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==this is an edit<<33==
Okay, it just occurred to me that I've never said any of my favs or anything.... If you wanna go on my talk page to ask me some questions, you most certainly can do so!!
Fav Color: BLUE
Fav Keyblade: Oblivion(recoded) Circle Of Life(KH2) Kingdom Key(KH1)
Fav KH Game: I haven't played them all yet, but so far, i'd say the second game ^v^
Fav Animal: White Tiger
Fav World in KH: Halloween Town
Least Fav World(s): Agrabah(changes every game) 100 Acre Woods(a bunch of lame mini games=no HEARTLESS TO KILL!!! GRRRR!!! >:) Also, Atlantica... BROKEN. MECHANICS.
LAst But certainly NOT least: Top 5 Characters: I should've said 20! Roxas, Axel, SORA, Riku, and ummmm.... uhhhh.... I CANNOT DECIDE A FIFTH!!! TT-TT *insert crying here* ask me some questions! Sora'sOverflowingHeart ^-^ RoxyisMINE  17:36, 20 August 2013 (UTC)
Real Name: Zoe/Zozo
Name Meaning: Life(in Greek)
Age: 13
Sex: Female
Birthday: March 26
Favorite Animal: White Tiger
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: FRICKIN' TAKIS!!!!! AHAHHAHA I'LL TAKE THE TAKI MAKERS HOSTAGE!!! (nOT Really!!! ^x^) I know i already said some of this::::they tell you to re-read in school, right???? ^*^ Sora'sOverflowingHeart ^-^ RoxyisMINE  23:28, 20 August 2013 (UTC)

Heyyy I am totes happy about KH3 so.... Talk to me people!!!  i have KHRECODED and want 385/2 days, and all i have is a dslite, and i want a 3DSXL, so i can play 3d:DDD ugggghhhhh curse my middle-classness!!! :::)))
If you want to know specific details about KH:RE:CODED I can probably tell you because I own the game... Just ask... <<333 soriroxelSoraRikuRoxasAxelloveKH 01:03, 15 August 2013 (UTC) Youtube videos
Okay, just to tell you guys, you HAVE to gat a youtube account and subscribe to GRANDPYROMAINA's videos...Just check out his KH1, 2 and BBS Lps!!!
ALSO::::: who likesd SoraXMeForever's stuff on there??? That stuff is FUNNY!!!!!Sora'sOverflowingHeart ^-^ RoxyisMINE  16:47, 20 August 2013 (UTC)
==simple and clean///sanctuary==
okay, if you guys lurve simple and clean///sanctuary(passion) by UTADA HIKARU in the KH games, then go to this: YOUTUBE<<type in: simple and clean sanctuary mashup>> and click the one with kairi and namine with a pink bacground by amalee<<<<< their voices are sooooooo super ANGELIC!!!!!!!!! <3 :::))) ;;;>>> somebody holler at me if they've heard it or just now listened to it????
    Who here's read the comics on utube or that other website with the comics that utubers get it from?? Who believes in Soku///Roxel???? Which couples better??? Which kid??? If that offends you, im sorry, im copletely serious and they are not gay in the game, but i just think its soooo adorable, and i write skits for KH parodic stuff 2, so just tell me what you think about it, and dont CAPS all mad at me, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it unless its: WHO CAME UP WITH MARLUXIA'S HAIR/POWERS/WEAPON AND DID THEY NOT REALIZE HOW GAY HE LOOKS?????,,<<sorry marluxia lovers>>>,,,
Sora'sOverflowingHeart ^-^ RoxyisMINE  16:47, 20 August 2013 (UTC)
==KH: obsessed with the number 13==
Okay, this is unprofessional, but im going to just....TELL you... Okay, KH is OBSESSED with the number 13... Examples: -Sora, Riku, Kairi, the letters add up to 13.... -Roxas, Xion, Axel.... the letters, again, add up to 13... -In kingdom hearts one, the "M" comes rushing toward the screen in the beginning theme, "m" being the alphabet's 13th letter....... -And...the obvious, 13 members in Organization 13!!! I mean, COME ON, if your not convinced, I don't know what will convince you!!! Thank you for reading, please don't criticize! sorarikuroxasaxelvanitasventusxionKHSORA'S HEART 11:29, 20 August 2013 (UTC)
==Other Website???==
Hey, um, well, You know how I said The "other website" with youtube....???? WEll, the other websites called DeviantArt <<33 *insert sweatdrop here<<33* Anyway.... You could look up "If Organization 13 used AIM" and its funny as shet! Anyway...again??? Hahaha wow, i need to sleep more, type less :( well, you could also go to SmackJeeves.com and type in "Kingdom Hearts" in the search box, and there's alot of funny sprite kh comics... dont read it unless it has 10 pages or more... n dont wait for updates... wont b any... thems people is laaaazy.... but hilarious ^.^ Sora'sOverflowingHeart ^-^ RoxyisMINE  16:18, 20 August 2013 (UTC) 13:12, 20 August 2013 (UTC)
==An EDIT...EDIT???==
I just realized how much I write:: "This Is an Edit" Or something like that... Only 3x on my user page, but I do this alot in "real life" situations when I'm working on my book.... Gonna Be a writer.... I'll Explain.... ^x^
I Have a six-book series. It's called "Jason." NO not the slasher Jason... MY Jason!! ^-^ But It is 317-320 pages so far, somewhere around there... But I've planned it in my head and on paper(NOT in the notebook of the story) To page... Estimated..... To about.... HMMMMMM...... I'd say about 560? Yeah, my brain is split in 5 now: Home(normal): Ghetto(school -_-): Kingdom Hearts(seriously): Making FUN OF Kingdom Hearts(kawai! ^v^): and My story (<<<333 EXHAUSTING!!)
Yeah but the six books are: Jason; DreamLand, Jason; DreamWarrior; Jason; Trial And Error; Jason; Labyrinth of Emotion; Jason; Downfall; AND LASTLY(HOPEFULLY TT-TT) JAKOB DREAMLAND <3 YYYYYAAAAYYYYY!!!!
It doesn't have the "YYYYYAAAAYYYYY!!!!" In it, I'm just happy I have college accomplishments in 8th Grade XD (ask me Q'S bout it on ma talk page if ya want to <<<<3333 I SHALL Answer them best i can!! Sora'sOverflowingHeart ^-^ RoxyisMINE  23:42, 20 August 2013 (UTC)