User talk:BebopKate/Archive10: Difference between revisions

Archiving the rest of January
(Archive for 2010.)
(Archiving the rest of January)
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[[Category:User templates]] 02:51, January 8, 2010 (UTC)
[[Category:User templates]] 02:51, January 8, 2010 (UTC)
:to be absolutely fair to the anon: [[User:KrytenKoro#This_explains_everything.21]].[[User:KrytenKoro|<small>Glorious</small>]] [[User_talk:KrytenKoro|<small>CHAOS!</small>]] 04:39, January 8, 2010 (UTC)
:to be absolutely fair to the anon: [[User:KrytenKoro#This_explains_everything.21]].[[User:KrytenKoro|<small>Glorious</small>]] [[User_talk:KrytenKoro|<small>CHAOS!</small>]] 04:39, January 8, 2010 (UTC)
== Days Mission Articles ==
Hey there, I am pleased to announce that the Days mission articles are finally complete! From the walkthroughs to the treasure tables, everything is included except for the videos (I'll find them later). [[User:Randomnessity|Randomnessity]] and myself completed the last dozen earlier today. The only thing left is to remove the Under Construction templates (they start at mission 50). >_>--[[User:Xion4ever|<span style="color:black">''Xion''</span>]][[User talk:Xion4ever|<span style="color:darkred">''4''</span>]][[User:Xion4ever/Atelier|<span style="color:maroon">''ever''</span>]] 00:29, January 10, 2010 (UTC)
== You're Welcome ==
{{neumannz|time=08:54, January 10, 2010 (UTC)|text=I'm very happy to help, sorry I wasn't around all day to lend a hand, it being Saturday and all.<br>I'll see if I can't find some time to do a quick article runthrough to see if I can catch anything that's been missed.}}
== You're Welcome(not from the same guy as above obviously) ==
{{Randomnessity|text=You're welcome! It was bothering me that they were just a bunch of empty articles, so I enlisted xion for help(she may have ended doing more work than me) and we took it down. It was kind of fun.
About the "unidle hands". Nowadays, since the death of my slinky, I usually mess with Legos. Although after I've clicked them around for about a minute my mom gets ticked off and tells me to stop. The slinky was the way to go for me I guess. Also, I don't think I would have the patience to make a rubberband ball.}}
{{Xion4ever|time=17:10, January 10, 2010 (UTC)|text=Heh, your too kind. No problem, just a way to help out the wiki. We'll finish reviewing them and I'll check the color coding for the treasure templates and such. Your welcome!}}
==Pages for Deletion==
{{TNE|time=04:06, January 17, 2010 (UTC)|sadtext=I haven't seen you online in a while, and I really miss you... I was hoping you could tend to the Pages for Deletion. If you come online, please do take a look.}}
{{BebopKate|time=04:30, January 17, 2010 (UTC)|text=Hey, TroisNyx. ^_^  I have been working on updating Item Synthesis stuff, but otherwise I'm backing off a little bit due to a) work, work, work; I'm trying to make up time so I can go to on a trip this weekend and b) keep as unspoiled as possible about ''Birth by Sleep''.  Looks like someone else got most of the stuff you needed, but you know where to reach me if you need me. ^_-  How are things going for you?  Are you up to anything big now?}}
{{TNE|time=04:42, January 17, 2010 (UTC)|text=Let's see... I've got :
*law dissertations, which they gave in the middle of December. The teachers just had to make things difficult for us, see ? The last one is to be handed in this Tuesday.
*KHFR's first anniversary is coming up on February 2nd, so we're in the midst of planning something special.
*Over on Kingdom Hearts Fanon Wiki there's this guy who has been asking me the same question for eleven or twelve times on my talk page and I've really hit boiling point.
*Friday marked 2 years on drums for me ^_^ Though I didn't know how to give myself a little reward for that occasion, so it passed like any other normal day.
But apart from that, it's all good. The one thing is that no matter how unspoiled I try to keep myself, I will still be spoiled anyway, because Unbirth gets all the spoilers before me and insists on showing them to me, so I can't do much :P}}
{{BebopKate|time=05:33, January 17, 2010 (UTC)|text=Oh yeah, it has been a year for KHFR, hasn't it?  Seems like it's been around longer.  If you guys would like any "anniversary graphics" or need any other help, please let me know if there's anything I can do.
Good luck on your last dissertation.  Law is a tough field no matter which country you're in.  The closest I've come is playing ''Phoenix Wright''. ^_^}}
{{TNE|time=06:24, January 17, 2010 (UTC)|happytext=Sweet ! ^_^ I'll think of something..... (Perhaps something for the Forumheader ? And I'm yet to think of more ideas...)
And Phoenix Wright : LOL ! :D Unbirth tells me the same thing too.}}
{{ZTG|time=01:32, January 18, 2010 (UTC)|text=Hey, I am new to Wikia, and I have been slowly getting used to this. I tried to edit Ansem, but I can't. I was trying to put on his appearance that during the part where he was murged into the World of Chaos, he is remarkably taller than when he is not merged to it. It appears that Sora, if measured from Ansem's feet, that he only comesup to Ansem's knee. If you don't mind, do you think you may be able to get someone or yourself to put it on for me. Thanks sooooo much for your help.}}
{{ZTG|time=13:53, January 18, 2010 (UTC)|text=Hello, thank you for the help. Do you know why is was put under lock or something like that? Still thanks, now I can go back and put that in.}}
{{ZTG|time=20:40, January 19, 2010 (UTC)|text=Hello, thanks again for your help. Yeah, I have heard of some of those even though I have only been on for a short time. Hey, can't you get put out for editing wars? See I tried reading most of the rule and I have gotten most of them in memory. I have "Got it memorized"^_^ see ya later.}}
==Haute alerte==
{{TNE|time=13:04, January 18, 2010 (UTC)|attntext=Thought I'd bring this user to your attention : [[User talk:Christopher wei|Christopher wei]]. He's been removing stuff from the character sections of the worlds, and even after the 1st warning, he has still repeated his actions.
Please keep a tab on him. Thanks !}}
{{BebopKate|time=03:01, January 19, 2010 (UTC)|text=Kryten ''and'' Hexed nabbed him.  What a busy little bee he was, too.}}
{{TNE|time=10:50, January 19, 2010 (UTC)|blahtext=Indeed ; don't get ENX and I started on the things we had to do to keep him at bay.}}
== User Notice ==
{{KKD|time=14:19, January 23, 2010 (UTC)|saix=A user by the name of [[User talk:S071084]] has been removing details and shuffling things around in the world pages, Especially Twilight town. Can you keep an eye on him/her? Thanks!}}
== would you mind... ==
{{KKD|time=03:54, January 25, 2010 (UTC)|sora=Sorry to bother you, but would you mind coming onto the IRC? we need you and Kryten to express your opinion on something. DTN asked me to get you two. and please read this forum too, if you don't mind. [[Forum:User Talk Conversation]]}}
{{BebopKate|time=07:18, January 25, 2010 (UTC)|text=Apologies for being so late to the party; I went to my cousin's wedding this weekend.  I've checked out the forum topic; thank you for letting me know about it.}}
{{KKD|time=07:37, January 25, 2010 (UTC)|sora=Thank you very much. We (Myself, DTN, and many others) debated over this topic for at least an hour on the IRC, and have gotten nowhere due to a lack of moderator guidance. We would like very much if we could get your opinion and (possible) approval on what we agree is the best thing to do. We will be meeting on the IRC again today at 5PM US Central time. If you would not mind joining us to discuss this topic, we would appreciate it very much. And if you wouldn't mind telling KrytenKoro about this, he seems to have ignored the message I sent to him. We would value both of your opinions very much.}}
{{BebopKate|time=07:41, January 25, 2010 (UTC)|text=I have to go take care of my grandmother after work today, but I will try to drop by later if all possible.}}
{{KKD|time=07:43, January 25, 2010 (UTC)|sora=Once again, thank you very much.}}
{{ZTG|time=02:45, January 27, 2010 (UTC)|mickey=Hey, I was on the Jak and Daxter wiki, and it told you how you would be able to become an administrator. Is there anywhere on this wiki where it says that or can you tell me. Me and some of my friends were curious. Thanks and I do taekwondo. Your user page said you did Tai Chi. that is cool. See ya ^_^!}}
{{BebopKate|time=22:51, January 27, 2010 (UTC)|text=Hey, Zexion.  We're not in any pressing need of administrators at the moment, but when we eventually will need them, we consider the editing jobs you've done and how you behave.  If you're fairly mature and levelheaded and treat other users with respect, and a majority of your edits are good ones to the main wikispace articles, then that would put you under consideration in the future.  If you have any more questions or need something clarified, let me know.
Taekwondo is fun to watch other people do, but it's too hard on my knees.  More power to you! ^_^}}
{{ZTG|time=23:55, January 27, 2010 (UTC)|mickey=Yeah, didn't think that any positions were open. Thanks, I was really curious because I have another account on Jak and Daxter Wikia (they are in need of a '''''MAJOR''''' editing job) and it was telling you how to become an administrator and that got me curious. Oh, here is another silly question: why is it that there is no Xemnas administrator on the wiki. I mean, if it is because of the unlucky number thing, they can assign a Xion. Thanks for your help and I will see you later ^_^!}}
{{BebopKate|time=04:30, January 28, 2010 (UTC)|text=I can't remember who did the staff member/Organization XIII thing, but it is just for laughs, really.  I'm presumably Larxene because she's the only female XIII member (or was at the time, anyway), and I'm the only female administrator.  I know some got assigned since they were already being represented by those characters.  Otherwise, it was up to whoever made the page.}}
{{DTN|time=04:49, January 28, 2010 (UTC)|text=My hypothesis is that it would be unfair for any administrator or bureauocrat to be represented by Xemnas. Since Xemnas is the ruler of Organization XIII, we don't want it to seem as if there is one user in charge of the other staff members.}}
== Affiliation ==
{{EO|time=01:54, January 28, 2010 (UTC)|text=I'm extremely annoyed that my edits are shrinking (I leave with 5047, and come back to 5006...). I'm also extremely annoyed and worried about my grades and my parents' reactions to them. Apparently a B+ isn't good enough for them...
Anyways, back on track. I recently started the Kingdom Hearts Canon-Fanon Wiki (link found on my User Page), where I will be telling the story of and creating a game for the Keyblade War. If I got enough support, I wanted to send this to Square to see officialism. You're welcome to take a look around at what little I've accomplished so far, as well as get a gist for the plot, but I was hoping to, as the title implys, affiliate with the Wiki. This could be beneficial to me and, well, this Wiki, too :P
If this isn't possible, or you need more elaboration, all you need do is ask... Thanks :D}}
{{BebopKate|time=04:30, January 28, 2010 (UTC)|text=Yeah, the mystery edit thing is driving others crazy.  Just chalk it up to Wikia being Wikia, I guess.
The wiki looks interesting and a good start to a storyline; if you could get a bit more info on it, I sure we can affiliate.  Don't neglect your schoolwork or anything, of course. ^_-  Frankly, there are periods in my schooling I would have ''killed'' for a B+ ...}}
{{EO|time=22:54, January 28, 2010 (UTC)|laugh=Well, I pretty much stunk! I got a C+ for the quarter in English (went up from my C-, which I only got because I bombed one big test), and got B's and C's, as well as one sub-confirmed A on my first ever mid-term exams.
I don't exactly have the time to contact Wikia at the moment, but I may get to it eventually. Thanks for the compliment, but what exactly do you mean by "more information?"}}
{{BebopKate|time=03:54, January 29, 2010 (UTC)|text=Just more detail.  More characters, places, bits of the storyline.  Good about the A, and at least your grade went up in English.  Hang in there, ENX, and let me know if there's anything I can help you with.}}
{{EO|time=11:50, January 29, 2010 (UTC)|laugh=Well, at least I haven't failed....yet :P
This will take quite a bit of time, considering it's only me editing the bloody thing. I'm working on Olympus right now, and it sure is harder than it looks :P
Not sure I'll need help in science anymore, considering my new teacher for the semester is a lot nicer and active, actually sort of funny. What he teaches actually sticks in my mind :P}}
