
Joined 10 February 2011
Assuming I don't have the massive history paper I think I might tomorrow, I'll try and bulldoze my way through a lot of the syncing I need to do after school.
No edit summary
(Assuming I don't have the massive history paper I think I might tomorrow, I'll try and bulldoze my way through a lot of the syncing I need to do after school.)
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<big><big>I've sent my laptop to get fixed, but I don't know how long it'll take. For now I'm using my mom's computer (and am limited by how long she'll let me use it), which has it's own problems. I can't right click anything, so I can't copy/paste (I've kind got it to work so I won't be suffering edit conflicts, but not consistently enough that I can do a whole lot of work), nor can I scroll normally or use the right Shift button. The latter two are minor inconveniences. The point is, I'll still be on and watching/keping up to date as much as possible, but won't be able to do much in way of editing for a while.</big></big>
<big><big>I've sent my laptop to get fixed, but I don't know how long it'll take. For now I'm using my mom's computer (and am limited by how long she'll let me use it), which has it's own problems. I can't right click anything, so I can't copy/paste (I've kind got it to work so I won't be suffering edit conflicts, but not consistently enough that I can do a whole lot of work), nor can I scroll normally or use the right Shift button. The latter two are minor inconveniences. The point is, I'll still be on and watching/keping up to date as much as possible, but won't be able to do much in way of editing for a while.</big></big>

<div class="usermessage">Back in action! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and an all around Happy New Year to everyone! Oh, and Whose Line lives on on YouTube! WATCH IT.</div>
<div class="usermessage">''Whose Line Is It Anyway?'' = funniest show ever made. It lives on on YouTube and reruns on ABC Family, WATCH IT.
Also, 80% really funny comedy manga + 100% great art + 20% of the most well written, tear-jerking, and memorable dark moments evar = ''Sket Dance''.</div>

<div class="usermessage">To keep my user talk page less cluttered, I am now taking requests for talk bubbles [[User:LapisScarab/Talk Bubbles|here]], at the bottom of the page. There are also several sample bubbles on said page.</div>
<div class="usermessage">To keep my user talk page less cluttered, I am now taking requests for talk bubbles [[User:LapisScarab/Talk Bubbles|here]], at the bottom of the page. There are also several sample bubbles on said page.</div>
