Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Flotsam and Jetsam

(Redirected from Flotsam & Jetsam)
Flotsam and Jetsam

Flotsam and Jetsam KHII.png

Japanese フロットサム
Rōmaji Furottosamu
Voice actors (Ja:) Shūichirō Moriyama
(En:) Corey Burton
Homeworld Atlantica
Origin The Little Mermaid
Games Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
"There's no escape!"
—Flotsam and Jetsam

Flotsam and Jetsam are two moray eels who serve Ursula, the sea witch. They first appeared in Disney's The Little Mermaid, and have appeared in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.


Kingdom HeartsEdit

Flotsam and Jetsam taunted Ariel into thinking that Ursula will let her venture to other worlds if she traded the trident for her dream to become reality. Ursula sent Flotsam and Jetsam off to search Triton's palace for the Keyhole, but they were unable to find it. They later fought Sora and co. in Ursula's lair. After the fight, they curled up and died in a mist of ink.

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

They were revived along with Ursula. While Sora, Donald, and Goofy fight Ursula, the two eels try to suffocate Sora, but were zapped and killed when Donald and Goofy pull them off of Sora, allowing him to finally eliminate them with a blast of magic from his Keyblade.


Flotsam and Jetsam are large, twin moray eels. They have predominantly dull, blue-green skin with dark fins lining their spines and undersides. They have long mouths filled with sharp, white teeth. The two eels are nearly identical, save for their eyes. Flotsam's left eye is a glowing yellow and his right one is a normal white color, but the reverse is true for Jetsam.


Flotsam and Jetsam cause destruction throughout Atlantica. The duo are Ursula's loyal minions who do her bidding (mainly sabotage and persuasion) without question.


Flotsam and Jetsam fight alongside Ursula in the first battle against her in Kingdom Hearts. They are not very strong, but they are fast and their attacks can disrupt whatever Sora is doing.


Flotsam and Jetsam first appeared in Disney's 1989 movie The Little Mermaid, voiced by the late Paddi Edwards. Flotsam and Jetsam are the first to notice Ariel's infatuation with the surface world. Upon witnessing the mermaid fall in love with Prince Eric, Ursula sends Flotsam and Jetsam to propose a deal to Ariel. In addition, in order to ensure that Ariel accept the proposal, they visited Ariel while she was in a grief-stricken state. To ensure that Ursula wins the deal, Flotsam and Jetsam sabotage what would have been a successful kiss between Ariel and Eric during one evening. However, they were both accidentally killed by Ursula when one of her wayward shots of King Triton's trident, caused by Ariel pulling her hair, hit the pair of eels when she was firing at Eric.