Template:Venkix: Difference between revisions

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|image= ([[File:FINAL.jpg|thumb|left]])
|color= black
|color2= red
|color3= green
|namecolor= (Green)
|namefonttype= (Bold)
|textcolor= (Red)
|textcolor2= (This line is optional. If not included, the textcolor field will be used)
|line= (This line is optional. If not included, there will be no line)
|line2= (This line is optional. Only needed if color3 is used. If not used, color3 will be)
|border= (This line is optional. If not included, the border will be gray)
|border2= (This line is optional. If not included, the border field will be used)
|border3= (This line is optional. If not included, the border2 field will be used)
|fonttype= (This line is optional. If not included, the font will be Arial)
|nick= (This line is optional, and only need filled in if you wish to use a nickname, rather than your user name.)
|sig= (--Having no heart, No emotions. It's Better this way... 20:05, December 19, 2009 (UTC))
Anonymous user