Quotes:Ansem, Seeker of Darkness: Difference between revisions

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(KH2 quotes are just flashbacks.)
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*"''Come, guardian!''"<br/>— <small>shielding himself with his Guardian.</small>
*"''Come, guardian!''"<br/>— <small>shielding himself with his Guardian.</small>
*"''You insolent little...!''"<br/>— <small>before entering "submission" phase.</small>
*"''You insolent little...!''"<br/>— <small>before entering "submission" phase.</small>
*"''Submit!''"<br/>— <small>ordering the Guardian to possess Sora.</small>
*"''SubMIT!!''"<br/>— <small>ordering the Guardian to possess Sora.</small>
*"''Come, open your heart.''"<br/>— <small>using the energy shield.</small>
*"''Come, open your heart.''"<br/>— <small>using the energy shield.</small>
*"''My strength returns.''"<br/>— <small>powering up for Dark Shadow.</small>
*"''My strength returns.''"<br/>— <small>powering up for Dark Shadow.</small>
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