Forum:Notes 56 (KHML, Everything) - ShardofTruth: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{forumheader|Ansem's Computer}}<!-- Please put your content below this line and sign your edits with your talk template or four tildes: ~~~~ --> ==Worlds== Scala ad Caelum ==Terms== *{{nihongo|Astral plane|アストラル界}}, a world made of {{nihongo|mental energy|精神エネルギー}} and home to no one but the Heartless *{{nihongo|Distortions|歪み}}, corridors that connect the real world to the astral plane *{{nihongo|Drifter|漂着者}} *{{nihongo|Society|...")
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**Spark Air Soldier
**Spark Air Soldier
**Hydro Air Soldier
**Hydro Air Soldier
Mega Air Soldier
*Mega Air Soldier
**Flame Mega Air Soldier
**Flame Mega Air Soldier
**Ice Mega Air Soldier
**Ice Mega Air Soldier