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I don't think simply replicating the staff is the correct method. Personally, I don't see why people have a problem with their being "too much staff". Other than the bcrat powers, the various powers that staff have are fairly useful tools that I feel we could trust a lot of regular editors to use correctly. On the other hand, there really isn't much use for a ton of bcrats. The only unique powers they have are ones that barely need to be used. So, here's my proposal. We don't need more than three bcrats -- large enough to prevent a fatal situation if the bcrat goes rogue or missing, but small enough to prevent things from getting out of hand. However, for the admin, mod, and artist ranks, I think we can easily work with let's say fifteen admins, ten mods, and ten artists. And I really think that it would be best to put everyone up for new elections, to get an accurate view of the community at large and to get a fresh start, which would help prevent the staff from splitting along party lines. I'd also like to say that, in that situation, I refuse to keep being a bcrat. If we simply merge staff, then I guess I'll have to stay.}}
I don't think simply replicating the staff is the correct method. Personally, I don't see why people have a problem with their being "too much staff". Other than the bcrat powers, the various powers that staff have are fairly useful tools that I feel we could trust a lot of regular editors to use correctly. On the other hand, there really isn't much use for a ton of bcrats. The only unique powers they have are ones that barely need to be used. So, here's my proposal. We don't need more than three bcrats -- large enough to prevent a fatal situation if the bcrat goes rogue or missing, but small enough to prevent things from getting out of hand. However, for the admin, mod, and artist ranks, I think we can easily work with let's say fifteen admins, ten mods, and ten artists. And I really think that it would be best to put everyone up for new elections, to get an accurate view of the community at large and to get a fresh start, which would help prevent the staff from splitting along party lines. I'd also like to say that, in that situation, I refuse to keep being a bcrat. If we simply merge staff, then I guess I'll have to stay.}}
{{Dark-EnigmaXIII|time=05:52, 21 December 2011 (UTC)|text=Well, I discussed most those terms with The_Inexistent back in its time, and I agree to them, and the changes soliciticed by Chitalian and Kryten without further ado.
However, as for the staff situation, I agree on everything but the number of cbrats, as I feel 4 to be a more suitable number. Why four? for a simple and at first stupid reason, maybe: The remerge of the community. While its true that bcrats holds power that are not needed that much, due to the current situation in wich the wiki will be, of both communities merging into one again, 2 bcrats representing the Keyhole community and 2 bcrats representing this community might prevent the creationg of an "inferiority" feeling in the community with less representation in the staff, somenthing that while is not important regarding the actual labors of the staff, in the situation of the remerge of the comunnity, I believe its important to make both of them feel as confortable as possible. So, that's my only suggestion. 4 bcrats, 2 from each community.}}
