Forum:Are kh2 worlds in re:coded possible?

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Logo for The Realm of Sleep Forum Archives. I decided to go KH3D and go for a slight magenta/pink accent.
Forums: Index > The Realm of Sleep > Are kh2 worlds in re:coded possible?

Kingdomcode - A wise King once told me "We are One." I didn't understand him then. Now I do.
Nomura says there will be many major changes in re:coded and the worlds in kh2 were recorded in jiminy's journal so does that mean worlds like beast's castle pride lands port royal and land of dragons could return in re:coded
SquareEnixRocks - "Boo... Wrong answer!" — 01:26, July 5, 2010 (UTC)
I'd like to first ask what the source is to this information that Nomura said. Perhaps a link?

Kingdomcode - A wise King once told me "We are One." I didn't understand him then. Now I do.
here you go:
KrytenKoro - And when you see me standing there, you'll know you've got a friend with a rock, I mean a big-ass rock.
No. He said that the story's the same, so it's pretty clear he was just talking about mechanics.
