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Paradise Fusion

"The Product of a Sweetstack and a Wishing Star fusing together creates a key that rivals the x-blade in power. It can be unfused to create two keyblades, but together, oh, now that is power!"

Wishing Star KH.png Sweetstack (Aqua) KHBBS.png

Quote of the Week

DiZ KHII.png Roxas! To the Mansion! The time has come.

File:DL MickeyEXPDoubleUp.pngKeyblade of the WeekFile:DL MickeyEXPDoubleUp.png

Crown of Guilt KHD.png He who wears the Crown of Guilt may be more of a keyslinger than he who does not.

Sweetstack (Aqua) KHBBS.pngFeel free to post whatever, just nothing derogatoryWishing Star KH.png

ParadiseFusion15 is up and running. Questions and concerns involving my edits will be answered in the form of a section, like this. To those who love Kingdom Hearts, Disney, and all of it's affiliates, Thank You.

Willyx's Report 1

It was just like any other day in the town. Other than, perhaps, the fact that it was being attacked by creatures called, "the Heartless." I worried my brother, Ienzo, was in terrible danger, so I went to the castle.

On my way, I had nothing to fight with other than a strong heart. I arrived at the castle postern but was unable to go any further. A heartless attacked me, and I blacked out.

I no longer could save my brother, even if he himself was still okay. The darkness was sucking me in...

Willyx's Report 2

I have finally woke up. I had forgotten who I was and what I was doing, but decided I shoud keep moving forward toward the castle. I traversed a long corridor seing a strange man along the way. I asked who he was, and he replied,"Ansem." That's when I realized: it was Xehanort. I continued forward toward Ansem the Wise's Study, only to find he wasn't there.

I approached the computer room where I saw three lifeless shells: Even, Braig, and my brother, Ienzo.

I was astounded. However, in no time at all, I vanished and mystically left the room.

Willyx's Report 3

I wasn't quite able to tell where I was, but I heard the ocean, I saw teeth, and I saw a tongue. I was in a large monster. Recently, I discovered that this monster is named Monstro. Around me, I see large amounts of wood, including something wooden that I would never mistake.

I saw a wooden keyblade. Thing is, it was split in half. It was then I remembered the importance of the "keyblade". A boy named Ventus used a keyblade to save my brother. I began to want one, but did not know how. I took the broken sword and tried to put it back together, but failed.

Instantly, it transformed into a blade which I took. It then transformed into a new keyblade. My keyblade.

Willyx's Report 4

Paradise Fusion. It is the Product of a Sweetstack and a Wishing Star fusing together to create a key that rivals the x-blade in power. It can be unfused to create two keyblades, but together, oh, now that is power!

Sweetstack is the keyblade of Ice Cream. Interestingly, I am a fan of Ice Cream. Wishing Star captured the wood qualities of this whale. They fused together using the power of Aura, which then became my power. With the power of Aura, I can see the past, present, and future. I see anything and everything.

The immense power of such a keyblade caused tremors in the mouth. Not like an earthquake, but more like it was spitting me out.

Willyx's Report 5

There I was. Floating in nothingness. Such place is called the Lanes Between, and named so forth because it is between worlds. My keyblade reacted to such environment and put me in special armor. It even became a vessel on it's own. It started to move towards a large world of sorts. It was to become my new home.

The stronghold of Organization XIII was dark and malevolent. It's towering buildings elicited fear out of a heart, except I am devoid of one. As I approached a large castle, a hooded man came out. He called himself, "Xemnas". It was then I realized a stood in front of the man who destroyed my home. I pulled out the Paradise Fusion to strike him down until I collapsed.

I woke up in a black coat in a grey room. I knew not what was going on other than the fact that I was in the castle I saw outside. Xemnas came into my room. I was going to attack him but I decided to listen.

Willyx's Report 6

Xemnas told me that I could be part of this "Organization XIII," under one condition. I served as a bounty hunter and did his dirty work as he pleased. He asked me about my powers and I told him of my ability over Aura. He accepted me as an unofficial member of the group.

As I walked out to the grey room, I saw a room full of Nobodies. This was "Organization XIII". I even saw familiar faces. Even in a black coat, Braig in a black coat, and my brother in a black coat reading a book -- a Lexicon. Now, however, he was called Zexion.

I was finally able to be with my brother. My first assignment was at a place called Castle Oblivion.

Willyx's Report 7

I was to locate the Chamber of Waking, which didn't take long. I used the power of Aura to figure out that it was on the second floor. Of course, I now had spare time, so I was going to track down the hero the light, Sora. Word has it, he was at that point destroying members of the Organization, like Larxene. Sora, of course, had just defeated Marluxia and sealed him into a chamber where he could never escape.

When I arrived on floor 13, Sora had already left. Namine took him to Twilight Town. I no longer had anything to do with Castle Oblivion, other than my brother in the basement. Well, at least until I discovered my brother perished at the Riku Replica's hand.

I wasn't incredibly angry. However, I swore to destroy Riku Replica the next time I saw him.

Arriving back in the castle, I ran to my room, where I kicked back and relaxed.

Willyx's Report 8

It has been awhile. Over a year I think. Much has happened since I last wrote.

Vexen took data from Roxas to create a replica known as "Xion." Roxas befriended the puppet only until Xion had to forge with a sleeping Sora. Roxas is now in Twilight Town, er, a simulated form because he was defeated by Riku. Xemnas is furious. He lost both keyblade wielders neccessary for his Kingdom Hearts plan. I'm what's left. I never told Xemnas of Paradise Fusion, but I want to do something with it.

A rebellion. Xemnas wants me to team up with Axel and find Roxas. But I knew where he was. I thought that, during my mission, a rebellion would be good. My own Organization. With my foresight, I see all Organization members perishing. But...

They will be revived.

Willyx's Report 9

Xemnas died today. He was defeated by the keyblade wielders Sora and Riku. Now, Sora is on his way to Disney Castle to complete some mission involving his erased journal. Ha! He should just ask me! Sadly though, he has yet to meet me. But that's going to change.

I know what to do. I'll bring EVERYBODY back. The Organization. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua. Vanitas and Xehanort too. Boy, it will be a ride. Using my Aura, I will send my recreated friends back to none other than the Keyblade Graveyard. That is where the plan will go. But I have other ideas. Sora will partake in the Mark of Mastery exam soon, as he traverses the realm of sleep.

He will then traverse the realm of heart.

Willyx's Report 10

Sora has failed his examination. He gave into darkness and only Riku became a master. I will now cast Sora into sleep so I can enter the realm of heart.

The realm of heart is a place that is merely a Mirage created by those who touch Sora's heart and vice versa. In other words, all that Sora will experience is a sham. A lie. In this realm, Ventus plays an important part as well. You see, Vanitas also exists in Sora's heart. It means that if I play the correct cards, Vanitas and Ventus will fight and forge my ultimate prize: the X-blade. If I can extract the blade from Sora's heart, the force of Ventus would leave him and his heart. Meaning...

Sora will no longer be able to wield the keyblade. It is a similar occurence to what happened in Hollow Bastion before, only Ventus had nothing to do with it. Or so I think.

Willyx's Report 11

I have arrived in the realm. I am at Sora's home island where I see him talking to Riku. Rather than bothering him now, I will go to other worlds and set up the chaos for him to "fix".

I thought to start at my homestead of Radiant Garden, which has gone through a lot while I was gone. Entering Ansem's Lab, I saw the old Hollow Bastion OS system data taht I helped Ansem the Wise with. Looking in, I found nothing. Other than perhaps Sark in the recycling bin. I extracted him. It seems Tron was moved by somebody. That being Kevin Flynn, to a new system. I will now locate members of my rebel Organization.

Starting with Zexion and Larxene.

User Boxes

Template:User Nobody

ha5QErC.png This user will make you see that your hopes are nothing... nothing but a mere illusion!
zuD393l.png This user has taken on the Vanitas Remnant and won!
lzUy9hi.png This user is now stuck in the belly of a giant whale...

JzCJIHh.png This user will not yield to the frail heart of an infantile coward!

CQvHXdU.png This user thinks there is no better host than Lumiere.

DobGD0s.png This user is no more eternal than that radiance of yours...

f9MEcvJ.png This user program is a fan of the MCP and is bent on world domination.

cmh4lJY.png This user is a fan of Hades and DRIVES HIM CRAZY!

Sora_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is male.
PJwgCoE.png This user is a fan of DiZ.

n0VDusf.png This user is a fan of Mula——... uh... Ping.

S6Wz4OI.png This user is a fan of the OLD loon.

Template:User Keyblade Master

Places-userDestinyIslands.png This user is a resident of Destiny Islands.
8ODtIBL.png This user loves Sora's Retro Form.

tUyQU80.png This user answers to the bloodthirsty Shan Yu.
f1Lv3z0.png This user loves the song Lord of the Castle.
HY2DKKu.png This user loves Riku's Dark Mode.

Template:User Zexion Quote Template:User Larxene Quote]

meq2FxD.png This user loves Donald's Snowman Form.
8y5sN3X.png This user loves Goofy's Turtle Form.
cuvg4Jo.png This user is a fan of The Oogie Boogie Man!
OwyYcz4.png This user mastered the darkness and defeated Ansem.

Template:User Radiant Garden

jEetj7O.png This user is a resident of The Land of Dragons.
HDzyRdo.png This user is part of Captain Barbossa's motley crew.
LTSioSb.png This user loves Wisdom Form.
ZFwmVqA.png This user is a fan of Ariel.

H0DHaC8.png This user is a fan of Eraqus.

Vfr6rba.png This user would like you to enlighten us about that pet project of yours.

Y4mwPwL.png This user thinks Pluto has a special talent for sniffing out hidden things. Atta boy!

RSX09Ep.png This user likes to frolic under the sea.

JVkEVas.png This user is a fan of slave to Vanitas.

Template:User Marluxia Quote

hxgBlO8.png This user loves Donald's Retro Form.
JYO6KRj.png This user loves Donald's Bird Form. Squawk!
dnGiMFL.png This user harnesses the power of their bond with Riku.

Template:User Vexen Quote