'll automatically be sorted.
As for asking how one is, I bet talk pages will work. And I also said that I'd be off the IRC until May 13th. If it's a long conversation (think me and KKD ; but that's because I'm not supposed to be there), then it should be taken to the IRC... At least, that's what the current stance is.
Any questions, just ask. ^_^}}
{{Organization 13|time=[[User:Organization 13|Organization 13]] 10:21, May 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=Thanks, good to hear your good ^_^}}
{{TNE|time=10:26, May 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=I'm just waiting for Thursday and I can then declare FREEDOM !! :D}}
{{Organization 13|time=[[User:Organization 13|Organization 13]] 10:45, May 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=Are your exams ending or what?}}
{{TNE|time=10:55, May 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=Yes, they end on Thursday.}}
{{Organization 13|time=[[User:Organization 13|Organization 13]] 11:01, May 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=Good for you ^_^, mine have'nt even started yet :(}}
{{TNE|time=11:06, May 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=Though I know I won't have much of a break considering the amount of things I need to do before heading off to the UK (perhaps), so I might as well make the most of it.}}
{{Organization 13|time=[[User:Organization 13|Organization 13]] 11:13, May 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=Why are you going to the U.K? (If you don't mind  me asking.)}}
{{TNE|time=11:35, May 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=I'll be continuing my studies there. So I'd either go on the second year or the third year.}}
{{Organization 13|time=[[User:Organization 13|Organization 13]] 11:45, May 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=Cool. ^_^}}
