Forum:Reached my breaking point: Difference between revisions

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I hope that clears everything up.}}
I hope that clears everything up.}}
{{ShardofTruth|time=06:44, 7 March 2011 (EST)|talk=Thanks for the answers, TalkTemplate2 works like a charm.
About the mugshots: The ones from CoM don't have a red bar (as you can see [ here] on many examples) and the redbarless 358/2 Days mugshots are just cutted versions of the original ripped images, nothing was replaced or altered in the image.
I know that their sole purpose here is for the talk templates (and some galleries), having 10 for every character also invites to do sad, mad and glad template, which defeates the purpose now. Maybe we should pick out the good ones and left the bad ones for the crop.}}