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==Eh, pourquoi je ne te vois pas très souvent ?==
{{unbirthtalk|text=Want to talk with me ? Here's my Talk page.}}
{{TNE|text=Il paraît que je suis la seule personne qui retouche le wiki français ! Je n’aime pas être seule… :'(

(attends, est-ce que c’est toi qui m’as toujours corrigé jusque là ?)}}
==Amalia's Swine Flu talk==
{{Amy Cotton|text=Unbirth, does France have a bit of notice with the Swine Flu? Tell me on [[User talk:Amy Cotton|my talk page.]]}}

{{unbirthtalk|text=Oui,en général c'est moi . De temps en temps c'est quelqun d'autre, mais le wiki français n'est pas très actif}}
{{Amy Cotton|text=OMG, you haven't heard much about this? [[wikipedia:2009 swine flu outbreak|Read this page on Wikipedia and learn about what is going on.]] Don't forget to keep your hands clean.}}

{{TNE|text=Y a-t-il un moyen pour le promouvoir ?}}
{{unbirthtalk|text=I heard about this, I meant that I'm not a specialist.}}

{{Amy Cotton|text=Hi there. My name is Amy Cotton, but call me Amalia. I can't speak your language, I can only speak english. Sometimes I will get troisnyxetienne to translate for me. Thank you, Amalia}}
{{TNE|happytext=Mind if I barge in ? I think, at the rate we're all going, with all the buzz on Swine Flu, I could write a seven-page thesis of it (from the commercial point of view, that is) !}}

{{unbirthtalk|text= Je ne sais pas trop comment le promouvoir, la dernière fois que j'ai essayé d'en faire la publicité sur un site le webmaster m'a expliqué qu'il n'aimait pas les wiki, car ils véhiculent parfois des informations erronées. J'en ai par contre parlé sur différents forums.
==Userboxes ?==

Amalia: Glad to meet you, but don't worry I'm most of the time able to speak english}}
{{TNE|attntext=Coucou. J’ai vraiment besoin de ton aide : j’ai essayé de copier [[Template:Userbox]] et le mettre sur le wiki francophone (j’ai ouvert une page '''Modèle:Boîte Utilisateur'''), mais je n’arrivais pas à le faire. J’hésitais à traduire quelques sections, et c’est pour ça que je l’ai enfin supprimé.

{{TNE|shocktext=Informations '''''erronées''''' ?? Pas question----- jusque là on a tout pris du jeu ; on est obligé d’avoir des informations de bonne qualité, n’est-ce pas ?}}
Est-ce que tu peux jeter un œil à ce modèle et m’aider à le transférer, s’il te plaît ?}}

{{unbirthtalk|text=Bien sûr, mais sa méfiance est compréhensible. Beaucoups de wiki (même wikipedia) possèdent des articles faux car leurs références ne sont pas fiables.}}
{{unbirthtalk|text=Pour tout te dire, je vois pas vraiment l'intérêt de transférer ce template...}}

{{TNE|text=Comme ça on va devoir attendre……… =.="}}
{{TNE|text=D’accord, on ne le fera pas pour l’instant…}}

{{Amy Cotton|text=Sorry about that. Still, I do want to learn the french language. I am very curious about many things. I can say hello in french, as well as "My god" (which was used in Amalia's Story on the Sims Wiki). Thank you, Amalia}}
== Kingdom Fantasy ==

{{unbirthtalk|text=It's funny to realize that french find english cool, whereas you english speakers find the french language cooler. One day I'll try to learn japanese ^^}}
{{Azul|text=Hello Unbirth. I don't think we have formally met. I am Azul, site Admin, fellow editor ;} The KHWiki has it's [ first affiliate]. We wish to affiliate ourselves with more KH-related sites. TNE tells me that you are involved in a site called Kingdom Fantasy. Will you be willing to ask Kingdom Fantasy if they would like to affiliate?}}
{{unbirthtalk|text=I'm not really involved, I often talk in their chatbox. I already told them about the [ french Wiki], but they didn't like the concept, so I don't think they'll want to affiliate.}}
{{TNE|blahtext=Azul, just because I said he might know Kingdom Fantasy doesn't mean he's '''entirely involved''' in it...... Anyway. This is sad. We've got <s>one</s> two less potential affiliates.

{{TNE|happytext=Funny, eh ? As a native English-speaker I find the French language less...... strange compared to English. Like in English, there are certain anomalies like
Alright, I guess I won't oblige you to tell them about the English wiki. I'll try approach them.}}

*If the plural of foot is "feet", why can't the plural of boot be "beet" ?
{{unbirthtalk|text=I just thought about something. As Heartstation is affiliated with Kingdomfantasy, maybe they'll accept, but I can't promise anything.}}
*If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what the '''''heck''''' does a '''''humanitarian''''' eat ? o.O
{{TNE|text=We never know till we try... ^_^ Of course, I'm not gonna be overzealous about it now, but I'll probably try tomorrow (or a few hours from now), once I've got an organised idea for the Affiliates page.

Oh well, I've only one conclusion : ''il y a enfin l'entente cordiale entre les anglophones et les francophones'' ^_^}}
EDIT : ''Ça va si le wiki francophone devient affilié au (ou du ?) wiki anglophone ? C’est Azul qui m’a posé cette question…''}}

{{Amy Cotton|text=I'm very good with English and learning a bit of French and Japanese, you know. As a yongster, I watched the [[wikipedia:Madeline|Madeline series]] and also the movie, but today I am more of an adventure girl.}}
{{unbirthtalk|text=Bien sûr, c'est normal. }}

==Ultima et moi, on a besoin de ton aide==
{{TNE|remerciement=Merci ^_^ Viens sur le [[User:Troisnyxetienne/Mensa|Mensa]] (mouais, j'en ai un ici) stp : j'ai une idée pour la page d'affiliés.}}
{{TNE|text=There's a favour I need from you...

We’ve got a guide for beginners to work on their userpages - right [[Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Beginner's Userpage|here]]. [[User:Ultima The High Seraph|Ultima]] says that he'll help work on it and revamp it. The question is, should it be moved to '''Help:Beginner's Userpage''' or should it stay where it is ?
{{Xienzo|time=03:55, December 20, 2009 (UTC)|text=OHHHHH, Kingdom Fantasy? I've heard of that. Or was it Dead Fantasy? I dunno.}}

Please give your two cents at [[Kingdom Hearts Wiki talk:Beginner's Userpage]]. We're in dire need of feedback from as many members possible. I'm waiting to hear from you !
{{unbirthtalk|talk=Not the same thing at all, Dead Fantasy is a video series ^^<br><small>And in fact, the french wiki is affiliate with Kingdom Hearts Destiny, another french website.</small>}}

''p.s. voilà ce qui arrive quand je n’ai pas assez de feedback… Je dois littéralement '''prier''' aux utilisateurs de venir et lâcher des commentaires ! ''}}
==Bonsoir !==
{{Amy Cotton|text=Bonsure Unbirth. Hey, I said hello in French. I am curently learning the language, y'know. TNE is helping me learn. I found a page where you can learn it in just 10 days. But I lost it, and now I have to find it again. <s>I think this is french I found: Le gunwai, tho la gonna lus. What does that mean? (I only know a few words)</s> Never mind. By the way, I just took down Riku on Kingdom Hearts (after geting Donald and Goofy back, with the Keyblade)}}

{{TNE|blahtext=You mean ''bonjour/bonsoir'', and I've seriously no idea what you've put up there.

{{TNE|remerciement=Merci ! ::troisnyxetienne prend Unbirth dans ses bras::}}
Bit by bit, please. Unbirth, tu dois vraiment m'aider...}}
{{Amy Cotton|text=Sorry about that. It must be a fake line (Simpsons again? It seemed more like giberish than french). Just wait until I learn a lot of french words, we'll have the wiki done faster with the three of us.}}
{{TNE|text=Try learning little by little from us... Like, “''ça va ?''” (pronounced sa-va) = how’re you, for instance. Once you have a basic grasp of the language I’m sure you’ll be able to join us. ^_^}}
{{Amy Cotton|text=Merci. So anyway, ''ca va''?}}
{{TNE|text=''Bien, et toi ?'' (Fine, and you ? - Just whatever you do, don't leave Unbirth out of the convo.)}}
{{unbirthtalk|text=I haven't really understood what I'm supposed to do -_- }}
{{TNE|blahtext=Elle veut évidemment apprendre le français, et nous la guiderons ! Comment nous la guiderons, je ne suis pas sure…}}
{{unbirthtalk|text=C'est justement ça que je n'avais pas compris, comment on va l'aider...}}
{{TNE|text=Où commencer ? Elle a des difficultés d’apprendre les phrases bases. Et puis la prononciation…}}
==Happy Birthday Unbirth!==
{{Amy Cotton|text=Happy Birthday Unbirth!}}
{{unbirthtalk|text=Thank you, Amy. How did you know it was today ?}}
{{Amy Cotton|text=TNE told me.}}
{{TNE|happytext=Guess who let the cat outta the bag ? ;-)}}
{{unbirthtalk|text=I thought so ^^}}
==A little thank you note, before I take leave - again==
{{TNE|remerciement=Thanks so much for undoing that change that Cloaked Schemer guy did to my page. I owe you one - hopefully when I return from National Service.
Do keep the wiki up and running, ya ?
Take care.}}
== 358/2 Days ==
{{EO|happytext=I see you are playing Days. I personally am waiting until the English release. Anyways, i have a KH website, with pages about Days. If you could supply me with knowledge, that would be most appreciated.}}
{{unbirthtalk|text=Well, the few things I know are the gameplay (although I don't know all the stuff's name) and things I read on this Wiki, so I won't be a great help. Beside, I'm not sure I'll be able to explain correctly, since I'm french.}}
== namine did know roxas before KHII ==
{{ghostboy3000|text= she met him during 358/2 days then when he got rid of xion she got rid of the memories from everything he did with orginazation and namine :D}}
{{unbirthtalk|text=I don't remember them meeting. Naminé met Xion, but not Roxas. Even if she was aware of what was happening to him, he did not know her.}}
==And have I got something for you !==
{{TNE|time=16:04, December 28, 2009 (UTC)|noel=Join me on [[User talk:Thomaskh2]], please. ^_^}}
==Je t'invite...==
{{TNE|time=05:59, September 7, 2010 (UTC)|text=… à notre [[Forum:KHW Twitter ?|<font color="gold">bal masqué.</font>]] ‘Fin ce l’est pas vraiment, mais tu comprendras l’idée…}}
