Line 96: |
Line 96: |
| *Score Attack - Create page, include prizes for each world (unless covered somewhere else already), things that affect scores. | | *Score Attack - Create page, include prizes for each world (unless covered somewhere else already), things that affect scores. |
| *<s>Quest List (K)</s> | | *<s>Quest List (K)</s> |
| *Ask for Help - Create page, is it a command or not though? | | *<s>Ask for Help - Create page, is it a command or not though? |
| **following you | | **following you |
| **attacking foes | | **attacking foes |
| **destroying blox | | **destroying blox</s> |
| *Rescue - POSSIBLY, create page for it as it may be the same command you use to revive Dream Eaters and it may of occured in other games too. However rescue may just be a key term. | | *Rescue - POSSIBLY, create page for it as it may be the same command you use to revive Dream Eaters and it may of occured in other games too. However rescue may just be a key term. |
| *<s>Timer prizes - See below:</s> | | *<s>Timer prizes - See below:</s> |
Line 109: |
Line 109: |
| *<s>Sector Debug (K)</s> | | *<s>Sector Debug (K)</s> |
| *<s>Link (K)</s> | | *<s>Link (K)</s> |
| *Team Combat (K) | | *<s>Team Combat (K)</s> |
| *<s>Re:coded Room Names including rooms that appear while side-scrolling/ 3D shooting. </s>- requires research. | | *<s>Re:coded Room Names including rooms that appear while side-scrolling/ 3D shooting. </s>- requires research. |
| *<s>Blue data prizes - see below </s> | | *<s>Blue data prizes - see below </s> |
Revision as of 19:08, 9 February 2013
TheFifteenthMember Yes. You're creepy. I can't say we'll miss you while you're gone, so it'd be best if you did go. We all win that way. — TheFifteenthMember 23:56, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
I think its time we make a start on actually making pages for re:coded overlay commands, compiled commands etc. What we need to add somewhere is details about the following:
Overlay commands
- Compiled commands
Donald and Goofy commands
Drag 'n Drop
Now these are my ideas on where to put the info:
- Overlay commands: These can be a part of the Command Matrix and is pretty much dealt with already but there are a few things that need to be changed though. In the explanation of what overlay commands are, it should also explain about 'diamond-shaped, power-ups' which is the official name for the crystal power ups that give the commands (if you want confirmation, watch this from 02:31, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1wWUnt-u-o). The tables for the overlay commands are mostly fine but a suggestion is to change everything under the 'Obtained' column so that instead of, for example, saying 'red power-ups', there is an icon of a red power up. This just shows what the power ups look like (in case someone doesnt know) and I'll request the images on the new image request page. Also the descriptions need to be tweaked so that they sound more professional. The only thing is, there's no way to include gifs of what the commands look like, unless we make another column including gifs however that probably wont work in a table but its worth a shot.
- Compiled commands, special attacks, licenses: These should all share one page titled 'Compiled commands', which the Command Matrix page links to. Special attacks and licenses can be organised into tables, the only challenge is we need more research on compiled commands.Also we'll Zero to Hero and Boiling Point to link to the compiled commands page (they should also be mentioned under their character's ability sections) and Omnislash to link to Cloud's ability article which links to the compiled commands page. Licenses need to be broken down into coded licenses and re:coded licenses because I think there are less in re:coded.
- Donald and Goofy commands: I guess we could have these as a table in the Command Matrix page. However we need to think of a name that isn't Donald and Goofy commands. 'Party commands' is my best shot and that's stupid. The 'Obtained' column will look pretty silly with the large list of commands and i have the same thought about gifs as i have for overlay commands. Peronally, I would prefer it if the donald commands are detailed under donald's ability section and same thing for goofy.
- Spinner Ray: This should be included in the gear matrix page alongside all the other overclock finishers and should have its own page (which i have a rough draft of).
- Drag 'n' Drop: Either: 1) Merge into Game:Sora's Heartless. 2) Add as a reaction command, in the reaction command page.
Once I have feedback and permission to do everything I will start on this. I would of just started but I thought I should share my plans first so that mass edits don't have to be reverted later.
Neumannz — Looks like I'm gonna have to jump...! TALK — I work alone! Except when I work with Xion...which is all the time.— 01:09, 25 December 2012 (UTC)
*I am against putting Overlay commands together with the Command Matrix, I think they should be covered on their own page. They are not part of the Command Matrix system, unlike just about all of the others you mention. While there should be a link from Command Matrix, it should be under "See also", not as a section a la Deck Command (KHBBS)#Shotlocks.
- Regarding Compiled Commands, almost agree, except that if you're including the special attacks and licenses on the same page, you need to call it something else, something that covers everything.
- Re: Donald + Goofy: they should be covered in the characters' Abilities sections no matter what; aside from that, I think it makes sense to have a table on Command Matrix, even if we don't handle the Obtained column as normal.
- I really don't know about Spinner Ray going onto Gear Matrix. Like Overlay commands w/ Command Matrix, it's not really part and parcel with the system, although it is more closely related, so I dunno.
- Drag 'n' Drop should be covered separately, I think. The problem with putting it on Reaction Command is the fact that the page is full of SUUUUCK right now. And, well, since it's an ability I feel like it should have a page. Not sure where to link to it, though...
- I have no problem with having Overlay commands as a separate page and linking it from the Command Matrix through the 'See Also'.
- I don't mind having three separate pages for Compiled commands, licenses and special attacks since you would have a bogus title if you try to make one that appeals to all (Turn Based Features = Stupid). However Special Attacks will be quite short so that may be a problem.
- I agree with your plans for Donald and Goofy commands.
- I stand by my initial idea about Spinner Ray since it is a finish command.
- If the Reaction Command Page is the problem, we need to fix the Reaction Command Page instead.
TheFifteenthMember Yes. You're creepy. I can't say we'll miss you while you're gone, so it'd be best if you did go. We all win that way. — TheFifteenthMember 02:59, 26 December 2012 (UTC)
Ok, so i've done Overlay commands and i've started licenses. Can anyone pool information here about licenses (like which layers they are introduced in, which layers they are obtained -I remember moogles giving licenses-) because I don't remember too much about them and my DS is currently unavailable.
KrytenKoro - And when you see me standing there, you'll know you've got a friend with a rock, I mean a big-ass rock. TALK -
Whatever lists you guys want to do, each ability still gets its own page.
Okay but do licenses and special attacks count as abilities?
TheFifteenthMember Yes. You're creepy. I can't say we'll miss you while you're gone, so it'd be best if you did go. We all win that way. — TheFifteenthMember 21:03, 26 December 2012 (UTC)
Alright, during my license research, I've found a number of things about OC that we need to consider. If I put a 'K' next to it, it means its just a key term that we don't need to worry too much about (perhaps just mention it somewhere or take no notice of it). 'K?' means I'm not sure if we do more then just mention it.
Back Attack (K?)
Preemptive Strike (K?)
Save Room (K)
Combo (K)
Bug Level
Encounter (K)
Note: I don't think I've said everything, i may add to this list.
KrytenKoro - "Because I knew something he didn't. I knew that I was lying. Seriously, sir. 'No silicon heaven'? Where would all of the calculators go?" TALK -
Compiled commands and Donald and Goofy: These are not equipped as part of the Command Matrix, but are automatically converted from those attacks. I feel they should be if not listed then at least mentioned as part of the mechanics on the Command Matrix page.
I don't know how special attacks work. If you mean the Omnislash etc. bits in Olympus Coliseum, are those basically finishers?
I think the compiled commands, unique Olympus attacks, Donald and Goofy attacks, and Spinner Ray should each have their own page, yeah. Licenses can probably be put on one whole list, since we're not going to need gifs of them or much more than a description and how to find them.
TheFifteenthMember Yes. You're creepy. I can't say we'll miss you while you're gone, so it'd be best if you did go. We all win that way. — TheFifteenthMember 21:22, 26 December 2012 (UTC)
Each character (Hercules, Sora and Cloud) have their own special attack. The three attacks are Zero to Hero, Boiling Point and Omnislash. They activate randomly and I think how they work is that when you attack in combos, the chance of a special attack happening is increased. So they aren't finishers.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to deal with the things I've included on my second, OC list?
So the plan:
- Compiled commands: So, a list of them under Command Matrix, we need more research on them first though.
- Donald+Goofy: List under Command Matrix and page for each command.
- Drag 'n' Drop: Create page for it.
Also I've come up with an idea:
- Everything about Olympus Coliseum in Re:coded including Special Attacks, combos, back attacks, Preemptive Strikes, layers, save rooms, menaces, encounters and escape: A page is created which talks about Olympus Coliseum's turn based system in Re:coded. This page will have links to licenses and the bug level. Also it may be a sub-page for Olympus Coliseum (Olympus Coliseum/Re:coded gameplay but with a better title) and the Olympus Coliseum article links to that sub-page.
On a side note, I remember someone made tables for all Rare Prize Blox for each world. If they're done, can we use them in world articles now?
EDIT: Okay, I'm confused. For ally abilities, how come some abilities have their own page but some don't? For example Goofy Bash links to Goofy's ability section while Whirli-Goof has its own page. I think we should either have pages for every ally ability or link all ally abilities to the character's ability section. One or the other but not both.
TheFifteenthMember Myes, but THEY didn't know that! We have to consider THEM! And yet we must also be mysterious, myes, myes... — TheFifteenthMember 20:38, 5 January 2013 (UTC)
Seriously, guys. I need feedback.
KrytenKoro - Click TALK -
- Overlay commands: check the manual to see if it gives a name to these; the hint scroll is not what we use as definitive canon. Tables should not include images of the ability being performed; instead, they should give the basic description of the ability and link to a true article which does include an animated .gif. (This goes for Reality Shifts, too: the table should no longer have those images!)
- Compiled commands: Compiled commands have a HUGE system of mechanics that I'm not sure can be covered in any way but just copying the tables to the wiki on a dedicated "Compiled commands" page. I can try taking pictures if it will help, but...I am completely flummoxed on how to make a list of "ingredients" like we usually do. If we did do a list, it would be long as hell and the tables would still be easier to read. So maybe we do both? The basic description table should be on Command Matrix with links to the main overview, though. Each command should ALSO have a dedicated ability page with gif, though.
- Licenses: I have no idea how licenses work in coded, and for Re:coded, I have only slightly better idea.
- Donald and Goofy, Spinner Ray: Basic description table on Command Matrix, possibly split out to dedicated mechanics page if necessary. Each command should ALSO have a dedicated ability page with gif, though.
- Drag 'n' Drop: Dedicated page, not sure which list to place it on if any.
- Reaction Commands: I am of the opinion that these should start being split off to individual ability pages now. They should have their own images anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem, and many of them overlap with regular abilities and have already been split off. The page we have now should be rewritten as an abilities-style table with "Name", "Description", and "Trigger". Check the KH2 Bradygames or Ultimania for backup on those. "Reaction Commands" from other games should get similar treatment, but see if we can get official stats for those from any source.
- What counts as an ability: For sure, anything that could be visualized with an animated gif. For Licenses, I believe they could get the same, but it's also a very Days-elements type situation where it the mechanics are so embryonic that a myriad of pages may not be justified, and besides, we still leave the Days ability-modifiers merged in. As long as the redirects are still set up as if they were unique ability pages, I would personally be fine with a merged page.
- OC random battle mechanics: It may be a good idea to have separate pages on the "Inside the Keyhole" mechanics for each world: side-scrolling, rail-shooter, turn-based-battle, and hoo--fourth option.
- Rare Prize Blox: These should be created on each world's Game: page, and treated the same as treasure chests were.
- OC special attacks: Definitely a separate page, they act as a replacement for your selected compiled commands so they should probably still be listed on Command Matrix.
- All action abilities should receive their own page, as should most support abilities. Redirects straight to a character's ability section are relics from when we thought we should cover action abilities as part of a character's ability sections, but the explosion of shared abilities in later games has made this infeasible. Goofy Bash is wrong.
TheFifteenthMember Yes. You're creepy. I can't say we'll miss you while you're gone, so it'd be best if you did go. We all win that way. — TheFifteenthMember 19:28, 8 January 2013 (UTC)
what name do you propose for the specific 'inside the keyhole' mechanics (OC gameplay and HB gameplay is maintained through the entire world.
"Overlay commands" is from the tutorial boxes. I can't find my manual.
Special attacks sometimes trigger when you press at the right time while attacking. They may happen after any attack in the combo, first, second, or third. They are unrelated to compiled commands.
Most licenses in coded work the same as in Re:coded, the exceptions being the magic-replacing ones.
(I feel like we need to actually do something about covering coded, by the way)
OC gameplay is not maintained throughout the entire world, gameplay is normal outside the coliseum and in the vestibule.
I'm not sure what to name the Keyhole mechanics pages, but "Side-scrolling", "3D Shooting" (from the Config menu), and "Turn-based" seem the simplest (and easiest to link in articles). Although, since the OC Keyhole encompasses a vast majority of the world's episode, maybe we should call the relevant article "Labrynth" instead, which would cover all of the special mechanics.
I feel like Reaction Commands will take a concerted effort from people to cover properly, which I would very much like to see (this list is far from complete). I also propose splitting Reaction Commands for the different games.
KrytenKoro - And when you see me standing there, you'll know you've got a friend with a rock, I mean a big-ass rock. TALK -
Overlay commands: *name to the diamonds
Ah, THOSE don't have names. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 02:05, 9 January 2013 (UTC)
TheFifteenthMember Yes. You're creepy. I can't say we'll miss you while you're gone, so it'd be best if you did go. We all win that way. — TheFifteenthMember 21:12, 9 January 2013 (UTC)
I only have one point (question) to make; is Labrynth used anywhere in the game? If not, CONSIDER the name 'Layer(s)'.
It's used in dialogue. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 03:03, 10 January 2013 (UTC)
- Oh, thats OK then. TheFifteenthMember 17:09, 10 January 2013 (UTC)
TheFifteenthMember Myes, but THEY didn't know that! We have to consider THEM! And yet we must also be mysterious, myes, myes... — TheFifteenthMember 13:57, 12 January 2013 (UTC)
While browsing the Tutorials, I noticed another lot of things to consider:
- Score Attack - Create page, include prizes for each world (unless covered somewhere else already), things that affect scores.
Quest List (K)
Ask for Help - Create page, is it a command or not though?
- following you
- attacking foes
destroying blox
- Rescue - POSSIBLY, create page for it as it may be the same command you use to revive Dream Eaters and it may of occured in other games too. However rescue may just be a key term.
Timer prizes - See below:
Gameplay mode where time freezes. - Create page similar to side-scrolling, 3D Shooter and Labrynth but idk what to call it. From looking through the 'Tutorials' the only thing is 'Finding Iago'. I haven't looked through dialogue to see if there is anything better.
- System Sectors - Talk: System Sector.
Backdoors (K)
Mode you go into when finding Backdoors. This tutorial in particular is noteworthy: 'POWERING UP THE SENSOR: As you unlock higher levels of the Scan ability, your sensor will power up, revealing new backdoors that lead to previously inaccessible system sectors.' Info about the mode should go with Backdoors page which is also the System Sector page.
Terminal (K)
Sector Debug (K)
Link (K)
Team Combat (K)
Re:coded Room Names including rooms that appear while side-scrolling/ 3D shooting. - requires research.
Blue data prizes - see below
Data Recovery - have a page similar to sidescrolling, labrynth etc. also includes blue data prizes.
Gauge for it. - under Gauges
Test-Converting - already covered but should it have redirects?
Most of those are rough names or names which I made up cos I can't remember them. I'll try to get my DS again to correct them.
- EDIT: Fixed list.
- ANOTHER EDIT: Added ideas.
- Score Attack would be good for the worlds' Game: articles.
- Quests, we have.
- Ask For Help seems perfect for Attack.
- Rescue, I'd have to look up. It might be a special "Attack", or it might be a Reaction Command.
- Timer prizes should be covered on Prizes.
- I don't think the frozen-time segment is a significant departure from normal gameplay, so I don't think it should get its own article.
- Since our info on System Sectors is just about 100% (the only thing I don't have is the stuff you can get from prize blox), we can incorporate them into Game: articles once those are started. Dunno what the format would be, though.
- Finding Backdoors and all the System Sector features should be covered on the System Sector page.
- I already put the room names on KHWiki talk:Project World, including "inside the keyhole".
- Blue data prizes: Prizes
- Data Recovery, Game:Hollow Bastion (Game:Hollow Bastion II? Game:Hollow Bastion/II?)
- Redirects are okay.
--Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 00:48, 13 January 2013 (UTC)
- Also remember '
Score Prizes', which can be dealt with on the Prizes page. TheFifteenthMember 21:22, 18 January 2013 (UTC)
TheFifteenthMember Yes. You're creepy. I can't say we'll miss you while you're gone, so it'd be best if you did go. We all win that way. — TheFifteenthMember 18:18, 8 February 2013 (UTC)
So, can someone tell me more about these World Game: pages, please, and if possible model one?