Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Union χ

Fiery Tornado

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Fiery Tornado
(フレイムトルネード Fureimu Torunēdo?, lit. "Flame Tornado")
Fiery Tornado KHUX.gif
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Speed Reversed Single 2 7★: x10.56 - 11.50
7★: Deals 2 hits. Inflicts damage in exchange for HP.
Fiery Tornado EX
(フレイムトルネード改 Fureimu Torunēdo Kai?, lit. "Flame Tornado Revision")
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Upright All 3 SN++: x20.20
SN++: [Fail to imitate SP attack of 3 Medals before] Deals 2 hits. 1 turn: Medal STR +10000, self [↑ STR, U- & PSM-STR 15], targets [↓ DEF, U- & PSM-DEF 15], SAB +220%.

Fiery Tornado is a technique introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ.


In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Fiery Tornado is a special attack that targets a single enemy. It costs 2 special attack gauges to perform. It inflicts damage in exchange for HP.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Fiery Tornado +4 5★ x2.10 - 3.04 x2.20 - 3.14 x2.30 - 3.24 x2.40 - 3.34 2
Fiery Tornado +5 6★ x2.20 - 3.14 x2.30 - 3.24 x2.40 - 3.34 x2.50 - 3.44 x2.60 - 3.54 x2.70 - 3.64 2
Fiery Tornado +6 7★ x10.56 - 11.50 2

Fiery Tornado EX is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 3 special attack gauges to perform. It copies the special attack of the Medal placed 3 slots before it. If it cannot copy the special attack, it triggers its own effect.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Fiery Tornado EX +6 7★ x20.20 2

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+6 +6
Fiery Tornado EX Medal strength +10000
Strength +15
Power-based strength +15
Speed-based strength +15
Magic-based strength +15
Upright-based strength +15
Special Attack Bonus +220%
Defense -15
Power-based defense -15
Speed-based defense -15
Magic-based defense -15
Upright-based defense -15
1 turn

Learning Fiery Tornado[edit]

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit]

  • Fiery Tornado +4 is the special attack for medal 485: Axel A.
  • Fiery Tornado +5 is the special attack for medal 486: Axel A.
  • Fiery Tornado +6 is the special attack for medal 1135: Axel A.

Other appearances[edit]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[edit]

In Final Fantasy Record Keeper, Axel uses Fiery Tornado as a follow-up ability after every fire ability used while under the effect of the Explosion (KH) Soul Break. It deals one ranged physical or magic fire, wind, and non-elemental attack to one enemy.