Kingdom Hearts Union χ

Nature's Gift

(Redirected from Nature's Gift II)

Nature's Gift
(リーフコート Rīfu Kōto?, lit. "Leaf Coat")
Nature's Gift KHUX.gif
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Magic Reversed All 0 7★: x6.67
7★: 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 5, STR by 7, PSM-STR by 6, ↓ targets' DEF by 3, PSM-DEF by 4. Enemy countdown +1. HP recovery LV 4. Fills 5 gauges.
Nature's Gift II
(リーフコート2 Rīfu Kōto 2?, lit. "Leaf Coat 2")
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Speed Reversed All 0 7★: x6.67
7★: 1 turn: 7 STR, R- & PSM-STR, SP ATK B +80%, targets' -7 DEF, R- & PSM-DEF, -2 PSM-STR. Count +1. HP MAX. Gauge +10. Cures status ailments.
Nature's Gift III
(リーフコート3 Rīfu Kōto 3?, lit. "Leaf Coar 3")
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Reversed All 0 SN: x6.67
SN: 1 turn: ↑ R-STR 7, STR 15, PSM-STR 12, SP ATK B +150%, ↓ targets' R-DEF 7, DEF 15, PSM-DEF 12. Count +2. HP MAX. Gauge +10. Cures ailments.
Magic Reversed All 0 SN: x13.80
SN+: 1 turn: R-Medal STR +500, DEF +500, ↑ STR, R- & PSM-STR 10, SP ATK B +200%. Count ±0.

Nature's Gift is a series of techniques that appear in Kingdom Hearts Union χ. It allows the user to cast a variety of buffs and debuffs.


In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Nature's Gift is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 0 special attack gauges to perform. It raises enemy counters by 1, significantly restores the user's HP, and fills 5 special attack gauges.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Nature's Gift +5 6★ x1.31 x1.35 x1.39 x1.43 x1.47 x1.51 1
Nature's Gift +6 7★ x6.67 1

Nature's Gift II is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 0 special attack gauges to perform. It raises enemy counters by 1, fully restores the user's HP, cures status ailments, and fills 10 special attack gauges.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Nature's Gift II +5 6★ x1.31 x1.35 x1.39 x1.43 x1.47 x1.51 1
Nature's Gift II +6 7★ x6.67 1

Nature's Gift III is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 0 special attack gauges to perform. It raises enemy counters by 2, fully restores the user's HP, cures status ailments, and fills 10 special attack gauges.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Nature's Gift III +6 7★ x6.67 1

Another version of Nature's Gift III is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 0 special attack gauges to perform. It ignores enemy counters.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Nature's Gift III +6 7★ x13.80 1

Learning Nature's GiftEdit

Kingdom Hearts Union χEdit

See alsoEdit