Editing KHWiki talk:Roundtable

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:Um.. I think it's like 2:00 pm. I live in US East Coast, too. --{{SilverCrono/Sig}} 00:28, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
:Um.. I think it's like 2:00 pm. I live in US East Coast, too. --{{SilverCrono/Sig}} 00:28, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
::Thanks, Crono. I hope I can make this one...{{User:LapisScarab/Sig}}00:34, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
::Thanks, Crono. I hope I can make this one...{{User:LapisScarab/Sig}}00:34, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
:::Nine AM or Nine PM? {{User:Erry/Sig}} 10:32, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
:::Nine AM or Nine PM? {{User:Erry/Sig4}} 10:32, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
::::PM. --{{SilverCrono/Sig}} 11:24, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
::::PM. --{{SilverCrono/Sig}} 11:24, 7 May 2011 (EDT)

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Done... kinda.  A collapsable format may be better...  {{The Inexistentsig}} 12:31, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
Done... kinda.  A collapsable format may be better...  {{The Inexistentsig}} 12:31, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
:It looks good! But a little bit... messy... Does anyone know of a way to align the tables side by side, and then we could put them into a collapsed section or something maybe? {{User:Dan da Man36/Sig}} 12:34, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
:It looks good! But a little bit... messy... Does anyone know of a way to align the tables side by side, and then we could put them into a collapsed section or something maybe? {{User:Dan da Man36/Sig}} 12:34, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
==New Meeting==
When has the meeting been rescheduled for?  {{The Inexistentsig}} 13:38, 11 June 2011 (EDT)
:11/6/2011 9pm UTC 0 {{User:Erry/Sig}} 13:48, 11 June 2011 (EDT)
Well, since I won't be here, these are my opinions on the items
#We forgot this last time, so it doesn't really matter to me.
#I find the majority of off site accounts completely useless.  I even find the Facebook account as such, as I even had to ''manually'' invite Kryten and Bluer, otherwise they would have never found it.
#Self explanatory, really.  I've already started on the enemies, but I would be willing to do much more if I can find the time.
#This was mainly directed twords stuff like the Featured Media change, but that is now in effect.  But, there is also stuff like the walkthroughs, the main page change, etc.
#Post audit, what I think needs to be done: finish the image crap, set up some sort of wiki bot to watch over the image space and notify someone when jpg's/ gibberish name images are uploaded, create these walkthroughs, find more affiliates (like actual KH news related websites), and really get to work on all of the different "Project:"'s that have popped up.
#I vote Erry, if he's willing.
:I'll pull a T I here, as there's a good chance I won't be able to make it as well.
:#The Trinity archives don't really concern me; as long as they're maybe updated a little more frequently and efficiently or whatnot I'm good.
:#I believe offsite accounts should be used '''primarily''' for the Trinity Archives. I brought this up at the last Roundtable. As for the things that can't really serve that function, such as the deviantart account, I don't really see the purpose of having them. The biased and discriminatory rules the deviantART account on the subject of yaoi/yuri also disturbs me, and if I make it to the meeting, I really really want to talk about this, even if it is a little off topic.
:#What T I said; I'd be glad to help out in this case, but who specifically works on this/volunteers is of no concern to me.
:#Post-audit, as T I said, all of the image work needs closure. Also, Doorsey and I were discussing having a thing on the main page to commemorate everyone who worked on the audit, similar to the Keyblade War winner thing from a few months ago. Please talk about this.
:#I am indifferent to the Mirage Arena.
:--{{User:LegoAlchemist/Sig}} 15:26, 11 June 2011 (EDT)
==August <s>6th</s>7th, 2011==
Since <s>these things are always on the Saturdays when I have to work</s> I will not be here, I'll leave my opinions on the talk page again.
#No opinion.
#Yes, the new system is a lot more fun.
##I'm in favor of the way I handled it.  I think it would work, unless we want to institute a tie breaking system.
#There needs to be a separate section for each member wiki, and a contact list of admins.  Also, [http://seiwanetwork.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6 SOMEBODY RESPOND TO THIS].
#I really don't care.  I prefer to read the logs anyway.
#Of no consequence to me.
#This should be started ASAP.  I know we should be focusing on the audit, but a lot of people don't seem to want to do it.  In addition, the wiki has been literally DEAD the last few days because Kryten, Neumannz, Erry, me, etc. have not been on as much.  HOWEVER, a walkthrough would rally the community, I believe.  Also, people who are doing strategy sections and stuff should post their drafts on a Walkthrough:GAME/Draft, so the gnomes can fix the sections up without getting edit conflicted 10,000 times.
#I suppose there should be some rules, but none should go as extreme as the PG rule went.  That made breaking the rule FUN, inviting inapropriate behavior.  alsoihaznoproblemzcuncurningazulspeek.
Please use this.  {{The Inexistentsig}} 17:44, 4 August 2011 (EDT)
I also will be absent, sorry! I will also leave my opinions on the matters.
#This needs to be explained better for me to create an opinion on the matter. Simply put, I have no clue what you are talking about.
#I would like to continue ut--our imagespace is thriving and large enough to support changing it far more often that only once a month.
##First nominated was used; perhaps we could roll the other tied image over to the following month?
#WE NEED TO COMPLETE THE SITE ASAP. I like the format as it is now, but please, it needs to be ABSOLUTELY COMPLETED before it is presented to potential wiki partners.
#If we aren't going to have logs available for the roundtables, we might as well not have them at all. This is the only way to make it available for the entire community, and it needs to be done. Specifics users, perhaps, could be appointed to handle the logging and summarizing.
#OH DON'T BE ALL BUTTHURT ERRY. The format that has ''always'' been used for the Trinity Archives has been a title with the date related to the subject, the user's name with the POSTING DATE, and then the text. Changing the posting date is outright dishonest and looks TERRIBLE. Also, I posted a forum topic on adding a comment forum thread that coincides with each future post of the Trinity Archives, please go see that it, it seemed to be well received.
#A community walkthrough would be a large project, and rules and regulations of the writing style and format will need to be created before it the walkthrough itself is created. I prefer all professionalism in a wiki-created project. HOWEVER. I am not opposed to users also hosting their own personally written walkthroughs in their userspace. If we have enough of these in high quality, we can discuss hosting them in the walkthroughspace.
#oyouseemmadaboutsomethingthatreallyisnobigdealimeanseriously>>> --{{User:DoorToNothing/Sig}} 01:46, 5 August 2011 (EDT)
:I am also going to be absent again, for reasons I don't think I need to explain at this point, but in most of the points I don't have an urgently strong opinion. I agree with Doorsey on number 1, though, I have no clue what that's even about, we ABSOLUTELY need someone to be on top  of logging, and I have no idea what azulspeak is, nor was I aware of new irc rules being added willy nilly. --{{User:Neumannz/SigTemplate}} 02:36, 5 August 2011 (EDT)
The roundtable has been moved a day later due to the absences of numerous people, there were only 4 people (myself included) in the noticeboard channel who were idling, the rest were all sat either in #KHWiki-social or not here at all. Tomorrow is the final roundtable for August, and that's it until September {{User:Erry/Sig}} 20:54, 6 August 2011 (EDT)
:Same time, I presume?  {{The Inexistentsig}} 22:16, 6 August 2011 (EDT)
...I thought today was Saturday. [facepalm] Graugh, fail, I should be able to attend the roundtable if it were held today.{{User:LapisScarab/Sig}}19:00, 7 August 2011 (UTC)
:Then you're in luck, Lapis.  --{{User:Neumannz/SigTemplate}} 20:28, 7 August 2011 (UTC)
== Activity ==
Some people asked me on the IRC what I meant by this, so here goes.
I while ago, I moved maggosh and Ultima to inactive staff because, well, the entire point of having an active staff is so the users on the list can be contacted for immediate administrative assistance.  However, at the time, I wanted to move more over, but figured it wasn't for the best.  So, based on contributions up to this date and time (22:41, 25 August 2011 (UTC)), the following staff are, well, definitly not fully active.
*DoorToNothing -  Very few total edits in August and July, about half mainspace.  Inactivity notice on his page.
*Troisnyxetienne - No August edits (August inactivity declared on page), many June edits, few July edits, with only a handful of mainspace.
*EternalNothingnessXIII - One June edit, active for most of July, with primarily talk page and walkthrough edits, no August edits.  No notice on page.
*Xion4ever - Active for a while, but inactive as of late.  Notice on page.
*LevL - Inactive as of late.  Notice on page, edits when he can.
*SilverCrono -  Very few edits for August and July, mainly Mirage Arena and talk page edits.  No notice on page.
In the end, I want to know "what defines a staff member as ''active''".
<!---And I know I'm going to get called out for asking this "just because I want to be staff".  I guess that is one of the motivations.  It would be immature and, frankly, stupid for me to deny that.  But, I mean, how many questions have gone unanswered?  How much could someone have been helped?  It really pisses me off that I have to go to the IRC channel just to ask a question, when I could just leave a message on an admin's page.  That way, the whole wiki could see it, if needed.---><!---Also, I'm not trying to be mean.  If someone says that I'm being mean with this evaluation, I'll... I'll... yeah, I can't really do anything.  So please don't give my that crap.--->{{The Inexistentsig}} 22:41, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
:I'm actually here everyday. I check in on the RC's, participate in IRC discussion, and maintain a watchlist of articles that I oversee. In all honesty, by busy life, and resumed courses, have caught up with me, but I am in no way, form, or manner inactive. If I'm ever needed for an emergency, I am available on the IRC and my talk page. I get e-mail alerts, so the latter works just fine. There should be no reason to address an issue with that. Also, Inexistent: if you have a question, leave it on [[User talk:KrytenKoro|his]], [[User talk:Neumannz|his]], or [[User talk:DoorToNothing|my]] talk page. You'll get a quick answer, I assure you. --{{User:DoorToNothing/Sig}} 23:07, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
::I know ''who'' to contact, it's just that ''others'' may not.  And this is why I asked.  If you ''are'' indeed monitering the wiki, then you shouldn't be counted as inactive, unlike the others, for which the definition would be necissary.<!---Actually, I never seem to see your name under the Who's Online... are you logged out?  Plus, Kryten hasn't been that active for a week or so, so he might not respond very quickly.--->  {{The Inexistentsig}} 00:41, 26 August 2011 (UTC)
:::Damn, I guess I am inactive. :| It's just that school has started for me and I have little to no time for interwebz except on weekends... so yeah. List me as inactive if you must, at least until after like October. I should have more time after marching season ends. --{{SilverCrono/Sig}} 19:47, 26 August 2011 (UTC)
Okay, we are not dealing with this now. Especially not on ''this'' page.  --{{User:Neumannz/SigTemplate}} 20:25, 26 August 2011 (UTC)
==Sept. 3rd==
There is, once again, a substantial chance that I will not be there.
#If we want to keep it for our walkthroughs, yipee.  If not, I don't care.
#No idea.
#Go forward with it.
#About as far as we where last time.  And new renders, definitly yes.  However, it seems only the [[User:ShardofTruth|White Wizard]] can get big, complex models.  But yeah, awesome renders for stuff we don't have good scans of.
#I say no.
{{The Inexistentsig}} 02:34, 3 September 2011 (UTC)
==October 2nd==
Since I most certainly will be off galavanting with my camera and crew:
#I striked it out, because it isn't dead anymore.
#Don't care; I've abandoned the channels.
#Except then we'll create a bunch of one liners that do nothing, and never get updated.  The red links should remain as a reminder that they should be filled.
#Also don't care <s>cause I'm going to the Keyhole's rp</s>.
{{The Inexistentsig}} 02:54, 2 October 2011 (UTC)
Wait, Roundtable today? Wasn't it supposed to be yesterday? Was it another no-show? --{{SilverCrono/Sig}} 15:53, 2 October 2011 (UTC)
:Yes. {{The Inexistentsig}} 17:35, 2 October 2011 (UTC)
==From now and beyond==
Don't expect me to be in roundtables in the near future or present, I have no power of being able to join Roundtables due to it being on a Saturday (not to mention ''just'' past midnight) and my school week starting from Sun-to-Thur. {{User:Erry/Sig}} 02:37, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
:This just occurred to me; did we ever consider having two consecutive meetings? The initial meeting on Saturday, and a second on Sunday for everyone who couldn't attend the Saturday one? {{User:LapisScarab/Sig}}03:05, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
::Sunday would '''still''' not work for me. Thursdays and Fridays only work with the exception of weekday holidays. {{User:Erry/Sig}} 03:11, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
:::...And neither of those days work for anyone in the Eastern time zone, like me. --{{User:As if!/Autosig}} 03:25, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
::::Well we need to figure out something that works. Not just anything and stick with it... that'd be absolutely pointless. {{User:Erry/Sig}} 10:42, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
:::::How about one for the Western time zone, and one for the Eastern time zone? The meeting starts at 3 O'clock in the morning at my place, I certainly can't show up every time there's a meeting :/ {{User:17master/Sign}} 11:09, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
::::::Two separate meetings would be too chaotic. Different agreements would be reached by both meetings, and in the end, we'd just be coming back together again. So no to that idea. {{User:Chitalian8/Sig}} 11:24, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
:::::::asdfghjkl;' you're right though. What about Friday night (which is probably Saturday early for me)? {{User:17master/Sign}} 11:41, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
:::Friday night's as bad as Saturday for me. Look, we can't possibly find a time that works for everyone, so the best we can do is use a day that works for many, and those of us who can't make it can either leave messages on this talk page or with someone who ''will'' be making it to the roundtable. That's the best we can do.  --{{User:Neumannz/SigTemplate}} 14:38, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
==November 5th==
{{LapisScarab|time=22:45, 23 October 2011 (UTC)|text=I will not be able to attend the Nov. 5th meeting. So:
#I don't have any real opinion.
#I'm not clear on the full story, but I think Erry should be re-opped.}}
The third night of the musical is on the 5th, so...
#<s>Seeing as we've brought this topic up, like many others, twenty times before...</s> Don't care.
#Yes, because, when the forum was refreshed, the ''only'' person who wanted Erry to stay de'op'd was DTN.  The ''only'' person.  {{The Inexistentsig}} 02:14, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
==December Meeting==
{{LapisScarab|time=23:39, 21 November 2011 (UTC)|text=Okay, I was going to wait until the actual meeting date, but I just can't anymore. The main reason I brought up that agenda piece was to say that, sadly, I am going to go inactive. There's just too much stuff going on in my personal life right now, too many distractions (college apps, school, etc.). Conversely, there just isn't enough going on on the Wiki for me to participate in right now. I just don't have anything to do other than dealing with the Mirage Arena Nominations, and I think we can all agree I've not been particularly good at that. With so little going on I can help with, there's no point in me continuing to check-in as I have been doing. I'm basically just dead weight at this point, and it would be better for the Wiki in general if I went inactive. So... yeah. I still get emailed when my talk page is edited, so if I'm needed badly, I should at least get the message, but I won't be checking in regularly anymore.
I love this place and all of you guys, this Wiki has given me a sense of fulfillment I honestly don't get very often in the rest of my life. I hope I'll be able to come back soon, but as it is now, I'll see you all when I see you. So long.}}
:Seeing as Lapis has started this, I'll say my bit too.
:Also, don't be offended if I never seem to say "you'll be missed" on things like this... mostly because I know most of the people are coming back anyway.
:I recently moved ENX to inactive.  However, he quickly moved himself back to active.  My reasoning:
::No edits for nearly a month (at the time of the switch).
::I checked his IP account, and it has... two edits, I believe?
:Yes, he has made great contributions, and yes, he may check on the wiki often.  However, that is technically ''inactive''.  <small>And there shouldn't be much of an argument to begin with... I specified when I remodelled the page the distinction between "Inactive" and "Retired".</small>
:What I'm about to say will most certainly be taken the wrong way.  However, it was the best analogy I could think of that was both realistic and reasonable.
:If I define myself as not being annoying and irratable, yet am still the most annoying person in existence, am I annoying?  Most certainly.  If I define myself as active, yet appear to be inactive, and evidence supports this, am I active?  Most likely not.  So, yeah.  ENX, however is back.  And, no, this has nothing to actually do with ENX in particular, it's just that this incident summoned a response.  {{The Inexistentsig}} 01:19, 22 November 2011 (UTC)
==August Meeting==
I will not be able to atend because of my course, but I got my 3DS XL yesterday, so I can help and check more info now. - {{User:MateusinhoEX/SigTemplate}} 12:35, 2 August 2013 (UTC)
==Just now realized something...==
The naming policy we came up for the COM talk sprites doesn't solve the problem. We came up with: "File:Character (Emotion) # GAME.png" however, it should be "File:Character (Talk sprite) # GAME.png". The whole point of discussing the COM sprites was to eliminate the battle between having "emotion" in the title or not. Under what we decided today, we fixed only half the problem. I take full responsibility for this error, and ask for a "revote" on the new naming method previously listed. Obviously I'm for Neumannz's method [Character (Talk sprite) # GAME.png] - {{User:Xion4ever/Sig}} 00:05, 5 July 2014 (UTC)
== Reschedule ==
It appears as of late that 7:00 PM UTC is not a convenient time to hold the Roundtable for almost anyone. Neumannz and I were talking about it last night, and we agreed that it's just not working for most anyone. In fact, Neumannz won't be able to attend any of the meetings in the next couple months unless the meeting is moved. And everyone else, they tend not to be around on the wiki on Fridays at 7:00 UTC. So, with that in mind, I think we should consider moving the Roundtable to a time that fits all, or at least, fits a little better to most people. Here's what I've gathered as far as when we can't do it:
*Not past 7:00 PM UTC, as that is late for any editors in England and most of Europe.
*Not between Friday 7:00 PM UTC and Saturday 9:00 PM UTC, as that's when Neumannz will be unavailable
Perhaps a weekday might work, as I notice most people are on the IRC during the weekdays. What do you guys think? {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 17:20, 9 November 2014 (UTC)
Perhaps a Saturday night would work better? Although that would mean I couldn't come, but how does everybody feel about it? {{User:Chainoffire/sig}} 18:37, 9 November 2014 (UTC)
Sounds perfect for me. {{User:Master Riku the Bloody/Sig1}} 18:39, 9 November 2014 (UTC)
:The old time Saturday 9pm UTC worked okay before. I forgot why we changed it in the first place... {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 18:44, 9 November 2014 (UTC)
I need to make a correction: I'm unavailable between Friday 9:00 PM UTC (4 PM EST) and Saturday 11:00 PM UTC (6 PM EST). After that time on Sat. night is fine for me.  --{{User:Neumannz/SigTemplate}} 21:08, 9 November 2014 (UTC)
Trying to get this rescheduled again. Please take [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jY6G4LgFGN2EhNGg1IBUhC0Cy08NiimzXDAq9K---bk/viewform?usp=send_form this survey] to help figure out when most users are available for the Roundtable. {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 23:16, 13 March 2015 (UTC)
:Ok, after a little editing, adjusting, and having to recreate it elsewhere, the survey is now hosted on Google Docs. Please, guys, we need everyone to take this survey so that we can figure out the best time to have the Roundtable. Thanks! {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 00:07, 15 March 2015 (UTC)
Ok, I've gathered 8 responses, and from those eight responses, I've put together a few recommendations on when we should host the Roundtable, from most popular time/day:
#'''Wednesday 18:00 UTC''': While Wednesday was not necessarily the most popular day, the specific time of Wednesday 6:00 PM UTC was.
#'''Friday 18:00 UTC''': Friday was the most popular day. The time slot of 6:00 PM and 11:00 PM UTC was the most popular. In fact, more people were consistently available every hour between 6:00 PM UTC and 11:00 PM UTC Friday than on any other day. That consistent activity actually goes through 3:00 AM Saturday. This change would move the Roundtable earlier by an hour.
#'''Any Weekday 18:00 UTC to 21:00 UTC''': The other weekdays are not as popular as Wednesday or Friday, but the same time slot was the most popular over any other one.
Anyways, that's my findings. I don't know if you guys want to move the Roundtable to any of these suggestions, since there were only eight responses shaping these recommendations. {{KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig}} 17:02, 3 April 2015 (UTC)
==March Roundtable 2015==
By now, we may as well skip March and carry the agenda items over to April. It's only a week later. Thoughts? {{User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1}} 19:07, 24 March 2015 (UTC)

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