Forum:I don't have the info needed...: Difference between revisions

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{{Cloudofdarkness|text= I could try to coopy and paste it from the final fantasy wiki, I'm almost certain they have an article on him. And don't worry, I've asked everyone for help a lot more than you have.}}
{{Cloudofdarkness|text= I could try to coopy and paste it from the final fantasy wiki, I'm almost certain they have an article on him. And don't worry, I've asked everyone for help a lot more than you have.}}
{{NeloAngelo|text='''COD, what did Hecko told you about the copy and paste thing?''' btw, Hecko already cleaned the mess up.}}
{{NeloAngelo|text='''COD, what did Hecko told you about the copy and paste thing?''' btw, Hecko already cleaned the mess up.}}
{{Cloudofdarkness|text= I didn't just copy and pasted it [[Tetsuya Nomura|here]], I edited to this wiki's needs.}}