Editing Forum:Birth by Sleep dubs

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{{Forumheader|The Realm of Sleep|The World that Never was}}
{{Forumheader|The World that Never was}}

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Using Cyberman65's stream of the leaked English version of BBS, I am placing here the dubs of various stuff from the game.
Using Cyberman65's stream of the leaked English version of BBS, I am placing here the dubs of various stuff from the game.
Source: http://www.justin.tv/cyberman6/videos
*[[Earthshaker]] -- "The Keyblade you started out with. What it lacks in reach it makes up for with a slight boost in Strength."
*[[Fairy Stars]] -- "A Keyblade that provides a balanced boost in Strength and Magic."
*[[Stroke of Midnight]] -- "A Keyblade that makes it easier to land critical hits."
*[[Treasure Trove]] -- "A Keyblade that makes up for its poor reach with a balanced boost in Strength and Magic."
*[[Mark of a Hero]] -- "A Keyblade that provides an extra boost in Strength and deals higher damage when you land a critical hit."
*[[Hyperdrive]] -- "A Keyblade with above-average reach that provides a balanced boost in Strength and Magic."

==Deck Commands==
==Deck Commands==
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*[[Slide Dash]] (スライドダッシュ) => [[Sliding Dash]]
*[[Slide Dash]] (スライドダッシュ) => [[Sliding Dash]]
**"Punish faraway enemies with a charging attack."
**"Punish faraway enemies with a charging attack."
*[[Fire Dash]] (ファイアダッシュ)!
**"Cloak yourself in fire, then punish faraway enemies with a charging attack."
*[[Dark Haze]] (ダークヘイズ)!
**"Cloak yourself in darkness, then charge at faraway enemies. The attack has a chance of dooming them, leaving them five seconds to live."
*[[Zantetsuken]] (ザンテツケン)!
**"Assail enemies with a single, blindingly fast Keyblade strike that has a chance of destroying them on the spot."
*[[Strike Raid]] (ストライクレイド)!
*[[Strike Raid]] (ストライクレイド)!
**"Throw the Keyblade at an enemy. Stuns some foes."
**"Throw the Keyblade at an enemy. Stuns some foes."
*[[Freeze Raid]] (フリーズレイド)!
**"Cloak the Keyblade with ice and throw it at an enemy. Freezes foes."
*[[Fire Blitz]] (ファイアブリッツ) => [[Fire Surge]]
**"Rush the enemy while a ring of fire revolves around you, hitting targets multiple times."
*[[Thunder Blitz]] (サンダーブリッツ) => [[Thunder Surge]]
*[[Thunder Blitz]] (サンダーブリッツ) => [[Thunder Surge]]
**"Cloak yourself in electricity and rush the enemy, stunning foes on contact."
*[[Solo Arcanum]] (ソロアルカナム) => [[Ars Solum]]
*[[Solo Arcanum]] (ソロアルカナム) => [[Ars Solum]]
*[[Poison Blade]] (ポイズンブレード) => [[Poison Edge]]
**"Perform a jumping attack that poisons some foes."
*[[Blizzard Blade]] (ブリザドブレード) => [[Blizzard Edge]]
**"Cloak yourself in ice and hit the enemy with a jumping attack, after which ice bursts from the ground for additional damage."
*[[Stun Blade]] (スタンブレード) => [[Stun Edge]]
**"Perform a jumping attack that stuns some foes."
*[[Fire Strike]] (ファイアストライク)!
**"Cloak the Keyblade in fire and perform a spinning attack at the enemy."
*[[Confu-Strike]] (コンフュストライク) => [[Confusion Strike]]
**"Perform a spinning attack that confuses some foes."
*[[Bind Strike]] (バインドストライク) => [[Binding Strike]]
**"Perform a spinning attack that binds some foes."
*[[Brutal Blast]] (ブルータルブラスト)!
**"Knock enemies into the air, then smack them into next year with a powerful spinning attack."

*[[Fire]] (ファイア)!
**"Launch a ball of fire toward enemies."
*[[Fira]] (ファイラ)!
**"Launch a ball of fire toward enemies."
*[[Figa]] (ファイガ) => [[Firaga]]
**"Launch a ball of fire toward enemies."
*[[Cracker Figa]] (クラッカーファイガ) => [[Fission Firaga]]
**"Launch a ball of fire that explodes when it hits an enemy, catching nearby foes in the blast."
*[[Blizzard]] (ブリザド)!
**"Blast enemies head-on with a chunk of ice that cuts right through and potentially deals multiple hits."
*[[Blizzara]] (ブリザラ)!
**"Blast enemies head-on with a chunk of ice that cuts right through and potentially deals multiple hits."
*[[Thunder]] (サンダー)!
**"Strike surrounding enemies from above with lightning that shocks other nearby foes if it connects."
*[[Thundara]] (サンダラ)!
*[[Cure]] (ケアルラ)!
**"Recover a small amount of HP."
*[[Curera]] (ケアルラ) => [[Cura]]
*[[Esuna]] (エスナ)!
**"Recover from all negative status effects."
*[[Detona-Square]] (デトネスクウェア) => [[Mine Square]]
*[[Zero Gravity]] (ゼログラビデ)!
**"Create an anti-gravity field and send foes around you drifting into the air for continual damage. Hit floating enemies to confuse *[[Zero Gravira]] (ゼログラビラ)!
**"Create an anti-gravity field and send foes around you drifting into the air for continual damage. Hit floating enemies to confuse them."
*[[Magnet]] (マグネ)!
**"Use magnetic force to pull enemies in and deal continual damage."
*[[Magnera]] (マグネラ)!
*[[Aero]] (エアロ)!
*[[Aero]] (エアロ)!
**"Call on the wind to lift enemies in the air and then send them flying. Stuns some foes."
**"Call on the wind to lift enemies in the air and then send them flying. Stuns some foes."
*[[Blackout]] (ブラックアウト )!
**"Blind surrounding enemies to stop them from attacking in your direction."
*[[Snipe Burning]] (スナイプバーニング) => [[Ignite]]
**"Ignite the enemy you have locked on and cause it to take continual damage."
*[[Confu]] (コンフュ) => [[Confuse]]
**"Confuse surrounding enemies and cause them to attack each other."
*[[Bind]] (バインド)!
**"Bind any enemies grouped around the target you have locked on, forcing them to stay in one place."
*[[Poison]] (ポイズン)!
**"Poison surrounding enemies and cause them take continual damage."
*[[Slow]] (スロウ)!
**"Manipulate time to slow down the movement of any enemies grouped around the target you have locked on."
*[[Stop]] (ストップ)!
**"Manipulate time to bring surrounding enemies' movement to a complete halt."
*[[Stopra]] (ストプラ)!
**"Manipulate time to bring surrounding enemies' movement to a complete halt."
*[[Sleepel]] (スリプル) => [[Sleep]]
**"Put surrounding enemies to sleep"
*[[Potion]] (ポーション)!
**"Can be used once to restore a small amount of HP."
*[[Hi-Potion]] (ハイポーション)!
**"Can be used once to restore a large amount of HP."
*[[Ether]] (エーテル)!
**"Can be used once to restore a large portion of the Focus Gauge."
*[[Mega-Ether]] (メガエーテル)!
**"Can be used once to completely restore the Focus Gauge."
*[[All-Cure]] (オールキュア) => [[Panacea]]
**"Can be used once to eliminate all negative status effects."
*[[Balloon Letter]] (バルーンレター)!
**"Can be used once to completely restore the D-Link Gauge."
*[[Friend Cure]] (フレンドケアル) => [[Group Cure]]
**"Restore a small amount of HP to yourself and nearby friends."
*[[Friend Curera]] (フレンドケアルラ) => [[Group Cura]]
*[[Friend Curega]] (フレンドケアルガ) => [[Group Curaga]]
*[[Friend Esuna]] (フレンドエスナ) => [[Group Esuna]]
*[[Provocation]] (挑発) => [[Taunt]]
**"Provoke enemies."
*??? => [[Victory Pose]]
**"Strike a victory pose. You might just be glad you did."

*[[Jump]] (ジャンプ)!
*[[Jump]] (ジャンプ)!
**"Press {{button|c}} to jump."
*[[High Jump]] (ハイジャンプ)!
**"Press {{button|c}} to jump higher than normal."
*[[Air Slide]] (エアスライド)!
**"Press {{button|s}} while jumping to dash through the air."
**"Press {{button|s}} in midair for a burst of speed."
*[[Sonic Slide]] (ソニックスライド) => [[Sonic Impact]]
**"While sliding, press {{button|s}} to crash through enemies."
**"Press {{button|s}} while sliding to perform a charging attack that sends enemies flying."
*[[Slide]] (スライド)!
**"Hold [analog stick] and press {{button|s}} for a burst of speed which can also be used to evade enemy attack."
*[[Reflect Guard]] (リフレクトガード) => [[Block]]
**"Press {{button|s}} to block head-on attacks."

*[[Revenge Stamp]] (リベンジスタンプ) => [[Counter Hammer]]
*[[Revenge Stamp]] (リベンジスタンプ) => [[Counter Hammer]]
**"Press {{button|x}} right after a successful Block to strike the ground and attack surrounding enemies with the aftershock."

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*[[Air Arts 1]] (エアアーツ1) => [[Air Flair 1]]
*[[Air Arts 1]] (エアアーツ1) => [[Air Flair 1]]
*[[Surprise 1]] (サプライズ1) => [[Surprise! 1]]
*[[Surprise 1]] (サプライズ1) => [[Surprise! 1]]
*[[Bubble Blast]] (バブルブラスト) => [[Bubble Blaster]]
*[[Sonic Shadow]] (ソニックシャドウ)!
**"Become one with the shadows and rush targets repeatedly, blinding the enemies you hit."
*[[Flame Burst]] (フレイムバースト) => [[Flame Salvo]]
**"Launch fireballs at targets."
*[[Thunderstorm]] (サンダーストーム)!
**"Launch a single salvo of electric blasts. Even one blast by itself packs a significant punch."

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*[[Zero EXP]]
*[[Zero EXP]]
**"Prevents you from gaining any EXP when you defeat enemies."
**"Prevents you from gaining any EXP when you defeat enemies."
*[[Magic Flick]] (マジックフリック) => [[Magic Deflector]]
*[[Reraise]] (リレイズ) => [[Auto-Life]]
*[[Shiny Crystal]] => [[Shimmering Crystal]]
**"Used when melding commands. It attaches abilities which increase the damage you deal with fire and other elemental attacks."
*[[Time Crystal]] => [[Fleeting Crystal]]
**"Used when melding commands. It attaches abilities which reduce reload time for your commands"
*[[Power Crystal]] => [[Pulsing Crystal]]
**"Used when melding commands. It attaches various abilities—some, for example, which increase the damage you deal with certain types of attacks."
*[[Energy Crystal]] => [[Wellspring Crystal]]
**"Used when melding commands. It attaches various abilities—some, for example, which allow you to perform longer combos."
*[[Bright Crystal]] => [[Soothing Crystal]]
**"Used when melding commands. It attaches HP-related abilities—one, for example, which boosts your maximum HP."
*[[Serenity Crystal]] => [[Hungry Crystal]]
**"Used when melding commands. It attaches abilities which increase HP prize drops or help you scoop prizes up."
*[[Rolling]] => [[Abounding Crystal]]
**"Used when melding commands. It attaches abilities which increase the number of prizes or EXP you receive."
*[[Chaos Crystal]] !
**"Used when melding commands. It attaches a wide variety of abilities."
==Ice Cream==
*[[Secret Raspberry]] (秘密のラズベリー) => [[Gaspberry]] <!--dwarf woodlands-->
*[[Wild Nuts]] (ワイルドナッツ) => [[Nutty Nut]] <!--dwarf woodlands, olympus coliseum-->
*[[Jet Soda]] (ジェットソーダ) => [[Rocket Soda]] <!--radiant garden-->
*[[Flower Jelly]] (フラワージェリー) => [[Nebula Nectar]] <!--radiant garden-->
*[[Soy Milk]] (ソイミルク)! <!--radiant garden-->
*[[Jewelry Beans]] (ジュエルービーンズ)  => [[Bijou Bean]] <!--enchanted dominion-->
*[[Rose Honey]] (ローズハニー)! <!--enchanted dominion-->
*[[Golden Jam]] (黄金ジャム) => [[Golden Jam]] <!--neverland-->
*[[Dancing Lemon]] (ダンシングレモン) => [[Dancin' Lemon]] <!--neverland-->
*[[Birthday Cake]] (バースデイケーキ) => ??? <!--castle of dreams-->
*[[Crystal Sugar]] (クリスタルシュガー) => ??? <!--castle of dreams-->
*[[Pointy Pepper]] (とんがりペッパー)<!--tongari pepper--> => ??? <!--disney town-->
*[[Toon Curry]] (トゥーンカレー) => ??? <!--disney town-->
*[[Lightning Candy]] (イナズマキャンディ)<!--inazuma candy--> => ??? <!--olympus coliseum-->
*[[Mysterious Bean]] (謎の豆)<!--bean/pea of mystery--> => ??? <!--deep space-->
*[[Galaxy Caramel]] (銀河キャラメル) => ??? <!--deep space-->
*[[Master Qualification Exam]] => Mark of Mastery exam
*[[Command Charge]] => Meld Commands
*T, V, and A's [[Lucky Charm]] => Wayfinder

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