User talk:IceCreamRockz: Difference between revisions

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{{ICR|time=03:13, December 5, 2010 (UTC)|text=Hello, and welcome to my current talk page. Please do not swear, and only talk about matters related to the wiki. I am taking talk bubble requests, so if you need any, don't hesitate to ask. Feel free to leave me a message. Also, please only use talk bubbles. Again, if you do not have one, leave me a message and I will make one for you. Remember to give me all of the design patterns that you would like. Thank you!}}
{{ICR|time=05:52, January 9, 2011 (UTC)|text=Hello, and welcome to my current talk page. Before you leave me a message, we need to establish some rules.
* Absolutely '''NO''' cussing. Although I am not offended by swearing, for the sake of others, I ask you to watch your language.
* No l33t talk. It's for idiots.
* Proper grammar is not required, but at least an EFFORT should be made.
* Not too much text talk is allowed. If you occasionally use "omg" or "btw", that's okay, but if you overuse it, such as like "omg i gtg ttyl bff!", then that's going too far.
* ''Please'' use a talk bubble. If you really don't feel like typing the coding, then remember to sign your posts with "<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>", four tildes.
* Casual talking is not permitted. If you would like to do so, leave me a message to go on the IRC. If I have time, then I will do so.
I am taking talk bubble requests, so if you need any, don't hesitate to ask. Feel free to leave me a message. Thanks.}}
{| class="infobox" style="width:100px; float: right; border: 1px #000000 solid; "
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* [[User talk:IceCreamRockz|Current Talk Page]]
* [[User talk:IceCreamRockz|Current Talk Page]]
* [[User talk:IceCreamRockz/Archive|Archive 1]]
* [[User talk:IceCreamRockz/Archive|Archive 1]]
* [[User talk:IceCreamRockz/Arcive 2|Archive 2]]
== First Message! o3o ==
{{OKH|time=03:23, December 5, 2010 (UTC)|talk= Hiya! Sure, I'd love to be your friend. ^_^ My userbox is <nowiki>{{user FriendOKH}}</nowiki>.}}
== Re: OHAI ==
{{17m|happy= Of course, I've added the userbox :D I wanna make a userbox soon but I can right now :/}}
{{17m|happy= sure! I'll tell you tomorrow. Thanks, man}}
{{17m|season= Okay, here's the request! *drum rolls*
I'd like the box to be dimgray in colour, and the color of the text is gainsboro. The text is:
"This user is friend with a [[User:17master|graphite artist]]. No, not [[Naminé|that one]]."
Thanks a lot, man :D}}
{{17m|season= ...I forgot about that ._. [] can you try and put that image? thanks dude.}}
{{17m|season= Thanks dude :D Hmm actually I think it needs to be... darker. Since I want it with, uh... pencil colored. But that's okay, can you tell me where I can edit the box? I think I'll try to edit them myself so I won't bother you so much. Thanks!}}
{{17m|season= Ohh Alright, I'll improve it later, than. D: *pokes ICR* lulz just kidding, it's okay man, you can't know what I'm thinking now, can you? :P}}
{{17m|season= Orly? Try reading my minds now! lol. ...That came out a bit wrong *shrugs* what I mean is like the color theme iss graphite or pencil... theme... thing... Gah I can't explain this right.}}
== What Happened? ==
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=06:56, December 5, 2010 (UTC)|shocked= Hey ICR what happened to you on the IRC? Nice picture by the way :D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=10:50, December 5, 2010 (UTC)|happy= Ice Cream shouldn't you be asleep o.O?}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=10:56, December 5, 2010 (UTC)|laughing= Well someones gunna be a walking zombie today XD hey who made that pic for you?}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=11:07, December 5, 2010 (UTC)|laughing= Hahaha well I could do something like that in a heartbeat ;) but I would like to ask him about that font there cause I need to archive my talk page soon and I love that font.}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=11:21, December 5, 2010 (UTC)|friendtalk= Well none the less I would love to have that font for my archive pic lol cuz its awesome bottom line :D and also in your table thing, why do you say "Half-Somebody (I dunno, what is Vanitas?)Or maybe Unversed?" Don't you know what vanitas is o.O? And also how far along are you in you persuet of talk bubble legend?}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=11:46, December 5, 2010 (UTC)|shocked= But he's an Unversed o.O. I'm a Master :D and I'm VERY close to becoming a Legend :D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=11:56, December 5, 2010 (UTC)|happy= But He's a fricken Unversed boss for christ's sake lol. And dude, It's light out now... good luck with that ;) nighty night/good morning :D lol}}
== Re: Hey ==
{{Pea14733|time=11:09, December 5, 2010 (UTC)|cure=Sure! :D}}
{{Pea14733|time=11:23, December 5, 2010 (UTC)|cure= Yes I do. Most of the time. :P }}
== About my talk bubble... ==
Okay, I hope I'm still right here...This site looks a bit different.^^
So, here are my wishes for the talk bubble. Could you make one with the hooded Roxas. That might be a good picture: [[]]
For his quotes, I choosed his epic sentence "I am me! Nobody else!" for the first line and "I want Xion back!" for the second.
The colors should resemble the style of 358/2 Days. A light grey/silvern background and the font in red. The font itself could be something like "Arial" or "Verdana".
I hope that's possible. If not, tell me, and I think about something other.^^
Thanks! --[[User:Drace90|Drace]] 11:38, December 6, 2010 (UTC)
== Re:Re:Fanon Story ==
|sig=Got it memorized?
|time=Good job.
|text=I think the name is excellent! I would also like it if you found the names for Darkness and Nothing (guy names). Anyway, worst weekend ever.>_< Doesn't matter it's over. I hope yours was better than mine.
|sig=Got it memorized?
|time=Good job.
|text=Sorry I couldn't message ya yesterday. I was kinda busy giving tutorial to some of my friends who just joined. Anyway, I think the Darkness name is good, except it's a chick name. Which I don't mind as my first idea was to have a little bit of uniqueness and have 2 girls and 1 guy. XDDDDD! The Latin idea is brilliant. Also, I am thinking about characters we know in the series who are old enough to witness the Keyblade War. Maleficent? Maybe. Yen Sid? Totally.
I am also thinking about charcter design of Mitsu...but I absolutely suck at drawing. I can't even draw a stick figure right. FAIL. We are going to need help, if you can't draw either. But if you can, EPIC! Bye!
|sig=Got it memorized?
|time=Good job.
|text=Okay, so ya can't draw? I can find someone but it's gonna take a LOT of bribing on my end. Going to my chorus concert tonight. Sing the Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah. ^_^. In other random news, my dog, Mojo (give u 10 munny to guess what kind of dog he is), scratched the crap out of my right hand and it looks like I got into a slapping fight w/ Larxene. o_0 It's sorta cool. Watched end of the Nightmare b4 Christmas the other day. Jealous of my friends because almost all of them are getting PS3. >_< Later!
|sig=Got it memorized?
|time=Good job.
|text=Hello. Sorry, there was a snow day yesterday, couldn't get on. BEST WEEKEND OF ENTIRE LIFE, INCLUDING DISNEY WORLD!!! My KHII game (the game that got me into KH and changed my life 4ever, no joke) was not working at all and my sister fixed it! XXXXXXXXXXXXXD! Love the name, btw. I also have another idea. I think Mitsu should have a pet. A ferret, maybe? IDK. Hope your weekend was excellent and fufilling like mine. Later!
== Re:Hey there ==
{{No.i|time=19:15, December 6, 2010 (UTC)|happy=Sure, why not. I got to eat a differant ice cream bar after that so ok! No harm done. :)}}
{{No.i|time=04:10, December 7, 2010 (UTC)|text=No. I don't. sorry.}}
{{EO|time=01:20, December 7, 2010 (UTC)|text=Sure thing! Thanks for the compliments, too! I'm usually on the IRC daily or as close to that as possible.}}
{{EO|time=21:38, December 7, 2010 (UTC)|talktext=Unfortunately, I do not. I just list the users I'm friends with in a friends list.}}
== Re:Hey! ==
{{Sac|time=14:39, December 7, 2010 (UTC)|final=I don't mind. Tell me if I can help you with anything. Here is my friend userbox: <nowiki>{{User:Sac}}</nowiki>. Bye!}}
== Friends ==
{{Darkheart3|time=01:42, December 8, 2010 (UTC)|text=Of course! Here's the coding for my Userbox: <nowiki>{{UserfriendDarkheart3}}</nowiki>}}
== Re:Signature ==
{{JFHavoc|time=17:09, December 9, 2010 (UTC)|xmas=All done. If you go to your preferences, just change the signature form box (where you put all the coding for it) to <nowiki>{{User:IceCreamRockz/Autosig}}</nowiki> and then you'll be all good.}}
== Re:Hello! ==
{{LevL|time=19:23, December 9, 2010 (UTC)|Christmas=Of course we can be friends!}}
{{LevL|time=14:04, December 10, 2010 (UTC)|Christmas=Yes, I've got a userbox too. The code is <nowiki>{{User:LevL/Friendbox}}</nowiki>.}}
== Re: Photo Request ==
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=20:30, December 10, 2010 (UTC)|roxas= Ice-Cream... I would be honored to do this for you! :D If you would just supply me with the pics you desire for the sprites I will do what I can ASAP to make those sprites! By the way guess who's about to make Legend ;D And did you see the awsome Terranort pic I made that I put on my page? I'm so proud of it :D But anyways anything I can ever ever EVER do for you my friend you tell me right away :D}}
== Userbox Coding ==
{{Darkheart3|time=20:34, December 10, 2010 (UTC)|text=Thanks heaps man! That was a real help! Now, do you know how to make template pages?}}
== Cute ==
{{Soxra|mad=Alright. What the hell is the idea, ripping off my signature?|time={{User:Soxra/Sig}} 01:35, December 11, 2010 (UTC)}}
{{Soxra|text=Forgiveness is something I keep close to my heart. Don't get all worried about this, it's a learning thing, just like everything we do in life. Sometimes we take a chance and it backfires... now's one of those times. If I was never planning to forgive you, your userbox would be gone from my page.
I'm glad you're reverting the signature, but there's something I have to tell you now.
The world is full of people who spend their life creating things that characterize them. This is one place where you'll find many a creative mind&mdash;like RoxasXIIILK; he's basically a graphic designer at heart. I'm a lot like that too; I write novels and such because I like creating things. So just imagine... I'd spent all that time creating a signature that was unique and to my liking, and someone (one of my friends, no less) comes along and takes it. What kind of message does that send? (And please, don't play the "I didn't mean to" card&mdash;it was copied basically letter for letter.)
So, now that you've changed it back and all, we're on a level playing field again. Just think about everything I've said above in the future.|time={{User:Soxra/Sig}} 02:10, December 11, 2010 (UTC)}}
{{Soxra|text=Sure. Colors are actually pretty simple:
*You can create a color like this: '''<nowiki><span style='color:red'>Your text</span></nowiki>''' will produce this: <span style='color:red'>Your text</span>
I'm assuming you know how to bold and italicize. My signature has a shadow to it, and I don't mind you using that (despite me being the only one here who has it =P), but just play around with colors and shadows and such, using the preview option. As for the "Merry Christmas" part... please come up with something completely unique there. There's lots of phrases about Christmas, and you could make it a "small" (using the <nowiki><small></nowiki> tag) text, or a subscript text, or something else neat like that. Experiment, and be creative!
Here's something I came up with really quick (feel free to use it if you want):
<span style='font-family:Georgia,serif;text-shadow:1px 1px 3px black'>'''~~ [[User:IceCreamRockz|<span style='color:red'>Ice</span>]][[User_talk:IceCreamRockz|<span style='color:orange'>Cream</span>]][[User:IceCreamRockz/Signature|<span style='color:yellow'>Rockz</span>]]<span style='color:grey'>!!!</span> ~~ <small><span style='color:green'>MERRY CHRISTMAS!</span></small> ~~'''</span>
Code for that is:
'''<nowiki><span style='font-family:Georgia,serif;text-shadow:1px 1px 3px black'>'''~~ [[User:IceCreamRockz|<span style='color:red'>Ice</span>]][[User_talk:IceCreamRockz|<span style='color:orange'>Cream</span>]][[User:IceCreamRockz/Signature|<span style='color:yellow'>Rockz</span>]]<span style='color:grey'>!!!</span> ~~ <small><span style='color:green'>MERRY CHRISTMAS!</span></small> ~~'''</span></nowiki>'''
If you want to play around with it, you can change the colors and such, rearrange it, and you can change the "Georgia" to any font you like!
Any more questions, just ask. =)|time={{User:Soxra/Sig}} 02:24, December 11, 2010 (UTC)}}
==Check it Out==
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=05:01, December 11, 2010 (UTC)|hoodedstory= Hey ICR check it out! Whatcha think?}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=05:23, December 11, 2010 (UTC)|roxas= Thanks :D I'm really proud of it :D}}
==Hello there==
{{Superdog1123|time=05:37, December 11, 2010 (UTC)|lea=Hi ICR, I'm Superdog. RoxasXIIILK gave me your name as a person who may want a talk bubble made for them. Would you like me to make one? My personal specialty is making up quotes, in my opinion, so if you want one, just give me a general theme or color scheme, and I'll see what I can do! :)}}
{{Superdog1123|time=17:30, December 11, 2010 (UTC)|lea=So, you want a skinny Marluxia bubble? Yeah, I can do that. :) Thanks!}}
{{Superdog1123|time=03:27, December 14, 2010 (UTC)|chi=Okay, so I've made your talk bubble for you. However, every time I try to place it in your template in order to surprise you, it messes with it and other stuff gets messed up. Instead, I would like you to look [[User:Superdog1123/sandbox|here]] to see your completed (if you like it) talk bubble. Let me know what you think! :) }}
{{Soxra|xmas=I noticed Superdog was having a little trouble getting it the talk bubble to cohere into your existing template... If you'd like, ICR, I can add it in for you. (Or you can do it yourself, if you want! Up to you! ^^)|time={{User:Soxra/Sig|t=3:34am, December 14, 2010 (UTC)}}}}
==I'm REALLY Sorry==
{{ANX219|time=20:29, December 11, 2010 (UTC)|aquasad=I'm sorry. About what I said back there about friends and... telling Soxra that you ripped off his signature. I'm REALLY sorry for telling. I have a eye out for things going on the wiki. To make up for it, I can tell you how to make your own userbox if you want AND the floating icon in the corner, if you want.}}
{{ANX219|time={{{time}}}|aquatext=O.K. Here's the coding for my corner(no parentheses & no space bewtween <nowiki><big></nowiki> and <nowiki>'''</nowiki> and no  enter space between <nowiki><big></nowiki> and <nowiki>'''</nowiki>) :
<nowiki><div align=right style="position: fixed; bottom: 5px; right: 5px; padding: 2px; background: deepskyblue; border: 5px solid black; color: white"><font color=white>(<big><big>)
{| class="infobox" style="width:100px; float: right; border: 1px deepskyblue solid;
Just tell me what image you want and I can made it for you OR you can make it yourself. I don't know how to make images with a clear background. WAIT!!! Here is the coding for Darkheart3's corner:
<nowiki><!--<div style="position:absolute;z-index:100;left:-300px;top:-100px;right:-50px;height:100px"></div>-->
<div align=left style="position: fixed; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; padding: 2px; background: transparent; border: 2px transparent; border-right:none; color: white">[[file:VEN1.png|110px]] </div></nowiki>
Does that help???}}
{{ANX219|time={{{time}}}|aquahappy=HAHAHA!!! I have fixed Darkheart3's template!!! HAHA-HAHA!!!}}
{{ANX219|time=14:21, December 13, 2010 (UTC)|aquahappy=Done!!! Hope you like it!!!}}
== IRC? ==
{{Darkheart3|time=22:09, December 11, 2010 (UTC)|text=Yes, you were of help. I was wondering, what is this IRC you talk about?}}
{{Darkheart3|time=05:40, December 13, 2010 (UTC)|ansem=Dude, you are epic! Now, I made this Talk Bubble, but for some reason it won't go on my template. Unfortunately, you've also just caught me on my 'time to hop off' so See Ya!}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=01:44, December 12, 2010 (UTC)|shocked= Huh? Oh yea sure.}}
== Dude ==
you got on then got right back off....Its boring on the irc at the minutes...............--[[User:Riku&#39;s Love|Riku&#39;s Love is bored :/]] 02:09, December 12, 2010 (UTC)
Ah. Good night then. See ya later!--[[User:Riku&#39;s Love|Riku&#39;s Love is bored :/]] 02:45, December 12, 2010 (UTC)
{{Joshua-Kiryu|time=08:14, December 12, 2010 (UTC)|text=May you make me a talk sprite of joshua here's some sprites}}
{{Joshua-Kiryu|time=5:50 AM|text=I'm guy and thinks and My real Name is Joseph Stewart }}
{{Joshua-Kiryu|time=|text=But i don't get why you put show those fifth graders whose boss thing}}
{{Lapidoth|halloween=Well, VanitasChristmas.jpg, is the image. Let me know if you like it or want any changes.}}
{{Joshua-Kiryu|time=|text=I will like Joshua--And your going-- quote set right in that place}}
== Sorry ==
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=22:55, December 12, 2010 (UTC)|hooded= Sorry shortly after I posted the message replying to Joshua I went to bed. What was it you wanted me on the IRC for? I'm still not fully active at the moment. I need to have BBS finished by christmas and I'm not getting anything done on it. So needless to say I'm not going to be doing much picture making for people. And next time you're going to do something I was already asked to do please check in with me before hand cause otherwise I get confused thankyou}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=00:01, December 13, 2010 (UTC)|roxas= Thanks :D talk to you laters :D}}
{{Joshua-Kiryu|time=10:45, December 13, 2010 (UTC)|text=Thinks}}
{{No-Heart|time=10:45, December 13, 2010 (UTC)|text=may you help me with my talk bubble}}
== TB Template ==
|image= Aqua.jpg
|color= blue
|color2= black
|textcolor= black
|textcolor2= white
|line= brown
|fonttype= Trebuchet MS
|name= Darkheart3
|sig= "The three of us will always be one" 
|time= "But why would you advise me not to fight Darkness with Light"
|text= Hello ICR! Alas, this TB will not go on my Template. Would you be very kind and show me how to post it?
|name= Unknown-KH-BBS
|text=???May ???You ????Temp ??My ????Talk ??????Bubble ???and Please keep it this ---???????---
HAHA!!! I fixed Darkheart3's template once again!!! HA-HA-HA!!! Sure. Here's my u-s-e-r-b-o-x. <nowiki>{{UserfriendANX219}}</nowiki> Also, check out the sig. It's awesome, right??? Au revoir. (Yeah, I know a bit.) {{User:ANX219/Sig}}
21:54, December 14, 2010 (UTC)
== Template ==
{{Soxra|roxas=I'll do it first thing tomorrow, once I'm home from my exam (noon EST).|time={{User:Soxra/Sig|t=5:25am, December 16, 2010 (UTC)}}}}
{{Soxra|xmas=Success! Here it is: [[Template:ICR|'''<nowiki>{{ICR|marly=Your text here}}</nowiki>''']]|time={{User:Soxra/Sig|t=5:25pm, December 16, 2010 (UTC)}}}}
{{Superdog1123|time=00:37, December 17, 2010 (UTC)|lea=Ah, I hope you like it, ICR! Sorry I couldn't put it in your template, but still. :D}}
{{Soxra|roxas=Whoops. Didn't see your message back to me. Sorry!
Yeah, exams went well. This was a pretty easy semester for me. How were yours?|time={{User:Soxra/Sig|t=2:19am, December 18, 2010 (UTC)}}}}
{{Soxra|roxas=Good to hear. I'm sure physics will get better with time... =)|time={{User:Soxra/Sig|t=5:22pm, December 18, 2010 (UTC)}}}}
==Character Theme==
{{EO|time=16:52, December 18, 2010 (UTC)|text=Well, I can't change themes until I find SOMEONE to make all the emotions I need (simply editing the face is all that's needed, and this image can be used as a basis:
Troisnyxetienne said she'd be willing to do it, but she's very busy and she's not getting things done at the rate I'd like them to be done (the only reason why I'm considering changing themes, even though I'd stay Terra in a perfect world).
I'd prefer to be original, but it wouldn't be right of me to force you to change. You do what you feel is right, okay?}}
{{EO|time=12:06, December 19, 2010 (UTC)|hooded=Well, usually when I say "Unique", I mean in terms of character AND talk bubble colors/quotes. It's just confusing when Vanitas and Vanitas are conversing with one another, you know?
But I'm going to stick to what I said and let you make all the choices :)}}
==Hey Dude :D==
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=02:28, December 19, 2010 (UTC)|roxas= Hey dude, how's it going?! Havn't talked to you in a while. How's the picture editing going young grasshoppa ;D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=05:24, December 19, 2010 (UTC)|friendhappy= Awesome! I'm glad everything is good with you! I'm pretty good myself, very busy but what else is new >.> I swear I complete a pile of request and I get a pile more lol I just have to get everything done but Christmas Break cuz I won't actualy be "on" cuz I'm gunna be with my cuzin as usual ;) And by the way a certain user is really starting to bug me >.> I have a lot of talerents but really starting to crawl under my skin really >.>
Sorry about you're Mac dude. How'd it break? Ah yes laptops... Mine is old as well and it really gets on my nerves :P I keep saying the only reason I keep you is because you have all my music... if you do so much as '''ONE THING''' to that stuff its off to the junkyard in '''SCRAPS''' XP lol Also dude by the way you might want to add a talk link you your bubbles that don't cuz it'sa bit inconvieniencing to not have one in your bubbles because instead of simply clicking on a link you have to click the other link and go to your talk page from there. I know it doesn't sound that much more complicated but you'd be surprised when you're busy ;) Oh and also didya see the keyblade I made for Keyblade0??? It's awesome ^^
An early MERRY CHRISTMAS to you as well dude ^u^!!! That reminds me would you like me to make you anything?? You can think of it as an early christmas present :D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=05:53, December 19, 2010 (UTC)|roxas= That's good no rediculous money spending ;D HOW MODEST :D Well now I have to do something for you just because you said that :D that was really an awesome thing to say dude :D You will always have my friendship though! And all I ask from you is the same ^^ And about you having to change your talk bubble scheme. You had that setup far before ENX dude. You are not bound to switching that ever. You can have the same scheme as snyone else. I mean think about it. If you think about it, there are a ton of users and a very limited amount of characters and an even more limited amount of characters that people actualy really like enough to have a TB scheme for em. Just think about how many other people use Roxas in their talk bubbles ;) fact is you're fine and I have no idea why he would have an issue in the first place. Did he up front say he wanted you to change it? And thats awesome! I'm going to make sure I welcome him back!! Thanks for the info!!
But one more thing, didya see the keyblade??? HUH HUH HUHHHH??? I'm sorry but I'm just sooooo proud of it :D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=23:51, December 20, 2010 (UTC)|happy= Thanks dude ^_^ I think it came out great lol. If you ever want me to make you one just say so ;) But anyway as for ENX it seems he is very willing to let you chose what you wanna do. He's a real nice guy and I know he's not gunna force you to change. You know, the problem here is colors/quotes. I mean everyone user the same sprites. But what one of you could do is like make you bubbles really unique like add pix in em and whatnot you know. As long as they're different from each other there won't be a problem. I can help you if you want.}}
{{superdog1123|time=16:43, December 19, 2010 (UTC)|lea= SURE! I love friends! Mine is <nowiki>{{Template:User Superdog1123}}</nowiki>}}
|name= Minato-Arisato
|text=May you template my user talk box
== Happy Festivus! ==
(Image not made by me) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! <small> hoe hoe ho-*shot* </small>}}
{{ANX219|time=22:24, December 24, 2010 (UTC)|aquahappy=Here. This can be a christmas present from me. Made it myself. You are the first to try it. You can use it if you want.
|info='''This user thinks [[Vanitas|<font color="darkred">Vanitas</font>]] is the best villain ever!'''
Haven't put it in a template yet so type:
|info='''This user thinks [[Vanitas|<font color="darkred">Vanitas</font>]] is the best villain ever!'''
(from 17mastar)MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!<small> hoe hoe ho-*shot*</small>}}
== Merry Christmas! ==
{{Organization 13|xmas=Have a merry Christmas, ICR!}}
== Merreh χ-masssss! ==
{{Soxra|xmas=Hey ICR, Merry Christmas! Hope your year went well and you got lots of loot! =)|time={{User:Soxra/Sig|t=5:07pm, December 25, 2010 (UTC)}}}}
{{Sac|time=11:52, December 27, 2010 (UTC)|christmas=MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!}}
== God Bless Us, Every One! ==
{{CaelumLucisCaliga|time=20:54, December 25, 2010 (UTC)|seasonal=Merry Christmas! Happy Hanakuh! Joyful Whatever-Muslims-and-Buddhists-Celebrate! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!}}
{{Darkheart3|time=21:07, December 26, 2010 (UTC)|text=Merry Christmas ICR! Hope it was a good one!}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=05:15, December 28, 2010 (UTC)|roxaschristmas= OMG MERRY CHRISTMAS I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE YOU HAD A '''GREAT''' CHRISTMAS =D And I '''DEFFINITELY''' want to wish you a very happy new year =D talk to you soon! And yes I made this talk bubble and the picture on my talk page and the lights :D are they freakin awesome or what =D talk to you soon! =D}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=19:00, December 31, 2010 (UTC)|laughing= Nope no coal for me I'm a good lil boy XD lol! I got a PSP and BBS and SOOO much more lmao ;D What you get? :D And no problem dude I was also busy till yesterday. I'm now making keyblades and an appreciation sticker :D I mean really Soxra has done SOOOOOO much for me and all I've giventhe guy is thanks and a hooded roxas sprite which I'm also using :/ NOT GOOD ENOUGH bahhh. But anyway back to christmas; "Have you been a good boy?" haha Xigbar XD but yea so WAS Vanitas a good lil' boy this year? *Drum rolls*}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=18:09, January 1, 2011 (UTC)|shocked= ._. *Drum Roll is killed off by the responce while crickets are heard in the backround* :X Poor little Vanitas just got one present tiss tiss tiss ;P lol Haha yea maybe I guess its really up to you ;D I mean I love my christmas bubble I made. I mean I made it from the sprite all the way to the little accessories inside so yea :/ As for picture editing you're never gunna get any good at at unless you practice :) So to get you going how about you make me a lil something? Anyting at all. I dont care how it looks just try your best. The only way you'll ever get any good is if you explore and experiment with different things. I'm more than possitive you can do it if you put your mind to it :) O and btw have you seen the AWESOMELY AMAZING keyblade I made for Dark-Enigma??? [[]] I used Void Gear, Hyper Drive, Keyblade of People's Hearts, Fatal Crest, Ends of the Earth, and Xehanort's Keyblade. I'm SOOOO immencely proud of it :D}}
== Do '''YOU''' Love Ice-Cream??? ==
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=20:25, January 1, 2011 (UTC)|icecream= Hey you, yes '''YOU'''... *looks around to check if the coast is clear*... Do '''YOU''' love Ice-Cream??? If so add this userbox I made to your profile. Remember to spred the ice-cream love :D {{userbox|#000598|#66c0d2||info-fc=#0008ff|This user loves '''[[Sea-Salt Ice Cream|<font color=#000598>Ice-Cream</font>]]'''.}}}}
|name= Saix-Number-VII
|sig=True, we don't have hearts, but we remember what it was like. ! 
|time=That's what makes us special
|text=I have a mission for you it is to template my T/B
== Happy New Year! ==
{{Darkheart3|time=21:39, January 1, 2011 (UTC)|happy=Happy New Year ICR! Have an Awesome Day!}}
{{Dan da Man36|time=21:58, January 1, 2011 (UTC)|happy=Thanks! =D A very Merry belated Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too! =D
EDIT: <small>10:36, January 2, 2011 (UTC)</small> My bad! wrong person! Happy New Year anyway! ^_^'}}
|name= Terra-Darkness
|sig=All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. 
|time= The heart is no different.
|text=May you template this talk bubble
==Screen Image==
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=04:07, January 3, 2011 (UTC)|happy= Hey ICR I noticed your screen image still has the white background. I can only guess it's cuz that image is a jpg. Anyway since I had time on my hands I decided I'd made a transparent for you so ya don't havta see that white block anymore. The image is the same size and hope it looks just as good. The coding is <nowiki></nowiki> all you have to do is take out the image coding that's already there <nowiki>[[File:Vanitas_and_X-Blade.png|300px]]</nowiki> and plug the code I gave you in and you're all set :D. Obviously you don't havta use it if you don't want to ;) talk to you later.}}
{{RoxasXIIILK|time=02:38, January 4, 2011 (UTC)|roxas= Heh it's no problem at all dude ^^ I'm glad you like it. Anytime at all!!:D}}
{{The Dark Master|time=[[User:The Dark Master|The Dark Master]] 05:46, January 9, 2011 (UTC)|dark=Hello.I have come to greet you.I offer you to come to the darkness as a sign of friendship.Edit1:I am glad that you accpted my offer of Friendship.I will try to remeber to put the time stamp.I would like to try and ahrcive my talk page myself.If I need any help I will call you.}}
