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==Cutscene Quotes==
==Cutscene Quotes==
===''Kingdom Hearts II''===
===''Kingdom Hearts II''===
*"''You're inside a mainframe computer system.''"<br>— <small>upon meeting Sora and company.</small>
*"''You're inside a mainframe computer system.''"<br/>— <small>upon meeting him.</small>
*"''A computer system---for processing data. This system is a copy of one created by a corporation called ENCOM. The original program was destroyed.''"<br>— <small>talking about the program.</small>
*"''A computer system---for processing data. This system is a copy of one created by a corporation called ENCOM. The original program was destroyed.''"<br/>— <small>talking about the program.</small>
*"''But this copy was acquired by another User. The new User updated and customized the programs, renaming the system "Hollow Bastion OS". He used the system for town maintenance, and to advance his private research. My name is Tron. I'm a security program. But now I'm under arrest, same as you.''"<br>— <small>introducing himself.</small>
*"''But this copy was acquired by another User. The new User updated and customized the programs, renaming the system "Hollow Bastion OS". He used the system for town maintenance, and to advance his private research. My name is Tron. I'm a security program. But now I'm under arrest, same as you.''"<br/>— <small>introducing himself.</small>
*"''The Master Control Program. It controls the whole system. If you idle here, you will be derezzed.''"<br>— <small>talking about the MCP.</small>
*"'' The Master Control Program. It controls the whole system. If you idle here, you will be derezzed.''"<br/>— <small>talking about the MCP.</small>
*"''If we could bring the energy core in the canyon online, we could power it back up. The problem is---we're stuck in this cell. We're not going anywhere unless we unlock the energy fields.''"<br>— <small>explaining to Sora and company.</small>
*"''If we could bring the energy core in the canyon online, we could power it back up. The problem is---we're stuck in this cell. We're not going anywhere unless we unlock the energy fields.''"<br/>— <small>explaining to Sora and company.</small>
*"''We can get out by gathering the door's lock data and freezing it. The problem is, we don't have any way to extract the data.''"<br><small>talking about the door's lock data.</small>
*"''We can get out by gathering the door's lock data and freezing it. The problem is, we don't have any way to extract the data.''"<br/>- <small>talking about the door's lock data.</small>
*"''That thing in the center's the energy core. Let's try accessing it.''"<br><small>alking about the energy core.</small>
*"''That thing in the center's the energy core. Let's try accessing it.''"<br/>- <small>alking about the energy core.</small>
*"''This is the energy core.''"<br>— <small>upon him accessing the large machine.</small>
*"''This is the energy core.''"<br/>— <small>upon him accessing the large machine.</small>
*"''You guys really are Users. Your actions are totally illogical.''"<br>— <small>talking about Sora and company.</small>
*"''You guys really are Users. Your actions are totally illogical.''"<br/>— <small>talking about Sora and company.</small>
*"''DTD is the name my User gave to the dataspace. Copies of all the original system programs are stored there, along with anything that's sensitive or restricted.''"<br>— <small>talking about the DTD.</small>
*"''DTD is the name my User gave to the dataspace. Copies of all the original system programs are stored there, along with anything that's sensitive or restricted.''"<br/>— <small>talking about the DTD.</small>
*"''Looks like the MCP's on to us. I'll keep this terminal up and running. You better exit the system, now!''"<br>— <small>before Sora and company escapes Space Paranoids.</small>
*"''Looks like the MCP's on to us. I'll keep this terminal up and running. You better exit the system, now!''"<br/>— <small>before Sora and company escapes Space Paranoids.</small>
*"''I don't understand. Why are you here?''"<br>— <small>upon coming back to Space Paranoids.</small>
*"''I don't understand. Why are you here?''"<br/>— <small>upon coming back to Space Paranoids.</small>
*"''The MCP is originally a data acquisition program. If you hadn't rescued me, it would have stolen all my data.''"<br><small>talking about the MCP.</small>
*"''The MCP is originally a data acquisition program. If you hadn't rescued me, it would have stolen all my data.''"<br/>- <small>talking about the MCP.</small>
*"''No, it's the DTD's final security routine. This isn't a game. Stay focused!''"<br>— <small>after inputting the password to the DTD.</small>
*"''No, it's the DTD's final security routine. This isn't a game. Stay focused!''"<br/>— <small>after inputting the password to the DTD.</small>
*"''I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored!''"<br>— <small>becoming restored.</small>
*"''I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored!''"<br/>— <small>becoming restored.</small>
*"''The MCP's loading a hostile program into the I/O tower.''"<br>— <small>talking about a hostile program.</small>
*"''The MCP's loading a hostile program into the I/O tower.''"<br/>— <small>talking about a hostile program.</small>
*"''I disengaged the security program. Now the lift to the I/O tower should work. Hurry! The lift's straght ahead out of this room!''"<br><small>talking about the lift.</small>
*"''I disengaged the security program. Now the lift to the I/O tower should work. Hurry! The lift's straght ahead out of this room!''"<br/>- <small>talking about the lift.</small>
*"''More dangerous programs are sure to follow. To fight these guys... we should delete the enemy data to limit their movements.''"<br><small>talking about a hostile program.</small>
*"''More dangerous programs are sure to follow. To fight these guys... we should delete the enemy data to limit their movements.''"<br/>- <small>talking aout a hostile program.</small>
*"''Because I want to help them. Something written into my code commands me to do what is right.''"<br>— <small>arguing with the MCP.</small>
*"''Because I want to help them. Something written into my code commands me to do what is right.''"<br/>— <small>arguing with the MCP.</small>
*"''I really owe you one. With all my functions up and running, I think I've got a chance of getting system control away from the MCP. Now I'd better get to work. It's what my User would want.''"<br>— <small>after defeating [[Hostile Program]].</small>
*"''I really owe you one. With all my functions up and running, I think I've got a chance of getting system control away from the MCP. Now I'd better get to work. It's what my User would want.''"<br/>— <small>after defeating [[Hostile Program]].</small>
*"''Well, actually... he's my enemy, too. Ansem took ENCOM's original system and customized it for his own use. I was part of the original system, and Ansem modified me, too. So that makes him my User. But Ansem is also the one who brought back the MCP. The Ansem I first knew wouldn't do that.''"<br>— <small>talking about Ansem.</small>
*"''Ansem took ENCOM's original system and customized it for his own use. I was part of the original system, and Ansem modified me. So that makes him my User.''"<br/>— <small>talking about Ansem.</small>
*"''I don't... understand it either.''"<br>— <small>sharing Sora's confusion about Ansem's sudden change.</small>
*"''You too! And give my best to the Users!''"<br/>— <small>before Sora and company leaves Space Paranoids.</small>
*"''But I think Users, like you, are going to be the ones who will finally figure it out. You have the ability to take illogical routes and still arrive at the answers you seek.''"<br>— <small>expressing his belief that Sora and his friends will figure out the mystery behind Ansem.</small>
*"''Careful!... Watch out!''"<br/>— <small>upon meeting him in the second visit to [[Space Paranoids]].</small>
*"''I'll stay here to make sure the MCP doesn't cause any more trouble. The User world is in trouble. You should hurry back through this terminal.''"<br>— <small>before Sora and company uses the terminal.</small>
*"''This is very strange...''"<br/>— <small>with his new improved Identity Disk.</small>
*"''Any data you need from the DTD can be accessed through my User's terminal. I'll keep a dedicated access channel open for you.''"<br>— <small>explaining how to access the DTD.</small>
*"''We'll need a sailor to reach the MCP, so let's get to the simulation hangar!''"<br/>— <small>talking about the solar sailor.</small>
*"''I changed the password, so you won't have to worry about the MCP for a while.''"<br>— <small>reassuring Sora.</small>
*"''The MCP is straight ahead.''"<br/>— <small>when Sora and company reach the Central Computer Mesa.</small>
*"''I knew you'd ask. It's a very important link between our worlds. It's how we stay connected.''"<br>— <small>explaining the access channel.</small>
*"''Sark. The MCP's number two.''"<br/>— <small>before fighting Sark.</small>
*"''You... my friends... are the new password.''"<br>— <small>revealing to Sora the new password for the DTD.</small>
*"''I'm also better than you<br/>— <small>upon defeating Sark.</small>
*"''You too! And give my best to the Users!''"<br>— <small>before Sora and company leaves Space Paranoids.</small>
*"''MCP. You still don't get it, do you?''"<br/>— <small>talking to the MCP.</small>
*"''Careful!... Watch out!''"<br>— <small>upon meeting him in the second visit to [[Space Paranoids]].</small>
*"''We did it!''"<br/>— <small>upon defeating the MCP.</small>
*"''The MCP is ready to wage all-out war against the Users. What's been happening on the outside?''"<br>— <small>talking about the MCP.</small>
*"''Okay, okay, fine. But before I crash---Sora, Donald, Goofy... and all the Users out there... Thank you... You really helped me. You made me so much stronger. You taught me what friendship is truly all about. And, I'll never forget it. As soon as I met you, I knew we were going to defeat the MCP and free the system.''"<br/>— <small>talking to Sora and company.</small>
*"''This is very strange...''"<br>— <small>with his new improved Identity Disk.</small>
*"''Isn't this what Users do when they're sorry to say goodbye?''"<br/>— <small>after hugging Sora.</small>
*"''We'll need a sailor to reach the MCP, so let's get to the simulation hangar!''"<br>— <small>talking about the solar sailor.</small>
*"''Greetings, friends. System is up, and ready for User input.''"<br/>— <small>talking to Sora in Hollow Bastion.</small>
*"''Users are amazing! I've never seen a program like this! Now that I can use the solar sailer, I can access the MCP!''"<br>— <small>talking about the Users and the solar sailer.</small>
*"''You can see the town back when it was first built.''"<br/>— <small>talking about the world's true name.</small>
*"''The solar sailer doesn't have a defense system. The MCP isn't stupid. It'll attack the simulation. We'll have to defend it.''"<br>— <small>talking about the solar sailer.</small>
*"''You've got to keep a lookout. The MCP isn't going to just let us waltz in.''"<br>— <small>talking to Sora and company.</small>
*"''The MCP is straight ahead.''"<br>— <small>when Sora and company reach the Central Computer Mesa.</small>
*"''The MCP is well-protected. First we'll have to hack his defense. Then we can start deleting him until he's erased. He's only data, after all.''"<br>— <small>giving some good advise before facing the MCP.</small>
*"''Sark. The MCP's number two.''"<br>— <small>before fighting Sark.</small>
*"''I'm also better than you''"<br>— <small>upon defeating Sark.</small>
*"''MCP. You still don't get it, do you?''"<br>— <small>talking to the MCP.</small>
*"''We did it!''"<br>— <small>upon defeating the MCP.</small>
*"''Okay, okay, fine. But before I crash---Sora, Donald, Goofy... and all the Users out there... Thank you... You really helped me. You made me so much stronger. You taught me what friendship is truly all about. And, I'll never forget it. As soon as I met you, I knew we were going to defeat the MCP and free the system.''"<br>— <small>talking to Sora and company.</small>
*"''Isn't this what Users do when they're sorry to say goodbye?''"<br>— <small>after hugging Sora.</small>
*"''Greetings, friends. System is up, and ready for User input.''"<br>— <small>talking to Sora in Hollow Bastion.</small>
*"''You can see the town back when it was first built.''"<br>— <small>talking about the world's true name.</small>

==Action Quotes==
==Action Quotes==
*"''Sora!''"<br>— <small>when supporting Sora.</small>
*"''Sora!''"<br/>— <small>when healing Sora.</small>
*"''Donald!''"<br>— <small>when supporting Donald.</small>
*"''Donald!''"<br/>— <small>when healing Donald.</small>
*"''Goofy!''"<br>— <small>when supporting Goofy.</small>
*"''Goofy!''"<br/>— <small>when healing Goofy</small>
*"''Hah!''"<br>— <small>when supporting himself.</small>
*"''Thanks!''"<br/>— <small>when healed.</small>
*"''Thanks!''"<br>— <small>when supported.</small>
*"''I'm back in the game''"<br/>— <small>when switching into party or using Delete.</small>
*"''I'm back in the game!''"<br>— <small>when switched into the party or using Delete.</small>
*"''Running executables''"<br/>— <small>when starting Complete Compliment and using Delete.</small>
*"''Running executable!''"<br>— <small>when starting Complete Compliment or using Delete.</small>
*"''Access approved''"<br/>— <small>when finishing Complete Compliment.</small>
*"''Access approved!''"<br>— <small>when finishing Complete Compliment.</small>
*"''Emergency''"<br/>— <small>when in low health.</small>
*"''Emergency!''"<br>— <small>when falling into low health.</small>
*"''No...''"<br/>— <small>when knocked out.</small>
*"''Shut down...''"<br>— <small>when knocked out.</small>
*"''Restart!''"<br/>— <small>when revived.</small>
*"''Restart!''"<br>— <small>when revived.</small>

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