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Black Hole

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Black Hole
(イベントホライズン Ibento Horaizun?, lit. "Event Horizon")

.gif of Roxas's Event Horizon

.gif of Xion's Event Horizon

Attack Power Critical Chance Flinches
Two consecutive swings 1.23 X X
Two consecutive swings 1.23 X X
Final Limit
Thrust 1.17 X O
Pillar of light 1.17 x4 X O
Black Hole
(イベントホライズン Ibento Horaizun?, lit. "Event Horizon")
Black Hole in KHUX
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Magic Reversed Single 2[1] 7★: x11.26 - 11.94[2]
SN+: x15.96
7★: Deals 12 hits. 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3. Inflicts more damage the more gauges used this turn.[3]
SN+: Deals 12 hits. 1 turn: ↑ STR, R- & M-STR 10, SP ATK B +200%, ↓ target's DEF & M-DEF 15. Gauge +2.
Black Hole EX
(イベントホライズン改 Ibento Horaizun Kai?, lit. "Event Horizon Revision")
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Speed Reversed All 1 7★: x6.88 - 10.53
7★: Deals 12 hits. 1 turn: ↓ targets' S-DEF by 2 . More damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss).
Black Hole EX+
(イベントホライズン極 Ibento Horaizun Kyoku?, lit. "Event Horizon Extreme")
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Speed Reversed All 1 7★: x20.90
7★: Deals 12 hits. 1 turn: S- & M-Medal STR +7000, self [↑ STR, R-, S- & M-STR 15], targets [↓ DEF, R-, S- & M-DEF 15], SP ATK B +220%. Count +1.
Black Hole
(イベントホライズン Ibento Horaizun?, lit. "Event Horizon")
Black Hole KHIII.gif
Summon a pillar of light that sends foes flying. Your magic stat determines damage. (Combo finisher)
Attack Element Power Guard? Status
Form Value Reaction Value Revenge Value Repel LV
Black Hole
Black Hole
(イベントホライズン Ibento Horaizun?, lit. "Event Horizon")
Black Hole KHDR.gif
A powerful water-element physical attack.
Color Type Element Power
Dark Blue Physical Water 40 - 80
Light Blue Physical Water 50 - 100
"Nice try! / You're finished!"
—Roxas during the Limit Break / Final Limit.
"I have to go on! / I won't give in..."
—Xion during the Limit Break / Final Limit.

Black Hole is a technique introduced in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It allows the user to cloak the Keyblade in light and perform a flurry of slashes, ending by summoning pillars of light.

A black hole is a celestial body with a gravitational field so strong nothing can escape, not even light. The technique's Japanese name, "Event Horizon," is the boundary of no escape.


In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Black Hole is Roxas and Xion's Limit Break. It allows them to encase their Keyblade in light to slash at enemies with great strength. During the Final Limit, they summon four pillars of light around themselves that quickly move away in straight paths to the ends of the field, dealing heavy damage to enemies in their way.

In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Black Hole is a special attack that targets a single enemy. It costs 2 special attack gauge to perform in the English version, and 3 in the Japanese version. In the English version, Black Hole +5 and Black Hole +6 inflict more damage the more gauges are used that turn. In both versions, Black Hole +7 restores 2 special attack gauges.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Black Hole +5 6★ x2.90 - 3.58 x3.00 - 3.68 x3.10 - 3.78 x3.20 - 3.88 x3.30 - 3.98 x3.40 - 4.08 12
Black Hole +6 7★ x11.26 - 11.94 12
Black Hole +7 SN
x15.96 12

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5 +6 +7 +5-6 +7
Black Hole Reversed-based strength +3 Strength +10
Magic-based strength +10
Reversed-based strength +10
Special Attack Bonus +200%
Defense -15
Magic-based defense -15
1 turn

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Black Hole +4 5★ x3.20 x3.30 x3.40 x3.50 12
Black Hole +5 6★ x3.30 x3.40 x3.50 x3.60 x3.70 x3.80 12
Black Hole +6 7★ x11.66 12
Black Hole +7 SN
x15.96 12

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+4-5 +6 +7 +4-6 +7
Black Hole Reversed-based strength +3 Strength +10
Magic-based strength +10
Reversed-based strength +10
Special Attack Bonus +200%
Defense -15
Magic-based defense -15
1 turn

Black Hole EX is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 1 special attack gauge to perform. It inflicts more damage when one enemy remains.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Black Hole EX +4 5★ x1.48 - 2.43 x1.52 - 2.47 x1.56 - 2.51 x1.60 - 2.55 12
Black Hole EX +5 6★ x1.52 - 2.47 x1.56 - 2.51 x1.60 - 2.55 x1.64 - 2.59 x1.68 - 2.63 x1.72 - 2.67 12
Black Hole EX +6 7★ x6.88 - 10.53 12

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+4-6 +4-6
Black Hole EX Speed-based defense -2 1 turn

Black Hole EX+ is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 1 special attack gauge to perform. It increases the target's counter by 1.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Black Hole EX+ +6 7★ x20.90 12

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+6 +6
Black Hole EX+ Speed-Medal strength +7000
Magic-Medal strength +7000
Strength +15
Speed-based strength +15
Magic-based strength +15
Reversed-based strength +15
Special Attack Bonus +220%
Defense -15
Speed-based defense -15
Magic-based defense -15
Reversed-based defense -15
1 turn

In Kingdom Hearts III, Black Hole is an action ability exclusive to Light Form. It is the form's third and final ground combo finisher. Its damage is calculated based on Sora's Magic stat.

In Kingdom Hearts Dark Road, Black Hole is a physical ability that deals Water damage.

In Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory, Black Hole is an Ability usable by Roxas. It is triggered by activating an Ability Crystal near a grounded foe.

Learning Black Hole[edit]

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days[edit]

  • Roxas has Black Hole as his Limit Break.
  • Xion has Black Hole as her Limit Break.

Kingdom Hearts χ[chi][edit]

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit]

  • Black Hole EX +4 is the special attack for medal 820: Roxas B.
  • Black Hole EX +5 is the special attack for medal 821: Roxas B.
  • Black Hole EX +6 is the special attack for medal 1386: Roxas B.

Kingdom Hearts III[edit]

  • Light Form has Black Hole as a default ability.

Kingdom Hearts Dark Road[edit]

  • The Roxas card has Black Hole as its ability.
  • The Key Art #7 card has Black Hole as its ability.

Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory[edit]

  • Black Hole can be triggered by activating an ability crystal as Team Days.

Other appearances[edit]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[edit]

Icon of Black Hole from Final Fantasy Record Keeper

Black Hole appears in Final Fantasy Record Keeper as one of Roxas's Soul Breaks, learned through the Twilight Blaze (KH) Keyblade. It allows him to deliver twenty massive ranged physical holy and dark attacks to one enemy, followed by an additional ranged physical holy and dark attack that can break the damage cap.

Notes and references[edit]

  1. ^ 3 in the Japanese version.
  2. ^ x11.66 in the Japanese version.
  3. ^ "Deals 12 hits. 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3." in the Japanese version.