Forum:Ascend to Administr8or Tier!!!!!!!!: Difference between revisions

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{{17m|text2=For the love of God stop with the h0m3stuck sp33k or whatever language you people are using.}}
{{17m|text2=For the love of God stop with the h0m3stuck sp33k or whatever language you people are using.}}
{{DTN|theme=vriska|text=<b>SIL8NCE SILLY HUM8N WRIGGLER COMPL8N8RS!!!!!!!! As much as 8eing forced to agree w8th Redglare is a8horrent to me, I must agree that hum8n culture sure is weird! Wh8t are these toddlers you speak of? Are they 8kin to, s8y, a 8a8y wriggler troll? WR8GLLERS 8RE SO CUTE AS L8TTLE GRU8S!!!!!!!! And then wh8t a8out this 8lcohol thing you speak of? It sounds like a dis8se, like the c8ncer! Wh8re is our "8rave and fearl8ss" leader 8t???????? He knows all a8out the hum8n c8ncer!
I assume 8y "8alls" you are speaking of the silly hum8n reproduct8n cycle p8wers! I will not descri8e the reproduct8n of our race. It involves rather r8cy details, I didn't even expl8n it to that silly John hum8n!!!!!!!! Also, does the 8rry hum8n have flushed f8llings for the kismesitude of num8ers???????? Hum8n rel8tionships sure are weird!!!!!!!!
Also why is it that our troll speaking styles offend you? I mean, it's 8asically just the w8y we talk! Yeah sure we can turn it off if we really wanted to........ see, look!!! I'm beautiful and by the way using boisterous words with b's in them!!!!! And less than eight exclamations!!! 8ut that just feels weird!!!!!!!! It would 8e l8ke asking you hum8ns to speak in a differ8nt one of your speaking communic8tion fonts! You sure have a lot of those... silly wriggler hum8ns!!!!!!!!</b>}}
