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{{Sove|time=02:05, 8 September 2011 (UTC)|roxastalk=I never said who spammed the channel with color codes, my point was that they were being spammed, I didn't blame DTN and Saph for it. All the rest however is true.}}
{{Sove|time=02:05, 8 September 2011 (UTC)|roxastalk=I never said who spammed the channel with color codes, my point was that they were being spammed, I didn't blame DTN and Saph for it. All the rest however is true.}}
Aaaaaand here's a log of what happened.
[20:44] <DTN> Oh gog
[20:44] <DTN> Majora's Mask.
[20:44] <DTN> High Octane Nightmare Fuel
[20:44] <Sora1995|Cloud> Giygas
[20:44] <Sora1995|Cloud> which is worse?
[20:44] <Inpu|Away>
[20:44] <DTN> �5seri0usly maj0ra's mask is s0me scary stuff f0r a vide0 game
[20:45] <DTN> �50h g0g kryten st0p it with y0ur terrifying vide0s
[20:47] <Inpu|Away>
[20:48] <Inpu|Away> DTN
[20:48] <Inpu|Away> if you need to reply to the forum, please do it quickly, so we can get
this whole debacle over with
[20:48] <DTN> �050h screw these vide0s they are w0rse than h0rr0rterr0rs
[20:48] <DTN> I will, don't fret.
�03[20:48] * DTN is now known as Aradooria
�03[20:48] * CaptorEniigma ( has joined
[20:51] <CaptorEniigma> I BRING GOOD TIDINGS (to those of you interested)
[20:51] <CaptorEniigma>
[20:51] <Aradooria> �050h legend 0f zelda thank y0u s0llux
[20:52] <CaptorEniigma> .-.
[20:52] <CaptorEniigma> Oh....
[20:52] <CaptorEniigma> Hi DTN
[20:52] <CaptorEniigma> You're welcome by the way
[20:53] <Aradooria> �050.0 s0llux why are y0u talking like that
[20:53] <Aradooria> �050u0
[20:53] <CaptorEniigma> �8thats 2tupiid
[20:53] <Aradooria> �05N0 that is just stupid
[20:53] <Tabzee> �14DOOR
[20:53] <Tabzee> �14NEVER AGAIN
[20:54] <Aradooria> �050h calm y0urself cl0wn tr0ll
[20:54] <BlackSoulBlade> �10What is with colours?
[20:54] <Aradooria> ...
[20:54] <Aradooria> BSB, GET OUT
[20:54] <Aradooria> GET OUT NOW
[20:54] <BlackSoulBlade> �10lolno
[20:54] <Tabzee> �6did you call
[20:55] <Tabzee> �6HONK
[20:55] <Inpu|Away> how do I get the bonuses for that game.
[20:55] <CaptorEniigma> �._.
[20:55] <CaptorEniigma> �._.
[20:55] <CaptorEniigma> >:(
[20:55] <Inpu|Away> I want the bonuses you showed me how do I get them
[20:55] <CaptorEniigma> TURN YELLOW DAG GUMMIT
[20:55] <Aradooria> �05hell0 gamzee
[20:55] <CaptorEniigma> YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW
[20:56] <CaptorEniigma> �8._.
[20:56] <CaptorEniigma> ...
[20:56] <Aradooria> �05S0llux seems t0 be having tr0uble
�06[20:56] * CaptorEniigma forgot to put in the number XD
[20:56] <Inpu|Away> captoreniigma
[20:56] <Aradooria> �05try c0ntacting the h0rrr0rterr0rs s0llux
[20:56] <Inpu|Away> what were the bonuses again
[20:56] <CaptorEniigma> �8yes?
[20:56] <Sapheta> �3:33 < *ac yawns and stretches after her lovely catnap*
[20:57] <CaptorEniigma> �8the bonu2e2? the bonu2e2 are a liie :D
[20:57] <Aradooria> �05hell0 there
[20:57] <Tabzee> �6oh hey bros and sisses
[20:57] <Inpu|Away> don't fuck with me here I will end you
[20:57] <Inpu|Away> how do I get the bonuses
[20:57] <CaptorEniigma> �8ii wa2 trolliing you the other day
[20:57] <CaptorEniigma> �8however, you wiill fiind that awe2ome cover of gameiinformer 2
be truth
[20:58] <Aradooria> �05pray tell is aradiab0t still a pile 0f ash and metal 0n the fl00r
0f the c0mputer lab
[20:58] <Aradooria> �05s0meone sh0uld really clean her up
[20:58] <CaptorEniigma> �82 get the real bonu2e2 you ju2t have 2 preorder the 2kyward
2word 2peciial ediitiion
[20:59] <CaptorEniigma> �8 get the real bonu2e2 you ju2t have 2 preorder the 2kyward 2word
2peciial ediitiion
[20:59] <CaptorEniigma> whoopse
[20:59] <Inpu|Away> I think I'm going to murder all of you now
[20:59] <Inpu|Away> with fire
[20:59] <CaptorEniigma> *pause* on sollux typing
[20:59] <CaptorEniigma> You can preorder it from Amazon or Gamestop
[20:59] <CaptorEniigma> here I provide you with a link
[20:59] <Inpu|Away> like, so much fire
[21:00] <Inpu|Away> until death, I'm saying
�01[21:00] <Keyblade0> ._.
�01[21:00] <Keyblade0> What the hell was going on when I left?
[21:00] <CaptorEniigma>
[21:00] <CaptorEniigma> Here
[21:00] <Inpu|Away> give a man fire, and he's warm for a day, set him on fire, and he's
[21:00] <Tabzee> �6oKaY gUyS
�01[21:00] <Keyblade0> And people were using colors without me? No fair.
[21:00] <CaptorEniigma> PREORDER IT NOW KRYTEN
[21:00] <CaptorEniigma> DO IT
[21:00] <CaptorEniigma> TEH GOLDZ COMMAND YOU
�01[21:00] <Keyblade0> �7 I LIKE COLROS~
[21:00] <Aradooria> �05this n0ntr0ll human sure seems angry
[21:00] <Inpu|Away> already done at gamestop I think
�01[21:01] <Keyblade0> I know.
�03[21:01] * Inpu|Away is now known as KrytenKoro
�01[21:01] <Keyblade0> I want that wii remote
[21:01] <Aradooria> �05kind 0f reminds me 0f gamzi mean what
�03[21:01] * ChanServ sets mode: +o KrytenKoro
�01[21:01] <Keyblade0> ._.
�01[21:01] <Keyblade0> All right I'll stop.
[21:01] <Aradooria> �05this will end p00rly
[21:01] <CaptorEniigma> >_>
[21:02] <CaptorEniigma> 0_0
�01[21:02] <Keyblade0> ?
[21:02] <Aradooria> �05i think this is what the n0ntr0ll humans call their g0d tier
[21:02] <Sove> just /mode #KHWiki-social +c
�01[21:02] <Keyblade0> +c?
[21:02] <CaptorEniigma> 0u0
[21:02] <Sove> Disables colors
[21:02] <Aradooria> �05n0 s0llux thats just stupid
�01[21:02] <Keyblade0> Oh.
[21:02] <Sove> Those who use webchats etc. can't turn them off
�01[21:02] <Keyblade0> Okay.
[21:02] <@KrytenKoro> mm
�03[21:03] * KrytenKoro is now known as Inpu
�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> ALL RIGHT
�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> THE TIME HS COME
�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> TO SHOW YOU GUYS PROOF
�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> OF MF SPEAKING
�01[21:03] <Keyblade0>
[21:03] <Sove> Those colors have been nothnig but an annoyance ever since I introduced them
to some users
[21:03] <CaptorEniigma> KB0 stop saying MF
[21:03] <CaptorEniigma> 'tis bad
[21:03] <Aradooria> �101 L1K3 TH3 COLORS 3SP3C14LLY R3D WH1CH 1S TH3 B3ST COLOR 4ND FL4VOR
�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> ...
�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> MYSTERIOUS FIGURE
�01[21:04] <Keyblade0> <_<
[21:04] <@Inpu> yeah.....
[21:04] <@Inpu> that's...
[21:04] <@Inpu> I think you've got a future on Ghost Catchers, bro
�01[21:04] <Keyblade0> ...
[21:05] <@Inpu> (sorry)
[21:05] <CaptorEniigma> Oh the listening to EVP's?
[21:05] <CaptorEniigma> Those are kinda cool
[21:07] <Sapheta> Sove: So... you're blaming yourself for this? And I'm going to guess that
the majority of regulars use clients.
[21:07] <Sapheta> So yeah. You can just turn yours off.
[21:07] <Sapheta> Because you use one.
[21:07] <Sapheta> A client.
[21:07] <Sove> Actually
[21:07] <Sapheta> That supports color.
[21:07] <Sove> Most use those webchats
[21:07] <Sapheta> Which can be turned off.
[21:08] <Sove> And the wechat does show the colors
[21:08] <@Inpu> mm
[21:08] <Sove> They can't be turned off
[21:08] <@Inpu> I'm going to ask....that this whole DTN/Erry situation get resolved, now
[21:08] <Sapheta> Let's see, Sove... To the last hour or so of speaking... 100% of the
users that spoke had clients.
[21:09] <Sove> Okay, now I'm getting pissed off again
[21:09] <Aradooria> Sapheta: How cool would I be if I listened to "Descend" to prepare for
an exam?
[21:09] <@Inpu> aaaaaand...I'm going to also ask that we NOT get into a "if you don't like
it, go away" discussion now
�06[21:09] * CaptorEniigma isa firin' his lazars
�01[21:09] <Keyblade0> :|
[21:10] <Sapheta> Uhm, cool?
[21:10] <Sapheta> Generating cool-o-meter...
[21:10] <Sapheta> |---------------------o---|
[21:10] <Sapheta> There you go.
[21:10] <Sove> Maybe 2hrs will help
[21:10] <Aradooria> I think that just because some users don't like seeing a tad of color
on their screen is a reason to get rid of them all.
[21:10] <Aradooria> THANK YOU SAPHETA.
[21:10] <Aradooria> is not****
[21:10] <Aradooria> IS NOT****
[21:10] <Aradooria> �4IS NOT*****
[21:10] <Sapheta> ��IS NOT****
[21:11] <@Inpu> ....okay
[21:11] <Sapheta> Fixed that for you.
[21:11] <Sapheta> c:
[21:11] <Aradooria> c:
�01[21:11] <Keyblade0> c:
[21:11] <@Inpu> I think we are having some trouble here
[21:11] <@Inpu> did someone explicitly complain about the colors?
[21:11] <@Inpu> is everyone happy with the color spamming?
�06[21:11] * Sapheta is okay with it sans background colors
�01[21:11] <Keyblade0> I don't mind.
�01[21:12] <Keyblade0> And I'll stop using background colros.
�01[21:12] <Keyblade0> *colors
[21:12] <Sove> Apparently the active ones here right now all use clients
[21:12] <Sove> but, during my daytime
[21:12] <Sapheta> K0: You've been getting better at it.
�06[21:12] * CaptorEniigma likes teh colors
[21:12] <Sove> We have webchat users
[21:12] <Sove> The colros are fine as long as they aren't being spammed
[21:12] <@Inpu> is there anyone unhappy with the colors, here and now?
[21:12] <@Inpu> okay
[21:12] <@Inpu> so, Sove, you are asking that the colors not be spammed
[21:12] <@Inpu> good
[21:13] <Sove> I don't like to keep blocking and unblocking colors all the time
�01[21:13] <Keyblade0> UNLESS There's a very good reason.
�01[21:13] <Keyblade0> Like something for the wiki
�06[21:13] * Aradooria also likes "teh colors."
[21:13] <@Inpu> everyone here now aware that someone has asked that the colors
not be used to the point of spam?
�01[21:13] <Keyblade0> Yes.
�06[21:13] * CaptorEniigma is aware
[21:13] <Sapheta> Sove: Then can't you just block them indefinitely to save yourself the
[21:13] <@Inpu> good
[21:14] <@Inpu> we are NOT. GOING. TO HAVE. A PROBLEM. Right?
[21:14] <@Inpu> right.
[21:14] <@Inpu> great.
[21:14] <CaptorEniigma> No problemo
[21:14] <Sove> I said they are fine as long as they aren't being spammed
[21:14] <@Inpu> good.
[21:14] <Sove> I don't want to block them unnecessarily
[21:14] <Sove> So Saphy, you can just stfu
[21:14] <@Inpu> I don't think we need to argue about this anymore
[21:14] <@Inpu> Sove has asked that the colors not be spammed
[21:14] <Aradooria> I agree with Sapheta.
[21:15] <@Inpu> (Sove should probably apologize to Saph for swearing, though)
[21:15] <Aradooria> Sove has invoked Rule #2 (I think).
[21:15] <@Inpu> and we are ALL. GOING. TO. HONOR. THAT.
�01[21:15] <Keyblade0> ^Yes
[21:15] <Aradooria> Which acts under short term period of respectful ending of whatever
Sove is annoyed by.
[21:15] <Aradooria> HOWEVER.
[21:15] <Sapheta> Uhm... All color codes are "unnecessary." They're just a feature.
�03[21:15] * Asora[Away] is now known as Asorailahd
[21:15] <@Inpu> no we are not rules lawyering here
�01[21:15] <Keyblade0> WB Auror
[21:15] <Aradooria> Rule #2 does not say to ban all actions that any user even once asks to
be stopped.
[21:16] <@Inpu> we are not asking for the actions to be banned
[21:16] <@Inpu> Sove asked the room to not spam colors
[21:16] <@Inpu> and we are not going to spam colors
[21:16] <@Inpu> there is no need to spend any more time on this
[21:16] <Tabzee> Eh, I can colorspam elsewhere
�03[21:16] * Asorailahd is now known as [Asora]Away
[21:16] <Tabzee> so I guess it's cool
�03[21:16] * [Asora]Away is now known as Asora[Away]
[21:16] <Aradooria> I think this needs WikiDiscussion if we are going to add a new little
spam policy for colors because quite frankly, I find it silly that we are invoking a new
spam policy for one user.
�01[21:16] <Keyblade0> *colorsplode
�01[21:16] <Keyblade0> :e
�01[21:16] <Keyblade0> *:3
[21:16] <Sapheta> Yes, but what is the definition of color spamming?
[21:16] <Aradooria> I don't necessarily agree with the specific ordeal, but the manner of
the situation is unsettling to me.
[21:16] <Sapheta> Rainbows, or just one color used over and over again?
[21:17] <Sapheta> Because I frankly see it tipping more towards rainbows.
[21:17] <Sove> Rainbows are annoying anyway
[21:17] <@Inpu> what was done above qualifies as color spamming
[21:17] <Sove> They ar eusually jsut spam anyway
[21:17] <Aradooria> And that is another issue. Some users think spam is literally three
lines, whereas more realistically it is more than that.
[21:17] <@Inpu> gotdammit guys you are smarter than this why has this become rules lawyering
[21:18] <Aradooria> It's KHWiki Kryten.
[21:18] <Aradooria> Nothing goes through without a prolonged period of rule lawyering.
[21:18] <@Inpu> fury.
�03[21:18] * Inpu sets mode: +m
[21:19] <@Inpu> when we can all agree to stop rules lawyering and just be humans to each
other, the mute is removed
[21:19] <@Inpu> grazie
[21:20] <@Inpu> anyone here who wants to talk, please ping me when you're ready to be an
�03[21:21] * Inpu sets mode: +v Keyblade0
�03[21:21] * Inpu sets mode: +v Asora[Away]
�01[21:22] <+Keyblade0> Yay. So, um...yeah Let's be civil. No more colorspamming and
�03[21:22] * Inpu sets mode: +v Sora1995|Cloud
�03[21:22] * CaptorEniigma is now known as Hi_Inpu
�03[21:22] * Hi_Inpu is now known as How_are_you
�01[21:23] <+Keyblade0> ._.
�03[21:23] * How_are_you is now known as Okay_Im_done
�03[21:23] * Okay_Im_done is now known as CaptorEniigma
�03[21:23] * Inpu sets mode: +v CaptorEniigma
�03[21:23] * Inpu sets mode: +v maggosh
[21:23] <+CaptorEniigma> Yay! ^_^
[21:23] <+maggosh> Damn straight I won't.
�01[21:24] <+Keyblade0>
�01[21:24] <+Keyblade0> FF type 0.
[21:24] <@Inpu> I have to get back to work
�03[21:24] * Inpu sets mode: +o maggosh
[21:24] <@Inpu> maggosh, can you please keep an eye on this thank you
[21:24] <+Sora1995|Cloud> you can devoice me
[21:25] <+Sora1995|Cloud> i don't care
[21:27] <@maggosh> GOtcha.
�03[21:28] * Vestige (~Vestige@ has joined #KHWiki-social
�03[21:28] * Inpu sets mode: +v Vestige
�01[21:29] <+Keyblade0> Hi EK
[21:29] <+Vestige> Hi
[21:29] <@Inpu> evening
[21:30] <+CaptorEniigma> evbening
[21:30] <+CaptorEniigma> :3
[21:30] <+Vestige> It's morning here. :P
�01[21:30] <+Keyblade0> Good morning, EK
�01[21:33] <+Keyblade0> EK. Opinion.
[21:34] <@Inpu> do we have any active affiliate requests?
�01[21:34] <+Keyblade0> Um..
�01[21:34] <+Keyblade0> Whatever happened to GrandPyromania>
�01[21:34] <+Keyblade0> *?
[21:35] <@Inpu> oh!
[21:35] <@Inpu> request
[21:35] <@Inpu>
[21:35] <@Inpu> can you all take a look at that?
[21:36] <@Inpu> I'd like to get this main page thing dealt with
�01[21:37] <+Keyblade0> Oh yay the on this day  thing.
�01[21:37] <+Keyblade0> ...but is it really needed for the wiki?
�06[21:38] * +Keyblade0 goes wo Wikimon
[21:38] <@Inpu> possibly not
[21:38] <@Inpu> hmm
�03[21:38] * Sove (sove@unaffiliated/sove) has left #KHWiki-social
�01[21:38] <+Keyblade0> *to
[21:38] <@Inpu> further request
�06[21:38] * +Keyblade0 notices how the background first apperas then all the text
�01[21:38] <+Keyblade0> NOW THAT'S HOW THE MAIN PAGE SHOULD BE
�01[21:39] <+Keyblade0> I mean. Cool, maybe somone should try and do that for the
�03[21:41] * Sove (sove@unaffiliated/sove) has joined #KHWiki-social
�01[21:42] <+Keyblade0> WB Sove
�02[21:42] * Daiton ( Quit (Quit: Praise be to 8bit!
�01[21:42] <+Keyblade0> No colors here.
�03[21:43] * Sora1995|MT4G ( has joined #KHWiki-social
�01[21:43] <+Keyblade0> Uh..WB Sora...?
[21:43] <+Vestige> Now the codes should work...
�03[21:44] * Inpu sets mode: +v Sove
�03[21:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Aradooria
�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -m
[21:45] <Sapheta> I think we can all agree "as humans" that silencing a legitimate
conversation is pointless. Where /do/ we draw the line? This is what needs to be figured
�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v Asora[Away]
[21:45] <Sapheta> And it isn't figured out with "quiet time."
�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v CaptorEniigma
�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v Sora1995|Cloud
�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v Vestige
[21:45] <@Inpu> fury.
�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v Sove
�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v Keyblade0
�03[21:45] * Inpu sets mode: +b *!*
�03[21:45] * Aradooria was kicked by Inpu (Aradooria�)
�01[21:46] <Keyblade0> ._.
�03[21:46] * Inpu sets mode: +m
�03[21:46] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Sapheta
�03[21:46] * Sapheta sets mode: -b *!*
[21:46] <@Inpu> more fury.
�03[21:46] * Sapheta sets mode: -o Inpu
�03[21:46] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Inpu
�01[21:46] <Keyblade0> ._.
[21:46] #KHWiki-social Cannot send to channel
[21:46] <@Sapheta> get in
�03[21:46] * Inpu sets mode: +b *!*@
�03[21:46] * Sapheta was kicked by Inpu (Sapheta�)
�03[21:46] * Aradooria ( has joined
�03[21:46] * Inpu sets mode: +b *!*
�03[21:46] * Aradooria was kicked by Inpu (Aradooria�)
�03[21:47] * Inpu sets mode: -m
�01[21:47] <Keyblade0> ._.
�06[21:47] * Sora1995|MT4G is lost again
�01[21:47] <Keyblade0> Why did you kick DTN?
[21:47] <@Inpu> for obstructive behavior
[21:47] <Asora[Away]> Because it's a fiesta.
�01[21:47] <Keyblade0> ...
�01[21:48] <Keyblade0> OKAY PEOPLE LET'S PROMOTE PEACE.
�01[21:48] <Keyblade0> Kthxbai
�03[21:48] * Keyblade0 is now known as Wikiblade0
�03[21:49] * Tabzee is now known as Tabs|Away
[21:50] <Sora1995|MT4G> Anyways....
[21:50] <CaptorEniigma> ._.
[21:51] <@Inpu> Keyblade0 will you please copy a log of everything from "DTN Oh gog" on?
[21:51] <@Inpu> I am creating the forum now
�01[21:52] <Wikiblade0> Ok.
�01[21:52] <Wikiblade0> Um...just give me a minute or so.
[21:53] <Sove> DTN should just give Manager rights to at leat one another OP
[21:53] <Sove> -_-
�01[21:53] <Wikiblade0> Ok/
�01[21:53] <Wikiblade0> *Ok.
[21:53] <Sove> Then these kind of situations can't go to ridiculous extremes
�01[21:53] <Wikiblade0> I have it.
[21:54] <Sove> Because someone else can reop the OP
�01[21:54] <Wikiblade0> I PM you or put it on the forum?
[21:54] <Sora1995|MT4G> The +F flag? Or are you talking about on the wiki?
[21:55] <Sove> +F is not needed
[21:55] <Sove> Everything else besides it

Revision as of 02:09, 8 September 2011

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Forums: Index > The World that Never was > Today's channel situation

KrytenKoro - "An education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on."
Today I banned DTN and Saph from the social channel.

To explain my actions, DTN and Saph had been abusing the color function. Sove asked that they not spam the color function, and I explicitly stated that the channel needed to honor Sove's request. DTN and Saph decided to instead argue with Sove, trying to explain why his request should be ignored, and claiming that he was trying to make his request apply permanently.

I asked them not to rules lawyer, and to respect Sove's request. They refused to accept this. In return, I muted the channel, and stated that it would be unmuted once we could "all agree to stop rules lawyering and just be humans to each other". I explained that anyone who wanted to be voiced should ping me with an assurance that they would act like an adult.

After a period, DTN decided to op himself, unmute the channel, and devoice everyone. Then Saph decided to immediately resume arguing the quibbles of Sove's request. In response, I banned DTN, then banned Saph when she attempted to undo what I had done.

If anyone feels I have misrepresented the situation, please correct me.

My feelings on the situation:

  1. Our highest rule on the channel is "respect the requests of the other chatters."
  2. Someone making a request to "stop spamming" is NOT the appropriate place to start an argument over whether their request should be respected, or to rules lawyer over what exactly is being requested. If a chatter is truly in bewilderment at what they have been asked, they should take it to a PM, so as not to turn the channel into a circle-jerk.
  3. I know for a fact that all of the chatters involved are intelligent people, and I am incredibly disappointed that instead of respecting Sove's request, or my later request to stop quibbling, they decided to be passive aggressive.

I will unban DTN and Saph at 11:00, my time, when everyone has cooled down.

Sove Talk to Me! — "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?"

"No one would miss me." — 02:05, 8 September 2011 (UTC)

I never said who spammed the channel with color codes, my point was that they were being spammed, I didn't blame DTN and Saph for it. All the rest however is true.

Aaaaaand here's a log of what happened.

[20:44] <DTN> Oh gog

[20:44] <DTN> Majora's Mask.

[20:44] <DTN> High Octane Nightmare Fuel

[20:44] <Sora1995|Cloud> Giygas

[20:44] <Sora1995|Cloud> which is worse?

[20:44] <Inpu|Away>

[20:44] <DTN> �5seri0usly maj0ra's mask is s0me scary stuff f0r a vide0 game

[20:45] <DTN> �50h g0g kryten st0p it with y0ur terrifying vide0s

[20:47] <Inpu|Away>

[20:48] <Inpu|Away> DTN

[20:48] <Inpu|Away> if you need to reply to the forum, please do it quickly, so we can get this whole debacle over with

[20:48] <DTN> �050h screw these vide0s they are w0rse than h0rr0rterr0rs

[20:48] <DTN> I will, don't fret.

�03[20:48] * DTN is now known as Aradooria

�03[20:48] * CaptorEniigma ( has joined

  1. KHWiki-social

[20:51] <CaptorEniigma> I BRING GOOD TIDINGS (to those of you interested)

[20:51] <CaptorEniigma> revealed-the-safdlegend-of-zelda-skyward-sword1235dda.aspx

[20:51] <Aradooria> �050h legend 0f zelda thank y0u s0llux

[20:52] <CaptorEniigma> .-.

[20:52] <CaptorEniigma> Oh....

[20:52] <CaptorEniigma> Hi DTN

[20:52] <CaptorEniigma> You're welcome by the way

[20:53] <Aradooria> �050.0 s0llux why are y0u talking like that

[20:53] <Aradooria> �050u0

[20:53] <CaptorEniigma> �8thats 2tupiid

[20:53] <Aradooria> �05N0 that is just stupid

[20:53] <Tabzee> �14DOOR

[20:53] <Tabzee> �14NEVER AGAIN

[20:54] <Aradooria> �050h calm y0urself cl0wn tr0ll

[20:54] <BlackSoulBlade> �10What is with colours?

[20:54] <Aradooria> ...

[20:54] <Aradooria> BSB, GET OUT

[20:54] <Aradooria> GET OUT NOW

[20:54] <BlackSoulBlade> �10lolno

[20:54] <Tabzee> �6did you call

[20:55] <Tabzee> �6HONK

[20:55] <Inpu|Away> how do I get the bonuses for that game.

[20:55] <CaptorEniigma> �._.

[20:55] <CaptorEniigma> �._.

[20:55] <CaptorEniigma> >:(

[20:55] <Inpu|Away> I want the bonuses you showed me how do I get them

[20:55] <CaptorEniigma> TURN YELLOW DAG GUMMIT

[20:55] <Aradooria> �05hell0 gamzee

[20:55] <CaptorEniigma> YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW

[20:56] <CaptorEniigma> �8._.

[20:56] <CaptorEniigma> ...

[20:56] <Aradooria> �05S0llux seems t0 be having tr0uble

�06[20:56] * CaptorEniigma forgot to put in the number XD

[20:56] <Inpu|Away> captoreniigma

[20:56] <Aradooria> �05try c0ntacting the h0rrr0rterr0rs s0llux

[20:56] <Inpu|Away> what were the bonuses again

[20:56] <CaptorEniigma> �8yes?

[20:56] <Sapheta> �3:33 < *ac yawns and stretches after her lovely catnap*

[20:57] <CaptorEniigma> �8the bonu2e2? the bonu2e2 are a liie :D

[20:57] <Aradooria> �05hell0 there

[20:57] <Tabzee> �6oh hey bros and sisses

[20:57] <Inpu|Away> don't fuck with me here I will end you

[20:57] <Inpu|Away> how do I get the bonuses

[20:57] <CaptorEniigma> �8ii wa2 trolliing you the other day


[20:57] <CaptorEniigma> �8however, you wiill fiind that awe2ome cover of gameiinformer 2 be truth

[20:58] <Aradooria> �05pray tell is aradiab0t still a pile 0f ash and metal 0n the fl00r 0f the c0mputer lab

[20:58] <Aradooria> �05s0meone sh0uld really clean her up

[20:58] <CaptorEniigma> �82 get the real bonu2e2 you ju2t have 2 preorder the 2kyward 2word 2peciial ediitiion

[20:59] <CaptorEniigma> �8 get the real bonu2e2 you ju2t have 2 preorder the 2kyward 2word 2peciial ediitiion

[20:59] <CaptorEniigma> whoopse

[20:59] <Inpu|Away> I think I'm going to murder all of you now

[20:59] <Inpu|Away> with fire

[20:59] <CaptorEniigma> *pause* on sollux typing

[20:59] <CaptorEniigma> You can preorder it from Amazon or Gamestop

[20:59] <CaptorEniigma> here I provide you with a link

[20:59] <Inpu|Away> like, so much fire

[21:00] <Inpu|Away> until death, I'm saying

�01[21:00] <Keyblade0> ._.

�01[21:00] <Keyblade0> What the hell was going on when I left?

[21:00] <CaptorEniigma> Wii/dp/B002I0GEHI/ref=pd_sim_vg_1

[21:00] <CaptorEniigma> Here

[21:00] <Inpu|Away> give a man fire, and he's warm for a day, set him on fire, and he's warm until HE FUCKING DIES DON'T MESS WITH ME I WILL DESTROY YOU

[21:00] <Tabzee> �6oKaY gUyS

�01[21:00] <Keyblade0> And people were using colors without me? No fair.

[21:00] <CaptorEniigma> PREORDER IT NOW KRYTEN

[21:00] <CaptorEniigma> DO IT

[21:00] <CaptorEniigma> TEH GOLDZ COMMAND YOU

�01[21:00] <Keyblade0> �7 I LIKE COLROS~

[21:00] <Aradooria> �05this n0ntr0ll human sure seems angry

[21:00] <Inpu|Away> already done at gamestop I think

�01[21:01] <Keyblade0> I know.

�03[21:01] * Inpu|Away is now known as KrytenKoro

�01[21:01] <Keyblade0> I want that wii remote

[21:01] <Aradooria> �05kind 0f reminds me 0f gamzi mean what

�03[21:01] * ChanServ sets mode: +o KrytenKoro

�01[21:01] <Keyblade0> ._.

�01[21:01] <Keyblade0> All right I'll stop.

[21:01] <Aradooria> �05this will end p00rly

[21:01] <CaptorEniigma> >_>

[21:02] <CaptorEniigma> 0_0

�01[21:02] <Keyblade0> ?

[21:02] <Aradooria> �05i think this is what the n0ntr0ll humans call their g0d tier

[21:02] <Sove> just /mode #KHWiki-social +c

�01[21:02] <Keyblade0> +c?

[21:02] <CaptorEniigma> 0u0

[21:02] <Sove> Disables colors

[21:02] <Aradooria> �05n0 s0llux thats just stupid

�01[21:02] <Keyblade0> Oh.

[21:02] <Sove> Those who use webchats etc. can't turn them off

�01[21:02] <Keyblade0> Okay.

[21:02] <@KrytenKoro> mm

�03[21:03] * KrytenKoro is now known as Inpu


�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> ALL RIGHT

�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> THE TIME HS COME

�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> TO SHOW YOU GUYS PROOF

�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> OF MF SPEAKING

�01[21:03] <Keyblade0>

[21:03] <Sove> Those colors have been nothnig but an annoyance ever since I introduced them to some users

[21:03] <CaptorEniigma> KB0 stop saying MF

[21:03] <CaptorEniigma> 'tis bad

[21:03] <Aradooria> �101 L1K3 TH3 COLORS 3SP3C14LLY R3D WH1CH 1S TH3 B3ST COLOR 4ND FL4VOR

�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> ...

�01[21:03] <Keyblade0> MYSTERIOUS FIGURE

�01[21:04] <Keyblade0> <_<

[21:04] <@Inpu> yeah.....

[21:04] <@Inpu> that's...

[21:04] <@Inpu> I think you've got a future on Ghost Catchers, bro

�01[21:04] <Keyblade0> ...

[21:05] <@Inpu> (sorry)

[21:05] <CaptorEniigma> Oh the listening to EVP's?

[21:05] <CaptorEniigma> Those are kinda cool

[21:07] <Sapheta> Sove: So... you're blaming yourself for this? And I'm going to guess that the majority of regulars use clients.

[21:07] <Sapheta> So yeah. You can just turn yours off.

[21:07] <Sapheta> Because you use one.

[21:07] <Sapheta> A client.

[21:07] <Sove> Actually

[21:07] <Sapheta> That supports color.

[21:07] <Sove> Most use those webchats

[21:07] <Sapheta> Which can be turned off.

[21:08] <Sove> And the wechat does show the colors

[21:08] <@Inpu> mm

[21:08] <Sove> They can't be turned off

[21:08] <@Inpu> I'm going to ask....that this whole DTN/Erry situation get resolved, now

[21:08] <Sapheta> Let's see, Sove... To the last hour or so of speaking... 100% of the users that spoke had clients.

[21:09] <Sove> Okay, now I'm getting pissed off again

[21:09] <Aradooria> Sapheta: How cool would I be if I listened to "Descend" to prepare for an exam?

[21:09] <@Inpu> aaaaaand...I'm going to also ask that we NOT get into a "if you don't like it, go away" discussion now

�06[21:09] * CaptorEniigma isa firin' his lazars

�01[21:09] <Keyblade0> :|

[21:10] <Sapheta> Uhm, cool?

[21:10] <Sapheta> Generating cool-o-meter...

[21:10] <Sapheta> |---------------------o---|

[21:10] <Sapheta> There you go.

[21:10] <Sove> Maybe 2hrs will help

[21:10] <Aradooria> I think that just because some users don't like seeing a tad of color on their screen is a reason to get rid of them all.

[21:10] <Aradooria> THANK YOU SAPHETA.

[21:10] <Aradooria> is not****

[21:10] <Aradooria> IS NOT****

[21:10] <Aradooria> �4IS NOT*****

[21:10] <Sapheta> ��IS NOT****

[21:11] <@Inpu> ....okay

[21:11] <Sapheta> Fixed that for you.

[21:11] <Sapheta> c:

[21:11] <Aradooria> c:

�01[21:11] <Keyblade0> c:

[21:11] <@Inpu> I think we are having some trouble here

[21:11] <@Inpu> did someone explicitly complain about the colors?

[21:11] <@Inpu> is everyone happy with the color spamming?

�06[21:11] * Sapheta is okay with it sans background colors

�01[21:11] <Keyblade0> I don't mind.

�01[21:12] <Keyblade0> And I'll stop using background colros.

�01[21:12] <Keyblade0> *colors

[21:12] <Sove> Apparently the active ones here right now all use clients

[21:12] <Sove> but, during my daytime

[21:12] <Sapheta> K0: You've been getting better at it.

�06[21:12] * CaptorEniigma likes teh colors

[21:12] <Sove> We have webchat users

[21:12] <Sove> The colros are fine as long as they aren't being spammed

[21:12] <@Inpu> is there anyone unhappy with the colors, here and now?

[21:12] <@Inpu> okay

[21:12] <@Inpu> so, Sove, you are asking that the colors not be spammed

[21:12] <@Inpu> good

[21:13] <Sove> I don't like to keep blocking and unblocking colors all the time

�01[21:13] <Keyblade0> UNLESS There's a very good reason.

�01[21:13] <Keyblade0> Like something for the wiki

�06[21:13] * Aradooria also likes "teh colors."

[21:13] <@Inpu> everyone here now aware that someone has asked that the colors not be used to the point of spam?


�01[21:13] <Keyblade0> Yes.

�06[21:13] * CaptorEniigma is aware

[21:13] <Sapheta> Sove: Then can't you just block them indefinitely to save yourself the hassle?

[21:13] <@Inpu> good

[21:14] <@Inpu> we are NOT. GOING. TO HAVE. A PROBLEM. Right?

[21:14] <@Inpu> right.

[21:14] <@Inpu> great.

[21:14] <CaptorEniigma> No problemo

[21:14] <Sove> I said they are fine as long as they aren't being spammed

[21:14] <@Inpu> good.

[21:14] <Sove> I don't want to block them unnecessarily

[21:14] <Sove> So Saphy, you can just stfu

[21:14] <@Inpu> I don't think we need to argue about this anymore

[21:14] <@Inpu> Sove has asked that the colors not be spammed

[21:14] <Aradooria> I agree with Sapheta.

[21:15] <@Inpu> (Sove should probably apologize to Saph for swearing, though)

[21:15] <Aradooria> Sove has invoked Rule #2 (I think).

[21:15] <@Inpu> and we are ALL. GOING. TO. HONOR. THAT.

�01[21:15] <Keyblade0> ^Yes

[21:15] <Aradooria> Which acts under short term period of respectful ending of whatever Sove is annoyed by.

[21:15] <Aradooria> HOWEVER.

[21:15] <Sapheta> Uhm... All color codes are "unnecessary." They're just a feature.

�03[21:15] * Asora[Away] is now known as Asorailahd

[21:15] <@Inpu> no we are not rules lawyering here

�01[21:15] <Keyblade0> WB Auror

[21:15] <Aradooria> Rule #2 does not say to ban all actions that any user even once asks to be stopped.

[21:16] <@Inpu> we are not asking for the actions to be banned

[21:16] <@Inpu> Sove asked the room to not spam colors

[21:16] <@Inpu> and we are not going to spam colors

[21:16] <@Inpu> there is no need to spend any more time on this

[21:16] <Tabzee> Eh, I can colorspam elsewhere

�03[21:16] * Asorailahd is now known as [Asora]Away

[21:16] <Tabzee> so I guess it's cool

�03[21:16] * [Asora]Away is now known as Asora[Away]

[21:16] <Aradooria> I think this needs WikiDiscussion if we are going to add a new little spam policy for colors because quite frankly, I find it silly that we are invoking a new spam policy for one user.

�01[21:16] <Keyblade0> *colorsplode

�01[21:16] <Keyblade0> :e

�01[21:16] <Keyblade0> *:3

[21:16] <Sapheta> Yes, but what is the definition of color spamming?

[21:16] <Aradooria> I don't necessarily agree with the specific ordeal, but the manner of the situation is unsettling to me.

[21:16] <Sapheta> Rainbows, or just one color used over and over again?

[21:17] <Sapheta> Because I frankly see it tipping more towards rainbows.

[21:17] <Sove> Rainbows are annoying anyway

[21:17] <@Inpu> what was done above qualifies as color spamming

[21:17] <Sove> They ar eusually jsut spam anyway

[21:17] <Aradooria> And that is another issue. Some users think spam is literally three lines, whereas more realistically it is more than that.

[21:17] <@Inpu> gotdammit guys you are smarter than this why has this become rules lawyering

[21:18] <Aradooria> It's KHWiki Kryten.

[21:18] <Aradooria> Nothing goes through without a prolonged period of rule lawyering.

[21:18] <@Inpu> fury.

�03[21:18] * Inpu sets mode: +m

[21:19] <@Inpu> when we can all agree to stop rules lawyering and just be humans to each other, the mute is removed

[21:19] <@Inpu> grazie

[21:20] <@Inpu> anyone here who wants to talk, please ping me when you're ready to be an adult

�03[21:21] * Inpu sets mode: +v Keyblade0

�03[21:21] * Inpu sets mode: +v Asora[Away]

�01[21:22] <+Keyblade0> Yay. So, um...yeah Let's be civil. No more colorspamming and colorsplosions.

�03[21:22] * Inpu sets mode: +v Sora1995|Cloud

�03[21:22] * CaptorEniigma is now known as Hi_Inpu

�03[21:22] * Hi_Inpu is now known as How_are_you

�01[21:23] <+Keyblade0> ._.

�03[21:23] * How_are_you is now known as Okay_Im_done

�03[21:23] * Okay_Im_done is now known as CaptorEniigma

�03[21:23] * Inpu sets mode: +v CaptorEniigma

�03[21:23] * Inpu sets mode: +v maggosh

[21:23] <+CaptorEniigma> Yay! ^_^

[21:23] <+maggosh> Damn straight I won't.

�01[21:24] <+Keyblade0>

�01[21:24] <+Keyblade0> FF type 0.

[21:24] <@Inpu> I have to get back to work

�03[21:24] * Inpu sets mode: +o maggosh

[21:24] <@Inpu> maggosh, can you please keep an eye on this thank you

[21:24] <+Sora1995|Cloud> you can devoice me

[21:25] <+Sora1995|Cloud> i don't care

[21:27] <@maggosh> GOtcha.

�03[21:28] * Vestige (~Vestige@ has joined #KHWiki-social

�03[21:28] * Inpu sets mode: +v Vestige

�01[21:29] <+Keyblade0> Hi EK

[21:29] <+Vestige> Hi

[21:29] <@Inpu> evening

[21:30] <+CaptorEniigma> evbening

[21:30] <+CaptorEniigma> :3

[21:30] <+Vestige> It's morning here. :P

�01[21:30] <+Keyblade0> Good morning, EK

�01[21:33] <+Keyblade0> EK. Opinion.

[21:34] <@Inpu> do we have any active affiliate requests?

�01[21:34] <+Keyblade0> Um..

�01[21:34] <+Keyblade0> Whatever happened to GrandPyromania>

�01[21:34] <+Keyblade0> *?

[21:35] <@Inpu> oh!

[21:35] <@Inpu> request

[21:35] <@Inpu>

[21:35] <@Inpu> can you all take a look at that?

[21:36] <@Inpu> I'd like to get this main page thing dealt with

�01[21:37] <+Keyblade0> Oh yay the on this day thing.

�01[21:37] <+Keyblade0> ...but is it really needed for the wiki?

�06[21:38] * +Keyblade0 goes wo Wikimon

[21:38] <@Inpu> possibly not

[21:38] <@Inpu> hmm

�03[21:38] * Sove (sove@unaffiliated/sove) has left #KHWiki-social

�01[21:38] <+Keyblade0> *to

[21:38] <@Inpu> further request

�06[21:38] * +Keyblade0 notices how the background first apperas then all the text

�01[21:38] <+Keyblade0> NOW THAT'S HOW THE MAIN PAGE SHOULD BE

�01[21:39] <+Keyblade0> I mean. Cool, maybe somone should try and do that for the wiki.

�03[21:41] * Sove (sove@unaffiliated/sove) has joined #KHWiki-social

�01[21:42] <+Keyblade0> WB Sove

�02[21:42] * Daiton ( Quit (Quit: Praise be to 8bit! �)

�01[21:42] <+Keyblade0> No colors here.

�03[21:43] * Sora1995|MT4G ( has joined #KHWiki-social

�01[21:43] <+Keyblade0> Uh..WB Sora...?

[21:43] <+Vestige> Now the codes should work...

�03[21:44] * Inpu sets mode: +v Sove

�03[21:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Aradooria

�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -m

[21:45] <Sapheta> I think we can all agree "as humans" that silencing a legitimate conversation is pointless. Where /do/ we draw the line? This is what needs to be figured out.

�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v Asora[Away]

[21:45] <Sapheta> And it isn't figured out with "quiet time."

�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v CaptorEniigma

�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v Sora1995|Cloud

�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v Vestige

[21:45] <@Inpu> fury.

�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v Sove

�03[21:45] * Aradooria sets mode: -v Keyblade0

�03[21:45] * Inpu sets mode: +b *!*

�03[21:45] * Aradooria was kicked by Inpu (Aradooria�)

�01[21:46] <Keyblade0> ._.

�03[21:46] * Inpu sets mode: +m

�03[21:46] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Sapheta

�03[21:46] * Sapheta sets mode: -b *!*

[21:46] <@Inpu> more fury.

�03[21:46] * Sapheta sets mode: -o Inpu

�03[21:46] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Inpu

�01[21:46] <Keyblade0> ._.

[21:46] #KHWiki-social Cannot send to channel

[21:46] <@Sapheta> get in

�03[21:46] * Inpu sets mode: +b *!*@

�03[21:46] * Sapheta was kicked by Inpu (Sapheta�)

�03[21:46] * Aradooria ( has joined

  1. KHWiki-social

�03[21:46] * Inpu sets mode: +b *!*

�03[21:46] * Aradooria was kicked by Inpu (Aradooria�)

�03[21:47] * Inpu sets mode: -m

�01[21:47] <Keyblade0> ._.

�06[21:47] * Sora1995|MT4G is lost again

�01[21:47] <Keyblade0> Why did you kick DTN?

[21:47] <@Inpu> for obstructive behavior

[21:47] <Asora[Away]> Because it's a fiesta.

�01[21:47] <Keyblade0> ...

�01[21:48] <Keyblade0> OKAY PEOPLE LET'S PROMOTE PEACE.

�01[21:48] <Keyblade0> Kthxbai

�03[21:48] * Keyblade0 is now known as Wikiblade0

�03[21:49] * Tabzee is now known as Tabs|Away

[21:50] <Sora1995|MT4G> Anyways....

[21:50] <CaptorEniigma> ._.

[21:51] <@Inpu> Keyblade0 will you please copy a log of everything from "DTN Oh gog" on?

[21:51] <@Inpu> I am creating the forum now

�01[21:52] <Wikiblade0> Ok.

�01[21:52] <Wikiblade0> Um...just give me a minute or so.

[21:53] <Sove> DTN should just give Manager rights to at leat one another OP

[21:53] <Sove> -_-

�01[21:53] <Wikiblade0> Ok/

�01[21:53] <Wikiblade0> *Ok.

[21:53] <Sove> Then these kind of situations can't go to ridiculous extremes

�01[21:53] <Wikiblade0> I have it.

[21:54] <Sove> Because someone else can reop the OP

�01[21:54] <Wikiblade0> I PM you or put it on the forum?

[21:54] <Sora1995|MT4G> The +F flag? Or are you talking about on the wiki?

[21:55] <Sove> +F is not needed

[21:55] <Sove> Everything else besides it
