Page history
7 October 2011
6 October 2011
Undo revision 521506 by 17master (talk) Even so, a Bosses difficulty is relative. Sephiroth will still be just as hard compared to Twilight thorn, whatever the difficulty.
Undo revision 521496 by Mechajin (talk) Stats DO NOT change. On higher difficulties, you deal less damage and enemies deal more damage.
Undo revision 521494 by 17master (talk) I think we can assume that we're playing on Normal mode here. hence the standard HP.
→Timeless River: It also depends on the difficulty of the game. Even KHIIFM's Axel (first boss battle as Roxas) can be a threat on Critical Mode.
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→Timeless River: That'll be temporary until someone makes a KHIIWBoss template
Can someone edit that Bold Text Saying Boss Fight, to be red in color, please?
Helping out with the walkthrough! Feel free to use this template elsewhere, guys.
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→Timeless River: Lol I still remember Sora's expression when Mickey shook his hand, it was priceless XD
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Created page with "==<center>''Timeless River''</center>== <center>300px|link=</center> You enter this world after going through Merlin's door. This is th..."