Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
Kingdom Hearts Dark Road

Air Flair

(Redirected from Air Arts 1)
"Air Arts" redirects here. You may have been looking for the synthesis material from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

Air Flair 1
(エアアーツ 1 Ea Ātsu 1?, lit. "Air Arts 1")
Air Flair 1
Knock enemies into the air with a flurry of wind-powered attacks. Stuns some foes.
Attack No. of Hits Power
Air Flair 1 4 1.2
Element Status Level
Attack Command Physical Stun (25%/3.3s) 2

Air Flair is a series of techniques introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. They allow the user to knock enemies into the air with a flurry of wind-powered attacks that have a chance of inflicting Stun, with later versions adding spin attacks.


In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Air Flair is a series of Finish commands exclusive to Ventus. Air Flair 1 is a Level 2 Finish command that consists of a four-hit spin attack and has a 25% chance of stunning foes. Air Flair 2 is a Level 3 Finish command that consists of a six-hit spin attack and has a 50% chance of stunning foes. Air Flair 3 is a level 4 Finish command that consists of an eight-hit spin attack and has a 50% chance of stunning foes. Air Flair 4 is a Level 5 Finish command that consists of a ten-hit spin attack and has a 100% chance of stunning foes.

In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Air Flair is a special attack that targets a single enemy. It costs 3 special attack gauges to perform.

Air Flair +7 has a 10% chance to ignore the target's Defense Boost.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Air Flair +5 6★ x3.50 x3.60 x3.70 x3.80 x3.90 x4.00 13
Air Flair +6 7★ x11.86 13
Air Flair +7 SN
x13.75 13

Air Flair II is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 3 special attack gauges to perform. It inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (including raid boss parts).

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Air Flair II +5 6★ x3.82 - 5.42 x3.86 - 5.46 x3.90 - 5.50 x3.94 - 5.54 x3.98 - 5.58 x4.02 - 5.62 6
Air Flair II +6 7★ x9.18 - 13.48 6

Air Flair EX is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 3 special attack gauges to perform. It ignores the target's countdown, and deals Mastery damage, inflicting more damage against Magic-type enemies.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Air Flair EX +6 7★ x20.60 13

In Kingdom Hearts Dark Road, Air Flair is physical ability that deals Wind damage.

Learning Air FlairEdit

Kingdom Hearts Birth by SleepEdit

  • Ventus learns Air Flair 1 after earning 2000 CP while Finish is his equipped Finish command.
  • Ventus learns Air Flair 2 after earning 4000 CP while Air Flair 1 is his equipped Finish command.
  • Ventus learns Air Flair 3 after taking 4500 steps while Air Flair 2 is his equipped Finish command.
  • Ventus learns Air Flair 4 after taking 7000 steps while Air Flair 3 is his equipped Finish command.

Kingdom Hearts Union χEdit

Kingdom Hearts Dark RoadEdit

  • The Ventus card has Air Flair as its ability.

Other appearancesEdit

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

Ventus's combo finisher resembles Air Flair 1.

See alsoEdit