Editing Game:Young Xehanort

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{{Expand|create= remove all the fluff and "you" AND "THE PLAYER" from the strategy section.}}
{{cleanup|BBS stats (strength, defense, neutral-element resistance, official attack names and stats). 3D stats (changes brought by the HD version).}}
<div class="tabber goright">
<div title="Unknown" class="tabbertab" style="width:370px">
  |romaji=Nazo no Otoko
  |romaji=Nazo no Otoko
  |jpname=Enigmatic Man
  |japname=Enigmatic Man
  |image=[[File:Unknown KHBBS.png|350x400px]]
  |image=[[File:Unknown KHBBS.png|350x400px]]
Line 14: Line 14:
  |journalBBS=A mysterious figure whose origins, identity, and purpose are unclear.
  |journalBBS=A mysterious figure whose origins, identity, and purpose are unclear.
  |BBSloc1T=Land of Departure
  |BBSloc1T=Land of Departure
  |BBSloc1V=Land of Departure
  |BBSloc1V=Land of Departure
Line 49: Line 49:
  |BBSworldA=Land of Departure
  |BBSworldA=Land of Departure
  |BBSbattlename=Dark Impetus
  |BBSbattlename=Dark Impetus
  |BBSbattlefile=Dark Impetus KHBBSFM.ogg
  |BBSbattlefile=Dark Impetus KHBBS.ogg
{{tab|c}}{{tab|Young Xehanort}}
</div><div title="Young Xehanort" class="tabbertab" style="width:370px">
{{tab|o}}{{tab|Young Xehanort}}
  |name=Young Xehanort
  |name=Young Xehanort
  |romaji=Seinen Zeanōto<br>Yangu Zeanōto
  |image=[[File:Young Xehanort KH3D.png|350x400px]]
  |image=[[File:Young Xehanort KH3D.png|350x400px]]
|image2=[[File:Young Xehanort KHIII.png|350x400px]]
  |game1=Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
  |game1=Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
|game2=Kingdom Hearts III
Line 70: Line 65:
  |DDDBRloc1=The World That Never Was
  |DDDBRloc1=The World That Never Was
|DDDBRreal1=<span style="font-size:8pt">When at 1HP</span>
Line 98: Line 91:
  |DDDBRworlds=The World That Never Was
  |DDDBRworlds=The World That Never Was
|KH3loc1=Keyblade Graveyard
|KH3reward='''Sora:''' Max HP +10<ref>Shared with Ansem and Xemnas</ref>
|KH3world=Keyblade Graveyard
|KH3battlename=Forza Finale
|KH3battlefile=Forza Finale KHIII.ogg
|image=[[File:Clock KH3D.png|350x400px]]
|game1=Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
|DDDBRloc1=The World That Never Was
|DDDBRworlds=The World That Never Was
}}{{tab|c}}{{tab|c}}{{tab|c}}{{tab|Data Rematch}}
|name=Young Xehanort's Recreated Data
|romaji=Yangu Zeanōto no Saigen Dēta
|jpname=Young Xehanort's Recreated Data
|image=[[File:Young Xehanort KHIII.png|350x400px]]
|game1=Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind
|KH3loc1=Radiant Garden
|KH3enc1=Garden of Assemblage
|KH3reward=Magic Weight
|KH3world=Radiant Garden
|KH3battlename=L'Impeto Oscuro -Young Xehanort-
|KH3battlefile=L'Impeto Oscuro -Young Xehanort- KHIIIRM.ogg
|KH3battlename2=L'Impeto Oscuro -Young Xehanort-
|KH3battlename2n=&nbsp;(Ultimate attack variation)
|KH3battlefile2=L'Impeto Oscuro -Young Xehanort- (Alternate) KHIIIRM.ogg
'''Young Xehanort''' is an optional boss in the international and ''[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix|Final Mix]]'' versions of ''[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep]]''. His boss battle is unlocked when the protagonist returns to the [[Land of Departure]] after defeating [[Vanitas Remnant]], on a save file in which it is still accessible. Despite this odd situation, his scene is within canon,<ref name="Dengeki">'''''{{w|Dengeki PlayStation}}'' Vol. 474''' (6/25/2010); '''Interviewer''': "Is it stronger than the Vanitas Remnant?" / '''Tetsuya Nomura''': "We took a survey, and some people thought it was a little stronger than the Vanitas Remnant, but others thought it was far stronger. Like the Lingering Will of ''Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix'', its attacks are hard to predict, unlike the Vanitas Remnant, which has movements that are fairly easy to read. The new enemy will use nefarious tricks." / '''Interviewer''': "Is the new character also involved with the story?" / '''Tetsuya Nomura''': "As with the Lingering Will, at the time of ''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep'', I can't reveal that." [https://www.khinsider.com/news/BbS-Degenki-Interview-1497 Translation via ChaoticVanitas].</ref><!--https://web.archive.org/web/20100923233852/http://www.ff-reunion.net/kh/2010/06/25/khbbs_dengeki_nomura_interview--> and is considered to occur at the save file's point in the story. Defeating Xehanort will grant a unique Keyblade named "{{c|No Name|KHBbS}}", but he can be fought again by leaving Land of Departure and then returning.

In ''[[Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance]]'' Young Xehanort is the penultimate boss battled by [[Riku]] as he desperately tries to save [[Sora]] from [[Master Xehanort]].  
'''Young Xehanort''' is an optional boss in the North American, PAL, and ''[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix|Final Mix]]'' versions of ''[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep]]''. His boss battle is unlocked when the player defeats [[Vanitas Remnant]], then returns to the [[Land of Departure]] on a save file in which it is still accessible. Despite this odd situation, his scene is within canon<ref name="Dengeki"/>, and is considered to occur at the save file's point in the story. Defeating Xehanort grants the player a unique Keyblade named "[[No Name]]", but he can be refought by leaving Land of Departure and then returning.

In ''[[Kingdom Hearts III]]'', Young Xehanort is fought in the [[Keyblade Graveyard]] alongside [[Ansem, Seeker of Darkness]] and [[Xemnas]]. A data replica of him is also a optional boss in ''[[Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind]]''.
Young Xehanort is also the penultimate boss of ''Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance'', battled by [[Riku]] as he desperately tries to save [[Sora]] from [[Master Xehanort]].

===''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep''===
===''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep''===
Young Xehanort is a powerful boss and one of the strongest enemies in the game. His attacks are varied and hard to predict, similar to those of the [[Lingering Will]].<ref name="Dengeki"/> Not only is he immune to all status effects, but he has a great deal of HP as well. The boss is very swift and can inflict massive damage to the protagonist, quickly knocking them out unless they have Second Chance or Once More equipped. Xehanort is also adept in defense; he can use Renewal Barrier if attacked too much, and he sometimes rewinds time after taking damage, allowing him to recover some of his lost HP.
Young Xehanort has a variety of powerful attacks, all of which can defeat the player instantly if unprepared. However, nearly all of these attacks can be blocked or dodged with practice.
As Xehanort's HP dwindles, he goes even further on the offensive. He will often start one of his long-duration techniques, then continue to attack with different techniques while the first one is playing out. Xehanort will also clone himself, creating four copies that can attack and move independently of the true Xehanort. However, the clones can dissipate after being hit once, so try to use a multi-hitting attack to clear the clones. His most frustrating tactic is to snare the protagonist with his Collision Magnet, then immediately following it up with another attack and a game over (although there are very rare occasions in which the protagonist can escape before Xehanort strings together another attack). Collision Magnet can be avoided easily by simply dashing towards Xehanort when he jumps in the air, and also seems to be canceled if Xehanort pulls the protagonist up against a wall.
[[File:Versus Unknown KHBBS.png|thumb|right|The Unknown engaging in combat.]]
After half of his heath is gone, Young Xehanort will begin to turn invisible. While he cannot be locked on, he does leave a faint shimmer and can be "visible" through his Ethereal Blades, so he can still take damage. He still uses his old abilities, but since he is invisible, it is harder to see when he uses them. However, he also gains new abilities, such as firing a beam that inflicts Doom and forces mashing {{button|X}} to escape, and casting Mega Flare and Meteor to inflict massive damage. If the player uses a D-Link during the battle, Young Xehanort will turn invisible immediately, even if he has not reached half health.
Xehanort will attack whenever an opening to do so presents itself, but it is easy to heal safely by simply dashing far away from him first with either [[Slide]], [[Dodge Roll]], or [[Cartwheel]]. It is also somewhat easy to guard against his attacks by mashing {{button|s}}, so the protagonist can also heal by using [[Renewal Block]] or [[Renewal Barrier]] and deliver damage through counterattacks. Because Xehanort leaves little time for the protagonist to act, it is unwise to use any advanced or ultimate commands, as they take too long to fire and reload. Shotlocks are also good options, but Xehanort tends to evade the Shotlock reticle, and can use Renewal Block to heal himself if the Shotlock hits him too much. If the protagonist decides to rely on Shotlocks, they should stock many Elixirs in order to make sure their Focus Gauge never runs out. D-Links can also work, especially Goofy's for Ventus and Aqua due to the Goofy Spin finisher allowing free movement and rapid blows. However, Xehanort may turn invisible in response, so it may not be ideal to use them. Finally, since Xehanort leaves little time for Keyblade combos, the protagonist's equipped Keyblade and Finish command are not important, but the Keyblade equipped should lean towards the Strength stat.
The safest and simplest way to defeat Young Xehanort is to simply use a deck of 2-4 Cure-type commands, and fill the rest with Fire/Thunder Surges. Thunder Surge is generally better because it grants access to the [[Thunderbolt]] Command Style, and Thunderbolt's finisher, being an area-of-effect attack, is more effective at striking Young Xehanort than [[Firestorm]]'s. A good way to arrange the Command Deck is to have Thunder Surge, Cure, Thunder Surge, Cure and so on, so that both commands are easily accessible and it also helps with not needing to cycle through commands that are reloading. With this deck, the protagonist can use Thunder Surge over and over, even when Xehanort is invisible, damaging Xehanort if they hit him and often knocking him out of his combos. The protagonist should make sure to use Thunder Surge so that they go through Xehanort and winds up a short distance past him, rather than next to him, but should dash away instead if Xehanort is right next to the protagonist, as Thunder Surge has a tiny but noticeable start-up lag. Thunder Surge can even be used as a pseudo-dash in order to avoid Xehanort's techniques, like his Collision Magnet. If the protagonist is ever hit by an attack, they should immediately start dashing away, normally, and heal with Cure as soon as they are clear from Xehanort. If playing as Ventus, it's a good idea to stock up on Double Crunch Ice Cream to activate Wingblade, which allows him to hit Xehanort with a combo of Keyblade attacks that he can't easily break out of.
If playing as Aqua or Ventus with a level 4 [[Cartwheel]] or Dodge Roll, every attack is avoidable by repeatedly Cartwheeling or Dodge Rolling, as they provide total i-frame coverage, completely trivializing the battle. However, when playing as Terra, even after setting up a working deck and overall strategy, victory against Xehanort relies primarily on luck, due to his penchant for using unavoidable, instant-death combos.

In ''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix'', the difficulty of the boss fight is slightly toned down. The protagonist can now escape after being ensnared by the Collision Magnet attack by Air Sliding before the second attack, therefore avoiding the lethal combos that were inescapable in the original version. In addition, Thunder Surge is even more useful, as it can easily lead into the powerful [[Rhythm Mixer]] Command Style.
*'''Ethereal Blade short combo''': Attacks with three quick strikes.
*'''Ethereal Blade long combo''': Attacks with an extended sword combo.
{{Atk|''Dual Blade''
*'''Dash attack''': Transforms his blades into a spear and dashes forward, then flips backward.
*'''X wave''': Jumps back and releases an X-shaped shockwave from his blades that tracks the protagonist.
*'''Spear orbs''': Summons several orbs that fire spears of energy at the protagonist from every direction. This attack can continue during the Unknown's other attacks.
*'''Sonic attack''': Quickly darts around the battlefield, knocking the protagonist high into the air when he hits them.
*'''Whirlwind''': Summons a tornado that scatters the protagonist's deck commands when it hits them.
|Attacks with three quick strikes.
*'''[[Vanish]]''': Becomes invisible, and cannot be locked-on - though it is still possible to track him via his blades, which are only visible when he attacks.
*'''[[Raging Storm]]''': Summons three vortexes of flame around himself and hovers around the battlefield. The flames stun the protagonist when they hit them.  In later phases of the battle, he will ''combine'' raging storm with some of his other abilities, usually his Long Combo.
{{Atk|''Dual-Wield Wild Dance''
*'''Summon copies''': Summons four copies of himself to overwhelm the player. Each of them share his abilities, excluding vanish, and there is no set pattern to their attacks. However, the copies can be easily destroyed with a clean hit.
*'''[[Mega Flare]]''': Summons a huge sphere of flames that explodes, inflicting massive damage and sometimes igniting the protagonist.
*'''[[Meteor]]''': Summons a meteor to fall on the battlefield and explode.
*'''Doom''': Fires a web of energy at the protagonist and starts a five second countdown. The player must rapidly tap {{button|X}} to end the attack, and if the countdown reaches zero they are defeated.
*'''[[Collision Magnet]]''': Leaps into the air and casts out a lasso of energy that snares the protagonist and pulls them toward him for a quick slash. In the ''Final Mix'' version of the game, Xehanort's collision magnet was weakened to make it easier to dodge.
|Attacks with an extended sword combo.
*'''[[Renewal Barrier]]''': If the player attacks him head-first without an opening, or attacks constantly with a long combo, he will parry the player's attack and recover a bit of health.
|Has a similar but slightly different animation from the short combo. The combo finisher will hit from behind, so Terra and Ventus need to use a reprisal just before it hits to avoid it.
*'''Time reversal''': At any random moment when the player deals damage to him, he could potentially stop and reverse time to the precise moment before the player hit him. As soon as time is restored, he uses one of his other attacks before the player can react.
{{Atk|''Dash attack''
|Transforms his blades into a spear and dashes forward. If the dash attack connects, the protagonist is launched and the Unknown performs a follow-up attack while flipping backwards.
|The protagonist can avoid the follow-up and cause the boss to stagger by using a Payback command.
{{Atk|''X Blade''
|Jumps back and releases an X-shaped shockwave from his blades that homes in on the protagonist.
{{Atk|''Spear orbs''
|Summons several orbs that fire spears of energy at the protagonist from every direction. This attack can continue during the Unknown's other attacks.  
|While the spears can be blocked, only Aqua's [[Barrier]] commands will block the entire attack, as they can hit from behind and thus pierce through Terra and Ventus's [[Block]] commands.
|Quickly darts around the battlefield, knocking the protagonist high into the air when he hits them.
{{Atk|''Whirlwind to the Void''
|Summons a tornado that scatters the protagonist's deck commands when it hits them.
{{Atk|''Aerial dropkick''
|Jumps into the air while flipping and performs a diving kick that knocks the protagonist away. The Unknown is invincible while using this attack.
|Only used as a possible follow-up to Time Reversal.
|Becomes invisible. In this state, he cannot be locked on, but he gives away his location through a faint shimmer, as well as through his Ethereal Blades.
|Only used at low HP. The Unknown cannot create clones, stop time, or be made to stagger while in this state, but can still occasionally use Renewal Barrier. If the player uses a D-Link at any phase of the fight, the Unknown will use this ability in response.
{{Atk|''Raging Storm''
|Summons three vortexes of flame around himself and hovers around the battlefield.
|In later phases of the battle, he will combine Raging Storm with some of his other abilities, usually his Long Combo.
{{Atk|''Summon copies''
|Summons four copies of himself to overwhelm the protagonist. Each of them share his Short Combo, Long Combo, Sonic Attack, Collision Magnet, and X-wave attacks and there is no set pattern to their attacks. However, the copies can be easily destroyed with a clean hit. The boss will not stagger or use Renewal Barrier or Time Reversal while clones are active.
{{Atk|''Mega Flare''
|Ignite (?%)
|Summons a huge sphere of flames that explodes, inflicting massive damage.
|Summons a meteor to fall on the battlefield and explode.
|Doom{{note|Can be nullified by breaking free. Countdown begins one number lower for each subseqent time the attack connects.}}
|Fires a web of energy at the protagonist and immobilizes them. Rapidly tap {{button|X}} ({{button|circle}} in the Japanese releases) to break free.  
{{Atk|''Collision Magnet''
|Leaps into the air and casts out a lasso of energy that snares the protagonist and pulls them toward him for a quick slash.  
|The opponent can use Air Slide and break out of the whip.{{FMBbS}}
{{Atk|''Renewal Barrier''
|Casts a golden barrier around himself. If any of the protagonist's attacks connects, he will recover a bit of his health.
|Used if the protagonist attacks him head-first without an opening or attacks constantly with a long combo. If the boss uses this in response to the player's Shotlock, he will also summon a laser orb each time he is hit that will attack the player once the Shotlock ends.
{{Atk|''Time reversal''
|At any random moment when the protagonist deals damage to him, he could potentially stop and reverse time to the precise moment before he is hit, recovering some of his health in the process. As soon as time is restored, he uses one of his other attacks before the protagonist can react.
|The boss will follow this ability up with Whirlwind, X Blade, or Aerial Dropkick. If the player is not currently using a command, an attack or Finish command can be buffered before the effect wears off. The boss cannot use this ability if the player is invincible, or if the boss is air-tossed, invisible, or has clones active.

===''Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance''===
===''Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance''===
[[File:Versus Young Xehanort KH3D.png|thumb|right|Young Xehanort engaging in combat against Riku.]]
Xehanort employs two different phases in this fight, both which make use of his time manipulation abilities and fast strikes. If unprepared, each of his attacks are capable of inflicting serious damage and cumbersome status effects.
To provide for defense, Riku should equip [[Dark Barrier]], [[Dark Roll]], [[Counter Aura]], [[Leaf Bracer]], [[Second Chance]], [[Once More]], and [[Slow Block]]. His Command Deck should include homing attacks like [[Balloonga]], [[Firaga Burst]] and [[Dark Firaga]], as well as powerful attacks like [[Dark Aura]], [[Dark Splicer]], [[Meteor Crash]] and [[Shadowbreaker]], and healing commands like [[Curaga]]. Also, make sure to have two Spirits that have healing commands, that can cast Support Magic like Haste, Spirit Roar at the same time as well.

Young Xehanort is an aggressive fighter and it can be difficult to score hits on him as he can trap Riku in a flurry of combo attacks that rapidly drain his health. Dark Barrier followed by Counter Aura is an effective way of damaging him, although keep in mind that some of his attacks are not easy to block and should be evaded using Dark Roll or Shadow Slide. In Critical Mode, Xehanort may use a version of Wild Arcanum which can rapidly put Riku to 1 HP and Game Over if not blocked or evaded in time. If Riku gets caught in this attack, the player shouldn't move the joystick until it ends in order for Second Chance and Once More to save him, as moving in the air cancels the enemy's combo and Xehanort purposely delays his combos to avoid these abilities, but not long enough for Riku to recover. Young Xehanort will not flinch when performing Wild Arcanum, Finish, Whip Wave, or Teleport Rock, even if his reaction durability value reaches 0. However, when not using any of these attacks, if his reaction durability value reaches 0, he will flinch after every attack for 6.7 seconds.
====Phase 1====
*'''Round Break''': His first basic attack. He spins his Keyblade in 180° several times, inflicting high chip damage.
*'''Keyblade Whip 1''': Transforms his Keyblade into a whip, jumps up then swoops down and attacks. Deal low damage, but knocks Riku back.
*'''Keyblade Whip 2''': Transforms his Keyblade into a whip and attacks three times. Each swipe fires an energy wave, dealing additional damage.
*'''Dark Fire Burst''': Scatters a burst of Dark Fire shots. His version always inflicts Riku with a [[Slow]] status effect. However, anything with Haste can be used to rid the status effect.
*'''Spear Orbs''': He transforms his Keyblade again into a whip, and changes its shape to something of a cage trapping Riku inside, where if he cannot dodge out of it, is bombarded with spear orbs.
*'''Teleport''': Will frequently teleport around the battlefield, leaving behind afterimages of himself. He can do this mid-combo as well, causing Riku's attacks to miss while simultaneously acting as attack cancels for him. He will do this after a certain number of times before then performing a series of one of his attacks, then repeat the process. It's possible to hit him in between these phases for some damage and to make him flinch however, though he'll continue with his teleport cycle.
*'''Barrier''': Blocks Riku's frontal attacks and retaliates.
*'''Ice Barrage''': He summons several blocks of ice then warps them to Riku's location, surrounding and converging on him.
*'''Time Reversal''': Once his health is reduced to 1, he will stop time and teleport to the center of the area, summoning a large clock.  The player has about a one-second window to trigger a Reality Shift to break the spell and continue onto Phase 2.  If the attack is not broken, Xehanort resets time - and the battle - back to the start of Phase 1.

Xehanort tends to warp away from projectiles and attack commands, but will be open to attack when he pauses to launch his own ranged attacks. Xehanort will periodically teleport away and use his Zero Shot at Riku. Defend using Dark Barrier, staying near to or far away from him, or dodge continually. If the projectiles connect, they will inflict Slow, so quickly cure it with Esuna or let your dream eaters use theirs or a Panacea if Slow Block is not equipped. He can also use Teleport Rocks, to summon blue rocks that must be blocked or dodged. When Xehanort prepares this attack, move close to him, blocking the rocks, and use Counter Aura in front of him. Make sure to watch how he warps around the arena, because it will signal which attack he will use, and will provide Riku enough time to use powerful attacks such as Dark Aura. If timed carefully, Dark Aura will keep hitting Xehanort and stops his movements for a while, dealing heavy damage.  
====Phase 2====
*'''Time Reversal''': The player must destroy defeat Xehanort within the clock at the center of the area, which is continually counting down. The time allotted is dependent on both game difficulty and damage dealt. If the clock isn't destroyed before the time is up, Xehanort resets time - and the battle - back to the start of Phase 1.
*'''Summon Copies''': Every single one of his attacks is executed via two clones attacking simultaneously (the real Xehanort being inside the clock).
*'''Ethereal Blade Short Combo''': The clones chase Riku and attack with three quick strikes.
*'''Ethereal Blade Long Combo''': The clones chase Riku and an extended sword combo.
*'''X-Wave''': The clones simultaneously fire an X-shaped shockwave that track Riku.
*'''Raging Storm''': The clones surround themselves in three vortexes of flame and chase down Riku.

Alternatively, continue using Firaga Burst, Balloonga, and other attack magic in conjunction with spirit attacks. Keep also in mind the Haste Support Magic after being cast on Riku can be handy, not only to speed up the reloading times but also his main combos, which can keep staggering Young Xehanort as well. After Xehanort staggers from enough hits, he will use Guard Impact, where he Formchanges his Keyblade into a shield and if Riku hits it, Xehanort will counterattack. If he teleports up and falls, he will use Whip Wave. Get ready to block or to Shadow Slide when he reaches the ground. If Xehanort teleports constantly from right to left, he will prepare a version of Wild Arcanum where he warps between each strike. He will teleport like this twice; once he warps the fourth time, get ready to block or use Shadow Slide. If he is a fair distance away, he will start teleporting from side to side again, gradually getting closer to Riku, and use Flash Liner. Get as close to Xehanort as possible when this occurs. After he teleports the third time in this manner, use Dark Barrier near him to block the lasers and use Counter Aura in front of him. If possible, utilize Shadow Slide and Shadow Strike to attack and stop Xehanort's attack.
===''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep''===
Young Xehanort is a powerful boss and one of the strongest enemies in the game. His attacks are varied and hard to predict, similar to those of the [[Lingering Will]]<ref name="Dengeki">''[http://www.ff-reunion.net/kh/2010/06/25/khbbs_dengeki_nomura_interview KHBbS: Dengeki PS—Nomura Interview, North American Edition Voice Actors and Added Elements]''</ref>. Not only is he immune to all status effects, but he has a great deal of HP as well. The boss is very swift, with his attacks generally reducing the [[Terra]], [[Ventus]], or [[Aqua]]'s HP to 1. Xehanort is also adept in defense; he can turn mostly invisible, although he can still take damage and can be located due to his faint shimmer, and he sometimes rewinds time after taking damage, allowing him to recover some of his lost HP.

Once Xehanort's health has been depleted to 1, he will freeze time and warp into a giant Clock that appears in the center of the arena. Wait until the option to perform a [[Mirage Split]] [[Reality Shift]] appears. This will trigger the final stage of the battle. The Reality Shift prompt will appear within a split second. If Riku misses the timing, Xehanort will rewind time to the beginning of the fight and heal his HP, with his max HP cut at 30% (approximately two and a half life bars). His health must be depleted again in order to perform Mirage Split, but this time, the prompt will remain for a longer period of time.
As Xehanort's HP dwindles, he goes even further on the offensive. He will often start one of his long-duration techniques, then continue to attack with different techniques while the first one is playing out. Xehanort will also clone himself, creating four copies that can attack and move independently of the Xehanort. His most frustrating tactic is to snare Ventus, Terra, or Aqua with his Collision Magnet, then immediately follow it up with another Collision Magnet, a sword combo, or a Whirlwind to the Void, none of which Terra, Ventus, or Aqua is given the chance to avoid, resulting in an immediate game over (although there are very rare occasions in which Terra, Ventus, or Aqua can escape before Xehanort strings together another attack). Collision Magnet can be avoided easily by simply dashing towards Xehanort when he jumps in the air, and also seems to be canceled if Xehanort pulls Terra, Ventus, or Aqua up against a wall.

For the final stage of the fight, Xehanort remains inside the Clock, which is now vulnerable to attack. Though he does not attack Riku directly, he creates half-invincible clones of himself to defend the Clock. The clones will attempt to swarm Riku with Dual-Wield Wild Dance, X Blade, and Raging Storm, but may occasionally disappear if attacked. It is safer to evade these attacks than to block them, as blocking those attacks will lock-out the clock, due to the fact they came from the clones and not the Clock itself. While the Clock is open to attack while the clones are not on the field, and as this phase is more time based than the previous one, Riku should have Spirit Roar and Haste cast on him by his spirits so that he can inflict more damage while not being restricted to waiting for his commands to reload, for the reason that if the hands on the Clock strike 12 before Riku destroys it, it will rewind time to the first phase with the max HP re-filled but cut to 30%. As Xehanort will stop his attacks before it rewinds time, Riku should at that time unleash his most powerful commands as fast as possible if the Clock is close to be defeated; however, after Xehanort rewinds time once, his Clock will have its HP filled with their max HP cut at 30% as well, and thus, for the subsequent times this phase will restart, making it easier to destroy the Clock on the next try. Multi-hit warping attacks such as Dark Splicer and Dark Aura can bypass Xehanort's clones and remove multiple health bars off the clock, even finishing it off if at low health. Do this with caution, however, as Riku can be attacked and deflected by incoming clones which use Dual-Wield Wild Dance and Raging Storm, which can knock him away during Dark Aura.
Xehanort will attack whenever an opening to do so presents itself, but it is easy to heal safely by simply dashing far away from him first with either [[Slide]], [[Dodge Roll]], or [[Cartwheel]]. It is also somewhat easy to guard against his attacks by mashing {{button|s}}, so the protagonist can also heal by using [[Renewal Block]] or [[Renewal Barrier]]. Because Xehanort leaves little time for the protagonist to act, it is unwise to use any advanced or ultimate commands, as they take too long to fire and reload. Shotlocks are also good options, but Xehanort likes to evade the targeting reticule, and can often evade damage midway through by using its Renewal Block, which will also heal him. If the protagonist decides to rely on Shotlocks, they should stock many Elixirs in order to make sure their Focus Gauge never runs out. D-Link's are also ill advised, as Xehanort may turn invisible in response. Finally, the Keyblade and Finish Command equipped are not very important, as Xehanort leaves no time for Keyblade strikes. The protagonist's Keyblade should be chosen only for its stat boosts, preferably towards the Attack stat.

Due to the relentless assault of the clones, leaving few to no windows of opportunity to attack, a reliable strategy is to activate commands like Firaga Burst while in midair. Releasing the commands at the apex of Riku's [[Doubleflight]] will allow Riku to avoid interruption from the clones' attacks, but be mindful of the X Blade attack which can still hit him no matter where he is, but do not make him stagger during a Firaga Burst.  
The safest and simplest way to defeat Young Xehanort is to simply use a deck of 2-4 Cure-type commands, and fill the rest with Thunder Surge commands. Although Fire Surge is equally effective as a command, the [[Thunderbolt]] Command Style, triggered by the Thunder Surges, has an easier time hitting Xehanort than [[Firestorm]] does. A good way to set the deck is to have Thunder Surge, Cure, Thunder Surge, Cure and so on, so that both commands are easily accessible and it also helps with not needing to cycle through commands that are reloading. With this deck, the protagonist can basically use Thunder Surge over and over, even when Xehanort is invisible, damaging Xehanort if they hit him and often knocking him out of his combos. The protagonist should make sure to use Thunder Surge so that he goes through Xehanort and winds up a short distance past him, rather than next to him, but should dash away instead if Xehanort is right next to the protagonist, as Thunder Surge has a tiny but noticeable start-up lag. Thunder Surge can even be used as a pseudo-dash in order to avoid Xehanort's techniques, like his Collision Magnet. If the protagonist is ever hit by an attack, he should immediately start dashing away, normally, and heal with Cure as soon as he is clear from Xehanort. The player can also use [[Wingblade]], which allows him to hit Xehanort with a combo of Keyblade attacks that he can't easily break out of. Even after setting up a working deck and overall strategy, victory against Xehanort relies primarily on luck, due to his penchant for using unavoidable, instant-death combos.

If Riku's damage output isn't big enough to destroy the clock in time, he can, while dodging the attacks, restrain from attacking and wait until the Clock rewinds time, where next time it will have less health, to have a chance to finish it in time. If he ever gets revived thanks to [[Auto-Life]], the ticking sounds from the clock won't play until either the rewind or the end of the fight.
===''Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance''===
;Young Xehanort
To provide for defense, Riku should equip [[Dark Barrier]], [[Dark Roll]], [[Counter Aura]], [[Leaf Bracer]], [[Second Chance]], [[Once More]], and [[Slow Block]]. His Command Deck should include homing attacks like [[Balloonga]], [[Firaga Burst]] and [[Dark Firaga]], as well as powerful attacks like [[Dark Aura]], [[Dark Splicer]], [[Meteor Crash]] and [[Shadowbreaker]], and healing commands like [[Curaga]]. Also, make sure to have two Spirits that have healing commands, like a [[Meow Wow]], a [[Komory Bat]] or even a [[Lord Kyroo]].
{{Atk-m|{{nihongo|'''Wild Arcanum'''|ワイルドアルカナム|<br>Wairudo Arukanamu}}
|{{AT|att}} Physical
|0.5 per hit
|Sweeps and stabs with the Keyblade, releasing crescent-shaped waves when he sweeps. Occassionally Formchanges his Keyblade into a whip and strikes, releasing waves, after the attack or against an airborne opponent.
|The attack consists primarily of a three-hit combo of a sweep - stab - left sweep. The first sweep knocks upwards but the waves cancel the knock upwards, and the stab knocks the opponent upwards for an extended period of time before striking them again with no window for evasion or blocking between strikes, which can negate Once More if an action or movement input is pressed.<br>The combo has variations as follows, telegraphed by various means.
<div style{{=}}"text-align:left">
*After teleporting 4 times left and right, he performs a three-hit combo and warps near Riku between each strike.
*After teleporting 1 time behind the opponent, he performs either one left sweep or a fast three-hit combo.
*If used right away, he performs a three-hit combo with pauses between each strike, and has a chance to warp near Riku between each strike.
*On Critical Mode only, after running towards either Riku or one of his party members, he performs a fast three-hit combo, warps in midair near Riku, performs a combo of diagonal whip strikes and finishes with horizontal and downwards whip strikes.<br>Due to a glitch, his Keyblade's Formchange may not work properly, and the horizontal/downwards whip strikes won't deal any damage as consequence.
|{{AT|att}} Physical
|0.5 per hit
|{{AT|att}} Physical
|1.0 per hit
|Jumps and swings the Keyblade downward like a whip two times in succession, releasing a racing wave with each swing.
|{{AT|att}} Physical
|0.5 per hit
{{Atk-m|{{nihongo|'''Whip Wave'''|ウィップウェーブ|<br>Wippu Wēbu}}
|{{AT|att}} Physical
|1.0 per hit
|Swings the Keyblade like a whip three times, releasing a crescent-shaped wave with each swing.
|Generally used after teleporting into the air and falling down. Each swing covers more range than the previous one.
|{{AT|att}} Physical
|0.5 per hit
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Flash Liner'''|フラッシュライナー|<br>Furasshu Rainā}}
|{{AT|att}} Physical
|0.5 per hit
|◯<ref>△ if the attack is considered a projectile attack instead of melee.</ref>
|Instantly extends his Keyblade, connecting floating points of light, before pulling back.
|Used after quickly teleporting 3 times while approaching the opponent from afar. The attack can be redirected fast if the opponent dodges sideways or goes behind the user.
{{Atk-m|{{nihongo|'''Guard Impact'''|ガードインパクト|<br>Gādo Impakuto}}
|{{AT|att}} Physical
|1.0 x2
|Takes on a defensive stance, blocking any physical attack. When hit by any attack, retaliates by Formchanging his Keyblade into a whip and swinging twice, releasing crescent-shaped waves.
|Used after staggering from a good amount of consecutive hits during an attack.
|{{AT|att}} Physical
|0.5 per hit
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Zero Shot'''|ゼロショット|<br>Zero Shotto}}
|{{AT|mag}} Physical
|Slow (100%/6s)
|0.25 per hit
|Scatters a large amount of dark projectiles that track the opponent at high speed.
|Generally used after teleporting far away from Riku. The projectiles cannot turn at a sharp angle, therefore are likely to miss, unless the target is very far.
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Teleport Rock'''|テレポロック|<br>Terepo Rokku}}
|{{AT|mag}} Physical
|0.75 per hit
|Summons a large number of floating blue rocks, teleports them around the opponent while the screen turns white for two seconds, and sends them flying towards them.
|Generally used after teleporting far away from Riku.
{{Atk-c|note=When at 1 HP, Young Xehanort will stop time (Riku is invulnerable while immobilized), merge with a Clock, attempt to rewind time and recover to full health with his max HP cut at 30% of his initial HP if he succeeds. Riku must use [[Mirage Split]] within a narrow timing in order to prevent that. Subsequent time stops will have the timing window for activating Mirage Split be longer than the first time. When used successfully, Mirage Split will open the next phase where Xehanort's Clock will assault Riku with Clones (see below).}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Dual-Wield Wild Dance'''|2刀流乱舞|<br>Nitōryū Ranbu}}
|{{AT|att}} Physical
|0.5 per hit
|Two clones appear from the clock one after another and run, swinging a weapon in both hands in various motions.
|If Riku is in the air, the clones will stick to his position on the ground until their combo ends.
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''X Blade'''|Xブレード|<br>X Burēdo}}
|{{AT|att}} Physical
|1.5 per hit
|Two clones appear in the air and fire X-shaped waves.
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Raging Storm'''|レイジングストーム|<br>Reijingu Sutōmu}}
|{{AT|mag}} Fire<ref>This attack does not cause Sir Kyroo or Lord Kyroo to catch fire.</ref>
|1.5 per hit
|Two clones appear on the ground, transform into pillars of fire, and run straight ahead.
{{Atk-c|note=The Clock starts being vulnerable when its HP is displayed. Young Xehanort's Clock starts by sending clones performing Dual-Wield Wild Dance, then others follow with either Raging Storm or X Blade, then others with Dual-Wield Wild Dance again, in a cycle. All techniques are used 5-6 times in a row before the Clock halts for a few seconds and moves to the next series of techniques.<br>The Clock's hands start winding back at the pace of approximatively every 7.5 seconds per wound hour, starting from 12 o'clock. The Clock phase therefore lasts around 90 seconds. When the Clock has unwound around 10 hours and a half, it will halt its attacks and, at 12 hours, rewind time, becoming invincible, while its maximum HP are cut down to 30% of its initial HP, and its current HP fully restored when the time rewind ends. This HP cut and recover effect gets applied to Young Xehanort as well.}}
===''Kingdom Hearts III''===
[[File:Versus Ansem, Xemnas, and Young Xehanort KHIII.png|thumb|right|Young Xehanort, Ansem, and Xemnas, battling against Sora, Riku, and King Mickey.]]
Young Xehanort is fought alongside Ansem and Xemnas by Sora, Riku and [[King Mickey]] as the final boss fights of the Keyblade Graveyard. Although his health is less than that of the other two top-tier members of the Real Organization XIII, he is still not to be underestimated. Young Xehanort is able to turn his Keyblade into a whip that has a long range and can also briefly ensnare Sora and is able to summon a small rift to launch a whip attack from. He can also summon a ring of 9 icicles that he launches at Sora which deals Blizzard damage and his deadliest attack has him summoning a circle of time that stops time as he unleashes invisible attacks at Sora. It's recommended to take him out first as he's the easiest to combo, if hit twice by his whip combos, it is possible to quickly block the third attack and use [[Risk Dodge]] to fight back. The whip combo can also hit you in the air. Each member will have a dark aura surrounding them whenever they disappear and reappear to attack, which means they'll only target Sora and each of them will use a specific attack with the one with the aura appearing last. For Young Xehanort, Ansem and Xemnas will create dark mines and ethereal blades followed by Xehanort's time-stopping attack. Jump and block the ethereal blades and use [[thunder]] to destroy the mines to avoid damage. During Master Xehanort's storm of Keyblades, each member will use an attack in a specific order. For all three, Young Xehanort will use his time-stopping attack followed by Xemnas's rolling attack and Ansem's shockwave. The best way to avoid them is to jump over Xehanort's, block Xemnas's incoming attack and [[glide]] away from Ansem. If Xemnas is beaten, Xehanort will launch the icicles followed by Ansem's shockwave attack. Having Riku and Mickey active is wise as they can do double and triple damage when attacking together, if they're trying to attack your target, it's wise to stop your combos and let them land their own.
{{Atk-m|col=5|{{nihongo|'''Whip Combo'''|ウィップコンボ|<br>Wippu Konbo}}
|(combo attack)
|0.3-0.6 x 2-3 hits
|Swings his Keyblade like a whip 2–3 times, swings it upward (drawing opponents in), then swings it back down. The combo attack's execution and power modifiers depend on the relative positions between attacker and opponent. If using a frontal guard, may be struck from behind by the upward swing attack.
|(upward swing)
|△ (Risk Dodge)
|(downward swing)
|△ (Risk Dodge)
{{Atk-m|col=5|{{nihongo|'''Bind Whip'''|バインドウィップ|<br>Baindo Wippu}}
|△{{note|Can be blocked from behind.}}
|Fires a thrust from a light on the ground. This attack only hits Sora, and if he is hit he is grabbed for 5 seconds and then engulfed in an explosion. While grabbed, Sora can only move around the ground light, however he can be released from the grab by using a Formchange or Team Attack.
{{Atk-m|col=5|{{nihongo|'''Malice Whip'''|マリスウィップ|<br>Marisu Wippu}}
|Forms a magic circle on the ground, then turns the Keyblade into a whip and swings it forward, launching struck opponents (if Sora is hit, Young Xehanort stops time and unleashes a combo attack before throwing him back).
|(combo attack)
|0.2 x 7 hits
{{Atk|col=5|{{nihongo|'''Freeze Shot'''|フリーズショット|<br>Furīzu Shotto}}
|Freeze (100%/1s)
|0.2 per hit
|△{{note|Can be blocked from behind.}}
|Fires homing ice projectiles shaped in a fan formation.
;Techniques used by all enemies
|1.5 per hit
|△{{note|Can be blocked from behind.}}
|Master Xehanort summons a storm of Keyblades that temporarily removes Riku and Mickey and surrounds the battlefield. Bundles of Keyblades will fly around Sora one-by-one (the last four bundles directly target him). Afterward, remaining enemies attack in succession; techniques used depend on those remaining.
{{nihongo|'''Leader Cooperation'''|リーダー連携|Rīdā Renkei}} has one enemy designated as the leader. The non-leaders attack first, then the leader after them; the order depends on those remaining. When Leader Cooperation is used, one enemy is designated the "leader"; the leader is surrounded by an aura and targets Sora until the next use of Leader Cooperation. The initial leader is the one with the lowest maximum HP in terms of percentage, and they rotate between each other. When only one enemy remains, they automatically become the leader and use of Leader Cooperation is discontinued.}}
===''Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind''===
====Keyblade Graveyard====
Young Xehanort's fight at the Keyblade Graveyard is nearly identical to the base game, although Sora does have access to the [[Faith Volley]] and [[True End]] [[Team Attack]]s.
====''Data Rematch''====
[[File:Versus Young Xehanort's Recreated Data KHIIIRM.png|thumb|right|Young Xehanort's recreated data engaging in combat against Sora's data.]]
Like with all the other data rematches, even though Young Xehanort's HP bar may be the least among them, he is still extremely powerful. Young Xehanort has a tendency to teleport often, create clone illusions, and throw feint swings, to confuse Sora before attacking. He will often formchange his Keyblade into a whip for a long reach, as well. He is also capable of freezing Sora with certain attacks, so it is recommended to equip [[Freeze Protection]] through equipment such as the [[Snowman Rosette]] armor or the [[Crystal Snow]] Keyblade. Only one of Young Xehanort's attacks is unblockable, so the first instinct for most of his attacks should be to block.
If Young Xehanort teleports three times alternating side to side on the ground, he will do his three-part delayed whip combo. He starts by swinging his whip 2 times on the third teleport, then pauses, swings 2 times again, then finishes with a Keyblade swing that leaves a mark on the ground. This final hit breaks Sora's guard, and can potentially freeze Sora. Block the two sets of hits, then block and risk dodge the last hit for a chance to attack.
If Young Xehanort teleports three times in the air, he will perform his four-part green slash combo. He will perform 2 green swings of his Keyblade, pause, swing 2 more times, teleport to Sora's opposite side, swing 2 times, pause, then finally swing 3 times. Carefully block each set, then reprisal the third hit of the last set for a chance to attack.
If Young Xehanort makes an arc of ice crystals above him, he is using his Blizzard attack. A blue dome will briefly flash around Young Xehanort, then the ice crystals will home in on Sora, and may freeze him if they connect. These ice crystals can be blocked. He will cast 2 sets of Blizzard before moving on to his next move, but striking him quickly with Thunder when the blue dome flashes will prevent the second Blizzard cast. An advanced tactic is to Airstep to him and attack to knock him into the air, but the homing Blizzards will still need to be dealt with - air slide back to Sora's previous position and block, then Airstep back to Young Xehanort to continue attacking him. If neither is done and both sets of Blizzards have to be blocked, be careful of whichever attack Young Xehanort follows up with - he will usually choose either his triple guard-break combo (listed below), or his four-part green combo.
If Young Xehanort teleports three times in the same direction on the ground, he will do his triple guard-break combo with his whip. His first strike will break Sora's guard, then he will do 2 swings and 1 guard break swing, followed by 2 more swings and 1 guard break swing. Block each hit, use risk dodge each time after being guard broken, attack once, then immediately block the next set. After risk dodging for the third time, there is an opportunity to attack with a full combo.
If Young Xehanort jumps into the air and dives with a green spinning attack, he will do his triple spin combo. He will do 3 dive spins with a small pause between each, before finishing with a quick fourth strike downward. Guard the three spins and the fourth hit, then reprisal for a chance to attack.
Young Xehanort will execute a variant of Malice Whip, where he appears with a large clock below him and swing his whip once at Sora. If it lands, then the screen will go negative for a moment as Sora receives a barrage of attacks that can inflict [[Time Break]]. This whip swing and its variations is the only unblockable attack that Young Xehanort can do, so dodge it or air slide away. If Young Xehanort misses this attack then he will slowly walk sideways, but he is NOT open to attack yet. He will do a small teleport and continue walking, at which point it is safe to Airstep to him and attack. Alternatively, after missing his clock whip swing, Young Xehanort may quickly teleport 3 times before standing still. If he does this instead of the walk, then Airstep to him after the three teleports as he will be open to attack.
* Young Xehanort will also perform this move if his revenge value is hit - in that case dodge, but there will not be an opportunity to attack.
Approaching Young Xehanort at inopportune moments may make him spin his Keyblade into a small blue clock in front of him, making him invulnerable and recovering some of his HP. Attempting to strike him in this state will cause Young Xehanort to stop time and summon Blizzards either in a dome in front of Sora, or in a horizontal circle around Sora.
* The dome will be followed-up by a clock whip, which is unblockable, so Sora needs to dodge that first before attempting to block the Blizzards.
* The horizontal ring of Blizzards will go upwards and then come back down in an hourglass-like formation. Guard and Young Xehanort will follow up with a green slash.
The healing move is overall difficult to deal with, and the healing resets some of the fight's progress, however it is completely avoidable if Sora only takes safe openings to attack.
When half of his HP has been depleted (about six bars), Young Xehanort will begin his ultimate attack. He will warp to the center of the stage, stop time with a gigantic blue clock, and grant himself armor. The clock on the ground will slowly tick from 12:00 to 12:00, and if it completes its rotation, Young Xehanort will summon a small blue clock in front of himself and recover one full bar of HP - then restart the entire move anew, but without restoring any lost armor. The move can be ended early by depleting Young Xehanort's armor. While the large clock is present, Young Xehanort will perform several whip combos:
* First whip combo: He will teleport three times, do a feint whip swing that will not connect, and then swing his whip 4 times before disappearing. He will throw another whip feint, before swinging at Sora 4 times again and disappearing.
* Second whip combo: He will feint once, swing once, pause, then do another feint, and swing once.
* Third whip combo: He will feint 4 times rapidly before swinging 6 times, with the sixth hit breaking Sora's guard.
If the clock is still active after the third whip combo, Young Xehanort will start performing his normal attacks, with some variations:
* Clock whip swing: works the same as the normal version.
* Four-part green slash combo: He will feint in-between each set of 2 swings, and there will not be a third swing on the last set.
* Triple spin combo: There will not be an extra swing after the third spin, but he will attempt the clock whip swing instead.
* Green rush: This will start with 1 green spin, but is followed up by 2 green slashes, 2 more green slashes, and finally 3 green slashes.
This sounds like a lot of information, but the move can be ended extremely early by landing a reprisal. The earliest point to do this is during the first whip combo, where using a reprisal on the third of the four hits will instantly break Young Xehanort's armor and remove the clock. Alternatively, risk dodging after the third whip combo's guard break and attacking will work too.
After the first usage of his ultimate attack, Young Xehanort will change some of his attacks to be slightly longer:
* Three-part delayed whip combo: The combo now has four parts. He will attack in a set of 2, then a set of 2, a set of 1, and finally the guard-breaking hit. Counter the same as before, by blocking each hit and then risk dodging after Sora's guard is broken at the end.
* Four-part green slash combo: The combo now has five parts. There is 1 additional slash after the set of 3 slashes at the end, and using a reprisal will no longer create an opening to attack.
When Young Xehanort is at 1 HP left, he will stop time once more and perform a variation of his ultimate attack, this time using Blizzards.
* First Blizzard combo: He will start by casting an arc of Blizzard, quickly followed by 2 whip swings and 3 green slashes.
* Second Blizzard combo: He will put a horizontal ring of Blizzards around Sora, but quickly swings his whip once before the Blizards start to move. The Blizzards move upwards and then come back down in a hourglass-like formation
* Third Blizzard combo: He will do a 2 green slashes, 2 green slashes, 2 green slashes, and finally 1 green slash, with a feint dash before each. The last green slash will break Sora's guard, and a dome of Blizzard ice crystals will appear in front of Sora. The crystals will approach in 3 sets that need to be blocked.

After the third blizzard combo has finished, any of the whip combos and attack variants from the first version of this move may also be used.
Young Xehanort is an aggressive fighter and it can be difficult to score hits on him as he can trap Riku in a flurry of combo attacks that rapidly drain his health. Dark Barrier followed by Counter Aura is an effective way of damaging him, although keep in mind that some of his attacks are not easy to block and should be evaded using Dark Roll or Shadow Slide. He can do, in Critical Mode, run to Riku (or not) and do a violent combo followed with an aerial combo which can rapidly put Riku to 1 HP and Game Over if not blocked or evaded in time. If Xehanort tends to warp away from projectiles and attack commands but it is possible to use them against him when he pauses to launch his own ranged attacks, leaving him open for a combo. If he teleports away from you, he will shoot dark projectiles at Riku, therefore, defend with Dark Barrier near or far away from him, or dodge continually. If they hit Riku, they will inflict Slow, so quickly cure it with Esuna (your spirits can have this command) or a Panacea if Slow Block is not equipped. He can also summon giant ice blocks that must be blocked or dodged. Get ready to move closer to him when he prepares the attack, block the ice blocks and use Counter Aura in front of him. Make sure to watch how he warps around the arena, because it will signal which attack he'll use, and it gives Riku enough time to use a powerful attack such as Dark Aura. If timed carefully, Dark Aura will keep hitting Xehanort and stops his movements for a while, dealing heavy damage, you can also continue with Firaga Burst, Baloonga, etc which can, with your spirit's attacks, stick Xehanort for a while and do massive damage. But if Xehanort is too much damaged, he will transform his Keyblade into a shield and if Riku hits it, Xehanort will use a counter attack. If he teleports up and falls, he will whip Riku multiple times. Get ready to block or to Shadow Slide when he reaches the ground. If Xehanort teleports constantly from right to left, he's about to charge at Riku. He will teleport like this twice, and once he warps the fourth time, get ready to block or use Shadow Slide. But if he's a fair distance away, he'll start teleporting from side to side again, but gradually getting closer. When he does that, get close to him as he does. After he teleports the third time in this manner, use Dark Barrier near him to block the lasers and use Counter Aura in front of him or, if possible, Shadow Slide and Shadow Strike to attack and stop Xehanort's attack.  

This second version of the ultimate move can be skipped in a similar way. When he casts the first arc of Blizzard, Doubleflight and block the 2 whip hits, then reprisal to deplete Young Xehanort's armor instantly. Strike him one more time to finish him off.
Once Xehanort's health has been depleted to 1, he will freeze time and warp into the giant Clock that appears in the centre of the arena. Wait until the option to perform a [[Mirage Split]] [[Reality Shift]] appears. This will trigger the final stage of the battle. But the symbol for activate the Reality Shift will be there only less than one second and if Riku misses it, then Xehanort will rewind time to the beginning of the fight and regain some of his health (approximately two and a half life bars). His health will have to be depleted again in order to have another chance to perform the Reality Shift, but this next time, the symbol will be there longer than last time.

If the clock on this second version of the ultimate attack reaches a full rotation back to 12:00, then Young Xehanort will heal HP as before, but then start the mid-fight version of the move instead. If his HP is lowered to 1 again, he will start the second version of the ultimate attack anew with armor restored.
In the final stage of the fight, Xehanort remains inside the Clock which is now vulnerable to attack. Whilst he doesn't attack Riku directly, he creates clones of himself to defend the Clock. These clones are invincible but some of these can disappear if they are attacked and will attempt to swarm Riku with attacks that he used in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, including ethereal blade combos, launching X shape projectiles, and turning into fire tornadoes (Raging Storm-like). Whilst it is possible to block these attacks, it is safer to evade them, because blocking the latter two attacks will lock-out the clock. During the brief moments when no clones appear, the Clock is open to attack. If too much time passes (both of the hands on the clock strike 12), and Riku fails to destroy the Clock, Xehanort will rewind time to the start of the fight as if the Reality Shift wasn't activated, therefore, hurry up when he definitively stops attacking you, because that means he will rewind time soon. You can also, if you are sure you can't do enough damage to finish him off in time, wait until he rewinds time because when Riku once again performs [[Mirage Split]] to trap Xehanort in the Clock, Xehanort will have less HP in this form as well. Multi-hit warping attacks such as Dark Splicer and Dark Aura can bypass the clones and take multiple health bars off of the clock, or even finishing it off if it's in its less HP form, but Riku can be attacked and projected by the next coming clones, especially those which use combos and fire tornadoes.

{| class="video"
! Unknown – ''[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep]]''
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! Young Xehanort – ''[[Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD]]'' (Riku)
|style="border-radius:10px"|'''Unknown—(''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep'': Terra)'''
|style="border-radius:10px"|'''Unknown—(''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep'': Aqua)'''
|style="border-radius:10px"|'''Unknown—(''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep'': Ventus)'''
| {{#widget:YouTube|id=CtdXURQ3tMk|width=320|height=240}}
|style="border:1px solid #000000"|<youtube width="320" height="240">yPf_7n1Vf8k</youtube>
| {{#widget:YouTube|id=eOh5ms3Ha7E|width=320|height=240}}
|style="border:1px solid #000000"|<youtube width="320" height="240">loSTtERYUp8</youtube>
|style="border:1px solid #000000"|<youtube width="320" height="240">336ElKAWpHI</youtube>
! Ansem, Xemnas, and Young Xehanort – ''[[Kingdom Hearts III]]''
! Young Xehanort – ''[[Kingdom Hearts III]]''
{|border="1" style="text-align:center; border:2px solid"
|style="border-radius:10px"|'''Young Xehanort—(''Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance)'''
| {{#widget:YouTube|id=PbOdhMRDEZQ|width=320|height=240}}
| {{#widget:YouTube|id=EK8nTQhGgIM|width=320|height=240}}
! Ansem, Xemnas, and Young Xehanort – ''[[Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind]]''
! Young Xehanort's Recreated Data – ''[[Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind]]''
| {{#widget:YouTube|id=rO_n7-mYDrI|width=320|height=240}}
|style="border:1px solid #000000"|<youtube width="320" height="240">Sw-eE4vDkBA</youtube>
| {{#widget:YouTube|id=O9MDnNo4Q5M|width=320|height=240}}

==Notes and references==
==Notes and references==
[[Category:Land of Departure]]
[[Category:Land of Departure]]
[[Category:Optional bosses]]
[[Category:Optional bosses]]

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