Kingdom Hearts Union χ

Raging Darkness

(Redirected from Rising Darkness)

Raging Darkness
(ライジングダークネス Raijingu Dākunesu?, lit. "Rising Darkness")
Raging Darkness KHUX.gif
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Magic Reversed All 4 7★: x7.84 - 9.82
SN++: x15.76 - 20.00
7★: Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3, ↓ targets' R-DEF by 2, M-DEF by 7. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP.
SN++: [Mastery] Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: M-Medal STR +10000, self [↑ STR, R- & M-STR 15], targets [↓ DEF, R- & M-DEF 15], SP ATK B +220%. Count ±0. Damage+: Higher HP.
Speed Reversed All 4 7★: x7.84 - 9.82
SN++: x18.53 - 20.87
7★: Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3, ↓ targets' R-DEF by 2, S-DEF by 7. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP.
SN++: Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: S-Medal STR +12000, self [↑ STR, R- & S-STR 15], targets [↓ DEF, R- & S-DEF 15], SP ATK B +220%. Count ±0. Damage+: Higher HP. Pierces Defense Boost 30%.

Raging Darkness is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts Union χ.


In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Raging Darkness is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 4 special attack gauges to perform. It inflicts more damage the higher the user's HP. Raging Darkness +7 ignores enemy counters, and the Magic version deals Mastery damage, inflicting more damage on Power-attribute enemies, while the Speed version has a 30% chance of ignoring the opponent's Defense Boost Skill.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Raging Darkness +5 6★ x2.44 - 4.25 x2.49 - 4.33 x2.54 - 4.41 x2.58 - 4.50 x2.63 - 4.58 x2.68 - 4.66 3
Raging Darkness +6 7★ x7.84 - 9.82 3
Raging Darkness +7 SN++ x15.76 - 20.00 3

Learning Raging DarknessEdit

Kingdom Hearts Union χEdit