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| Can you help us make list of shoot lock locations? [[User:Edgeshadow|Edgeshadow]] | | Can you help us make list of shoot lock locations? [[User:Edgeshadow|Edgeshadow]] |
| :You can look [http://translate.google.de/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fworld-mognet.blogspot.com%2F2010%2F02%2Fbbs-complete-solution-shoot-lock.html&sl=de&tl=en&hl=&ie=UTF-8 here] for a start. The google translation may be not perfect, but the locations should be pretty clear. --[[User:ShardofTruth|ShardofTruth]] 17:45, August 3, 2010 (UTC) | | :You can look [http://translate.google.de/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fworld-mognet.blogspot.com%2F2010%2F02%2Fbbs-complete-solution-shoot-lock.html&sl=de&tl=en&hl=&ie=UTF-8 here] for a start. The google translation may be not perfect, but the locations should be pretty clear. --[[User:ShardofTruth|ShardofTruth]] 17:45, August 3, 2010 (UTC) |
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| BBS Complete Solution - "Shoot Lock"
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| Photobucket
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| Meine Güte - es gibt so viele Kampfsysteme für ein Kampfsystem in Birth by Sleep! My goodness - there are so many combat systems for the combat system in Birth by Sleep! Das ist aber genial - denn das macht eine Abwechslung besonders groß und jeder Kampf kann anders bestritten werden. But this is great - because that makes a very large variety and every battle can be otherwise contested.
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| Shoot Lock Commandos kann man in Kisten finden oder auch durch spezielle Vorgaben gewinnen, die Figuren bekommen nahezu alle gleichen Shoot Lock Kommandos - es gibt aber auch hier wenige Ausnahmen was Individualität betrifft. Shoot Lock Commandos can be found in boxes or win by specifications, the figures have almost all of the same Shoot Lock commands - but even here there are a few exceptions in terms of individuality.
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| Level Up! Level Up!
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| Shoot Lock Kommandos sind mit Level 1 sehr schwach und brauchen lange um das Einloggen der Gegner auszuführen. Shoot Lock commands with a very low level and take a long time at the Sign of the opponents run.
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| Umso höher das Level des Shoot Locks steigt, desto besser sind die Konditionen um Shoot Lock auszuführen. The higher the level of the shoot Locks goes, the better are the terms to run Shoot Lock. Auf dem maximalen Level geht das Einloggen irre schnell so das man mit einer Fokusleiste zwei vollständige Shoot Lock Kommandos ausführen kann. At the maximum level of logging goes wrong so fast that one with a focus bar two complete Shoot Lock can execute commands.
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| Das höchste Shoot Lock Level ist 6, doch in der Regel tummeln sich fast alle Shoot Locks bei Level 4 und sehr wenige bei Level 5. The highest Shoot Lock level is 6, but cavort in general, almost all Shoot Locks at level 4 and level 5 in very few
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| Shoot Lock ausführen! Shoot Lock run!
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| Ich habe es in der Zusammenfassung schon mal geschrieben, doch hier schreibe ich es nochmal für euch: "Wie funktioniert denn Shoot Lock?" I have ever written in the summary, but here I write it again for you: "How does this Shoot Lock?
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| Die Frage lässt sich leicht beantworten, denn dafür sind das simultane drücken von den Schultertasten The question can be answered easily, because this are the simultaneous pressing of the shoulder buttons Photobucket und and Photobucket zuständig. jurisdiction.
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| Tippt man die Schultertasten an, so wird der Gegner anvisiert, drückt man sie jedoch länger, so erscheint das Shoot Lock Suchsystem. If you tap on the shoulder buttons, then the enemy targeted, but it pushes you more, it appears the Shoot Lock search system.
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| Während des Anivisierens per Shoot Lock werden AUTOMATISCH die Gegner anvisiert - sobald MAX! auf dem Bildschirm steht muss man einmalig mit During the Lock Anivisierens be AUTOMATICALLY by Shoot the enemy targeted - as soon as MAX! On the screen you can be unique with Photobucket bestätigen um seinen mächtigen Angriff auszuführen. confirm its powerful running attack.
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| Während der Shoot Lock Attacke ist man unsterblich und unverwundbar - man kann nicht mehr angegriffen werden und Shoot Lock lässt sich auch nicht abbrechen, das kann bei verheerenden Angriffen von den finsteren Unversed oder auch Bossen eine erleichternde Alternative sein um Zeit zu überbrücken und dennoch Schaden zu verteilen. During the Shoot Lock attack one is immortal and invulnerable - it can not be attacked and Shoot Lock can not even stop, which can in devastating attacks from the dark Unversed or bosses to be a facilitating alternative to bridge time and yet claims to . distribute
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| Ausserdem kann eine Erweiterung den Schaden des Shoot Locks erhöhen, je nachdem was ausgerüstet ist. Furthermore, an extension increase the damage of the shoot Locks, whichever is fitted.
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| Wenn das Level des Shootlock steigt, dann lässt sich durch nette Vorgaben der Angriff erweitern! If the level rises of Shootlock, it is extensible with nice set of attack!
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| Es gibt einige Vorgaben, meistens muss man There are a few guidelines, mostly you have to Photobucket , , Photobucket , , Photobucket oder or Photobucket eingeben, sobald der Bildschirm die Tasten vorgibt. , Enter as soon as the screen sets the keys. Es gibt auch die Vorgabe das There is also the target of the Photobucket rapide gedrückt werden soll, zu guter letzt gibt es noch die Vorgabe wo man should be pushed rapidly, last but not least there is the default where Photobucket im richtigen Zeitpunkt ausführen muss. run in real time needs.
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| Eine sehr seltene Variante verlangt auch das rotieren des Analogsticks nach links oder rechts - je nachdem wie die Angabe es vorzeigt. A very rare variant also requires that the analog sticks rotate left or right - depending on how the statement is to show off.
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| Shoot Lock Typen Shoot Lock Types
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| Obwohl es viele Kommandos gibt, sehen die meisten relativ identisch aus, haben aber nur ein anderes Element und unterschiedliche Stärken. Although there are many commands, most of relatively identical, but have only one other element, and different strengths.
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| Insgesamt kann man die Shoot Lock Kommandos in vier Kategorien unterteilen: Overall, one can divide the Shoot Lock commands in four categories:
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| Photobucket
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| Diese Form ist die einfachste Ausführungsform von den Shoot Lock Kommandos. This form is the simplest embodiment of the Shoot Lock command. In der ersten Phase werden mit dem Schlüsselschwert kleine Geschosse abgefeuert, ab der zweiten Phase wird der Charakter in eine Sphäre des jeweiligen Shoot Lock Elements umhüllt und durch die rapide Wiederholungseingabe von In the first phase with the keyblade fired small projectiles, from the second phase, the character in a sphere of the respective Shoot Lock Elements and wrapped by the rapid repetition of input Photobucket werden noch mehr Geschosse abgegeben. be cast more bullets.
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| Eine Liste aller Sphären Shoot Locks: A list of all spheres Shoot Locks:
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| メテオシャワーメテオシャワー
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| Meteor Shower Meteor Shower
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 30 Lock Maximum number: 30
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| Fundort Terra: Command Board Minispiel - Royal Board - Bonus Panel Locality Terra: Command Board minigame - Royal Forum - Bonus panel
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| Fundort Aqua: Command Board Minispiel - Royal Board - Bonus Panel Location Aqua: Command Mini Game Board - Royal Forum - Bonus Panel
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| Fundort Ven: Command Board Minispiel - Royal Board - Bonus Panel Location Ven: Command Mini Game Board - Royal Forum - Bonus Panel
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| フレイムバースト フレイムバースト
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| Flame Burst Flame Burst
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 15 Lock Maximum number: 15
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| Fundort Terra: Schatzkiste in Dwarf Woodland Terra Location: Treasure Chest in Dwarf Woodland
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| Fundort Aqua: Mirage Arena - Medallien Shop - 900 Medallien Aqua Location: Mirage Arena - medals Shop - 900 medals
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| Fundort Ven: Starter Shoot Lock Location valve: Starter Shoot Lock
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| カオススネーク カオススネーク
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| Chaos Snake Chaos Snake
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 20 Lock Maximum number: 20
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| Fundort Terra: Disney Town - Minispiel Fruit Scatter - Captain Dark Terra Location: Disney Town - Mini Games Fruit Scatter - Captain Dark
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| Fundort Aqua: Disney Town - Minispiel Fruit Scatter - Captain Justice Aqua Location: Disney Town - Mini Games Fruit Scatter - Captain Justice
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| Fundort Ven: Disney Town - Minispiel Fruit Scatter - Captain Justice Ven Location: Disney Town - Mini Games Fruit Scatter - Justice Captain
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| バブルブラスト バブルブラスト
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| Bubble Blast Bubble Blast
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 15 Lock Maximum number: 15
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| Fundort Aqua: Starter Shoot Lock Location Aqua: Shoot Lock Starter
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| Diesen Shoot Lock bekommt nur Aqua! This Shoot Lock gets only Aqua!
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| ブラックボレー ブラックボレー
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| Black Volley Black Volley
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 18 Lock Maximum number: 18
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| Fundort Terra: Radiant Garden abschließen Terra Location: Garden conclude Radiant
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| Diesen Shoot Lock bekommt nur Terra! This Shoot Lock gets only Terra!
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| Photobucket
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| Diese Form von Shoot Lock wird euch bekannt vorkommen, denn es ist das Prinzip von Soras Limit "Ragnarok" - das ebenfalls in diesem Spiel vertreten ist. This form of Shoot Lock will look familiar to you, because it is the principle of Sora's Limit "Ragnarok" - is also represented in this game.
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| Die Figur springt in der ersten Phase in die Luft und hält sein Schlüsselschwert vor sich. The figure jumps to the first phase in the air and holds his keyblade on. Eine Energiekugel wird aufgeladen die durch zahlreiche Geschosse wieder entladen. An energy ball is charged, the discharge by numerous bullets again. Die zweite Phase wiederholt diesen Vorgang einige Male, man muss darauf warten das der weiße Ring zur The second phase will repeat this procedure several times, you have to wait out the ring to the white Photobucket Taste kommt und aufleuchtet um den besten Effekt zu erzielen. Button is lit and to the best effect to achieve.
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| Folgende Statuswerte werden angegeben, je nachdem wann man den Auslöser betätigt. The following status values are given, depending on when you press the shutter button.
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| Too Fast - wenige Kugeln und sofortiger Abbruch. Too fast - a few balls and immediate termination.
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| Good - einige Kugeln und erneutes aufladen des Angriffs. Good - some balls and re-charge of the attack.
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| Excellent Excellent - massig viele Kugeln und erneutes aufladen des Angriffs. - Moderately many balls and re-charge of the attack.
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| Too Slow - wenige Kugeln und sofortiger Abbruch. Too slow - a few balls and immediate termination.
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| Eine Liste aller Ladungs Shoot Locks: A list of all cargo Shoot Locks:
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| ラグナロク ラグナロク
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| Ragnarok Ragnarok
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 16 Lock Maximum number: 16
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| Fundort Terra: Command Board Minispiel - Keyblade Board - Bonus Panel Location Terra: Command Board Mini Games - Keyblade Board - Bonus Panel
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| Fundort Aqua: Command Board Minispiel - Keyblade Board - Bonus Panel Location Aqua: Command Board Mini Games - Keyblade Board - Bonus Panel
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| Fundort Ven: Command Board Minispiel - Keyblade Board - Bonus Panel Location Ven: Command Board Mini Games - Keyblade Board - Bonus Panel
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| サンダーストーム サンダーストーム
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| Thunder Storm Thunder Storm
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 5 Lock Maximum number: 5
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| Fundort Terra: Schatzkiste in Castle of Dreams Terra Location: Treasure Chest in Castle of Dreams
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| Fundort Aqua: Schatzkiste in Castle of Dreams Aqua Location: Treasure Chest in Castle of Dreams
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| Fundort Ven: Schatzkiste in Castle of Dreams Ven Location: Treasure Chest in Castle of Dreams
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| バイオバラージュ バイオバラージュ
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| Bio Barrage Bio Barrage
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 8 Maximum Lock Number: 8
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| Fundort Terra: Mirage Arena - Medallien Shop - 2500 Medallien Terra Location: Mirage Arena - medals Shop - 2500 medals
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| Fundort Aqua: Mirage Arena - Medallien Shop - 2500 Medallien Location Aqua: Mirage Arena - Shop medal - 2500 medal
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| Fundort Ven: Mirage Arena - Medallien Shop - 2500 Medallien Ven Location: Mirage Arena - Shop medals - 2500 medals
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| パルスボム パルスボム
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| Pulse Bomb Pulse Bomb
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 20 Lock Maximum number: 20
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| Fundort Ven: Schatzkiste in Deep Space Ven Location: Treasure Chest in Deep Space
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| Diesen Shoot Lock bekommt nur Ven! This only gets Shoot Lock Ven!
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| レインボーシャワー レインボーシャワー
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| Rainbow Shower Rainbow Shower
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 16 Lock Maximum number: 16
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| Fundort Aqua: Schatzkiste in Deep Space Aqua Location: Treasure Chest in Deep Space
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| Diesen Shoot Lock bekommt nur Aqua! This Shoot Lock gets only Aqua!
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| Photobucket
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| Hier kommt Geschwindigkeit ins Spiel. This is where speed comes into play. Nach dem bestätigen der Lock-On Ziele rast der Charakter mit Hochgeschwindigkeit durch seine Gegner und zieht einen langen Schweif des Elements nach sich das er ausgerüstet hat. After the confirmation of the lock-on targets the character with high-speed races through his opponents and draws a long tail of the element to be that he has equipped.
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| In der zweiten Phase verharrt der Charakter an einem Punkt und wartet auf eine Tasteneingabe - entweder In the second phase, the character stays in one position and waits for a key input - either Photobucket , , Photobucket , , Photobucket oder or Photobucket um eine Angriffssäule zu erzeugen in dem der Charakter gegen den Boden sprintet. to generate a column in the attack against the character of the ground sprinting. Der Abschluss erzeugt mehrere Säulen zeitgleich in einem vergrößerten Radius. The conclusion creates multiple columns simultaneously in an enlarged radius.
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| Eine Liste aller Booster Shoot Locks: A list of all Booster Shoot Locks:
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| フォトンチャージフォトンチャージ
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| Photon Charge Photon Charge
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 15 Lock Maximum number: 15
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| Fundort Terra: Mirage Arena - Medallien Shop - 1600 Medallien Terra Location: Mirage Arena - medals Shop - 1600 medals
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| Fundort Aqua: Mirage Arena - Medallien Shop - 1600 Medallien Aqua Location: Mirage Arena - medals Shop - 1600 medals
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| Fundort Ven: Mirage Arena - Medallien Shop - 1600 Medallien Ven Location: Mirage Arena - medals Shop - 1600 medals
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| アブソリュートゼロ アブソリュートゼロ
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| Absolute Zero Absolute Zero
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 12 Maximum Lock Number: 12
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| Fundort Terra: Schatzkiste in Disney Town Terra Location: Disney treasure chest in Town
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| Fundort Aqua: Schatzkiste in Enchanted Dominion Aqua Location: Treasure Chest in Enchanted Dominion
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| Fundort Ven: Schatzkiste in Enchanted Dominion Ven Location: Enchanted treasure box in the Dominion
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| ライトニングレイ ライトニングレイ
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| Lightning Ray Ray Lightning
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 18 Lock Maximum number: 18
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| Fundort Terra: Command Board Minispiel - Space Ship - Bonus Panel Terra Location: Command Board Mini Games - Space ship - Bonus Panel
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| Fundort Aqua: Command Board Minispiel - Space Ship - Bonus Panel Locality Aqua: Command Board Mini Games - Space Ship - Bonus Panel
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| Fundort Ven: Command Board Minispiel - Space Ship - Bonus Panel Location Ven: Command Board Mini Games - Space Ship - Bonus Panel
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| ソニックシャドウ ソニックシャドウ
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| Sonic Shadow Sonic Shadow
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 10 Lock Maximum number: 10
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| Fundort Terra: Starter Shoot Lock Location Terra: Shoot Lock Starter
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| Diesen Shoot Lock bekommt nur Terra! This Shoot Lock gets only Terra!
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| Photobucket
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| Die letzte Form von Shoot Lock die es zu ergattern gibt und die mächtigste überhaupt! The last form of Shoot the lock is to get hold of it and the most powerful ever!
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| Jeder hat einen ganz eigenen und speziellen Shoot Lock mit eigenen Vorgaben um diesen zu erweitern doch alle Teilen sich den selben Fundort: Die Mirage Arena! Everyone has to own and expand a special Shoot Lock with its own specifications for these parts but all in the same Location: The Mirage Arena!
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| Vorgabe ist Arena Level 20, ab diesem Level wird die Mission 闘技場の支配者 freigespielt - ein Kampf gegen Iron Prisoner III und gegen die schwerste Form, Iron Prisoner IV, erwartet euch hier, es ist euer ganzes Können gefragt um diesen Brocken zu besiegen, absolute Vorsicht ist geboten und alle Support Abilities die einem am Leben erhalten und der Schutz, ungestört zu heilen sind natürlich Pflicht. Default is level 20 Arena, from this level, the mission 闘技 場 の 支配 者 is unlocked - a battle against Iron Prisoner III and against the most severe form, Prisoner Iron IV, you can expect here, it is in demand your skills to defeat these chunks , absolute care must be taken, and all Abilities support the one alive and to protect, to heal undisturbed are of course mandatory.
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| Hilfreich in dem Kampf ist Shoot Lock Photon Charge , wenn dieser auf Master ist! Help in the fight Shoot Lock Photon batch, if that master is on! Nehmt auf jedenfall Äther mit um eure Fokus-Leiste zu füllen und legt die Esprit Ability an wenn er euch attackieren sollte! Take on any event to fill the ether with your focus and sets the bar when he should Esprit Ability to attack you! (Das füllt die Fokusleiste wieder auf) (This is the Focus bar fills again)
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| Eine ausführlichere Hilfe gegen ihn kann ich nicht ganz liefern ausser zu sagen das man alles versuchen muss um den Shoot Lock so schnell es nur geht einzusetzen und ihm entgegen bringen. A more detailed help against him, I can not quite deliver, except to say that we all must try to shoot the lock as fast as you just use and get to meet him. Iron Prisoner IV ist der härteste Gegner der Unversed also ist wirklich größte Vorsicht euer bester Freund! Prisoner Iron IV is the toughest opponent of the Unversed so great care is really your best friend!
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| Am Ende dieses harten Kampfes bekommt ihr, für den jeweiligen Charakter den mächtigsten Shoot Lock Angriff überhaupt... At the end of this tough battle you will get, for each character the most powerful Shoot Lock attack at all ...
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| Terra Terra
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| アルテマキャノンアルテマキャノン
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| Ultima Cannon Ultima Cannon
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 16 Lock Maximum number: 16
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| Egal welches Schlüsselschwert Terra trägt, seine Waffe verwandelt sich in Gaia Bane um und ab dem Moment in eine gigantische Bazooka. No matter what the keyblade Terra carries his weapon in Gaia Bane turns around and from the moment in a giant bazooka. Genau wie beim Lingering Sentiment Kampf von Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix dreht der Griff sich und schießt eine leuchtende Sphäre ab die kurz darauf explodiert und alles schadet was eingeloggt wurde. Just like the Lingering Sentiment battle of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix turns the handle and shoot a glowing sphere from which briefly explodes on it and all harm that was logged.
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| Die zweite Phase lädt einen zweiter Schuss auf der im richtigen Moment mit The second phase loads a second shot at the right time with Photobucket bestätigt wird, bevor sich die Bazooka in ein Schlüsselschwert zurückformt, dieser Angriff trifft alle befindlichen Gegner auf dem Bildschirm. will be confirmed before the Bazooka zurückformt in a keyblade, this attack hits all enemies located on the screen.
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| Aqua Aqua
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| シャイニーブルームシャイニーブルーム
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| Shiny Broom Shiny Broom
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 20 Lock Maximum number: 20
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| Aqua fängt an sich auf einem Punkt zu drehen und schießt während der Rotation mehrere Lichtgeschosse ab, die großen Schaden anrichten. Aqua begins to turn on a point and shoot during the rotation from several light projectiles, the major damage. Die grazilen Bewegungen von ihren sehen aus als ob sie wie eine Ballerina tanzen würde. The graceful movements of her look as if she would dance like a ballerina.
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| Die zweite Phase leitet der Analogstick ein der gedreht werden muss um weitere Schüsse abzufeuern, umso schneller, desto mehr Angriffe werden abgegeben. The second phase of the analog stick directs one to be turned to fire more shots, the faster, the more attacks will be delivered.
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| Ven Ven
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| マルチボーテックスマルチボーテックス
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| Multi Vortex Multi Vortex
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| Maximale Lock Zahl: 30 Lock Maximum number: 30
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| Ven formt 6 Schlüsselschwerter aus Licht die eine große Ähnlichkeit zum Kingdom Key vorweisen und schlägt mit unheimlicher Geschwindigkeit auf sein Ziel ein. Ven forms show six key sword of light very similar to the Kingdom Key and proposes with an uncanny speed to its destination. Unzählige Treffer landen direkt auf dem Gegner und ziehen massiven Schaden ab. Countless hit land directly on the opponent and pull off massive damage.
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| Die zweite Phase wird ebenfalls mit dem Analogstick eingeleitet. The second phase is also initiated with the analog stick. Ein Sternenmeer wird durch die Rotation verwischt, bis am Ende der Bildschirm in gleißendem Licht überblendet wird. A sea of stars is blurred by the rotation until the end of the screen will dissolve into brilliant light.
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| Und wieder ist ein weiteres Kapitel der BbS Complete Solution abgeschlossen! And again, another chapter of the BBS is complete Complete Solution!
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| Als nächstes habe ich Lust auf Dimensional Link, mal schauen - oder ich entscheide mich doch vorher für was anderes! Next I have a mind to link dimensional, sometimes look - or I decide it before for something else!
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| Hoffe es ist hilfreich! Hope it helps!
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is there any game play that shows terra using Ultima Cannon? -- 13:46, January 19, 2010 (UTC)
Look at the Jump Festa 2010 Trailer and watch it until 4:58. You can see Terra using Ultima Cannon. - HeartOfOblivion 14:10, January 19, 2010 (UTC)
Other Shoot Locks
Does anybody know the name of all of the other shoot locks? Vaddie 17:59, March 6, 2010 (UTC)
So Vanitas is able to use a Shoot Lock in the final battle with Ventus, which merely causes him to shoot a blue beam of light at Ventus, and Ventus to counter with a gold one of his own to end the battle. The lock-on things are red rather than green, and the Vanitas Sentiment can also use this skill against Terra, Aqua, or Ventus. This should be noted in the article, but I don't think it's exactly trivia-worthy. How should we handle this? - EternalNothingnessXIII 22:16, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
- I don't know exacly how to describe it but we should create a section for Vanitas like this:
- Link of Dark:In the final battle of Ventus's story Vanitas shoot a blue beam of darkness that is countered by Ven with a gold beam of light.Vanitas Sentiment can also use this Shoot lock
or something like that--Xabryn 17:36, April 25, 2010 (UTC)
Shoot Lock Exhibition Video
Eternal Nothingness XIII - You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials. TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 14:12, May 8, 2010 (UTC)
I'd like to advise us all to watch this video. This way, we can extract vital information and translations found within. Then, we can use this information to improve the article with things such as improved phrasing/descriptions/etc.
Name Consistency
I'm quite curious about the translation for the Shoot Lock you gain when Vanitas becomes a D-Link. Fans who have the game translated the SL (Shoot Lock, SL used from here onwards) as Dark Obelisk, while it was previously translated by Xabryn as Link of Dark. The D-Link article itself says the SL is called Dark of Link, which makes no sense whatsoever. Since we're sticking to Last Charge as the combo finisher for the Vanitas D-Link (which came from the same video where the name Dark Obelisk was discovered, by yours truly), should we not do the same for the Shoot Lock? Considering I was "on break", I may have missed something... Regardless, we NEED to resolve this conflict and fix it wherever it arises, both here and the D-Link article, as we're being extremely inconsistent. - EternalNothingnessXIII 22:16, May 27, 2010 (UTC)
- We're using "Last Charge" because it is correct, not because it's from the video. "Dark of Link" is the correct translation for the Shoot Lock, it's just that the guy who translated it for that video you found wasn't familiar with katakana. The katakana are listed on the D-Link page, if you're interested.Glorious CHAOS! 22:29, May 27, 2010 (UTC)
- "Dark Obelisk" is a mistranslation. As you can see from here (time from 2:54 to 3:20, watch in high quality), the Japanese name is Dāku obu Rinku, "Dark of Link". "Last Charge" is also the Japanese name for the Finisher, as seen at around 3:41 in the same vid. This is being consistent. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 22:32, May 27, 2010 (UTC)
EDIT CONFLICT : I assumed as much. And I'm well aware of the katakana's existence on the D-Link page. Please fix these inconsitencies across the Wiki, and I thank you for the clarification. - EternalNothingnessXIII 22:34, May 27, 2010 (UTC)
- Which inconsistencies are you currently seeing? --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 22:36, May 27, 2010 (UTC)
- The fact that, unless they've been corrected since the last time I checked, mistranslated names can be found in articles relating to Vanitas/Ventus, as well as Shoot Locks and D-Links around the Wiki. Even if they aren't there, they need to be double-checked just to be safe. - EternalNothingnessXIII 22:40, May 27, 2010 (UTC)
- Just to clarify - Ventus's version is named "Dark of Link". Vanitas's is named "Dark Cannon", according to the Ultimania.Glorious CHAOS! 23:01, May 27, 2010 (UTC)
Name Change
http://www.gamespot.com/special_feature/kh_images/image-feature/index.html?image=4 As you guys can see, the system's "Shoot-Lock" name has been officially changed to "Shot Lock" - just one "o." In my opinion, makes much more sense and is less Engrishy. Anyhow, deems a change. --NeutraVega 23:50, June 3, 2010 (UTC)
- I concur. Should we do it now, or wait til Sept.? (Also, is it one word or two? It kinda looks like "Shotlock".) --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 00:01, June 4, 2010 (UTC)
- Seems fine to do it now, as long as you note that it has a different name in Japanese.
- It looks like Shotlock to me. There's definitely no space there.Glorious CHAOS! 00:15, June 4, 2010 (UTC)
Japanese Name
Whats Shotlock or Shoot Lock's Japanese naem? --Cococrash11 05:47, June 5, 2010 (UTC)Cococrash11
Shoot Lock was the original name in Japan Kaihedgie 05:57, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
I meant the katana. --Cococrash11 06:14, June 5, 2010 (UTC)Cococrash11
- You meant the katakana. The answer is "シュートロック" --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 04:26, June 6, 2010 (UTC)
How to activate the shot lock?
Can you tell me?
Shoot Locks (I refuse to call them Shot Locks) are activated by holding L and R for a few seconds. Just tapping them both causes a lock-on.BlackSoulBlade 21:13, June 29, 2010 (UTC)
maggosh Strike backwards... — "That's a nice expression." You're terrified, aren't you?
Couldn't you just, I don't know, READ THE ARTICLE?!?
I have no article!!!!--Edgeshadow
New Shotlock?
WingBlade - Whatever it takes. Anything to save Terra and Aqua. TALK - {{{time}}}
Are there new Shotlocks in NA? If you look closely on the E3 Trailer, in the battle scenes, you will see Ven in Mirage Arena in his Cyclone CS doing a Sonic Blade-like attack in mid-air! Is it a new Shotlock, a new attack command or was I just seeing thing?
HeartofOblivion Talk to me! — There was something important... Oh yes! I've decided on the pancakes. Blueberry! Can you get me some cotton candy? Blue, not PINK !!!! — 04:37, July 26, 2010 (UTC)
It must be an attack because there are no lock on marks on the enemy and it doesn't show the green shotlock bar thing at the bottom.
Back to "Shoot Lock"
In the new Gamestop trailer, "Shotlock" is changed back to "Shoot Lock", so the article should be called "Shoot Lock" again. --BreaktheIce16 (talk) 17:23, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
- We're going to wait for the final release, rather than changing it back and forth.Glorious CHAOS! 03:03, July 20, 2010 (UTC)
Change from
Look in the English gameplay you can clearly see that the
has change to the
. sounds strange to me. or easy to press.
WingBlade - I'm asking you, as a friend. Just... put an end to me... TALK - {{{time}}}
That's because in Japanese PSP, is the Accept Button and the is the Cancel Button. But in other nations, it's the other way around. Know what I mean?
No still don't get it.
WingBlade - I'm asking you, as a friend. Just... put an end to me... TALK - {{{time}}}
I'll just say that Japanese prefer while other Nations like NA prefers ! EDIT: Sorry!!
dude we cant read.Edgeshadow
ok ok ........
The location of the Shotlock
Can you help us make list of shoot lock locations? Edgeshadow
- You can look here for a start. The google translation may be not perfect, but the locations should be pretty clear. --ShardofTruth 17:45, August 3, 2010 (UTC)